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~~  Biography for Pastor Mark J. Cares  ~~

Pastor Mark J. Cares began his work in 1977 as the first resident pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Boulder, CO. He remained there until 1981 when he became the pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Nampa, ID, where he continues to serve today.

Cares has been active in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) since 1986 when he became the Evangelism Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest District of WELS. He held this position until 1992, when he became a member of the Pacific Northwest District Mission Board. Cares continues to serve on this board and also became a member of the WELS Multi-Cultural Missions Committee in 1997.

An accomplished author and speaker, Cares has written numerous articles for various religious publications including the Christian Research Journal. He is also the author of "Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons," a book which has been recommended by the Christian Research Journal, the Bible Answer Man radio show, Utah Lighthouse Ministries and many others. He has composed a series of five tracts for outreach to Mormons, and has given presentations and workshops about Mormonism throughout the United States.

Currently, Cares is featured in the WELS Outreach Resources video, "Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons," hosted by Peter Kruschel. Based on his book of the same name, the video highlights what Cares has learned about witnessing in a non-confrontational and caring manner to the Mormon community during his time in Idaho.

Cares is a 1973 graduate from Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis., and a 1977 graduate of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

For additional information on WELS Outreach Resources, call 1-800-884-9312 or visit the WELS Outreach Resources website at www.welsoutreach.org.

WELS Outreach Resources produces Christian outreach materials, including books and videos, inspired by our Lord's command to teach all nations. "Bringing the Word to the world," WELS Outreach Resources reaches across cultures, ages and geographic areas. Though an enterprise of WELS, its messages are not denominational or confrontational - but rather, and solely, Christ-centered. Current outreach offerings include witness tools developed for children, adults, Mormons, areas of urban change and church congregations.

To date, additional outreach materials include: Mr. Whistle's Thistle (Video); Mr. Whistle's Lamb - Jesus, God's Promise Kept (Video); Mr. Whistle Cooks Out - Jesus, God's Promise Fulfilled (Video); and Mr. Whistle Bakes Bread - Jesus, Good News Forever (Video), four delightful Bible stories, sold individually, designed to help parents begin Christian education at an early age; All About Jesus (Video) produced by Special Kids Learning Resource Network, this video is for learning-challenged kids ages 2-10; We Can Do That! (Book with sample video calling cards) which addresses how to increase participation and attendance at your church; The Prophet From Palmyra (Video) by Roland Cap Ehlke; Change: Mission and Ministry Across Cultures (Book) and Soul Survival (Video) which provide assistance to churches in areas of changing urban environments.

WELS headquarters is at 2929 N. Mayfair Rd., Milwaukee, Wis. It has 1,235 congregations in the United States, Canada, Antigua and St. Lucia. It has 411,295 baptized members, served by 1,222 pastors. In world missions, WELS supports 73 missionaries and 21 teachers doing work in 26 countries and 36 languages.

For more information on WELS, contact their headquarters at (414) 256-3888 or visit their website at http://www.wels.net/.

Photos of Pastor Cares and his WELS Outreach Resources products (as well as product samples) are available by contacting Tracy Leland at 414-226-4900 or e-mailing her at

John Barber, WELS Outreach Resources
(414) 256-3280
Heidi Fendos or Tracy Leland
Sprecher Bertalot & Company
(414) 226-4900

July 10, 1999