Frequently Asked Questions of the TLC

(in no particular order)

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1. Why is Manti, Utah the gathering place for the TLC?

2. How is the TLC different from other Fundamentalist Mormon Groups?

3. Didn't the Lord say He would never let the Prophet lead the Church astray?

4. Why does the TLC believe that Brigham Young was the true successor to Joseph Smith?

5. How does the TLC intend to fullfill the charge to preach the Gospel to all the world?

6. How can the TLC believe and live Plural Marriage when it is against the law?

7. What is the position of TLC regarding women and the Priesthood?

8. I've heard that the TLC gathers weapons and food storage, and is preparing to storm the Manti Temple and take over the city. Is this true?

9. I believe in the teachings of the TLC, but I don't want to join your church, I'd lose my job or my family if I did. Can't I just stay in my church and quietly believe these things?

10. What is the organization of the TLC?

11. How many members does the TLC have, and what is their religious background?

12. What scriptures does the TLC accept and use as Standard Works?

13. Does the TLC offer the Endowment?

14. Isn't there a conflict between Jacob 2:24 in the Book of Mormon and D&C 132:1 regarding whether or not the Lord was pleased with David and Soloman having a plurality of wives?


(More questions will be added.)

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