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About the TLC
Frequently Asked Questions
(We recommend you commence your in-depth study of the TLC here)
Gospel Discussion Topics
Reference Library
Photo Album/Member Testimonies
News & Current Events

Welcome to tlcmanti.org, the official website of the TLC

We believe in the fullness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., and as commanded to be taught and practiced anew by the Lord in this very day through direct revelation, saying:

"Thus saith the Lord."

"Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah." (Is 1:9)

We have been called forward as the remnant spoken of so frequently in the scriptures, to establish Zion upon the earth, empowered with the authority and divine directive to do so. This prophesied event is transpiring in the face of the LDS Church's failure to keep their covenants and abide by God's laws. This is the fulfillment of the works of Joseph Smith, Jr. who still reigns as the head of the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, whose work is to prepare this earth for the return of Jesus Christ, our King.

Weekly Quote:

"There is nothing short of complete apostasy, a complete denial of every principle we have received, a throwing away of the Holy Priesthood, that can save us from persecution. When this takes place, when all the chief features of the Gospel are obliterated, when we can float along the stream and do as the world does, then and not till then will persecution cease, or until the adversary is bound." (George Q. Cannon, 15 May 1881, Journal of Discourses, Volume 22, page 374)

Click here for Weekly Quote archive

Description of the TLC Website Indexes

About the TLC is a general description of the TLC, and a very brief sketch of our history.

Frequently Asked Questions lists the more common questions that people ask about us and their answers.

The PAMPHLETS comprise several proselyting documents that spell out clearly many of the doctrines, principles, and ordinances of the Latter-day Restoration, and the LDS apostasy to the same. These Pamphlets document these doctrines, principles, and ordinances clearly from the scriptures and the historical record, and lay out in stark contrast the apostasy of the present-day LDS Church to its former day "unchangeable" moorings in these indispensable components to the restoration works of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Gospel Discussion Topics includes many articles written about the doctrines, principles, and ordinances of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, the articles of this section are not all inclusive regarding every doctrine or principle of the gospel. Some doctrinal areas are discussed in some measure, but are not fully developed in these articles. In short, the materials on these pages should not be considered the sum of what "God has revealed" regarding the doctrines and principles of the fullness of the gospel. Certain of these articles had been designated "Feature Articles" because of their particular importance or relevance at the time they were posted to the original web site.

The Reference Library contains source material that is useful in studying the original doctrines, principles, and ordinances of the Fullness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Certainly all potentially useful sources are not included here, but we have chosen to include some of those that are more valuable in their doctrinal content, or which may be not readily available to all those seeking to study the original teachings of the restoration. Included in the Reference Library are the following:

 Journal of Discourses

Book of Mormon (TLC Edition)

Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith Jr.

Selected Discourses and Teachings of Joseph Smith

Latter-Day Revelations not in Current LDS "Canonized" Scriptures

Elias: An Epic of the Ages - Apostle Orson F. Whitney

Historic LDS Documents


The Photo Album/Member Testimonies index contains testimonies/bios of the TLC Leadership as well as many of the TLC members. Many testimonies have the photos also of the individual. There are also included photos in and around the Manti area, as well as some gospel discussion articles based on some interesting photographs.

News & Current Events contains media articles on issues of importance, as well as some TLC news releases.

These Materials were last updated on: 1 May 1999

Questions or Comments? Contact us at: tlcmanti@tlcmanti.org

Address: 37 South Main Street, Manti, UT USA 84642
Phone: 435-835-7667
Copyright The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of The Last Days. Material herein presented may be freely copied and distributed by any media without charge providing no changes, insertions, modifications or deletions are made in the textual content of the material copied or distributed.
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