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We at Helping Mormons Reach Perfection have placed this site here as a reference to researchers. This church is not the same as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I would personally consider it a spin off or an off shoot. We do this, NOT in support of this church, but simply for the current and historical significance it may have to you. We are not associated with or affiliated with the True & Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days in any way. While in Manti, Utah during the summer of 2000 we had the opportunity to visit the TLC Church and it's President. We were given a private tour of the building known as the Assembly Hall.  Also, an opportunity to purchase a copy of the TLC Edition of the Book of Mormon, booklets published by their church, and also the CD-ROM that contains their entire web site. The President of the TLC Church informed me that they had been led by God (had a revelation) that now wasn't the time for them to reach outside of the group, but to work on strengthening "Zion". We feel this is a great resource and chose to post this web site here for that purpose. According to the copyright posted at the bottom of their web page, we feel we are in compliance with all legal aspects in regards to posting this website here.

Copyright The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of The Last Days. Material herein presented may be freely copied and distributed by any media without charge providing no changes, insertions, modifications or deletions are made in the textual content of the material copied or distributed

Thank you,
HMRP Director - Rodney Roy

Since the last update to the site on 1 May 1999 it appears the church has restructured after the passing of James Dee Harmston on 27 June 2013.
Their new updated site can be found here but does not include the wealth of books and literature that the previous site contained.


Web Sites of Related Information

One of our own web pages that shows another look into the TLC church and some of it's practices. 

The information on this site was posted to offer the public a resource concerning controversial and/or potentially unsafe groups--some that have been called "cults"--and related subjects.
Rick Ross does not necessarily endorse or support the views expressed-- with the exception of those specifically attributed to him. Some may find this material controversial. Rick Ross posts this information for the convenience of researchers.

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