12. What scriptures does the TLC accept and use as Standard Works?

The TLC accepts the following volumes as scripture:

The Inspired Version of the Bible (or JST)
The Book of Mormon
The Doctrine and Covenants
The Pearl of Great Price
The Manti Revelation Book

The TLC has published its own version of the Book of Mormon, which is a reprint of the text of the 1830 Palmyra edition with modernized chapters and verses. This book is available for sale through Times & Seasons Publishing (call 435-835-7668 for more information). We will next publish our own edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, which will include the Lectures on Faith, the original revelations of Joseph Smith as per available manuscripts and early publications, and various other unpublished revelations that we deem as valuable for doctrine and learning.

The Manti Revelation Book is an unpublished collection of revelations that have been given to the TLC in these last days. From time to time, we will add to the canon of the Doctrine and Covenants from this collection.

We further accept as profitable the Journal of Discourses, various histories,journals and writings of early Saints and church leaders.

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