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We, the Twelve Apostles of the True and Living Church Of Jesus Christ Of Saints Of The Last Days, do bear solemn witness and testimony that the Lord Jesus Christ restored to the earth the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel through the Head of this Last Dispensation, even Joseph Smith, Jr.; that those who inherited the custodial responsibility of that Gospel have permitted it to become corrupted into complete apostasy; that the promised "setting in order" has commenced, being directed by that same Joseph Smith, Jr.; and that the Elect of Israel are now being gathered to bring forth His Zion. All praise, honor, and Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.


We testify that from Adam and down through the earth's history, even to the present Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, there have been repeated efforts by God to establish His Gospel and His Holy Priesthood among the children of men only to have His people, Israel, fall away from His teachings, change His ordinances, and alter His Priesthood to suit their own desires and lifestyles.

History reveals that Israel as a people have always gone a whoring after strange gods as they have rejected the True and Living God. The sacred records reveal that there have been several causes for these apostasies by Israel. We testify that some of these reasons are:

1. Pride and vain ambitions among the people of Israel.

2. Prosperity and greed for the things of the world.

3. Selfishness and ignoring the needy and the widows.

4. A lust for power and control by the leaders of Israel.

5. Trusting in the "arm of flesh" as a substitute for trusting in God.

This is the result of not governing one's life on the principle of personal revelation and thereby not desiring direct communication with God in prayer. (Example: The children of Israel asked that Moses would talk to God for them because they didn't want the responsibility to talk to God themselves.)

6. An unwillingness to keep the Lord's covenants and commandments.

7. Yielding to the influence of Satan.

(Also see the Comparative Apostasy Chart, Page 17)

Is it possible that Modern Israel -- the people known as "Mormons", or Latter Day Saints -- has followed the pattern of apostasy? Let us consider the conditions which at one time existed in ancient Israel and conditions as they now exist in modern Israel. Isaiah proposed, "come let us reason together". Consider the following:



The world had lain in darkness for many centuries awaiting the Word of the Lord to be revealed in power and in exactness: The Lord commenced His Great and Mighty Work in the latter days by restoring His Gospel in its fullness to the earth. Satan, as always, was there to interfere with God's Work.

The instrument of this restoration was a clean vessel, a fourteen year old youth named Joseph Smith, Jr. who lived with his family in western New York state in 1820. The Father and the Son appeared to young Joseph, and this visitation opened the great latter day restoration work. Satan made his appearance even before the Father and the Son did, and Satan tried to forcibly wrestle Joseph to destruction. Satan was cast away by the power of divine presence, then occurred that transcendent event known as "the First Vision"1. Satan has continued his attempts to destroy the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to restrain Israel from becoming converted to its saving principles.

We testify that the Work of the Lord is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man"2. The Lord established an organization which was designed to assist the Elect of Israel to hear the voice of their Shepherd, Jesus Christ, and to be taught in all His ways that they might receive immortality and eternal life. The Lord named that organization The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.3



Before this new church was a year old, the Lord called missionaries with the specific charge to search out the Elect of Israel, those who were the "pure in heart"4, to gather them from the far places from whence their fathers had been 'scattered' by the Hand of the Lord in times past, and to bring them to a gathering5 in the United States. This gathering of the Elect of Israel continued in earnest for several decades and it did not cease even as the church moved westward to escape increasingly powerful persecution. The gathering to a common location as commanded by the Lord, ceased as the members scattered outside the mountain west. During the tenure of the ninth president, David O. McKay, members were instructed to stay in the countries where they were and not 'gather' to the United States. Thus, the Doctrine of Gathering had been canceled.



The work of Satan is to destroy all of the works of God, and to make men everywhere as miserable as he is6. To not consider that Satan would launch a concentrated and powerful attack to infiltrate and cause the eventual fall and destruction of the Lord's church is to allow oneself to be blinded by Satan himself. He has organized his most capable and experienced 'generals' and forces for this very purpose. This insidious effort began against the boy Joseph in the Sacred Grove in 1820 and has continued without ceasing. The design has been to cause contention, dissension, apathy, pride, lust for the things of the world, desire for power and money, popularity, whoredoms, and all manner of iniquity in the Latter Day Saints. The 'Saints', whether it be leader or member, have repeatedly fallen prey to these influences of Satan.

The faithful Saints have had to endure persecution from the very beginning of this Dispensation. Persecution has come upon them from within and without, 7. and is clearly intended to destroy the principles and ordinances of the gospel of salvation and exaltation. Commencing in the 1840's aim was taken at the Principle and Doctrine of Celestial Plural Marriage8 . In the last half of the nineteenth century a conspiracy began to form which made war upon the Saints and prevailed9 . (1890 Manifesto) This conspiracy was an organized union of wicked government and the "Christian" people of the United States. Evil men succeeded in destroying this eternal principle in the "Mormon" church. In fact, the "Mormon" church itself has "made war against the Saints".10 They have become the greatest persecutors against this doctrine and against those who believe the Principle of Celestial Plural Marriage. This conspiracy has expanded its influence into every phase of the church's operation. Persecution by church leaders and members alike has prevailed against those members who have been discovered adhering to those principles and doctrines which had been established by the Prophet Joseph Smith, but which had later been changed or eliminated.



We testify that the apostasy from the doctrines and truths established by Joseph Smith has continued that, one by one, every doctrine, every ordinance, and every principle which God has declared to be essential to receive exaltation with Jesus Christ in the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, has been changed, altered, eliminated, discarded,and rejected by the LDS Church.11

The responsibility for these important losses rests with the leaders as well as with the general membership, but most particularly with the male Priesthood. The Lord "set watchmen round about them" that His vineyard "may not be broken down". These watchmen (leaders) allowed the enemy to enter in and destroy the original doctrines and principles. (See the parable of the nobleman and the vineyard: D&C 101:43 - 60) However, the general membership of the church is just as guilty for being apathetic, 'trusting in the arm of flesh', and allowing those changes. They failed to exercise their right to implement the Law of Common Consent,12 which, if they had been diligent in protecting the original doctrines which were provided by the Lord through Joseph Smith, the 'enemy could not have entered in and destroyed'.

The alteration and rejection of the fundamental principles and ordinances of the Gospel by the LDS Church (apostasy) has caused an increasing number (but yet a small minority) of LDS church members to question those actions -- "things aren't right in the church." As a result there are estimated to be more than 200 so called "splinter" groups which have broken away from the "Mormon" church.

A unique segment of the current LDS church membership are known as "closet doubters".13 These people are they who have become aware that the Gifts of the Spirit in the LDS church are absent. They are usually aware of other conditions which raise disturbing questions. However, they are often very careful about openly expressing their feelings.

A noteworthy group of men and women exist today outside of the control of the LDS hierarchy who are referred to as 'fundamentalists'. As a group they encourage and practice plural marriage, and also accept many of the doctrines of the church of the 1800's. They have withdrawn from fellowship as they became aware that much of what they were taught by the LDS church did not agree with the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith -- they observed serious deviations from the originals and felt strong desires to return to them.

Any alteration from the original doctrines, principles, and practices without God's direction and sanction constitutes apostasy. Such deviation from true principles is never immediate, but requires a period of time to accomplish, especially when there is a leadership agenda involved -- power and control are usually important elements in such an agenda.



The process of apostasy of the church began very early after it's formal organization on April 6, 1830. The Latter-day Saints have repeatedly been warned against entering upon the road to apostasy.14 Many members, as well as leaders, have rejected such warnings and counsel, which has cost them their inheritance in the kingdom. Jesus also warned that "Strait is the gate and broad is the way... and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:14)

On September 22, 1832, less than nineteen months after the organization of the church, the Lord gave Joseph Section 84 of the Doctrine and Covenants. The Lord declared (verse 55) that "vanity (pride) and unbelief (rebellion) have brought the WHOLE CHURCH UNDER CONDEMNATION". More than 153 years later, Ezra Taft Benson declared in General Conference, April 1986, that the LDS church was still under this condemnation of the Lord. By the very word of the President of the LDS church, the apostasy which began in the early 1830's is still within the church a century and a half later.

We testify that the apostasy was made complete by the removal of Priesthood keys from the temple endowment. These 'keys' provide the individual with the knowledge to open the veil and commune with God in the True Order of Prayer.15 Conversation with God is essential to exaltation. Denying this opportunity to open the Veil of Heaven is a damnable act of apostasy.

The scriptures, both ancient and modern, provide many examples and warnings to the people of the earth concerning the works of darkness of the people of Israel, and their inclination to 'go a whoring after strange gods'. It happened 30 times in the Book of Mormon alone! The Book Of Mormon was written specifically for our day16 , and modern Israel should have recognized the warnings of impending apostasy. Modern Israel -- the Latter Day Saints -- have had ample warnings, both in scripture as well as from their own prophets.17

Thus we see that the process of apostasy is not a sudden event, but rather develops gradually. "...And thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell". 18



Restoration of lost authority must come to man directly from God through authorized messengers sent from the throne of God. This is the pattern which Father always uses.

We testify that it was after the "Mormon" Church removed the penalties from the Holy Endowment in 1990, (a law without a penalty possesses no power) that the Lord has "set His Hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people".19 His people are the House of Israel.20

We solemnly testify to all the world that The Father has kept His promise, and has once again sent to earth His heavenly messengers to restore the power and the authority to administer the saving ordinances of Jesus Christ; and also to teach the correct laws and principles to the Elect of Israel so that the great and marvelous work to come forth may be brought forth -- that the strange work of the Father may commence among the children of men -- that the work of the Gods may be fulfilled -- that the whole earth may not be wasted at the coming of the Lord in Glory.

The prophets have declared that the Lord would lead a small remnant of the ELECT from out of His House and that they would be gathered into a place in the mountains which God had prepared for them.21 In this place in the mountains the "setting in order of the House of God"22 would commence the promised second attempt by God to establish Zion in the midst of His people in the Last Days. We stand as witnesses that the Setting In Order is under way; that the "second time" effort by God to recover the remnant of Israel has begun.

It is important to recognize that this work of recovery and restoration,"again the second time", could not occur until at a time AFTER the LDS church had completely rejected the God whose name they now use in vain, even the name of Jesus Christ. This "setting in order of the house of God" event has been prophesied in scripture and has been seen in vision by many of the Holy prophets -- both ancient and modern.23

We testify that the Lord has now commenced this "strange work of the Father"24 in the Sanpete Valley in the mountains of central Utah. The small pioneer town of Manti is now the center of God's work in the Last Days. Joseph Smith, who is the one "holding the scepter of power", is the "file-leader" for the redemption of Zion and for the teaching of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (which is once again offered to the Elect of Israel, and who are again invited to the gathering).



The Elect of Israel are those men and women who have proven themselves in their pre-mortality through their faithfullness and valiancy to the principles of righteousness, and by their devotion and love of their Savior Jesus Christ. These are they who are worthy to be chosen servants for the Lord in these last days. These are they who have been prepared and reserved for this very purpose -- that is, to be ready to do the work required of them as the Gospel is returned to its fullness in these last days. They comprise an extremely small percentage of the earth's population -- they are almost exclusively of the family lineage of Ephraim.25



The Elect of Israel are not so much 'hiding' as they are "asleep".26 Because they themselves do not even know who they are, or what part the Lord wants of them to play, they are "asleep" to the measure of their creation. The Elect have been placed, by the wisdom of the Lord, in places and circumstances where the knowledge and testimony of Jesus Christ and the work of Joseph Smith has become a part of their integrity -- and they are found mostly within the LDS community. These valiant spirits will "awake and arise"; they will recognize the call of the Lord to come out of Babylon and participate in the gathering6 of the Elect., irrespective of the sacrifices which will be required of them. The Master calls and the True Servant responds.



The Elect of Israel will learn just who they are as they open their hearts and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Inasmuch as they are of that Elect group sent by God to perform this special work of building Zion, they will recognize the message of the fullness, and they will respond to the call to gather with others of the Elect. This special group of spirits will want to know who they are and what the Lord desires them to do, and they will inquire of the Lord and 'ask, seek, and knock' for 'the further light and knowledge which Father promised them'. These spirits will seek for the 'meat' of the Gospel for they will have already been fed enough of the 'milk'. Their prayers will be answered and they will desire to do the will of the Father. They will listen to the 'still small voice' of the Holy Ghost whose mission it is to teach and lead to all truth. 27 They will seek for and receive the personal revelation which they need, and which the Lord has been patiently waiting to bestow upon them.



Have there been some "nagging" questions bothering you, perhaps over a long period of time? Questions such as:

Why is the "gospel" taught to you from recycled LDS manuals designed by a committee of men rather than from the actual scriptures themselves?

Why are your deep and searching questions in an LDS Priesthood Meeting, Sunday School, or Relief Society Meeting left unanswered?

Why are you told "to leave the 'mysteries' alone" for does not Jesus Christ command that you are to search and find the "mysteries of God"?28

Why was it important that an angel be sent to Joseph with the exact pattern for the Priesthood garment29 , and yet the LDS garment which is available for you to purchase today is totally changed from the original?30

Why are the words of the "living prophet" better and more reliable than those of a former living prophet who is now dead?31

Why are deacons and teachers allowed to touch the sacrament objects when the Doctrine and Covenants forbids such?32 Why was temple work for the dead changed in 1894 so that righteous children are automatically "sealed" to ancestors who may be very unrighteous and perhaps even evil?33

Why is rebaptism denied to you even though you may have gone through a genuine repentance process and you need very much to receive the forgiveness of sins ordinance?34 Why is the work of an LDS bishop no longer the same as is specified in the Doctrine and Covenants?35

Why do the LDS General Authorities have such large incomes from church owned businesses in Babylon? Why has the General Handbook of Instructions replaced the Holy Scriptures for the administrations of the church?

Why have "policies" replaced doctrines? Why have the essentials of the temple ordinances been so altered?36 Why may one be excommunicated for praying to the Lord in the True Order Of Prayer in his own home when that order of prayer is taught in the true temple endowment?37

Why do leaders instill fear by suggesting that the True Order of Prayer will bring Satan to you when the temple endowment itself teaches you how to discern false spirits, how to avoid deception, and how to cast such evil spirits away from you? (also see D&C Section 129)

Why is abortion no longer considered to be murder?38

Has the preponderance of the alterations from the original principles, ordinances, and doctrines caused you concern and distress? Have you asked yourself such questions as these?

"What is going on here?"

"How can it be that the Lord's church can be so out-of-order?"

"If so, how can such deception occur when I know that there are so many 'good people' in the church?"

And most especially;

"Is my Eternal Salvation in jeopardy? Is it based on a false hope in Christ? Have I been guilty of worshipping the 'church'?"

Have you considered asking the Lord for the answers to such important questions?

God respects personal agency; therefore, He will not commence giving revelation concerning the apostasy of the LDS church to anyone until he or she begins to seriously question and ask 'if the church is true'. We so testify that this is a true principle.



If you are one of the Elect of Israel, and you are responsive to the Holy Ghost, you will have a desire to know the covenants which you made in the pre-earth existence -- that work which you agreed to do as a part of this 'great and marvelous work of the last days'.

Are you willing to search and carefully study the scriptures "word by word" for the answers, and to seek for spiritual understanding of the scriptures?

Are you willing to make the effort to fast and pray for a witness from God to determine your status before Him?

Are you willing to listen to the "still small voice" of the Holy Ghost, and are you willing to act upon that which you receive from the Spirit?

Are you are willing to stand upon your own light, and not depend upon the 'arm of flesh'?39

Are you willing to keep the Law of Gathering, and be willing to sacrifice your comforts in Babylon that you may participate in the 'strange act of the Father' even against the jeers and threats of enemies and those who you believed to be your friends and loved ones?

Are you willing to keep and live the Law of Sacrifice which is to sacrifice all that you possess even your own life, if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God?40 This is a covenant which the Elect, even the children of Ephraim, must take upon themselves. (See Lectures On Faith, Lecture Sixth. Joseph Smith)

Are you willing to consecrate yourself, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which He may bless you, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion?41



"... ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts; Wherefore the decree hath gone forth that they shall be gathered into one place upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts, and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked. For the hour is nigh and the day soon at hand when the earth is ripe; and all the proud and they who do wickedly shall be burned as stubble; and I will burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that wickedness shall not be upon the it shall come to pass." (Doctrine and Covenants 29: 7-10)

In all generations of time it has been the work of Israel to establish a Zion community. The Lord has instructed his people, Israel, in every Dispensation where the fullness was present, to come to Him and become sanctified, to "get out of Babylon", to become a people "pure in heart", and to be "of one mind and one heart". This is the work of the Elect.42 This is what is called the 'strange act of the Father'43 and that marvelous work is coming forth in this very day and hour being led by "the one mighty and strong"44 who is, in fact, Joseph Smith Jr.45, the Prophet of the Restoration and the only one who holds ALL the keys to this Dispensation.46

We testify that the Lord has rejected the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because, as a church, it has rejected Him and has come under His condemnation by changing the Laws and Ordinances of the Gospel and setting at naught the Ancient Covenant.47

We testify that the LDS church, which was given the custodial responsibility of the Holy Priesthood in the days of Joseph Smith48, has now substituted an apostate priesthood, now offers a false hope in Christ, and is deceiving many of the "very Elect". The LDS church has eliminated the Law of Gathering, and no longer endeavors to build a Zion community upon Celestial principles.



The Lord is "setting His Hand again the second time49 to recover the remnant of His people", Israel. This is the beginning of the "strange act of the Father"50 and these important prophesied events are a part of that "great and marvelous work yet to come forth".51 These events have now begun their appearance upon the earth and are under the administrative direction of Joseph Smith, the Prophet and File Leader of this, the Dispensation of the fullness of Times.52



We proclaim that God has once again opened the heavens and sent holy messengers to earth. Four angels have come to the earth with the power and authority to bestow the Holy Apostleship. This event has signaled the beginning of the "setting in order" by the Lord"setting His Hand again the second time" to recover the sons and daughters of Ephraim. Joseph Smith is now supervising the organization of the Lord's church in the same pattern as was done when he was mortal. This is being accomplished so that the 'fullness' of the Gospel should once again be preached to the Elect of Israel, and that they will 'gather' to build Zion in the last days. The Lord has named that church The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of The Last Days. We testify that this is the promised remnant which has been preserved to come forth out of Israel.53 We proclaim that Jesus Christ is the God of this earth and is soon to be crowned King and Priest at the Great Council at Adam-Ondi-Ahman. This is all a part of the Great and Marvelous Work.



That the fullness of the Gospel is again being restored by the power of the Priesthood for the sons and daughters of God to partake;

That the Holy Priesthood, with all of the power and gifts of the Spirit, is upon the earth;

That the Heavens have been opened and that angels are once again using these words: "Thus saith the Lord".

That ancient and modern prophecies are at this very time being fulfilled;

That the Holy Ordinances of salvation and exaltation are once again available upon the earth, and that these ordinances are being performed by the authority of God;

That the true and correct principles as restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith over 150 years ago are being restored by the 'one mighty and strong', who is none other than Joseph Smith, Jr., the Head of this Dispensation;

That if you are of the Elect of Israel you have that Covenant responsibility to "ask of God who giveth to all men liberally"54 , to find out if the message which is contained in this pamphlet is true. When you receive that witness, by revelation, it is your responsibility to determine what the Lord wants you to do.


We invite the Elect of Israel to rise to this challenge of the ages for there has never been a time or a day such as we now face since the days of Noah when there was such gross wickedness upon the face of the land. "For as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be also at the coming of the Son of Man. For it shall be with them as it was in the days which were before the flood..." (JST Matt: 44-45) Zion must be established for the "pure in heart" to have a place in which to dwell, and that work is the calling which the Elect have covenanted to do in the last days.



The Elect of Israel must earnestly seek the face of the Lord.

This means that you who are the Elect must rise to the measure of your creation, keep all of your covenants (for God curses a covenant breaker55), put on your robes of the Holy Priesthood, and in the True Order of Prayer (if you have been properly endowed56 ) receive the important answers to the important questions: Who am I? What does the Lord want me to accomplish with my time on earth? How do you want me to do this?

When you have answers to such critical questions, and become committed to do what the Lord desires of you, then it is important for you to proceed to understand how to make your Calling and Election Sure57, do it, and then to go on to receive the fullness of the Priesthood, which is an ordinance given jointly to husband and wives.

The work of the Gods is to make gods. If his doesn't happen then the earth will, indeed, 'be wasted at His coming'. The attainment of the calling and election ordinance is essential so that the Elect may be able to progress onward and acheive Celestial Glory with their Savior.



1. The True and Living Gospel of Jesus Christ, after centuries of apostasy, was restored to the earth by the Father and the Son to Joseph Smith in the period from 1820 to 1844 .

2. Gradually since that time combinations of evil men under the influence of Satan have caused a spirit of apostasy to enter into the hearts of good men and women which has resulted in a complete apostasy from the true and living Gospel Of Jesus Christ as revealed to this Dispensation by Joseph Smith.

3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was intended to go first to the Elect of Israel in the "latter days", as well as in the "last days", and secondly to the rest of the world. (non-Israel)

4. The Elect are mostly "asleep" today not knowing who they are nor what great work lies ahead for them as the great day of the Lord approaches - the Coming of Jesus Christ.

5. The work of the Elect of Israel is to gather together and to build Zion in these Last Days.

6. The "setting in order" of the church, the "strange act of the Father", the "great and marvelous work" has begun; The Prophet Joseph is the "one mighty and strong", and under the authority of his Master, Jesus Christ, he is presently directing the redemption of the Lord's Church by "setting the house of God in order" in that same pattern as when he was mortal.

We testify that time is growing very short. The "Desolation of Abomination"58 and the "Abomination of Desolation"59 are even at our very doors. Babylon, the great, is about to have its foundation shaken and its fall is soon at hand. That "Great and Abominable Church, the "Whore of All the Earth" (who has become the whore by going to bed with wicked government), is soon to crumble under the wrath of a just God who is about to fulfill His promises as recorded in the Book of Isaiah60, and in many other scriptures -- ancient and modern.



At a time following the final disastrous change by the LDS church of the temple endowment in April of 1990 the Lord sent four angels, who were Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses, to Manti, Utah to ordain a certain servant of the Lord to the Holy Apostleship. This occurred on November 25, 1990. It is significant that this ordination was not administered until after the LDS leadership had finally and completely rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Even so, the LDS church has continued to retain the Lord's name.61 (The enemy had taken over the fort but they still fly the same flag.)

Soon after this Ordination by Heavenly Beings a few of the Elect were led by the Spirit of the Lord to gather to the Sanpete Valley. These people were inspired to a gathering. They began to receive the further light and knowledge which Father promised as the Holy Ghost impressed them to study the "mysteries of Godliness"62. The truth began to flow to these men and women for Joseph, the one mighty and strong, began to provide the teaching and instruction which was required for the foundation of this great work of the setting in order -- indeed, "the strange act of the Father" has begun in these last days.

Out of this group of gathered Ephraimites, a "council" of high priests was informally organized, all of whom were properly ordained High Priests of the Melchizedek Priesthood. This "council" became, by the Revelation of the Lord, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for the Lord's Church in the Last Days. (16 Aug 1994)

On May 3, 1994, by revelation from the Lord, a church organization was formed. The Lord approved the True and Living Church Of Jesus Christ Of Saints Of The Last Days to be the church which would henceforth conduct the Lord's affairs upon the earth, and would administer the correct and proper ordinances to the Elect of Israel who would prove faithful.

Under the direction of Joseph Smith and the Holy Order on the other side of the Veil, a Presiding Bishopric was called to preside over the temporal affairs of the Lord's Church. The sequence of organization which followed in His Church has proved to be the same sequence as was done by Joseph when he was mortal. This sequence has occurred without human planning.

Inasmuch as Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses had previously ordained a man to the Apostolic Priesthood prior to this important time (1990), the proper and correct authority was present and available to conduct these ordinations in His Church.

Subsequently additional officers have been called by revelation using the True Order Of Prayer at the altar in the Endowment House. The essential Priesthood leadership callings have been ordained as Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith continue 'to set in order the House of God'.

Some opponents have insisted that this work has been the result of the aspirations of one man, or perhaps a group of men, but this is not so. This work is the result of the designs of the Godhead of this earth; and it is directed by Joseph Smith, Jr. We testify that Joseph Smith, Jr., under the authority of Jesus Christ, leads and directs the True And Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of The Last Days in the same pattern as he directed and led the Lord's Church when he was a mortal.

We testify that the people of this church are, in fact, that small remnant who are preserving the Holy Priesthood of God, and that it is the remnant that was promised to be led "from the midst" of the LDS church " and (to) commence anew somewhere in ...these mountains".63



We testify that the words of the Lord which follow are absolutely true, and that the time of fulfillment is even now at hand:

D & C 112: 23-26

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness (lack of truth) covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people (of Israel, the LDS), and all flesh has become corrupt before my face. (the devil shall have power over his own dominion) Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, and a day of wrath, and a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. AND UPON MY HOUSE SHALL IT BEGIN, AND FROM MY HOUSE SHALL IT GO FORTH, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know My Name and have not known me (apostate LDS church leaders and it's "mainstream" members), and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house (temples, stakes, wards etc.), saith the Lord."

Observe that the Lord not only dictates this warning but He stamps it with His "signature", thus saith the Lord, not just once but three times.

We testify that the 'desolation of abomination', (or, the wicked destroying the wicked); and the abomination of desolation, (or, the awful condition of utter desolation upon the face of the earth which will result from the Last Days catastrophes soon to be poured out upon a wicked world by a just God and Father) are about to come upon the heads of all people of the world;

We testify that the Elect of Israel will not be exempt from the anger of the Lord except as they obey the word of the Lord -- gather to the safe place with the holy remnant where the "cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night" becomes a canopy of protection for the faithful elect. And then the Elect must proceed to build Zion, where the pure in heart dwell, and there to keep all of the commandments of the Lord, their God.

Zion will be "redeemed with power64, and "Zion cannot be built except upon the principles of the Celestial Kingdom"65. It will require an Elect and committed people to accomplish this "Marvelous Work and a Wonder" -- this "Great and Marvelous Work Yet To Come Forth".

The True And Living Church Of Jesus Christ Of Saints Of The Last Days extends an invitation to the Elect of Israel to put their faith in Jesus Christ; to give up whatever Christ requires of them to sacrifice; to leave Babylon and to gather with His people -- the Last Days Saints. And then press on to build Zion in the Last Days in the mighty preparation for the coming of our Savior and Master, Jesus Christ, who will dwell in Zion with His People, Israel.



Come ye out of Babylon and return to the Lord, your God, The Holy One Of Israel. Put on your beautiful garments, O Elect; make the sacrifices which your Lord requires of you; become of one heart and one mind, O Israel; gather together, and become pure in heart. Sing the joyous song of redemption, making a happy and joyous sound unto the Lord, your God.

Please be prayerful about the things which you have just read, and sincerely inquire of the Lord; for, ..."by the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10: 5)

Prepared, Published, and Approved by The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles



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1. Pearl of Great Price: Joseph Smith-History Chapter 1. At times any man may be overwhelmed by the Adversary. If a man is not threatening the work of Satan by trying to serve God, he is usually left alone by Satan. However, the men and women who have been diligently striving to build Zion in these last days have experienced determined attacks by Satan (as did those in former days) as Satan attempts to destroy the work of God. We submit that this is further evidence that this "setting in order" work is of God, or else Satan would be ignoring this organization and this people.

2. Moses 1:39; D&C 29:43. God's work and His Glory is to make men into Gods; The "eternal life of man" is that process by which God elevates men and women to dwell in Everlasting Burnings (see TPJS: 347 & 361) and to be Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ.

3. D&C 115:4. The church was named by Jesus Christ. However, it was first named "The Church of Christ". D&C 20:1.

4. D&C 97:21; 100:16. "The Lord will raise up unto His self a pure people". It is very important that the Elect of Israel 'awake and arise', put on the full armor of Christ, repent of their sins, cleanse the inner vessel and become sanctified before the Lord as they prepare to enter Zion.

5. The Doctrine of the Gathering is very, very critical to the establishment of Zion. D&C 29: 7-8, TPJS :183, 92-4, 84; Journal of Discourses: 2:278; 7:188; 9:61; 8:163; 3:300; 6:340; 5:314; 2:177; 2:210; 8:285; 9:159; 6:16. Messages of the First Presidency 1:84; 2:75. The LDS church canceled this Doctrine: David O. McKay. When one becomes converted to the Gospel the motivation to gather with others of the church is a natural result.

6. Moses 4:3, 6. Satan's work is diametrically opposed to the work of the Gods (see Note 2). He attempts to "deceive and to blind all men", " to lead them captive", "to destroy the world" )see 2 Nephi 28:21) He and his angels have "sought to take the kingdom of God" (D&C 76:26). He is working to cause the fall of the Elect of Israel, to keep them from 'awakening' and then to 'arise'.

7. The persecution of the Saints began upon Joseph Smith in 1820 and continued throughout his life. His death in 1844 at the hands of a mob did not end persecution. There are numerous books which document this subject. As the LDS church courted the acceptance of the world persecution ceased. An interesting book on persecution against polygamy is by Richard S. Van Wagner BYU (Signature Books 1989) Chapter. 9-13. "Mormon Polygamy, A History"

8. D&C 132 is the best reference on the Law Of Celestial Plural Marriage wherein the "law" is mentioned 32 times. There can be no doubt but that the Law is still a standing law for all who would enter the Highest Celestial Realms. See also TPJS 301; JD 4:108; 13:40; 22:148; 10:273; 25:21; 20:28. Also D&C 103:8 ..."if Saints fail to keep commandments, the kingdoms of the world will prevail against them". See the TLC Pamphlet: "Celestial Plural Marriage".

9. Satan fought to destroy "the most Holy Principle" through Politicians and "Christian" ministers. The Mormons, as a people, refused to let God fight their battle as He promised in a revelation to President. Woodruff. 1889 (see: Unpublished Revelations Part 89; Also "1890 Manifesto" Declaration 1, D&C page 291; Also "Most Holy Principle" Vol 3 pages 175 - 176). See our TLC Pamphlet: "Plural Marriage Since 1890".

10. See "Mormon Polygamy , A History" Chapters 18-19. It is a fact, too extensive to document here, that the Mormon church contributed money and support to governments for the persecution of polygamists beginning with President. Heber J. Grant. The church still persecutes members by excommunication; (but does not excommunicate for infant murder -- abortion)! Also see Messages of the First Presidency Vol 5: 292.

11. For a review and documented account of this tragedy by Modern Israel see TLC church Pamphlets: "They Have Changed The Ordinances" ; "The Apostasy of Israel"; "Follow The Brethren - Fact or Fiction". Also see "The LastDays" by A. Gileadi. (Deseret Book 1991) Chapter 1. For a list of present day LDS apostasy see Isaiah 24:5 "The earth is defiled thereof: because they (Israel) have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.". Isaiah 9:13-16 ..."the prophet that teacheth lies...the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are led by them are destroyed"... For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean". 28:15 ....."have made a covenant with death",(as opposed to everlasting life). 28:1 "Wo to the crown of pride , to the drunkards (self deceived) of Ephraim, (LDS) whose glorious beauty (from the past) is a fading flower (lack of truth, and being deceived) are on the head of the fat valleys (the rich, opulent Wasatch Front cities in that valley) that are overcome with wine (self deception). "All is well in Zion; Yea, Zion prospereth" 2 Nephi 28:21. Also see Mormon 8: 27-41 and all of 2 Nephi 28.

12. The Law of Common Consent: D&C 16: 2; 38: 34; 104: 21.

13. The "closet doubter" can be found in many LDS Wards; these are they who have questions concerning the present condition of the LDS church. Many embrace principles and doctrines established by Joseph Smith, but which are now rejected by the current LDS Authorities. For an interesting insight into this subject see "The Phenomenon of the Closet Doubter", D. Jeff Burton. Chapter #8 "The Wilderness of Faith" (Signature Books).

14. Early in church history the Lord warned His people of the possibility of apostasy. Apostasy always begins with individuals. "The day cometh that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord...shall be cut off...for they have strayed from mine ordinances and have broken mine everlasting covenant." D&C 1: 14-15; "Deny not the spirit of revelation, nor the spirit of prophecy, for wo unto him that denieth these things." D&C 11:25; "...there is a possibility that man may fall from grace and depart from the living God." D&C 20:32; "...he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation." D&C 82:3; "...the soul that sins against this covenant, and hardeneth his heart against it shall be dealt with...and shall be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan..." D&C 82: 21; "And after they (the apostles) have fallen asleep the great persecutor...soweth the tares...and drive(s) the church into the wilderness." D&C 86:3; See also The Parable of the nobleman, the vineyard, and the tower, D&C 101:43-60: "Ought ye not to have done as I commanded you...and not fallen asleep...? (verse 53) . "Evil men, ambitious of power must needs arise among you...they are instruments in my hands, and are permitted to try my people, and to collect from among them those who are not the elect, and such as are unworthy of eternal life." "Unpublished Revelations" Part 65:3 ; "Will there still be apostasy? Yes, brethren and sisters, you may expect that people will come into the church and then apostatize." JD 2:250 Brigham Young.

15. This method of prayer, identified as TRUE ORDER, as opposed to any lesser way to call upon God, is taught in detail in the true temple endowment. It is God's way for man to part the veil and commune with His Spirit, and even to receive Holy Messengers. It is the highest way to receive personal revelation. Every saint who was endowed before April 10, 1990 has the privilege and the responsibility to approach Heavenly Father in the True Order of Prayer. See the TLC Pamphlet: "Personal Revelation: Further Light and Knowledge"

16. Mormon 5:12; D&C 20: 14-15; 84:57, Testimonies of the Three Witnesses, and the Eight Witnesses: Book of Mormon , in the "Introduction" section.

17. All of the Holy Prophets have looked forward to our day and time; Most prominent among these are Isaiah, Micah, Joel, Daniel, Christ, Paul, Peter, John, Joseph, Nephi, Alma, Mormon, Moroni, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Orson Hyde, John Taylor, & others. The establishment of Zion in the Last Days is critical to the work of the Lord.

18. 2 Nephi 28:21.

19. Isaiah 11: 11-12. "Setting His hand again the second time" context here is "in that day"- this is a reference to the "last days", and is an"ensign" for the "gentiles" to "seek"; "and His rest shall be glorious". (The Millennial Reign) The first time was the 1820 - 44 Joseph Smith period. The present events constitute the "second time". See also 2 Nephi 21:11; 25:17; 29:1. D&C 85:7. TPJS: 393 "The Prophet's Dream", June 26, 1844. Symbolism: "Farm" = LDS church.. "Barn" = Organization of church.. "Desolation" = Transgressed laws, etc. "Furious men" = LDS General Authorities. "Church" = God. "Rabble" = Deceived mainstream Mormons. "General fight" = Serious contention within the church. "Mud" = Complete LDS apostasy, 1990.

20. An example: TPJS: 15. "His people, Israel, should be a willing people". It is Israel who the Lord has been pleading with to be saved; He has always waited until Israel has reached a complete apostate condition before he brings judgment. It is Israel who are 'His people'.The wicked remain wicked still, irrespective of the condition of Israel. There is to be only "a remnant" who are recovered, not all of Israel. (See Note 21)

21. Isaiah 1:9; 10:22; JD 8:143-144. Brigham Young: "Out of this church will grow the kingdom which Daniel saw...If we are not faithful others will take our places..." Daniel H. Wells, Oct. Conference. 1883: "A people will come forth from among us who will be zealous of good the bidding of the Lord, who will be taught in His Ways". Mill. Star 42:584: "From the remnant of the whole House of Israel will emanate the nucleus or foundation from which will spring the righteous millennial population". Apostle Orson Whitney: "The Lord will chose a people now nestled in the hearts core of this people that will arise in their majesty in a day that is near at hand, and push spiritual things to the front: A people that will stand up for God and not be ashamed of this Gospel, nor afraid to proclaim the same, and live it in it's fullness, though it cost them their fellowship with the members of the church, and even their lives". Also, study the parable of the vineyard D&C 101: 43-62, especially verse 55 "the residue of my servants... redeem my vineyard (Israel). It will be profitable to analyze the imagery and symbolism in this parable which was dictated by the Lord.

22. D&C 85:7. Joseph Smith is the "one mighty and strong" who will return to complete his work of the "restoration of ALL things". It is he who has the "scepter of power" (Priesthood Authority), with "light for a covering" (Glory), who is our "fountain of truth" (the Holy Ghost). See the TLC Pamphlet: "Joseph Smith, Jr."

23. Read Mormon 8:35-41 for a scathing denunciation of the condition of the present LDS church. The message is to repent, O Israel, lest you be consumed by the wrath of His anger. See also TPJS: 231 and 2 Nephi 28.

24. D&C 95: 4; 101: 95. The establishment of the True and Living Church of Saints of the Last Days is part of the "strange act of the Father", which is recognized only by those who are spiritually in tune. It is part of the early events of the "Great and Marvelous Work Yet to Come Forth". (2 Nephi 27: 26)

25. Ephraim is the birthright tribe. 1 Chronicles 5: 1; Jeremiah. 31: 9; Deuteronomy. 33: 13-17; D&C 64: 36.

26. The "Elect" have been "asleep" for they have ceased decades ago to build Zion. 3 Nephi 20:

28; D&C 101: 53; D&C 86: 1-3 ...the apostles have "fallen asleep". 3 Nephi 20: 36 "Awake, awake again, and put on thy strength , O Zion". This is a last days setting.

27. Moroni 10: 5.

28. There are more than 40 scriptural references to the "mysteries". Jesus Christ has commanded us to search the mysteries. Those who preach to "leave the mysteries alone" have had that deception put into their hearts by Satan . D&C 6: 11; 11: 7; 8: 11; 42: 61; 43: 13; 62: 23; 63: 23; etc.

29. Joseph Smith's bodyguard wrote: "Joseph Smith .... told them an angel had visited him and instructed him to have them wear the garments of the Holy Priesthood, a sample of which the angel showed him....Accordingly Joseph had a garment made after the exact pattern."

30. The Garment presently available to the LDS includes these alterations from the original: short sleeves; short legs; low necks; no collar (yoke of Christ); missing three ties; closed fronts; marks sewn closed; women's have a low cut back and a low cut front for style's sake; one style is not white but green. These garments no longer resemble the original Garment of the Holy Priesthood, and as such they do not embody the original covenant.

31. This is an apostate doctrine. All of the Canonized Scriptures are written by "dead" prophets, who are still very much alive. Is Jesus Christ "dead"? Did a "dead" Moroni, Peter, James, John, and John the Baptist, Moses, Elijah, and Noah appear to Joseph Smith? Do the LDS now reject the teachings of these prophets because they are "dead"? Are the teachings of Ezra Taft Benson and Milton R. Hunter now to be automatically rejected because he is a "dead" prophet? Are the LDS willing to reject the teachings of Gordon Hinckley after he is dead? This is indeed an apostate doctrine.

32. D&C 20: 38-60 does not allow the deacons and teachers authority to so much as to even touch the sacramental objects. The priests may do so only when there is no Elder present.

33. This is an apostate doctrine. The Doctrine of Adoption, or the sealing of man to man was discarded in 1894 (Woodruff). A substitute was adopted which "sealed" human generations together irrespective of worthiness; In this way, according to the Mormons, a saint may be "sealed" in a patriarchal order to an evil man. This is the order of the Telestial Kingdom, not the Celestail Kingdom! This apostate practice does not 'seal families together forever' as most Mormons suppose. Since no unclean thing can enter the Celestial Kingdom, such are never, in fact, 'sealed'. According to this false premise a righteous and deserving man would have to await the repentance and progression of an evil ancestor, most likely many such telestial ancestors. This would be a big victory for Satan for it would thwart the purposes of God. Indeed, "the enemy has taken over the fort, but still flies the same flag".

34. Moroni 6:1. Whenever a person seeks the fruits of repentance he has a right to receive the cleansing ordinance of baptism, which may, indeed, be a rebaptism, and to receive a remission of sins and have a fresh start as he endeavors to acquire the gifts of the Spirit, to put off the "natural man" and to take upon himself the "divine nature". This applies to member and non-member alike. In times past, rebaptism was common for health, preceding temple ordinances, and also before marriages, in fact, any time when any major changes occurred in a persons life

35. D&C 107: 20, 68, 72-75. A Bishop has the responsibility for the temporal affairs of the church and is a Judge in Israel. It is not given to him to administer the ward, to conduct sacrament meetings, to oversee "programs", issue spiritual callings, or spiritual interviews.

36. The temple endowment is extremely valuable for it provides to the worthy member the knowledge to how he may open the veil to Heaven and commune with God and the Holy Order on the other side so he may receive "the further light and knowledge Father promised to send", and to make certain covenants of an eternal nature. The LDS temple "endowment" has now been so altered that the essential knowledge of the keys of the Priesthood, with their accompanying power and authority, have been withheld from the new initiate. For more details see the TLC Pamphlets: "They have changed the Ordinances"; "Proper Temple Worship"; The Apostasy of Israel"; "Ordinances of Exaltation"; Personal Revelation - Further Light and Knowledge".

37. The LDS church has excommunicated many members who were discovered to be using the "True Order of Prayer" in their own homes, which method of praying to God has been taught in their temples for more than 100 years. Can it be that the LDS Authorities do not want their members to acquire "further light and knowledge" direct from God, but prefer that members lean on their arm of flesh and "follow the brethren" even though they "may be wrong"? See "Official Declaration": 1 & 2; also "Excerpts from 3 addresses" page 292 LDS Triple Combination. None of these are "canonized scriptures", (approved by the Law of Common Consent).

38. Exodus 20: 13. "thou shalt not kill". The LDS General Handbook of Instruction now states that abortion is NOT considered as murder. Who is in control of a church which permits abortion (murder of unborn children of God) to be used as a "solution" for sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest, rape, etc. and thus "encourages" in Israel these sex sins (and other Godly prohibited sex acts) which sins are acceptable in a telestial society ? Whose plan is it to destroy the works of God, and who thus presents the same "solution" which was offered to Cain, the first murderer?

39. "To meet the difficulties that are coming, it will be necessary for you to have a knowledge of the truth of this work for yourselves. The difficulties will be of such a character that the man or woman who does not possess this personal knowledge or witness will fall...The time will come when no man or woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand? Do you believe it?" "Life of Heber C. Kimball"; by Orson F. Whitney; page 449-451 (Quote was said in 1867.)

40. This is a direct quote from the LDS temple endowment, Covenant of Sacrifice. Also see Lectures on Faith, Lecture Sixth, by Joseph Smith, Jr.

41. This is a direct quote from the LDS temple endowment, Covenant of Consecration. Also see the LDS Triple Combination Index, page 59-60 "Consecration, Law of".

42. TPJS: 160. "We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. When wars come we shall have to flee to Zion. The cry is to make haste". (Perhaps it may be better to be in Zion before the wars come upon us.)

43. See Note #24. His "Strange Act" is strange to "mainstream Mormons" because they have been taught to rely upon their leaders for knowledge instead of an understanding of the scriptures and the receipt of personal revelation by the use of the True Order of Prayer.

44. D&C 85: 7. Careful reading of the words used here clearly identifies this man as the resurrected Joseph Smith.

45. D&C 85: 7; See also 101: 55 and 103: 21. "Verily, Verily, I say unto you that my servant, Joseph Smith, is the man to whom I likened the servant........"

46. D&C 90: 3; 112: 15; 110: 16; 155: 19.

47. Isaiah 24: 5-6.

48. References on Priesthood in the LDS church: See D&C 2:1 and 110: 13-16 (Elijah and Priesthood); D&C 84:6-17, 86: "The Section on Priesthood"; D&C 107: Deals with Priesthood also; D&C 112:30 (to the Quorum of the Twelve & the President); D&C 121:36-38 (how Priesthood is lost). The Church cannot exist without the Priesthood, but the Priesthood does exist independently from the church. "All Priesthood is Melchizedek" : See Words of Joseph Smith. page 59. Also See TPJS: 308. Ordinances in the Priesthood "are not to be altered or changed........" and, "Where there is no change of Priesthood, there is no change of Ordinances..." Conversely, where there is a change of ordinances, there is a change, or a loss of Priesthood. The LDS church has changed every ordinance in some fashion, and has even denied that some ordinances may be used any more. Examples: Rebaptism, The True Order of Prayer, Women's Resurrection Claim, Women giving blessings, Temple washings, Washing of feet, Celestial plural marriage, etc. See the TLC Pamphlets: "They Have Changed The Ordinances"; &" Apostasy of Israel".

49. 2 Nephi 21: 11; 25: 17; 29: 1. See Note # 17 above.

50. See Notes 24 and 43; D&C 95: 4; 101: 95. The "strange act of the Father" is only strange to those who are ignorant as to the context of the scriptures, and unreceptive to the Spirit of Revelation, for the Father has revealed the elements of His strange act in the last days. The establishment of The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days is one of those elements.

51. 1 Nephi 14: 7; 22: 8; 2 Nephi 25: 17; 27: 26; 29: 1; 3 Nephi 21: 9; 28: 31-33; Isaiah 29: 14.

52. D&C 90: 3; 112: 15; 110: 16. Joseph Smith still holds ALL the keys of this Dispensation. He did not surrender them all to Brigham Young or to the Twelve prior to his death in 1844. He is even now supervising the "great and marvelous work (yet) to come forth", that great reformation process now being accomplished by the remnant under his direction. D&C 101: 55. Also see the LDS hymn "Praise to the Man", verse #3; "Great is his glory and endless his priesthood: Ever and ever the KEYS he will hold. Faithful and true, he will enter his kingdom, Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old."

53. See Note # 21. Also see the Apostolic Witness Document dated August 14, 1994 on this back cover of each of the TLC Pamphlets.

54. James 1: 5-7; D&C 42: 68.

55. D&C 54:6. God blesses those who keep their covenants; and those who break their covenants receive sore cursings. See also D&C 78: 11-12; 82: 21; 104: 4-5.

56. The LDS church removed certain critical elements from the temple endowment in April 1990. Thus, LDS temple patrons who received the endowment for themselves after April 1990 have not been provided with the correct and proper "keys" of the Priesthood which would enable them to communicate with Father through the veil in the True Order of Prayer.

57. 1 Peter 10, TPJS: 150, 298, 305. These references emphasize the vital importance of this ordinance, The Calling and Election Ordinance; however, the LDS Topical Guide fails to reference this subject; why?

58. This is the cleansing of the abominations of the wicked from the earth. "This time is nigh at hand." Ezekiel. 33: 29, Daniel 11:31; Isaiah 47: 10-15; 17: 9-11.

59. This is the result of the cleansing by the Lord that leaves vast desolations upon the earth.

60. The Book of Isaiah , with it's multiple levels of understanding, is for Israel in all times and in all ages. It is, however, ultimately intended and engineered for us in these 'last days'. Christ commands the study of Isaiah. 3 Nephi 23:1. Therefore, it contains vitally important messages for our days.

61. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been under the Lord's condemnation for more than 162 years, and has become the "Great and Abominable Church, the Whore of All the Earth", for she has gone to bed with wicked politicians of government (2 Nephi 22:11-14, read also to the end of the chapter, for they are of further interest at this time. Also see 1 Nephi 22:14). There are now only two churches; (1). The Church of the Lamb, and (2), the Church of the devil; for there exists only one church organization on all the face of the earth which holds the power and authority of the saving ordinances of the Holy Priesthood -- all others, irrespective of what "good" they may perform in a telestial world, are lacking in important powers and authorities. This does not say in any way that the people who have made these covenants with the Lord in His Church are "perfect', but only that they are actively striving to have their Calling and Election Made Sure, etc. (see Note # 56 on Calling and Election.) 1 Nephi 14: 10; 14: 3; 14: 17; 22: 14; 2 Nephi 28: 18; 6: 12; D&C 28: 94. The words of the Lord: "If it be called in my name then it is my church, if it so be that they are built upon my gospel." 3 Nephi 17: 8. The test of a church is adherence to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The LDS church has become apostate and no longer teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nor does it administer the proper ordinances thereof.

62. See Note #28; Also D&C 19: 8-10.

63.Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, Volume 15:361-362.

64. D&C 103:15

65. D&C 105:5








Nephi lists the elements of apostasy. 1 Nephi 22:23:

"For the time speedily shall come that all churches which are built up to

get gain (first sign of apostasy), and all those who are built up to get

power (second sign of apostasy)over the flesh, and those who are built up to become

popular (third sign of apostasy)in the eyes of the world, and those who seek the

lusts of the flesh (fourth sign of apostasy)and the things of the world, and to do

all manner of iniquity (fifth sign of apostasy);

yea, in fine, all those who belong to the kingdom of the devil are they who need fear, and tremble, and quake; they are those who must be brought low in the dust; they are those who must be consumed as stubble; and this is according to the words of the prophet."

Alma's Church becomes apostate during the days of Nephi, son of Helaman. 3 Nephi 6:14-15:

"And thus there became a great inequality in all the land, insomuch that the church began to be broken up; yea, insomuch that in the thirtieth year the church was broken up in all the land save it were among a few of the Lamanites who were converted unto the true faith; and they would not depart from it, for they were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord.

Now the cause of this iniquity (fifth sign of apostasy) of the people was this--Satan had great power, unto the stirring up of the people to do all manner of iniquity, and to the puffing them up with pride (third sign of apostasy), tempting them to seek for power, and authority (second sign of apostasy), and riches (first sign of apostasy), and the vain things (fourth sign of apostasy)of the world."

The Nephite Church established by Christ in 34 AD becomes apostate in the year 201. 4 Nephi 1:23-30

23 "And now I, Mormon, would that ye should know that the people had multiplied, insomuch that they were spread upon all the face of the land, and that they had become exceedingly rich, because of their prosperity in Christ.

24 And now, in this two hundred and first year there began to be among them those who were lifted up in pride (third sign of apostasy), such as the wearing of costly apparel, and all manner of fine pearls, and of the fine things (fourth sign of apostasy) of the world.

25 And from that time forth they did have their goods and their substance no more common among them.

26 And they began to be divided into classes; and they began to build up churches unto themselves to get gain (first sign of apostasy), and began to deny the true church of Christ.

27 And it came to pass that when two hundred and ten years had passed away there were many churches in the land; yea, there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of his gospel, insomuch that they did receive all manner of wickedness (fifth sign of apostasy), and did administer that which was sacred unto him to whom it had been forbidden because of unworthiness.

28 And this church did multiply exceedingly because of iniquity, and because of the power of Satan who did get hold upon their hearts.

29 And again, there was another church which denied the Christ; and they did persecute the true church of Christ, because of their humility and their belief in Christ; and they did despise them because of the many miracles which were wrought among them.

30 Therefore they did exercise power and authority (second sign of apostasy)over the disciples of Jesus who did tarry with them, and they did cast them into prison; but by the power of the word of God, which was in them, the prisons were rent in twain, and they went forth doing mighty miracles among them. (4 Nephi 1:23-30)


The LDS Church becomes completely apostate 10 April 1990: Mormon 8:34-41

34 "Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.

35 Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.

36 And I know that ye do walk in the pride (third sign of apostasy) of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities (fifth sign of apostasy); and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.

37 For behold, ye do love money (first sign of apostasy), and your substance (fourth sign of apostasy), and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.

38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies--because of the praise of the world?

39 Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not (second sign of apostasy)?

40 Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain (first sign of apostasy), and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?

41 Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer."


(1) Get Gain (1) Gain Riches (1) Get riches, Gain (1) Get Money , Gain

(2) Power (2) Power, Authority (2) Power, Authority (2) Envy, Strife, Malice Persecute Poor, etc.

(3) Popularity (3) Pride (3) Pride, Popularity (3) Pride, Praise of the World

(4) Lusts of the Flesh (4) Vain things of the (4) Fine things of the World (4) Substance, Fine Things of the World World Apparel, Adorned Churches

(5) All manner of Iniquity (5) All manner of Iniquity (5) All manner of Iniquity (5) All manner of Iniquity


Satan's influence upon the Saints in all times is one of "all manner of iniquity, great power, unto the stirring up of the people to do all to the puffing them up with pride, tempting them to seek for power, and authority, and riches, and the vain things of the world". 3 Nephi 6:15




"...I would have none of you imagine that there will be a cessation of this persecution. I have heard some say that the time will soon come when there will be a cessation of this hatred against the Latter -day Saints. Do not deceive yourselves with any such idea. ... We might seclude ourselves in the desert of Sahara, as we secluded ourselves in these mountains some thirty-three years ago, and persecution would reach us. The adversary will not let us alone. The direst persecution we ever had to suffer, occurred before the doctrine of polygamy was taught or believed in. There is nothing short of a complete apostasy, a complete denial of EVERY principle we have received, a throwing away of the Holy Priesthood, that can save us from persecution." (JD 22: 370, 373-4. George. Q. Cannon)

"When 'Mormonism' finds favor with the wicked in this land, it will have gone into the shade; but until the power of the priesthood is gone, 'Mormonism' will never become popular with the wicked. ..." (JD 4:38 Brigham Young)

"The prejudice against the Mormons has all disappeared. I am grateful for it." (President Heber J. Grant: Sept. 1936, Improvement Era)

"...God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

"... I told the people that if they would not believe the revelations that God had given he would suffer the devil to give revelations that they -- priests and people -- would follow after... Have I seen this fulfilled? I Have. I told the people that as true as God lived, if they would not have truth they would have error sent to them, and they would believe it. (Deseret News. 18 June 1873 Brigham Young)

"We are getting into such a condition that if we were to meet the Lord, we could not look Him in the face, and the way we are going it will soon be impossible to tell what we do believe." (Deseret News, 9 March 1889 John W. Taylor)

"If we prove unworthy, Zion will have to be redeemed by our children, who may be more worthy, while we may be kept, like the ancient children of Israel, wandering in the wilderness, enduring hardships, persecution and trials, until we shall have suffered the penalty of neglected, not to say broken and unfulfilled covenants." (JD 19:26, 2 April 1877. Joseph F. Smith)

"And after they (the apostles) have fallen asleep the great persecutor of the church, the whore, even Babylon, that maketh all nations to drink of her cup, in whose hearts the enemy, even Satan, sitteth to reign -- behold, he soweth tares; wherefore, the tares choke the wheat, and drive the church into the wilderness." (D&C 86:3)

"...there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that brought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." (2 Peter 2:1) (Note: The LDS church officially denies the Adam-God Doctrine, and thus the LDS no longer know who is the "God they worship".)

"...the Lord will cut off from Israel (LDS) head and tail, branch and rush in one day. The ancient, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people (LDS) cause them to err; and they that are led of them shall be destroyed. Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows; for every one of them is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly; for all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still." (2 Nephi 19: 14-17; Isaiah 9:14-17)

"If any man preach any other Gospel than that which I have preached, he shall be cursed." (Joseph Smith, Jr. TPJS page 366)

"Thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth and cry peace...therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them. Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded; yea, they shall all cover their lips, for there is no answer from God." (Micah 3:5-7)

"What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! I am afraid that this people will have so much confidence in their leaders that that they will not inquire for themselves whether they (the leaders) are led by Him. I am fearful they (members) will settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that...would thwart the purposes of God..." (JD 9:150 12 Jan. 1866 Brigham Young.)

"...let this church...declare that it is right to mingle our seed with the black race of Cain, that they shall come in with us and be partakers with us of all the blessings God has given us; on that very day and hour we should do so, the Priesthood is taken from the church and kingdom, and God leaves us to our fate. The moment we consent to mingle with the seed of Cain the church must go to destruction -- we should receive the curse which has been placed upon the seed of Cain, and never more be numbered with the children of Adam, who are heirs to the Priesthood until the curse be removed....I will not consent for one moment for you to lay a plan to bring a curse upon this people (LDS)..." (5 February 1852 Brigham Young. BY Addresses, Ms d 1234, Box 48, folder 3, LDS Historical Dept.) (See Official Declaration 2, June 8, 1978, "Priesthood for all 'worthy' males.")

Prepared, Published, and Approved by The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles


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