8. I've heard that the TLC gathers weapons and food storage,
and is preparing to storm the Manti Temple and take over the city.
Is this true?

These rumors are baseless and false. The TLC does not believe that deliverance comes by man-made weapons, nor can we save ourselves in the day of the Lord's judgment with several year's food supply. We worship a God who delivers His people by power, just as ancient Israel was delivered from Egypt. This same God still knows how to make the manna by which the Israelites were fed. Since we believe that we are the Lord's covenant people, we rely on Him and Him only for deliverance.

We believe that the Lord has designated the Manti Temple for special purposes in these Last Days. It is to this Temple that the "Lord, whom [we] seek, shall suddenly come" in fulfillment of the prophecy in Malachi 3:1. However, we do not believe that we have the right nor the obligation to "seize control by force" the property of the LDS Church. We believe that if the Lord chooses to give the Manti Temple to us, then it will be by His power, at which point no dispute over ownership would have any validity.

As for the city of Manti, we desire to live peaceably among our fellow citizens, to exercise our right to worship our God unhindered.

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