A treatise on the nature and signs/symptoms of corporate apostasy, and a synopsis of the various times that Israel has fallen into apostasy through her history. Shows the condition of ancient and modern Israel, and the requirement to "set His house in order" in the Last days. Includes extensive references and End Notes.
"We, the Twelve Apostles of the True and Living Church Of Jesus Christ Of Saints Of The Last Days, do bear solemn witness and testimony that the Lord Jesus Christ restored to the earth the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel through the Head of this Last Dispensation, even Joseph Smith, Jr.; that those who inherited the custodial responsibility of that Gospel have permitted it to become corrupted into complete apostasy; that the promised 'setting in order' has commenced, being directed by that same Joseph Smith, Jr.; and that the Elect of Israel are now being gathered to bring forth His Zion. All praise, honor, and Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen."
Historically there is a common pattern which individuals, nations, and Israel have repeatedly followed as they have found themselves in BONDAGE. Ultimately they will seek for relief; they will seek for freedom from that Bondage. Thus, they must take action, and action is the manifestation of faith. There is a predictable progressive pattern which follows. Human nature (the natural man), being the way that it is, mankind will eventually forget where they came from, and the society reverts backwards into another Bondage condition once again. The rule of Satan is control which is Bondage. This is the lesson of the ages. When will mortals learn this critical lesson?
Why do we consider it worthwhile to write a discourse for the TLC WebPage concerning the need for the formation of a 'church'? This subject may seem to be so elementary that it may appear to be a needless effort to be undertaken, for churches are of a rather natural human instinct, and churches of one sort or another may be found in all civilizations, kindred, tongues, and peoples, and in all ages of time. In our present world there may even appear to be an excess of 'churches'. And, so, let us investigate together to determine if a 'church' is essential for the proper and successful worship of the God of Heaven, and, in relation to the progression of man in the eternities, is there a real and necessary need for a 'church' on earth? Or, in other words, can man ascend to the Celestial Kingdom in the presence of Christ and the Father without being involved of a 'church'?