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~~  The Mormon Miracle Pageant  ~~
Manti, Utah 2000

Christian Outreach Ministries in Manti Utah

Below you will find a glossy coated description of the Manti Pageant from the LDS church's point of view. Later you can read an honest description of the Christians reaching out to those in attendance.

Savior's visit to New World highlights Manti Pageant
LDS Church News - Week Ending Jul 01, 2000

MANTI, Utah — The recently completed presentation of the Mormon Miracle Pageant: "A Testament of Jesus Christ," included a stunning new scene portraying Christ's visit to the Americas. The new scene depicted the majesty of Christ's dramatic arrival, His teachings as He organized His Church and His love in blessing the children, as told in the Book of Mormon. The scene was a major addition that included the writing of new script and the creation of new costuming.  


Actors depict Christ's Book of Mormon visit to the Americas in a scene added to the Mormon Miracle Pageant.

Photo by John Hart

Yet, for many who were unaware of the addition, the scene blended seamlessly with the original script. "We attempted to integrate the scene in such a way that viewers could tell no difference from when the original script ended, and when it began again after the new scene," said Ivo Peterson, pageant director.

The challenge, explained Brother Peterson, was to create a scene that carried the impact of Christ's visit in America within a narrow eight-minute time frame.

"Each word of the script was carefully weighed to be sure the scene created the greatest impact," Brother Peterson continued.
"I wanted enough people on the hill for this scene to give the impression of a large group," Brother Peterson said. "This required that a major portion of the cast be involved. With only 12 minutes between the end of this scene and the beginning of the pioneer scene that followed, we needed costumes that would be workable for both scenes."

Designers solved the challenge by creating costumes that could either be worn under other costumes, or could be easily changed.

In anticipation of the new scene, costume designers created 140 new costumes during the off season that were to be worn during the Christ in America scene. The pageant committee was mildly surprised, however, when a larger than expected number of people auditioned for the scene in late May.

"In about two weeks, designers had to make another 140 costumes," Brother Peterson said. "They were completed just before the pageant began."

The 34th annual production of the Mormon Miracle Pageant played June 15-17 and 20-24 on the steep hillside beside the Manti Temple. It follows three interwoven storylines that portray the restoration of the gospel, Christ's visit to the Americas, and Robert and Mary Henshaw, latter-day pioneers. The pageant is credited as the largest single-night attended pageant in the U.S., with an estimated 16,000 visitors, totalling nearly 125,000 during the eight nights of performance.


Christian Outreach in Manti

    We arrived in Manti on June 13th and found a place to set up camp. At first we were going to camp at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park but found the cost to be higher than expected and also the lack of Christian fellowship. The campground was renamed even though the billboard several miles down the highway still carried the Yogi Bear name. We had also heard before leaving Boise that the campground is owned by the TLC Church (The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days). Well, after stopping in and doing some asking we found out that the church does not actually own the park, but it is owned by several of its members. Although from my understanding this church has gone back to the original teachings of the original church including the "United Order", holding all things in common, the church being the sole owner of all properties. But hey, what do I know?

    We finally found the City Park and which corner of the park is designated by the Christians for those who come to participate in the outreach during the Pageant.

    We got to meet Bud and Jenni Gunderson who camped near us in a huge bus type motor home. They both were very kind and loving people. 

Bud and Jenni Gunderson

    They had their grand-daughter with them. She and my son became friends with each other and we were very thankful Daniel would have some Christian children to chum around with while at camp. We had the opportunity to fellowship and study with Bud and Jenni. Thank you for your kindness.

    After we got camp settled, in the dark, we visited a little and then after being on the road most of the day we decided it was time to get some rest. 

    We had arrived two days before the beginning of the production. Well, a day and less than a half. The first day was June 14th and it was my birthday! I was surprised by my wife and son with homemade cards they had made before leaving Boise. How sweet and thoughtful. But anyway, we basically had the next day to look around the town. Later that evening, we would go to the dress rehearsal and view the entire production for ourselves before beginning the ministry work the following evening.



One of our first stops of interest was the 
True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days
Boy, isn't that a mouth full. We looked around and found a couple of their buildings.
The first was the Assembly Hall.

Around the side of the building we found this interesting sign. It reads: 

The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ
of Saints of the Last Days

It was obvious that the general appearance of these buildings came from the influence of the beginning days of the church in Kirtland and Nauvoo. 


    After we looked around the outside and tried to peak in the windows, which were well covered, we wandered over to the other building, which turned out to be the church's main office. The title of the building came straight out of Mormon history, the Red Brick Store. 

We went inside and went upstairs. We were greeted by a very nice lady who must have been the secretary. We told her we were interested in learning more about their church and we had some questions. She said, "great, would you like to speak to the president of the church"? Sure that would be great, I said.

His name is Daniel C. Simmons. Unlike the LDS church in Salt Lake and other splinter groups, this church has a different person for the job of President and for the job of Prophet.

Daniel C. Simmons


After meeting Daniel and having a very interesting conversation, we told him how much we would love to see the inside of the Assembly Hall since we had seen it on A&E's Investigative Reports. He told us he would be glad to take us over and show it to us. I was really surprised that we were going to get a private tour. I asked if he would mind if we took pictures and he said no.


As we went in the side doors, we looked at a hallway and at the end was a very large mirror with the inscription "Holiness To The Lord" etched in the glass.

The appearance and workmanship of the building's interior was really nice and well done to look expensive. 


As we continued on we entered the main hall of the building. In the center of this room was an alter. It appeared to be set up for a sealing ceremony. 

I asked him if they had a temple where they do temple type ceremonies.


He informed me that they did not, but as in the early days of the church they could consecrate or dedicate this building for whatever purpose they needed. Sunday, for church service which is closed to the public, or any other temple type ceremony, from baptism for the dead and re-baptisms, to endowments and sealings.

    I was also informed that the Sunday Church Service was closed to the public. Only members or those truly interested in joining were allowed to participate. After the A&E program aired a lot of things changed within the church and how they handle their relationship with the public. 

Sunday Church Service


Rear View of the Congregation

Front View of the Congregation

The original

Re-Baptism and Baptism for the Dead

    Well, I must say this was all very interesting. I later found out that when they perform baptisms for the dead that they actually contact the dead person to find out if they desire the baptism. This is done in a few different ways, one of them is called automatic writing. This is where the dead person takes control of your hand and you are writing as if you were that person. This is some scary stuff and is often practiced in the occult. Notice on the floor of the baptismal font in the top left hand picture the symbols "L" and "V". These are taken from the Masonic Lodge and are representations of the compass and square also found in the Mormon garment over the right and left breast.

    We later, after the private tour, had an opportunity to get some materials from the church for a "donation". Daniel offered me several of the booklets they publish, the TLC edition of the Book of Mormon, and also their complete website on a CD. I was informed that they had taken their website off of the internet because they had been directed by the Lord that now was not the time to reach out to those on the outside but to strengthen those who are already members. We gladly purchased all of the items for a small donation and went back to camp.


(NOTE: We now have the entire TLC website posted on our website. If you are interested in looking at it click here.)

    Camp was starting to get more exciting. More Christian workers were arriving. We decided to let them get settled in and go over to the site were the dress rehearsal was to place this evening, at the base of the Manti Temple. As you can tell in this picture hundreds of folding chairs have been set up and you can also see the lighting towers. The rocks you see on the side of the hill are actually false. Reminds me of the religion itself. They open up to produce a stage setting for a particular scene from the production.

    That evening as we watched the dress rehearsal I was amazed that in one segment were they are depicting the shootout that happened at the Carthage Jail, where Joseph Smith is killed, they finally owned up to the truth of the story. They showed Joseph Smith, with a Pepper Box Six Shooter, actually firing back at his assailants. I couldn't believe it. Even when I had visited the Carthage Jail, near Nauvoo Illinois, they conveniently overlooked this important point. It may be because Joseph Smith made the statement that he was going as a lamb to the slaughter, words that originally were used in reference to Jesus Christ in the Bible. It also may be that the Mormon church refers to Joseph Smith as a Martyr, yet if he was truly a martyr would he have shot back at those who were trying to kill him? So...Why are they now finally fessing up to the whole truth of the story?

    The next day a few hours before the production my son and I went out to begin passing out literature and witnessing to those attending the opening night. We weren't alone! We had all kinds of help from other Christians who had made, in some cases, a fairly long journey to be there.


Let the Witnessing Begin!

This is a picture of me with the outreach of Helping Mormons Reach Perfection, handing literature out to those who pass by on their way to the production.

A couple shots of my 9 year old son helping out in the outreach work!

Bud Gunderson is the guy with the hat on, facing the camera. This is a street that leads to the corner lot were the production is going to be held.

Here is a shot of Bud's wife Jenni (center w/hat and flowery blouse) sharing the truth with a group of pageant goers.

Mormons Galore!!!
Like bees swarming out of the hive, the streets were filled with Mormons!!!

Timothy Oliver from Watchman Fellowship

Here Timothy Oliver (and his wife) is sharing with an LDS man who promised he would come by the camp and talk with Timothy. It turned out that he really came to defend his church and had no interest in listening to the facts and truth.

Here Timothy is sharing with a group of youths the truth and facts about Mormonism.  It went fairly well.

Tim Martin from Watchman Fellowship

Tim is pictured here (green, blue, and white striped shirt) with a couple gentleman that he was talking with. From the smiles seen in this photo it seems things went well with this conversation. 


Tim was very helpful to our ministry. He brought with him a box of tracts that his organization had printed. He gave these to us and they included our ministry name and info on the back. If you would like to read one of these it can be found here.

Here is a shot that shows some the crowd as they begin to fill up the seating, with a couple hours still to go before sunset.

Gene Fojtik (pictured here in a white shirt with the Brazilian flag on it) has done a number of mission trips to Central and South America. He speaks Spanish and has done Spanish radio and TV while on his mission trips.

In these shots we see him witnessing to an older gentleman and also a younger man. He really knows his stuff!!!

I really enjoyed working and studying with him. Thank you Gene for kindness an understanding. Fellowshipping with you was awesome.

See a great article he wrote here.

This is Chip Thompson on the left and a fellow pastor that had came for the event. Chip is the Pastor of the Ephraim Bible Church and it is the only Christian church within miles of Manti and Ephraim. Chip works with the youth of the community, does prison outreaches, and has helped lead many Mormons to the Lord. His son and mine became friends and my son spent our last night in Manti at his house. Wonderful people!!! Thanks for all of your hospitality.


We only got to stay for the first half of the week of the production, but in that week we made many new friends and were richly blessed in the fellowship of our fellow brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Here are a few more photos of some of those who worked in the ministry of witnessing to Mormons.

From 2011


Each year thousands of Mormons attend a public pageant on a hillside next to the LDS temple in Manti, Utah. Many Mormons say that it's unfair of Christians to attend and proclaim Christ and to proclaim that LDS doctrines aren't biblical. You decide. The Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant ended in 2019.


The End