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~~  Personal Documents  ~~

I have placed these here for all to see. Some have made accusations that I was never a member of the LDS church, or that I have never been through the temple.
Here are the documents to prove otherwise.

I also have on display here letters of recommendation from Christian churches and organizations that I have given presentations on Mormonism at and what the pastor, minister, or leader of that church or organization has to say about me and the presentation I gave. These are shared here for other churches or individuals to view these in consideration of  me giving a presentation on Mormonism at their church or organization.

Documents Presented in Chronological Order
Click on the Thumbnails to Enlarge

Documentation Showing My Progress In The LDS Church

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My Certificate of Baptism
and Confirmation

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My Aaronic Priesthood
Ordination Certificate

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My Melchizedek Priesthood
Ordination Certificate

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My Patriarchal Blessing

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My Temple Sealing Certificate
Color version has ex-wife's name removed

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My Last Temple Recommend

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My Letter to Church Headquarters
Asking for My Name to be Removed

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Response from
Church Headquarters

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Response/Invitation to Local Church Disciplinary Council
Also known as "Church Court"
Please notice the date of the Disciplinary Council. It was nice of them to help me celebrate my birthday. To bad I didn't attend the court.

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Final Letter from the Church

Documentation Showing Christian Support For This Outreach

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Recommendation Letter from
Pastor Mark Cares of Messiah Lutheran Church, Nampa ID
Also the Author of
"Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons"

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Recommendation Letter from
Boise Samaritan Village

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Invitation to the Nauvoo Christian
Visitors Center, Nauvoo IL
Mormon Outreach

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Recommendation from the Eldorado
(Boise, Idaho)

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Recommendation from the
Church of God 7th Day
(Meridian, Idaho)

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Copyright Permission from WELS
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Recommendation from Calvary Chapel Treasure Valley
(Boise, Idaho)



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