Pamphlets of

The True & Living Church of Jesus Christ
of Saints of the Last Days
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Introduction: About these Pamphlets

"Upon My House Shall it Begin"

This pamphlet is the centerpiece of our testimony against modern Israel for their apostasy against the God of Israel. Quotes and teachings from the scriptures and leaders of the early dispensation unmistakably expose the errant direction of the modern LDS Church. God always calls out a remnant of the Elect from among the decaying church to accomplish His purposes. This same of necessity is being repeated today before the great destructions and calamities of the last days descend upon those people who should have kept their covenants. This righteous remnant will establish the Zion that the Mother church (LDS) has failed to do. This scenario has been oft repeated throughout Israel's history and is clearly shown to be occurring today.

Book of Mormon Warning in the Last Days

Just as Nephi the Prophet gloried in the plainness of the word, this pamphlet, in the most plain words, characterizes the rise and fall of various Book of Mormon peoples and the stark parallels they share with modern Israel's decline into apostasy. Nephi and other Prophets warn God's people in the last days about not falling into the same cycles of pride and apostasy that destroyed their civilizations over and over again. The Book of Mormon is expressly written to the covenant people of modern Israel (the Latter-Day Saints) and cries out against the apostasy that was foreseen to happen to them again in the last days.

Joseph Smith, Jr.

A firm testimony of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith in this last dispensation and the fulfillment of his great work in the last days. Joseph is the great head of this dispensation and he has sealed his testimony with his blood. All succeeding prophets of this dispensation have the charge to sustain the doctrines that Joseph set in place. Also, insight is given as to Joseph's Priesthood role pertaining to this world and his place among the Gods.

Testimony of the Prophet James D. Harmston

This declaration and testimony is given by James D. Harmston in his own words. It includes a view of the spiritual environment surrounding the events that transpired in Manti, Utah in the year 1990. The use of the True Order of Prayer to receive revelation is also illuminated as a tool to pierce the veil and open the Heavens. Brother Harmston bears witness and testimony of the heavenly ministration of four Angels and the Priesthood keys and authority that they conferred upon his head. This event heralds the authority to organize a church and again place the proper ordinances and principles of Zion on the earth again. This authority leads to the fulfillment of the restoration of all things in the dispensation of the Fullness of times.

The Atonement

An in-depth examination of the saving importance and eternal influence of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Emphasis on the fore-ordained mission of the Savior of the world and how it applies to the salvation of the human family.

The Gathering of the Elect

Testimony and scriptures are combined in this pamphlet to reveal the absolute importance of the Gathering of God's people in every age. Zion cannot be established and Celestial laws cannot be lived with God's people in a scattered condition. Emphasis is given on how this doctrine has been reversed into creating a scattered and rebellious people who cannot abide God's laws. Testimony declares the sacred future of the Sanpete Valley and its safety when the calamities of the last days descend upon the earth.

Zion vs. Babylon

This work clearly identifies the characteristics and attributes of Zion. It also demonstrates the makeup of the opposing kingdom, Babylon. By illuminating this contrast it becomes apparent which kingdom is in reality being built up by today's modern Israel (LDS Church). The definition and principles which qualify a people to become Zion are identified. Specific laws and principles must be implemented to become a Zion people, such as Consecration, Gathering and Celestial Plural Marriage, to name a few. It will be seen upon inspection that Zion cannot be built up without the living of the Celestial laws. It shows the outright rejection of Zion's laws by the modern LDS Church and their futility in ever hoping to establish Zion when they truly build up Babylon instead.

A Warning Testimony

A thorough description of formerly embraced LDS doctrines as compared to current LDS teachings and positions. Testimony is rendered which exposes the nature of apostasy of the LDS Church from its foundational beliefs. Comparisons are made of early leaders' declarations versus contemporary LDS contradictory rhetoric.

Follow the Brethren: Fact Vs. Fiction

The clarion call of the LDS leaders today is to "Follow the brethren." This 'doctrine' is held as being more important than following the Spirit of Truth. Infallibility of the leaders and their decisions has had a strong influence in the continued blindness and apathy of the apostate modern Israel. This pamphlet clearly displays the truth of what was taught in the early part of this dispensation regarding obedience to God and leaders. With the combination of the scriptures and these early teachings, a revealing contrast is readily seen when compared to the current dogma of the corporate LDS leadership.

"They Have Transgressed the Laws, Changed the Ordinance, Broken the Everlasting Covenant."


A hard hitting expose' of modern Israel's rebellion from the God of Israel as foreseen and testified of by all the ancient prophets, especially Isaiah. Ordinances are not to be changed, they are Eternal. Joseph Smith's teachings about the unchanging Gospel and its requirements are clearly made known. Various unauthorized changes in the ordinances are identified, such as changes in the ordinances of baptism, the sacrament, and the Temple Endowment. Substantive scriptural and doctrinal teachings are put forward which make clear the LDS apostasy from the foundation of the eternal Gospel of Christ.

Declaration to the LDS Apostles #1

Today's prophetic declaration in testimony and scripture of the rebellion of the LDS leaders from the God of Israel. It should be known that this declaration was individually sent to all 15 of the LDS Apostles and First Presidency in May of 1995. A blazing rehearsal of all the changes and abominations committed by and sustained by the current LDS leadership are pronounced.

Declaration to the LDS Apostles and Seventy #2

A two-page concise testimony rebuking the LDS authorities of their apostasy and abominations. They are rebuked for causing the downfall of millions of followers. Much like ancient times, God always calls forth prophets to go to errant Israel and declare their rebellion and impending destruction. This declaration fulfills yet again a fatal chapter in Israel's rejection of the true God. They are told that a remnant of the righteous from among them will be spared to build the Zion that they, the LDS leaders, have failed to build. Their destruction is sealed upon them by witness and power of the Priesthood.

Response to James E. Faust Conference Address: April 6, 1996

In April, 1996 James E. Faust of the LDS First Presidency gave a conference address which was aimed directly at the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days in Manti, Utah. The topics he brought forward were attempts to disavow the possibility of a wholesale apostasy of the Lord's people. Also, Mr. Faust used quotes out of context to try to show that no Angelic administration would ever be needed in the last days to restore priesthood power and authority. This entire talk is given a forthright rebuttal. This pamphlet qualifies as an exposure of how the rhetoric and half-truths of LDS leaders are disseminated directly from the pulpit.

Principles of the Law of Consecration

This pamphlet discusses in depth one of the essential principles of Zion--Consecration, or the Lord's financial or economic order. The Lord has said that this principle was to be an "everlasting order" under the church (Doctrine and Covenants 82:20). The early saints tried continually to implement this holy and necessary law. Today however, the LDS church makes no pretense of even trying to live it, yet it is one of the irrevocable endowment covenants to live this principle "for the building up of the kingdom of God on the earth and for the Establishment of Zion." Zion can only be established upon the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom (D&C 105:5), therefore this principle is an absolute requirement for membership in a true Zion society, and for acceptance into the Celestial realms.

Supplementary Pamphlets

Other Pamphlets on various Gospel Topics other than the basic fourteen pamphlets listed above

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©1997-1999 The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. Material herein presented may be freely copied and distributed by any media without charge providing no changes, insertions, modifications or deletions are made in the textual content of the material copied or distributed.