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Historically there is a common pattern which individuals, nations, and Israel have repeatedly followed as they have found themselves in BONDAGE. Ultimately they will seek for relief; they will seek for freedom from that Bondage. Thus, they must take action, and action is the manifestation of faith. There is a predictable progressive pattern which follows. Human nature (the natural man), being the way that it is, mankind will eventually forget where they came from, and the society reverts backwards into another Bondage condition once again. The rule of Satan is control which is Bondage. This is the lesson of the ages. When will mortals learn this critical lesson?


Here is the pattern:


Out of BONDAGE......... comes FAITH, and ACTION

Out of FAITH................... comes UNITY

Out of UNITY.................comes FREEDOM

Out of FREEDOM..........comes PROSPERITY


Out of ABUNDANCE..................comes PRIDE

Out of PRIDE ...............comes COMPLACENCY


Out of APATHY............. ......comes DEPENDENCY

Out of DEPENDENCY.............comes BONDAGE...... AGAIN!





"BONDAGE" ---------- subjection to some force, compulsion, or influence, slavery.

"FAITH"----------------- complete trust; confidence; reliance; loyalty; the motivating energy which leads to action and accomplishment.

"UNITY"------------------ the state of being one; complete in oneself; being totally whole; one unit.

"FREEDOM" ------------- the exemption or liberation from the control of some other person, or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence; being able to act, move, use, to choose without hindrance or restraint.

"PROSPERITY" ---------- thriving, flourishing, good fortune, wealth, "success".

"ABUNDANCE"------ very plentiful; more than sufficient quantity; wealth; ample.

"PRIDE"---------------- exaggerated self-esteem; conceit; haughtiness; arrogance.

"COMPLACENCY"-- self satisfaction; smugness; contentment.

"APATHY"------------ feeling no emotion; unmoved; indifferent; listless; impassive.

"DEPENDENCY" ---- being influenced, controlled, or determined by someone or by something else for support or aid.

"BONDAGE" --------- subjection to some force, compulsion, or influence, slavery.


The Adversary is well acquainted with this human pattern, and he uses this knowledge to interfere with the work of the Lord. He knows that mortals are very vulnerable to his influence and that they are unlikely to maintain the upward level when we become prosperous and possess abundance; for at that time humans become full of pride, "and pride goeth before the fall". The trip back into Bondage always follows the same identical path. It appears that mortals seldom reverse the downward direction from PRIDE back down to DEPENDENCY once that Pride enters the pattern.-- It is not until they suffer in Bondage that they are able to rise again towards freedom and abundance.

Father has a Plan. (Satan has one also.) Father's Plan is the best. It is called the Plan of Eternal Progression. Satan's plan is one of digression. It is easy to see who is influencing each directional course in the above diagram.

For example: Israel has traveled this same course over, and over, and over again;

The Nephites followed this same path of apostasy at least thirty times in the Book of Mormon;

The Church which Jesus Christ organized fell into apostasy and the early Christians suffered much Bondage;

Father brought forth out of obscurity the Church of Christ in the 1830's only to see them follow this same course until Modern Israel, the LDS people, have digressed into Dependency and Bondage -- and ultimately to face mortal destruction. Today the LDS people have given up all of the truths which would have produced a Zion society, which society is the ONLY society which will continue in a state of Abundance, Prosperity, and Freedom.

The downward slide sequence is aptly called "Apostasy". Today the LDS church is in a woeful state of apostasy which can be measured by the degrees of Dependency and Bondage in which it, and it's people is presently immersed -- ten million people in either dependency or bondage! What a victory for Satan.

What constitutes Dependency? In today's society one may ask: "I have abundance, and I am free to take a trip anywhere that I can pay for, and I choose what I do all the day long, so certainly I am okay. I am not in a state of Dependency -- I am at the top of the cycle."

If we consider the definitions we see that Dependency is defined as "being influenced, controlled, or determined by someone or something else for support or aid"; while Bondage is defined as "subjection to some force, compulsion, or influence, slavery". There appears to be a fine line between the two so that it becomes very easy to slide from Dependency into Bondage without hardly recognizing the cross-over point. And one can be the possessor of many of this world's goods and be very much in Dependency and/or Bondage.

The LDS Members have been cleverly taught that false doctrine called "follow the Brethren". Adherence to this concept has resulted in millions of seekers after a better way of life to become dependent upon the "arm of flesh" under the guise that the "Brethren" will never lead the people astray. The average "mainstream Mormon" no longer needs to think for themselves for they are taught that the "thinking has already been done for them". Truly, they have become dependent upon other mortals. This plan forsakes direct revelation in their lives; God has been rejected, and the temple endowment covenants are broken, set aside for a substitute reliance for the True God -- and man is a very poor substitute for the Eternal Father -- who is God. The position of being in Bondage is a short step away, and many there are who are now in a state of utter bondage! How very sad!

In fact, most Americans are either in Dependency or Bondage. It is the condition which exists in the nation today. Most Christians are in the same state as well. What is the answer? The pattern supplies the answer.

The first step is the manifestation of Faith. This means action. And faith is an individual thing, it is very personal.

Are you in Bondage? To what degree is your society Dependent? Have you a desire to increase in Faith and begin to climb up from where you now are? If you are one of the Elect of Israel you have the inborn capacity to manifest that degree of Faith. It is a start. Will you start? The fact that you are reading the TLC WebPage indicates at least a beginning interest. We invite your further consideration of the other materials which are right here for your study. We invite your contact to:

The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days

37 S. Main Street

Manti, Utah 84642

(435) 835-7667



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