5. How does the TLC intend to fulfill the charge to preach the Gospel to all the world?

We have been "called to bring to pass the gathering of [God's] elect;" (LDS D&C 29:7) Having such a charge, we feel no obligation to go to "all the world" since the elect is a remnant and not a majority of the earth's inhabitants. Brigham Young seemed to feel that the saints in his day had already complied with the above charge: "The world, and particularly the United States, have been told these things during thirty years past; and though no one but myself had warned them, there would not now be a man upon the face of the earth but could have heard the Gospel, if he had been disposed to listen to it. They would have been prepared for what is coming; for any one of these my brethren has said enough to warn the whole world. This frees our garments, for we are bound to do our duty; and then, if they neglect, the blood of their garments will be found in their skirts, not in ours." (JD 8:147-48, italics added.)

Our duty now is more in line with Jeremiah's prophecy: "Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish for them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks." (Jeremiah 16:16) In other words, the first missionaries in the early part of the dispensation were "fishers", casting out nets and gathering all kinds; now, in the last part of this dispensation, we are sent out as "hunters", carefully selecting those whom we teach, those who bear the blood of Ephraim, no matter where they may be.

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