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~~  Booklets/Handouts  ~~

In your attempts to reach Mormons with the historical gospel of salvation, do you find yourself
debating Mormonism with them or witnessing Christ to them?
Both have their place, but they constitute different approaches.

Handouts designed for the Christian

Witnessing Christ to Non-Christians

An Alternative Approach to Reaching Mormons

A Guide to Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons

A Guide to Witnessing to Mormon Missionaries

Dictionary of Mormonese

Biography of Pastor Mark J. Cares

Handouts designed for witnessing to Mormons
with the historical gospel of salvation

Be Ye Therefore Perfect....

Perfection Now

The Miracle of Forgiveness

A Testimony of Jesus Christ

10 Reasons To Believe In Christ Rather Than Religion

The One True Church

Handouts designed to show the differences that exist between the teachings and doctrines of Mormonism and that of Christianity

Aren't Mormons Christian?

Breaking Down the Barrier Between Latter-day Saints & Mainline Christians


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