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~~ Resources ~~
.....judge nothing
hastily, dismiss nothing petulantly, patient investigation, and sometimes
suspension of judgment in relation to matters difficult of belief are necessary
to the ascertainment of truth, and in such manner wise men, anxious to know the
truth, proceed.
B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God, Vol.2, p.91
1. ~~History of the Mormon Church~~
A Brief Chronological
* A
good quick reference!!
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone
Rolling: A Cultural Biography of Mormonism's Founder
* An Expose on Rough Stone
Compare Joseph Smith with Ellen White!
* Reveals
striking similarities in experience and message.
Smith and Adultery
* Smith was
unsatisfied living with just one wife.
Nauvoo Abortions for Joseph Smith
John C. Bennett's and Alleged Abortions in
Joseph Smith as a "Lamb to the Slaughter"?
* Joseph
gave Hyrum a single--shot pistol and prepared to defend himself with
the six-shooter.
Joseph Smith
as a Prophet
* And
it didn't come to pass!
Joseph Smith's Jupiter Talisman Medallion
* The
"Prophet" possessed a magical Masonic medallion, or talisman,
which he worked during his lifetime
The First Vision
* All Nine Versions
The "Prophets" Have Spoken
Can you trust your eternal destiny to men like these?
What Was the Name of the Mormon Church?
* For about 4 years,
the church was called "The Church of the Latter-day Saints."
Where was Jesus?
In the name of justice,
reason and humanity, we ask for a suspension of national and popular judgment
until a full investigation can be had and all the facts connected with what is
called the "Mormon" question can be known. |
2. ~~Book of Mormon~~
Closer Look at The Book of Mormon
* Is it "Another
Testament of Jesus Christ?"
Book of Mormon Lands - Where are
* Includes great maps!
Biologist Looks At The Book Of Mormon
* Numerous
scientific problems in the Book of Mormon.
DNA VS. The Book of Mormon
* Are Native Americans descendants of Israel?
Day Of The Lamanites
* Also see "African Americans and the
Mormon Priesthood" below.
Does the Bible
Prophesy of the Book of Mormon?
* The stick of
Ephraim and the stick of Judah
Book of Mormon and the Solomon Spaulding
Manuscript Parallels
* Also see in "Rare
Books" Solomon Spalding's "Manuscript Story"
There is a "Testament of Another Jesus Christ"
* The
Bible warns about other Christs
"Take away
the Book of Mormon and the revelations,
and where is our religion? |
3. ~~Doctrine and Covenants~~
* From
the Book of Commandments to the Doctrine and Covenants
Book Of Commandments
* The complete text.
Overview Of Significant Changes to the Book of Commandments
* This report lists
sections of the original 1833 BOOK OF COMMANDMENTS ("BOC"), with
the revised later version published in 1835 DOCTRINE & COVENANTS
* Why do
many splinter or fundamentalist groups of Mormonism still practice this detestable
Lectures on Faith
* This was the
"Doctrine". It was removed without a vote of approval by the membership
in 1921
Word of Wisdom
* The
admonition to eat little meat is largely ignored
.....because I know your
candor and love of truth will secure the subject a fair and thorough
investigation, and will prompt you to act with regard to it, according to the
honest convictions of your own judgment, disregarding consequences. |
4. ~~Pearl of Great Price~~
* LDS leaders have altered
the inspired word
The Book of
* Inspired? Writings of Abraham or the Egyptian Book of
the Dead
up the Bible, compare the religion of the Latter-day Saints with it, |
5. ~~Bible~~
Joseph Smith Translation or The Inspired Version of the Bible
*Ignorant translators,
careless transcribers, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many
errors. - Joseph Smith
6. ~~Doctrine and Theology of the LDS Church~~
18 Rules for Celestial Dating for the Latter-day
* Do Not
Date Non-members nor Unworthy Members
of Light
* Listed in the book "Mormon Doctrine" by LDS
Apostle Bruce R. McConkie, the definition says, Angel of Light:
See Devil page 35.
ALL Christian Churches Are Corrupt
* The Bible
is inferior to the other books included in the LDS "standard
You Abiding a Celestial Law?
When you die, will
you be good enough to gain exaltation in the
celestial kingdom?
As God Is, Man May Become?
* God was once a mere mortal man,
and that man has the potential to become a God himself.
"Progression" Exist or is God Unchangeable?
* The Lord, the
God of Israel, From everlasting even to everlasting....
* Complete scripts of all ordinances done in the LDS Church outside of
the temple.
Our Relationship with the Lord
* by Bruce R. McConkie
President Hinckley Declares a Different Jesus!
* "The
traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak."
Polygamist Groups With Roots in Joseph Smith
* Polygamy Leadership Tree in
PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
Sex Relationships and the Mormon Church
cannot continue to engage in serious sin and remain members of the Church."
Over the American Government
* The Constitution will hang as if by a
thread......LDS Church will save it
Was Jesus Married?
* "Jesus Christ was
married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his
Works or
* Does Mormonism teach that you must pay Jesus back by your
works for the price he paid for you?
7. ~~Changing Doctrines Like the Changing Seasons~~
African Americans and the Mormon Priesthood
* God cursed the descendants
of Cain with a flat nose and black skin...Brigham
Birth Control Attitudes of LDS Church Leaders
* Multiply and replenish
the earth and the Proclamation.
Blood Atonement
* Leaders of the church
sanctioned the practice of putting both Gentiles and Mormon apostates to
Did Brigham Young really teach that Adam was God?
* Jesus Christ is Jehovah, and
that Adam is His Father and our God
Questions for your Priesthood Leader
* "the Book of
Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth"
8. ~~Mormonism and Christianity~~
14 Basic LDS Questions
* Great questions with answers
provided by official LDS publications or the Bible
Points of the Great and Abominable Church
* We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us!!
17 Points of the True
* A
Biblical commentary on the alleged points that must exist in the true
17 Little Known FACTS About the MORMONS
* All
quotes given are from official LDS publications or the Bible
Biblical Christianity and Mormon Christianity
* A simple comparison
Breaking the
Barrier Between Latter-day Saints & Mainline Christians
* Reconciling the
serious differences between the LDS beliefs and traditional Christianity
Meeting the Mormon Challenge With Love,
by Elder Leon Cornforth
* Listen to the audio! Seventh Day Adventist's point of
view! Great book available.
Pointers for Mormon Missionaries
* Be aware!!!
To Those Who are
Investigating the LDS Church
* What you should know!
The One True Church
* ....behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21
"We're Christians Too!"
* Half of new LDS
converts are from Christian denominations, so why do they bother?
Who Really Is
Is it a name, or just a
Why Mormonism Is Not Christian
* The
LDS Church teaches another "Jesus" and "gospel" than
that of traditional Christianity
LDS Missionaries Tell
People How Unreliable the Bible is?
* We believe the Bible
to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.....
the LDS Church bear the Mark of the Beast?
* Also see
LDS Architecture and The Origin of the Six
Pointed Star site listed below.
Symbols of the Occult
*What Every Latter-day Saint Should Know
Architecture and The Origin of the Six
Pointed Star
Ritual Abuse in the Mormon Church
* Also see the Does
the LDS Church bear the Mark of the Beast? site listed
* Mormon General
Authority Warns Of A Satanic Conspiracy Functioning In The Church
9. ~~Miscellaneous Information~~
Guide for Name Removal
from the Records of the LDS Church ←←
* Includes links to the
Official Church Handbook of Instruction
The Baha'i
Faith and fulfillment of prophecy through Joseph Smith
* Many of the
believe that Joseph Smith was a Seer
Mormon Hoped Suicide Would Help Change Church
* Stuart Matis
prayed and worked to change his sexual orientation. He died trying.
Mo-lympics 2002 Salt Lake City Games
* Every medal ceremony
will take place against the backdrop of the temple’s spires.
The True Story of Mormon President Gordon B.
This mini-documentary was produced in the late 1980's but has
Steps in
Overcoming Masturbation
* By
Mark E. Petersen, Council of the 12 Apostles
The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days
* Great
Resource Tool!
FAIR USE NOTICE. This website contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Helping Mormons Reach Perfection is making these materials available in our efforts to advance the understanding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, their belief system and history. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s).