The Answer Is Yes!
When a new temple is built, before dedication the church has an "open house" so to speak, silent tours of the temple are given. Also, as existing temples are renovated, before the temple is rededicated, the church allows these same tours. Questions are allowed after the tour. Now is your chance!
Mormon Apostles and Prophets have taught that Jesus is the brother of Satan; that he became Savior only after His plan of Salvation was approved by a vote of a council of the Gods; that he was begotten in the flesh (sexually) by Elohim (who is an exalted man); that Jesus was married to the sisters of Lazarus and to Mary Magdelene; and converted water to wine at one of his own weddings; that his wives and children were present at his Crucifixion. Ask your guides if they are in agreement with those teachings? Ask for references in the Bible or Book of Mormon.
Are you aware that the upside down star, prominent around the Salt Lake Temple is actually a Satanic symbol known as the GOATS HEAD?
In Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible, the demonic god of the ghouls, or the living dead is called "Mormo." Do you think it is just coincidence? Or do you think that Satan leaves his hoofprints where he reigns?
Where is the Cross displayed here? Colossians 2:14 says that Christ took the laws and ordinances that were against us, and nailed them to His Cross. When He said, "It is finished," upon the Cross--the Temple Veil was rent as the first response to His death. Hebrews 10:20 tells us that His broken body represents the removal of the Veil and is our entry into the Holiest. (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Why then does the Mormon Temple contain a Veil? Why must the Temple Mormon learn secret names, signs and tokens which he/she must use at the Veil to enter into God's presence?
Why aren't the women who go to the Temple to be married for 'Time and all Eternity' told that when they swear the oath of obedience to the Law of the Priesthood that it is speaking of polygamy? (Doctrine and Covenants 132).
Are they instructed that they will actually be only the first wife of many their husband will get in the Celestial kingdom, or here on earth, if Elohim should change his mind again!
Where is the Biblical or historical support for wearing the Mormon magic underwear? What do the secret markings on them mean? Why does it no longer have power when the secret Masonic markings are cut out? Isn't this more the working of an occultic Talisman? Where are the references for this Secret Underwear in the Standard Works?
The Temple Ceremony portrays the Protestant Minister as a dimwitted, but willing hireling of Satan. If you are a Christian visitor, how do you feel about your pastor being portrayed to every Mormon Temple attendee as "owned and operated by Lucifer"? Ask the guide about this characterization.
While hearing about the Sacred 'Temple Marriages' performed at this Temple, you won't hear much about the 'Temple Divorces.' Ask your guide how many Temple Divorces are recorded each year. It is quite a number.
What part does Joseph Smith's membership and high degree in Freemansonry play in setting up an almost identical Mormon Ritual just months after his Mormon Masonic lodge had its charter revoked?
Is Lucifer the Mormon's Temple God?
Is the garden sequence of the Temple Ceremony, the participants listen to Lucifer teach Mormon doctrine as he says there is no other way to gain knowledge than to disobey Father and eat the fruit.
Adam learns that the Apron Lucifer wears symbolizes Satan's power and Priesthoods. The Participants all place these aprons on as Lucifer directs Adam and Eve to put them on. The Aprons are worn throughout the entire endowment, and this emblem of Lucifer covers both the sacred garment and robes of the LDS 'Holy Priesthood'. Why would anyone wear an Apron that is the emblem of Satanic power and priesthoods?
After Adam is cast out of the Garden, he builds an altar, lifts his arms above his head and calls upon God three times saying, "Oh God, hear the words of my mouth." Yet Lucifer answers and says, "I hear you, what is it you want?" Adam asks, "Who are you?" and Lucifer replies, " I am the God of this world." How can this be? Is Lucifer the Mormon God?
Later in the Ceremony, the initiates raise their arms and chant 'Pay lay Ale' (this has been replaced in 1990 with the words "Oh God, hear the words of my mouth.") three times. They are told these were the exact syllables Adam prayed. The Hebrew translation of these words can either be 'Marvelous False god' or 'Marvelous True God.'
When Adam prayed, he believed what Lucifer taught and wore the Apron Lucifer said to wear. It's now wonder Lucifer--the 'god of the World'--answered! (Mormons often say there are many gods, but the only one they worship is the god of this world!)
If you are still not sure if they prayed to the false god of the True God, did you know that the chat has been changed? Until just before 1930, they chanted 'Pale hale hale' or 'Pale ale ale'. What a coincidence! The direct Hebrew translation of 'Pele Heylel' is "Marvelous Lucifer."
In the Temple ceremony, Elohim curses Lucifer to crawl on his belly and eat dust forever, and to have his head crushed. Lucifer arrogantly defies Elohim to his face, goes about his business and overcomes his curse, since he never changes his conduct or bodily function. What kind of God is Elohim anyway? Is his son, Lucifer, that much stronger than he?
Bloody Oaths?
All of these "Bloody Oaths" were removed from the ceremony in 1990. If your guide appears to be young (around 19-25) he or she may not be familiar with them. If your guide appears to be retirement age, I would go for it and ask him the questions below, and follow up with the question if these things were revealed through inspiration and are considered sacred, why did God change his mind? Doesn't God get it right the first time?
Ask your guide to demonstrate the execution of the penalty for the first token of the Aaronic Priesthood. It is done by placing the thumb quickly across the throat to the right ear, the palm down, and by dropping the hand to the side. (If the guide is reluctant to do it, you might want to demonstrate it for him).
This represents having your throat slit from ear to ear (and used to include having your tongue ripped out, too). It is called a blood oath and came just after swearing obedience to the Law of Sacrifice ( all that you have including your own lives, if necessary, for the building up of the Kingdom of God--Mormonism).
The execution of the penalty for the First Token of the Melchizedeck Priesthood or Sign of the Nail, is made by placing the thumb over the left hip, drawing it quickly across the body, and dropping the hands to the side. This represents having your belly ripped open and having your bowels and intestines spewn upon the ground. Real nice stuff!
Can the reader even imagine the anguish experienced by first-time Temple goers! Looking for the highest point of their religious experience, they encounter barbaric, bloody oaths. What went through the mind of your guide that first day?
The follow-up of each execution of a penalty is the sworn vow of the participant not to reveal what has been learned or "suffer their life to be taken."
Ask your guide if he/she is ready to "suffer his/her life to be taken." Many, many lives were so taken in early Mormonism. When will it start again, or does it still continue?
Where is all the Judeo/Christian history is there ever any such oath, except it be paganism or the occult?
Because they know all the signs, tokens, and penalties, will the Masons get into the Celestial Kingdom also?
Is There Archaeological Proof of The Book of Mormon?
If the Book of Mormon story really took place, why can't anyone find a single clue--even just one of the 38 major cities it describes? If your guide says that proof exists, ask for the exact city and the exact location.
While being shown the "Happiness is Family Home Evening" and "Families are Forever" stories, ask your guide why is it that only half of Mormons are active, and only half of those have their endowments, and less than half of them are presently worthy (hold recommends) to return to the Temple, and only half of those who are worthy actively participate in the Temple programs. Doesn't that work out to about an 80% to 90% failure rate?
You might ask someone why all of the three witnesses and five of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon left the Church. And what cause seven of the original twelve LDS Apostles to leave the Church?
One of the most popular 'Information Center' pictures is the one with Jesus visiting the "Americas". He is standing in front of two Temples. Yet, the two Temples ( El Castillo and El Caracol) were built approximately 1000 AD--almost 600 years after the Nephite Era! Ask your guide why they knowingly misrepresent this "example" of Book of Mormon Archaeology.
When you sign the guest books, first ask the attendant if signing the guest book means that missionaries will visit your home (it does). Ask if the missionaries will answer the questions you can't get answered here. Ask the attendant one of the questions you can't get answered!
The Mormon Church spends untold millions of dollars on baptism for the dead. They use the only reference in the Bible (which is in the "third person"). ( I Corinthians 15:29) Yet the historical evidence in the matter shows the practice to be cultic. Ask about this. Where were the baptismal fonts for the dead in Solomon's Temple or ANYWHERE in Jesus doctrine?
As you listen to the story of the Martyrdom of Joseph
Smith, sealing his testimony (of the Book of Mormon) with his blood, you might ask the
guide why the story fails to mention that Joseph Smith died in a gun battle, killing two
men and wounding a third, as official church records show. (History of Church,
You might also discuss the real reason he was in the Carthage Jail. The true issue of his arrest was actually out of a public accusation of adultery and heresy against Smith--and his burning down of the press that printed the charge.
His accusers were hardly men without merit! They were Austin Cowles, First Counselor to Joseph Smith, and William Law, his Second Counselor!
Joseph Smith 'worked' an Occultic Jupiter
Talisman that he called his "Masonic Jewel." He carried it with
him--always. It was on his person when he died. Ask to see the Talisman--or at least a
picture of this very key item in Joseph Smith's life.
How on earth could Joseph Smith run three miles and carry the Gold Plates under his arm. They had to weigh well over 200 pounds (plates were 7"x8"x6". Gold weighs 1204.7 pounds per cubic foot).
Since it was through his Seer Stone, the Urim and Thummin, and the Breastplate that Joseph worked his office, where are those devices today? If the prophet today doesn't have them, how can he operate his office? If he doesn't need them, why did Joseph Smith have to use them?
To The Mormon
This information has been given to you in love. We can assure you that it is accurate and honest. The program, and certainly the people, of the Mormon Church are good. However, you can have the greatest organization, and a sincere faith--but if that organization directs your faith to a "god" who is not the one and only true God of the Bible, but rather a false god who cannot save--then after your own death, that organization and that faith will amount to nothing. Take up the challenge! Dare to question and become a genuine seeker of the truth. Were you given the information on the "meat" of Mormonism, which we have outlined here, during the missionary lessons before you joined the church? Were you asked to make an eternal decision, based upon incomplete and inaccurate information? WE URGE YOU to call out to the One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to reveal Himself to you-- and to ask the One True Jesus to apply His sacrifice on the cross to your sins personally! There is no other God and no other way! Write to us! We will give you all the information available.
To The Christian
If you are an ex-Mormon who has never requested that your name be removed from membership, we urge you to do so! By leaving your membership in the church, you are directly aiding Mormonism's missionary efforts, as it claims to be growing rapidly--yet by its own statistics, only about 12% of its membership is active to the point of even being allowed into its temples today. We want to help you remove your name, and have a strong relationship with the Lord Jesus. Write to us.
If you are a Christian with a burden to reach Mormons, and inform the public on the real doctrines of Mormonism--we need your help! Write to us for information that you can share with your Mormons friends. We will use designated contributions from the Christian body to inform the public, as we have done here, before the Mormon missionaries are invited in the door. Above all else, people deserve to have complete and accurate information before making decisions that will determine their eternal destiny!
Visited a graphically correct re-creation of the The Biblical Tabernacle
Visited a graphically correct re-creation of the The Biblical Temple
See if you can find
any of the ordinance rooms as described in the Mormon Temple.
Compare the Biblical Tabernacle (portable temple) and Solomon's
Temple to any of those found in the Mormon church's Temples. See if any
of the areas or items listed below can be found in a "modern day
temple". If not, then is the god of Mormonism different than the
God of the Bible. Doesn't the Bible say; Jesus Christ the same
yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8
Take a spiritual trip back around four-thousand years and see the real meaning and truth of the House of the Lord.