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.....judge nothing hastily, dismiss nothing petulantly, patient investigation, and sometimes suspension of judgment in relation to matters difficult of belief are necessary to the ascertainment of truth, and in such manner wise men, anxious to know the truth, proceed.
B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God, Vol.2, p.91


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LDS Church History & Doctrine

1. ~~History of the Mormon Church~~




In the name of justice, reason and humanity, we ask for a suspension of national and popular judgment until a full investigation can be had and all the facts connected with what is called the "Mormon" question can be known.
James R. Clark, Messages of the First Presidency, Vol.3, p.187

2. ~~Book of Mormon~~


"Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations, and where is our religion?
We have none…"
Joseph Smith, 1834

3. ~~Doctrine and Covenants~~


.....because I know your candor and love of truth will secure the subject a fair and thorough investigation, and will prompt you to act with regard to it, according to the honest convictions of your own judgment, disregarding consequences.
Times and Seasons, Vol.4, p.17

4. ~~Pearl of Great Price~~


"Take up the Bible, compare the religion of the Latter-day Saints with it,
and see if it will stand the test."
Brigham Young, 1873

5. ~~Bible~~


6. ~~Doctrine and Theology of the LDS Church~~


7. ~~Changing Doctrines Like the Changing Seasons~~


8. ~~Mormonism and Christianity~~




9. ~~Miscellaneous Information~~

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