Home Be Perfect Temple CES Letter Testimonies TLC Website Media Library Media Library LGBTQ+ Resources Rare Books Booklets Personal Documents Outreach Contact Us Links

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A Work in Progress

Sites WITH Contact Info:

Main Street Church
Brigham City, UT

(435) 723-6469  church@mscbc.org


Sacred Groves  - sacredgroves@mscbc.org
YouTube channel


The Ex Mormon Files

(385) 220-5111
YouTube channel


missionary911  contact@missionary911.com

A Shield and Refuge Ministry

(877) 425-9993
(focused on Polygamy today)

A Home for Hagar   contact@hagarhome.org

Polygamy: What Love Is This?

YouTube channel

Truth in Love Ministry
Nampa, ID (Mark Cares)

Previously: Truth in Love to Mormons See archived links below.

(855) 770-3700  info@tilm.org

YouTube channel


Be Ye Perfect (Previously “His Healing Now”)

(208) 261-1123  contact@beyeperfect.org

YouTube channel

Mark Cares 1st Blog Site (2008-2014)


Utah Lighthouse Ministry
Sandy, Utah (Sandra Tanner, retired)


YouTube videos

Online Resources

South Jordan, UT (Aaron Shafovaloff)


YouTube Playlists

Blogposts on Mormonism

Mormonism Research Ministry
Draper, Utah (Bill McKeever & Eric Johnson)

(801) 572-2153    contact@mrm.org              

YouTube channel

Citations Index

Mormonism A-Z

Viewpoint on Mormonism Podcast

Heart of the Matter
Salt Lake City, UT (Shawn McCraney)


Best YouTube Playlist  

All Playlists

The Mission Church
South Jordan, UT (Ritch Sandford)

(630) 803-4282  glm@themissionutah.com



YouTube Playlists

Challenge Ministries
El Cajon, CA (Jerry & Dianna Benson)


YouTube Channel

After LDS


Equipping Christians Ministries
(Tracy Tennant and Chris Hohnbaum)

Truth@equippingchristians.com (e-newsletter: Truth Matters)

Tracy’s Blog Page

Ex-Mormons for Jesus
Orange, CA (Sylvia Herrera)

(714) 997-3498  info@exmormonsforjesus.org

Concerned Christians
Mesa, AZ (Judy Robertson)

(480) 833-2537  ptl4acnaz@gmail.com
AND info@concernedchristians.com

YouTube channel

LDS Learning


Colorado Springs, CO (Christy Darlington)

(719) 355-7164 or (303) 309-0473  Contact Form

Rob B (719) 355-7164 ext 114 (M-F 5PM-9PM,
Sat 9AM-9PM, Sun 1PM-7PM – PST)

YouTube channel (Witnesses for Jesus, Inc)

Printable Tract

H.I.S. Ministries International
Sandy, Utah (H.I.S. = He Is Savior)

(Dennis and Rauni Higley)

H.I.S. Ministries International is dedicated to helping Mormons who have questions about their belief system being Christian or not.  If you have any questions regarding what you find here or things that you are wrestling with please contact them.

Authored “The Truth About Mormonism: Illumination or Deception?”


YouTube Interview


Evidence Ministries
San Antonio, TX (Keith Walker)

(210) 340-TRUE (8783)       info@evidenceministries.org

YouTube Channel

Faith After Mormonism
(Dr. Ross Anderson)


YouTube channel

The Older The Bolder
Kennewick, WA (Marshall Almarode)

(509) 582-5627    jude1-3@juno.com

1st YouTube Playlist       2nd YouTube Playlist

Printable Tracts

4Witness.org – Witnesses for Jesus, Inc.
For Christian Witness to Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons

Free Newsletter

Ex-Mormon Ministry Team

MormonInfo.org (JosephLied.com)
West Jordan, UT (Rob Sivulka)

(801) 792-6373    RSivulka@gmail.com

YouTube channel


Courageous Christians United

Meet the Ex-Mormons Fellowship

Talking to Mormons
Kaysville, UT (Danny Larsen)

(801) 546-2148     LVDMTNS@msn.com

YouTube Channel 

The Salamander Society formerly The Latter Day Lampoon
Previously Latter Day Lampoon (Humor)
Contact Form

(Each one’s 1st link is to their page on Mormonism, whenever possible)

Institute for Religious Research
Cedar Springs, MI (Dr. Rob Bowman)

(616) 451-4562    Contact Form

Groups for those Questioning Mormonism

LDS book Gospel Principles and the Bible

YouTube Videos:
Mormon Teaching Untangled 

More Videos

Always Be Ready
Carlsbad, CA (Charlie Campbell)

Contact Form

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM)
Nampa, ID (Matt Slick)

(385) 246-1048    info@carm.org

YouTube videos

Chart on Mormonism

Reasonable Faith
Houston, TX (Dr. William Lane Craig)

Contact Form

Video on Mormonism

Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
Arlington, TX (James K. Walker)

(817) 277-0023    JWalker@watchman.org

YouTube Channel

Take A Stand! Ministries
Spanaway, WA (Eric & Melanie Barger)

YouTube videos

The Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR)
San Juan Capistrano, CA (Paul Carden & Tim Martin)

(949) 496-2000



YouTube videos and Tim Martin's LDS Playlist

Christian Answers
Frankfort, KY (Paul S. Taylor)

Contact Form


Stand to Reason
Signal Hill, CA (Greg Koukl)

(800) 2-REASON or (562) 595-7333

Contact Form

YouTube Channel

Thrice Holy
Standish, ME (Fredericka G. Lohr)

Answering the Latter Day Saints

The Book of Mormon Refuted

Inspired Version Refuted

Bruce McConkie's 'Mormon Doctrine' Refuted

Darkness to Light Christian Ministry
(Gary F. Zeolla)


Evangelical Outreach
Washington, PA

(724) 632-3210    contact@evangelicaloutreach.org

Department of Christian Defense
Winnetka, CA (Dr. Edward Dalcour)

(818) 377-5272    edward@christiandefense.org

Apologetics Index
Amsterdam (Anton Hein)

With One Accord
Dubuque, Iowa

Contact Form

The Interactive Bible
(Created by the Church of Christ, another “one true church”)

Sites WITHOUT Contact Info:

LDS Video Encyclopedia

Journey Out of LDS

The Northern Lighthouse
(Al & Nancy Roy)

http://whyileftmormonism.com/ (same site)

Joseph Smith Author by Proxy
(Andrew Talley)

Older Links still available on the Internet Archive with lots of useful, still relevant info!

Some of the sites listed below are no longer active, but have been archived and can still be viewed.
I will be going through this extensive list and deleting sites that are no longer accessible. 

^^ Link to the Internet Archive ^^

Dear friends in Christ,

After eighteen years of public ministry, Adam’s Road is closing its doors, its team members moving on to different places and callings in life. We all sincerely praise God for your love, prayers and continued support over the years as our entire ministry team has endeavored to share the love and grace of Christ; the salvation that comes through faith in Him alone. Grace and peace to you all. Jesus is enough!

In Christ,
Adam's Road Ministry

Micah's Testimony

For the Gospel Series of Videos with Micah Wilder from Adam's Road

Truth In Love To Mormons


This is the original web site is dedicated to equipping Christians to speak to Mormons in love, witnessing the truth of God's word in language Mormons will understand and using topics important to Mormons.  It contains ten major areas with hundreds of pages, articles, scripture references, and other information developed over the years by the congregation and its pastor, Mark Cares.

The site where it all began!


We are a Christian ministry that teaches doctrinal differences between Biblical Christianity and Mormonism. We present Bible truths in love and kindness (Ephesians 4:15).

H.I.S. (He Is Savior) Ministries International


H.I.S. Ministries International original website is dedicated to helping Mormons who have questions about their belief system being Christian or not.  If you have any questions regarding what you find here or things that you are wrestling with please contact them.

Mormon Missions Midwest Outreach


Welcome to MMMO.ORG
Your source for information about the Mormon Church

Through The Maze Ministries


Jim Spencer is one of the Lord’s mighty men!. Author, pastor, speaker, with a zeal for souls, he has probably led more Mormons to the Lord personally than anyone I know. Jim is a good friend.
He often travels during the summer and barnstorm through Utah, Idaho, Montana or Wyoming. Check out his great web site. It is full of excellent information on Mormonism and I know that you will want to click on Joseph Smith and hear him speak "out of the dust."

With One Accord


Bill Schnoebelen was a Satanist High priest, a Vampire, a Warlock, a catholic priest in the old order, a high level, esoteric Mason, A temple Mormon and along with his wife, Sharon, dabbled in just about every side of darkness, until Jesus really set them free. Bill worked as an Assistant at Saints Alive for about 7 years and this is ministry that truly opens the door of deliverance to those held captive by these dark things. The resources here are priceless.

Eric Barger’s Take a Stand Ministries


Eric Barger is one of those fiery zealots for the Lord who criss-cross the country, bringing the challenge of "taking a stand" to the church. Each year Eric Barger travels over 200 days to churches and cities across the U.S. and Canada.
The primary focus of Take A Stand! Ministries is to speak out "live and in person" on the issues of the day that effect us all. Eric’s hope is that while addressing the issues boldly but with grace and mercy that the lost and backslidden will seek the Savior Jesus Christ. Some of the current topics Eric addresses are: The New Age Movement, Bible Prophecy and Current Events, The Music and Entertainment World, Spiritual Warfare, The Cults and Apologetics.

Ephesians 5:11 Ministries


This is the number one site for information on all aspects of all groups of the Masonic organizations. Headed up by Larry Kunk, Ephesians 5:11 have materials by almost every Christian researcher on the subject and have many contact people, former members of the various Masonic groups, across the country, to help you in any circumstance.
These are great people with great zeal for the lost. They hold annual conferences where leading researchers present new data for you. It’s all available on the site!

Walter Martin’s Religious InfoNet


This is THE official Dr. Walter Martin Web Site, filled with all kinds of Walter Martin material and teachings. It has been created by his daughter and son-in-law, Jill and Kevin Rische. They carry the same kind of zeal to the site as Walter had for his ministry.
Kevin received his B.A. in Organizational Behavior from Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota. He is currently finishing his M.A. in Christian Thought (Apologetics and Logic) under the direction of Dr. David Clark at Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul.
Jill Martin Rische is Dr. Walter Martin's eldest daughter. She received her B.A.in Biblical Literature with an emphasis on the Old Testament and the Hebrew Language, from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She will be starting work on her M.A. in Theological Studies at Bethel Seminary in the coming months.

Macgregor Ministries


Lorri and Keith MacGregor are THE people to talk to about the Jehovah’s Witnesses! They have a love for the lost and stand for the truth which has helped literally hundreds of thousands of people. Their material covers the full scope of the world of the cults. I highly recommend them and their web site!

Freedom from Mormonism


This is the site of Freedom from Mormonism is a non-profit foundation dedicated to providing accurate information, support and community to those who question, are leaving, or have left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is an ever increasing collection of over 130 stories of former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is hoped that those who visit this site may find comfort, peace of mind, and a sense of community upon reading the stories of individuals who have left the LDS Church.

Adherents.com (Statistics on LDS) (outdated)

Berean Christian Ministries - John Farkas
Child Protection Project (LDS abuse information) Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry - Matt Slick
Concerned Christians - Jim & Judy Robertson Concerned Christians Growth Ministry (West Australia)
Cult Awareness & Information Centre (Australia) Freedom of Mind - Steven Hassan (Cult mind control issues)
Mormon Central - H. Michael Marquardt Mormon Origins - H. Michael Marquardt
Mormon Temple Endowment Homepage
(LDS Temple Ceremony)
Mormonism Research Ministry (The) - Bill McKeever
Mormons in Transition
(By His Own Hand Upon the Papyrus - book online)
Dedicated to Filling In the Missing Pieces of the Mormon History Puzzle
Saints Alive In Jesus - Ed Decker Tapestry of Polygamy (Ex-polygamists)
Utah Christian Publications - Marvin W. Cowan Utah Lighthouse Ministry founded by Jerald and Sandra Tanner
Word for the Weary After LDS

(Original Site by Mike Norton)

Michael Davis' Mormonism Homepage
The Mormon Test for Truthfulness

Primarily LDS (Mormon) Links with lots of good available research material.
Not in support, just a tool.

Official LDS Websites

Topics and Questions LDS Ask

BYU Websites

BYU Speeches by Topic

"Our Relationship with the Lord" by Apostle Bruce R. McConkie

Scripture Citation Index to Journal of Discourses

BYU's Complete Digital Library

Encyclopedia of Mormonism

BYU's Premier Academic Quarterly Journal

BYU Religious Studies Center's Index to Articles by Topic

Sources for Advanced Research on Church Studies

BYU Podcast Transcriptions

Maxwell Institute Podcasts

Answers to Scripture Questions LDS Ask

LDS Scholarly Resources and Apologetics from The Interpreter Foundation










Quotable LDS Books Available Free in Digital Form

Books by Joseph Fielding Smith who later became 10th President of the Church:

https://mormontextsproject.org/available-texts/ Over 100 early LDS eBooks sorted by author, some with background commentary, including all 6 volumes of “History of the Church” by Joseph Smith, Jr.

The Miracle of Forgiveness (1969) by Spencer W. Kimball who later became 12th President of the Church

Miscellaneous LDS Websites


Other Source Material on Mormonism

Resources on the Internet


Alcohol, Joseph Smith drinks and obtains liquor license

Alpha Ministries


Baptism for the Dead

Blacks and the LDS Church

Blacks in Mormonism

Blood Atonement in Mormonism

Book of Abraham, download book on Joseph Smith's translation at this site

Book of Abraham, COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS of papyri

Book of Abraham, Egyptologist doubts Joseph Smith translated papyri.

Book of Abraham, Examples of Egyptian hypocephali, facsimile no. 2

Book of Abraham, Facsimiles

Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. 1

Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. 1 what Egyptologists say

Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. 2

Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. 2 what Egyptologists say

Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. 3

Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. 3 what Egyptologists say

Book of Abraham, Inventing

Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar

Book of Abraham, Manuscript with Egyptian Characters

Book of Abraham, Response to John Gee (FARMS)

Book of Abraham, Revisited

Book of Abraham, Sensen text aligned with text

Book of Abraham, Solving the Mystery of the Papyri (ULM)

Book of Mormon, ancient or modern?

Book of Mormon, Archeology discussion download here

Book of Mormon, Computer Study by BYU

Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith uses Apocrypha

Book of Mormon, Lost 116 pages

Book of Mormon, Questions regarding

Book of Mormon, Smithsonian Institute Letter on

Book of Mormon, Sources for Names

Book of Mormon, Witnesses

Book of Mormon, Witnesses discussion

Book of Mormon, Witness to, David Whitmer

Books owned by Joseph Smith


Carthage Jail, Photographs (Photo 1)

Carthage Jail, Photographs (Photo 2)

Church Handbook of Instruction
WARNING - The following sites may contain copyrighted material, and therefore these sites may be considered illegal.
We are not responsible for the information found at these locations.
Site #1   Site #2

Church News (LDS)

Contradictions in LDS Scripture

Cowdery, Oliver, Witness to the Book of Mormon


Danites, Bill Hickman and Brigham Young

Danites, Bill Hickman in Utah



Egyptian Papyri, facsimile no. 1

Egyptian, Facsimile no. 2

Egyptian Papyri, facsimile no. 3

Egyptian, Joseph Smith's connection to papyri

Egyptian, Joseph Smith Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar

Egyptian, Joseph Smith Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar

Egyptian, JS Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar compared to Sensen Text

Egyptian, Lion Couch Scenes Examples

Egyptian, Papyri General

Egyptian, Papyri found copies

Egyptian Papyri, LDS Church purchases

Egyptian Papyri, Joseph Smith translates

Excommunication of LDS Intellectuals


FARMS, Battling the "Antimormonoids"

Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS)

First Vision, Joseph Smith

First Vision, Joseph Smith

First Vision, More problems with

First Vision, Summary of evidence


Hale, Isaac; affidavit about Joseph Smith

Harris, Martin, Witness to the Book of Mormon

Harris, Martin, 1859 Interview

History, Mormon Church hides

Hofmann, Mark - Salamander Forgeries

Hofmann, Mark and Salamander Letter


Kinderhook Plates

Kinderhook Plates

King Follet Discourse, Joseph Smith's Sermon on God, creation...


LDS Church News

Links, Controversial Mormon Web Sites

"Legacy", the LDS Movie and Distorted History

Lying for the Lord


Masonry, General

Masonry, LDS Temple Ceremony and Masonic Ceremony Similarities

Masonry and the LDS Temple Ceremony (five different views)

Masonry and Mormonism

Masonry in the Temple

Mormon, Common misconceptions

Mormon Church hides its true history

Mormon Church's lack of modern day revelation and desire for power

Mormon Doctrine Altered

Mormon Historians

Mormonism and Christianity

Mountain Meadows Massacre

Mountain Meadows Massacre, Confession of John D. Lee


Name changes, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Nauvoo Expositor Newspaper Press, legality of destruction

Nauvoo Expositor Newspaper Press, (Printed June 7, 1844, destroyed June 10, 1844)

Nauvoo, General

Nauvoo, 1844

Nauvoo, Temple Tour

Nauvoo, Temple Attic (Endowment Rooms)


Paid Ministries, LDS Church

Pearl of Great Price, Flaws in

Plagiarism in Mormonism

Polygamy, Inception to Senate Investigations (ULM)

Polygamy, Joseph Smith denies and practices polygamy at the same time

Polygamy, Joseph Smith marries the wives of other men

Polygamy, Illinois State Law against

Polygamy, Chronology of Federal Legislation

Polygamy, Related Links

Polygamy, Doctrine and Covenants teaches contrary

Polygamy, Post-Manifesto

Polygamy, Post-Manifesto (additional info)

Prophecies, Failed


Removing your name from the LDS Church records

Revelations, Changing


Salamander Letter and Mark Hofmann

Sealing men to men (Law of Adoption)

Smith, Joseph denies and practices polygamy at the same time

Smith, Joseph drank alcohol after the Word of Wisdom and obtained license to sell

Smith, Joseph Smith and Drinking

Smith, Joseph; First recorded revelation

Smith, Joseph; First Visions, summary of evidence

Smith, Joseph, "Glass Looker" Trial Smith, Joseph - Trial and Forgeries?

Smith, Joseph, treasure hunting

Smith, Joseph marries the wives of other men

Smith, Joseph translates papyri

Spalding Authorship Page

Spalding Studies Page


Temple, LDS Ceremony (Homepage Dedicated to the LDS Ceremony)

Temple, LDS Ceremony, altered in 1990 (ULM)

Temple, LDS Ceremony; Drawings of Garments

Temple, LDS Ceremony 1931 Version

Temple, LDS Ceremony 1984 Version

Temple, LDS Ceremony 1990 Version

Temple, LDS Ceremony, Kirtland Endowment

Temple, LDS Ceremony, Names given

Temple, LDS Ceremony and Masonic Ceremony Similarities

Temple, LDS Ceremony and Second Annointings

Temple, LDS Ceremony and Washing of Feet

Temple Recommend Questions

Terminology Differences, LDS and Bible

Tithing, How much do you pay?




View of the Hebrews

Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, Mormon viewpoint


Whitmer, David, Witness to the Book of Mormon

Whitmer, David, An address to believers in the Book of Mormon

Witnesses, Book of Mormon

Women and Mormonism

Word of Wisdom


Young, Brigham, Adam-God Sermon

Young, Brigham, LDS Manual portrays Young as monogamist

Alphabetical Links To Assorted Documents and Splinter Groups On The Internet

Address to All Believers in Christ (Whitmer)

Algonac Restoration Branch

American Communal Societies

Animal Sacrifice and Latter Day Saints

Assassination of a Mormon King

Association for the Unity of Restoration Saints

Baptism (Elbert A. Smith Article)

Bible, Inspired Version (Israel A. Smith Article)

Book Conservation and Restoration

Book of Commandments (1833)

Book of John Whitmer

Book of the Law of the Lord

Book of Mormon (1830)

Book of Mormon (1908 RLDS) Site #1

Book of Mormon (1908 RLDS) Site #2

Book of Mormon (RLDS) Site #3

Book of Mormon (Temple Lot)

Book of Mormon (Temple Lot article)

Book of Mormon (Free RLDS Copy)

Book of Mormon Bibliography

Book of Mormon Bookstore (FARMS)

Book of Mormon Evidence (Mormon, #1)

Book of Mormon Evidence (Mormon, #2)

Book of Mormon Importance

Book of Mormon Translation (Delbert Smith)

Book of Mormon Witnesses

Branch to Branch (Paul Ludy)

BYU Church History

BYU Religious Education

Carthage Jail (Photograph)

Carthage Jail (Color Photograph)

Carthage Jail (Door)

Centerplace .org

Centerplace Library (Online Texts)


Chiasmus (Site #1)

Chiasmus (Site #2)

Christian Technologies

Church of Jesus Christ (by William Lewis)

Church of Christ, Restored

Church of Christ-Temple Lot (Unofficial #1)

Church of Christ-Temple Lot (Unofficial #2)

Church of Christ-Temple Lot Case

Church of Christ-Temple Lot, E-Mail Group

Church of Christ-Temple Lot, History

Church of Christ with the Elijah Message #1

Church of Christ Church with the Elijah Message (Separate)

Church in Court (Elbert A. Smith article) #1

Church in Court (Elbert A. Smith article) #2

Church of Jesus Christ-Bickerton #1

Church of Jesus Christ Sperry Restoration Branch

Church of Jesus Christ Zion's Branch

Church of Jesus Christ in Zion

Church Through the Years (Richard Howard)

Collard, Ken and Jennifer

Committee for Unity

Conference of Restoration Elders

Cornerstone Campground

Davidic Chiasmus

Davis, Tim (A Christian Witness)

Dietary Laws and Mormons

Differences LDS/RLDS (Winship)

Differences that Persist (LDS/RLDS)

Divergent Churches (Bowie)

Doctrine and Covenants (LDS)

Doctrine and Covenants (RLDS)

Doctrine and Covenants (1835)

Doctrine and Covenants (Unpublished Revelations)

Early Mormon Documents (Dan Vogel)

Early Restoration Information (Mirl Edwards)

Earth Touch (Billings) - Mormon Fundamentalist

Edmund Briggs, 1852 Revelation

Emma Smith, Mormon Enigma

Emma Smith (Painting by Sutcliffe Maudsley)

Epitome of Faith

Expulsion of the Mormons from Missouri

Far West Cemetery


Florida Region (RLDS)

Foundation for Research on Ancient America

Gold Plates (Replica Photo)

Graceland College

Hajicek Library (For Restoration Saints)

Harvest Hills

Heartland District (RLDS)

Herald House

History of the Church

History of the Church (Search)

History of the Mormons, Missouri, 1839

Hyrum Smith (Painting by Sutcliffe Maudsley)

Independence/Big Blue Early Mormon Settlements

Independence, City of Zion

Independence Examiner

Independence, Missouri (City)

Independence, Missouri (Restoration Tour)

Independence, Plat for City of Zion

Independence Temple of Zion (Marquardt)

Infobases (Mormon Texts on CD-ROM)

Jason Briggs, Revelation, 1851

Jeff Winship's RLDS Links

Jesus First (Steve and Vicki Ferdig)

Jewishness of the Book of Mormon

John C. Bennett, Saintly Scoundrel

John Whitmer (Photograph)

John Whitmer Historical Association

Jones, James (Graceland Professor)

Joseph Smith Sr. Family

Joseph Smith Sr. Patriarchal Blessings (Extracts)

Joseph Smith (B&W by Sutcliffe Maudsley)

Joseph Smith (BYU History)

Joseph Smith (Letter to Emma Smith)

Joseph Smith (New Disputed Daguerreotype)

Joseph Smith (Old Disputed Daguerreotype)

Joseph Smith (Painting by David W. Rogers)

Joseph Smith (Painting by Sutcliffe Maudsley)

Joseph Smith, Early Documents

Joseph Smith Family

Joseph Smith Home in Palmyra (Photograph)

Joseph Smith Journal, 1832-1834 (Extracts)

Joseph Smith Patriarchal Blessing

Joseph Smith Red Brick Store (Ruins)

Joseph Smith, First Revelation (Martin Harris)

Joseph Smith, First Vision

Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story (#1)

Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story (#2)

Joseph Smith, Visual Images

Joseph Smith, Wentworth Letter

Joseph Smith III: Pragmatic Prophet

Joseph F. Smith (Committee for Unity)

Journal of Mormon History

Kansas City Stake (RLDS)

Kirtland Council Minute Book

Kirtland Elders' Quorum Record (Site #1)

Kirtland Elders' Quorum Record (Site #2)

Kirtland Temple (B&W Photograph)

Kirtland Temple-Dedicatory Prayer

Kirtland Temple (Howe's Woodcut)

Kirtland Temple

Kirtland Temple Art

Kirtland Temple Book Store

Kirtland Temple Historic Center

Lamoni, Iowa (State Welcome Center)

Lamoni, Iowa (Tour)

Larkey, Edward and Nancy

Latin America Missions Board (L.A.M.B.)

LDS and RLDS Differences (Jeff Winship)

LDS in Independence

Liahona Research, Being Saved

Liahona Research, Priesthood Authority

Lion and Lamb (Painting)

Lucy Mack Smith Home (Photograph)

Lyman Wight

McMurray, Grant (RLDS Official Page)

Mansion House (Photograph)

Mansion House (Door Photograph)

Martin Harris, Interview

Martin Harris, Sketch of Life

Missionary Message Board

Missouri (State Government)

Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation

Missouri Mormon History Resources

Mormon Commercial Pages

Mormon History Association

Mormon History Resources


Mormon Origins (Marquardt)

Mormonism Researched

Nauvoo (Daguerreotype)

Nauvoo (Dan Thornton Painting)

Nauvoo (View of Mississippi from Temple)

Nauvoo Expositor

Nauvoo House (Photograph)

Nauvoo House (Corner Stone for Manuscripts)

Nauvoo Journal

Nauvoo Temple (Painting)

Nauvoo Temple Ruins (Hajicek Painting)

Nauvoo Temple For Sale

Nauvoo Temple Burning (Painting)

Nauvoo Temple Burning (Article)

Nauvoo Temple (Tour)

Nauvoo Temple (Slide Show)

Nauvoo Tour (#1)

Nauvoo Tour (#2)

New Covenant Church of God

New- Jerusalem .Com

Oak Grove Restoration Branch

Oak Hill RLDS Congregation

Olive Branch Inn

Oliver Cowdery Aaronic Priesthood

Oliver Cowdery, Church History

Oliver Cowdery, Manuscript Letters

Oliver Cowdery, Sketch of Life

Open Communion

Other Sheep (Roy Weldon)

Outrages Beyond All Description

Outreach International

Park College (RLDS)

Peyote Way Church of God

Polygamy Article by RLDS

Polygamy in the Bible

Portuguese RLDS Documents

Price Publishing Company

Rare Mormon Books

Religious Tolerance (RLDS)

Resource Page (Jon Tandy)

Restoration Bookstore

Restoration Branch Directory #1

Restoration Branch Directory #2

Restoration Chat Room

Restoration Chat for Youth

Restoration of Christ's Gospel

Restoration Church-Juby (Official)

Restoration Church-Juby (Historian)

Restoration Church-Juby (Outsider)

Restoration E-Mail Listing

Restoration Gospel Outreach

Restoration Mailing List

Restoration Message Board

Restoration Roots in Iowa

Restoration Roots in Wisconsin

Restoration Scripture and Study

Restoration Webring

Restoration Witness

Restoration Voice

Restoration Youth Magazine

Restored Church of Jesus Christ (Eugene Walton)

Revelation of 1853

ReVisioning (Todd Elkins)

Rhoads' Restorationist Page

RLDS (Outsider #1)

RLDS (Outsider #2)

RLDS 10-Minute Report

RLDS Archives

RLDS Calendar of Events

RLDS Church Directory

RLDS Church News


RLDS Congregations

RLDS in Central Illinois

RLDS E-Mail Addresses

RLDS Headquarters

RLDS Historian

RLDS in Utah (Roger Launius)

RLDS Library

RLDS Medical Dental Association

RLDS Museum

RLDS Sponsored Organizations

RLDS Theology E-Mail List Archives

Robert Smith

St. Louis Stake

Saints' Herald


Salt Land Heresies (by Cather)

School of Saints (Bookstore)

Seventh Prophet, Joseph Burton

Seventh Prophet, William Yeager

Seventies Council Message Board

Sionita School

Solomon Spaulding

South Crysler Restoration Branch (Unofficial)

South Crysler Restoration Branch (Official)

Smith, Ron (Graceland Professor)

Strangite (Official)

Succession at Nauvoo (Michael Marquardt)

Succession In Presidency and Authority (Russell Ralston)

Summit Grove Congregation (Examiner)

Tandyland (Commercial Restoration Products)

Temple Lot Case


Thomas B. Marsh (Early Missouri Mormon)

Tidings of Zion

Times and Seasons, Office (Photograph)

Tools for Ministry

Tract Page (Jon Tandy)

Tract Rack

Transformation 2000

Tri-Stake Mission Center (RLDS)

UN Peace Statue in Independence

Vision Magazine

William Clayton Diaries

William E. McLellin

Whitmerite Address

World Church of Jesus Christ (Ferguson/Launius)

Zarahemla Research Foundation

Zion Builder's

Zion's Advocate (Temple Lot)

Zion's Call Magazine

Big Orgs


LDS Church News




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