Autobiography of Bathsheba Wilson Bigler Smith


Source: Autobiography, typescript, BYU-A

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I am the daughter of Mark and Susanah Bigler, and was born near Shinnston, Harrison County, West Virginia, on May 3rd, 1822.

My grandfather, Jacob Bigler, came from Pennsylvania and settled on the east side of the west fork of the Monongahela River, about two miles below where the village of Thinnston now stands. He spoke the German language. My grandmother's maiden name was Hannah Brother. My father was their oldest son; he had two brothers, Jacob and Henry. After the death of my grandfather, my father purchased the homestead of about three hundred acres.

My mother's name was Ogden; she was a native of Maryland. Her family from conscientious motives had given freedom to their slaves. My father also was unwilling to deal in that kind of property. He devoted his energies to farming and to rearing cattle.

My school facilities were very limited. My father and other neighbors occasionally hired a teacher to teach a few months in the year in a vacant house on our farm.

The county of Harrison was hilly, and at the time of my girlhood the roads were of a primitive character, and the streams were without bridges. The mode of travel was chiefly on horseback. I took great pleasure in thus riding over the hills and mountains and in fording the streams.

I was somewhat religiously inclined; loved honesty, truthfulness and integrity. I attended to my secret prayers, studied to be cheerful, industrious, and happy, was opposed to rudeness. I often attended the meetings of different sects, but did not see much difference in them. I liked to attend the Presbyterian meetings, because they had the handsomest church and the Reverend Mr. Bristol was so gentlemanly and pious; and could preach so eloquently.

When I was in my sixteenth year, some Latter-day Saint elders visited our neighborhood. I heard them preach and believed what they taught. I believed the Book of Mormon to be a divine record, and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God. I knew by the spirit of the Lord which [I] received in answer to prayer, that these things were true. On the 21st of August 1837, I was baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Elder Samuel James in Jones' Run, on the farm and near the residence of Augustus Boggess [Burgess], and was confirmed by Elder Francis G. Bishop. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and I knew that He accepted of me as a member in His Kingdom. My mother was baptized on this same day. My sister Sarah, next older than me, was baptized three days previously. My father, and my two oldest sisters, Matilda and Nancy, together with their husbands, Cal John S. Martin and Josiah W. Fleming were baptized into the same church soon afterwards. My uncle, Jacob Bigler. and his family had been baptized a few weeks before. A part of my first experience as a member of the church was, that most of my young acquaintances and companions began to ridicule us. The spirit of gathering with the Saints in Missouri came upon me, and I became very anxious indeed to go there that fall with my sister Nancy and family as they had sold out and were getting ready to go. I was told I could not go. This caused me to retire to bed one night feeling very sorrowful. While pondering upon what had been said to me about not going, a voice as it were said to me, "Weep not, you will go this fall." I was satisfied and comforted. The next morning I felt so contented and happy; an observing which my sister Sarah said, "You have got over feeling badly about not going to Zion this fall have you?" I quietly, but firmly replied, "I am going. You will see."

My brother, Jacob G. Bigler, having gone to Far West, Missouri, joined the church there and bought a farm for my father, and then returned. About this time my father sold his farm in West Virginia, and fitted out my mother, my brother and sister Sarah, Melissa and myself, and we started for Far West, Missouri, in company with my two brothers-in-law and my uncle and their families. Father stayed to settle up his business intending to join us at Far West in the spring, bringing with him, by water, farming implements [and] house furniture.

On our journey, the young folk of our party had much enjoyment. It seemed so novel and romantic to travel in wagons over hill and dale, through dense forests and over extensive prairies, and occasionally passing through towns and cities, sometimes traveling on Macadamized roads and camping in tents at night. On arriving in Missouri, we found the state preparing to wage war against the Latter-day Saints, the nearer we got to our destination the more hostile the people were. As we were traveling along, members of men would sometimes gather around our wagons and stop us. They would inquire who we were, where we were from, and where we were going to. On receiving answers to their questions, they would debate among themselves whether to let us go or not; their consultation would result generally in a statement to the effect of, "As you are Virginians we will let you go on, but we believe you soon will return for you will quickly become convinced of your folly." Just before we crossed Grand River, we camped over night with a company of eastern Saints we had a meeting and rejoiced together. In the morning it was thought best for the companies to separate and cross the river at two different ferries, as this arrangement would enable all to cross in less time. Our company arrived at Far West in safety. But not so with the other company; they were overtaken at Haun's Mill by an armed mob, seventeen were killed, many others were wounded, and some of them were maimed for life.

Three nights after we had arrived at the farm which my brother had bought, and which was four miles south of the city of Far West, word came that a mob were gathering on Crooked River, and a call was made for men to go out in command of Capt. David W. Patten for the purpose of trying to stop the depredations of the mob, who were whipping and otherwise maltreating our brethren, and who were destroying and burning property. Cap. David Patten's company went, and a battle ensued. Some of the Latter-day Saints were killed, and several were wounded. I saw Bro. James Hendrik [Hendricks], one of the wounded, as he was being carried home; he was entirely helpless and nearly speechless. Soon afterwards Cap. David W. Patten, who was once one of the Twelve Apostles, was brought wounded into the house where we were. I heard him bear testimony to the truth of Mormonism. He exhorted his wife and all present to abide in the faith. His wife asked him if he had anything against her. He answered he had nothing against anyone. Elder Heber C. Kimball asked him if he would remember him when he got home. He said he would. Soon after, he died without a struggle.

In this state I saw thousands of mobbers arrayed against the Saints, and I heard their shouts and savage yells when our Prophet Joseph and his brethren were taken into their camp. I saw much, very much, of the suffering that were brought upon our people by those lawless men. The Saints were forced to sign away their property and to agree to leave the state before it was time to put in spring crops. In these distressing times, the spirit of the Lord was with us to comfort and sustain us, and we had a sure testimony that we were being persecuted for the Gospel's sake, and that the Lord was not angry with none save those who acknowledged not his hand in all things.

My father had to lose what he had paid on his farm. And in February 1838, in the depth of winter, our family and thousands of the Saints were on the way to the State of Illinois. On this journey I walked many a mile to let some poor, sick, or weary soul ride. At night we would meet around the camp fire and take pleasure in singing the songs of Zion, trusting in the Lord that all would yet be well and that zion would eventually be redeemed.

In the spring, father joined us at Quincy, Illinois. We also had the joy of having our Prophet Joseph Smith and his brethren restored to us from their imprisonment in Missouri. Many, however, had died from want and exposure during our journey. I was sick for some time with ague and fever during which time my father was taken severely sick and died after suffering seven weeks. It was the first sickness either of us had ever had.

In the spring of 1840, our family moved to Nauvoo, in Illinois. Here I continued my punctuality in attending meetings, had many opportunities of hearing Joseph Smith preach, and tried to profit by his instructions, and received many testimonies to the truth of the doctrines he taught. Meetings were held out of doors in pleasant weather and in private houses when it was unfavorable. I was present at the laying of the cornerstone of the foundation of the Nauvoo Temple, and had become acquainted with the Prophet Joseph and his family.

On the 25th of July 1841, I was married to George Albert Smith, the then youngest member of the Twelve Apostles. Elder Don Carles [Carlos] Smith officiating. My husband was born June 24th, 1817, at Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, N.Y. He was a cousin of Joseph Smith. When I became acquainted with him in Virginia in 1837, he was the junior member of the first quorum of Seventy. On the 26th day of June 1838 he was ordained a member of the High Council of Adam ondiahman [Adam-ondi-Ahman] in Daviess County Missouri; just about the break of day on the 26th of April 1839, while kneeling on the cornerstone of the foundation of the Ponds House in the city of Far West, Caldwell County, Missouri, he was ordained one of the Twelve Apostles and from thence started on a mission to Europe, from which he returned ten days before our marriage. Two days after we were married, we started, carpet-bag in hand, to go to his fathers, who lived at Zarahemla, Iowa Territory, about a mile from the Mississippi River. Walked about a mile and a half to the river side. A skiff had just been pushed off, we hailed it, the owner came back, took us in, and rowed us across the river without charge. We were met by my husband's brother, John L. Smith, with a horse and a light wagon who conveyed us to his father's. There we found a feast prepared for us, in partaking of which my husband's father, John Smith, drank our health, pronouncing the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob upon us. I did not understand the import of this blessing as well then as I do now.

I was very happy and all of our relations on both sides were well pleased with our marriage. After living at Father Smith's about a month, my husband rented a small log cabin close by and we moved into it. I had enough furniture, cooking utensils and earthenware, beds and bedding, including some nice earthenware which had been presented to my husband at the Staffordshire potteries in England while he was engaged there as a missionary. All of these blessings tending to make us very comfortable, but the house leaked and smoked and was otherwise uncomfortable. We next bought an unfinished log house, we fitted it up and built a brick chimney and that smoked. Soon after this my husband was counselled to move to Nauvoo. We did so and rented an old log house of Ebenezer Robinson which smoked and was open and cold. In a few weeks we rented a more comfortable room of Bp Unison Knight. Bro. Joseph gave us a lot, which had a small log house on it. My husband fixed up the house the best he could. But after all, it was the worst looking house we had yet lived in. I was ashamed to have any of my acquaintances see me in such a looking place. It had, however, the desirable qualities of neither smoking nor leaking.

My husband went to work with all the spare time he could get, and soon had a story and a half frame house put up, with four rooms in it, two below and two above. By fencing and draining the lot, and putting much labor on it, we soon had a splendid garden with thrifty fruit trees, &c.

As the fourth of July 1842 came on Sunday, we celebrated the anniversary on Monday, the fifth. There was a military display of the Nauvoo Legion, and a sham battle formed part of the program. My husband was in the General's staff, in the uniform of a chaplain. General Smith's wife, Emma, and several other ladies rode with the staff.

I rode in a buggy, watching the proceedings of the day with the greatest interest.

At four o'clock on the morning of Wednesday the 7th of July 1842, a son was born to us. We named him George Albert. In about two months afterward, my husband started on a mission, leaving me about five pounds of flour, but with vegetables and corn growing in the garden, and a cow which supplied me with milk and butter. My brother-in-law, Caleb W. Lyons, made me a large grater and I grated the corn into meal for my bread and lived upon that until my husband was able to send me flour. He also sent me some pork, beans and wild red grapes which lasted us the winter; our garden supplying us bountifully with vegetables. He returned in about two months having preached in many of the principal towns in the State of Illinois. The winter set in early and very severely.

When on his mission in England, my husband in 1840, while preaching in London, injured his left lung, causing occasional hemorrhage. This winter, 1842-3, he took a violent cold, which, settling on his lungs, confined him to his room for some weeks.

In the Spring of 1843, Missouri renewed her wicked persecutions. Brother Joseph was arrested in Lee Coounty, Illinois, while on a visit to his wife's relations. Great efforts were made by his brethren at Nauvoo to obtain his release. At a great expense of time and means he was brought to Nauvoo and there discharged under a writ of Habeas Corpus.

In this year, 1843, my husband went East on a mission; going as far as Boston, Mass., preaching and attending conferences by the way. He returned in the fall. My son George Albert had been sick all summer, which caused me great anxiety, he was now a little better. Soon after my husband's return we were blessed by receiving our endowments and were sealed under the holy law of Celestial Marriage which was revealed July 12th, 1843. I heard the Prophet Joseph charge the Twelve with the duty and responsibility of administering the Ordinances of Endowment and of Sealing for the living and the dead. I met many times with Brother Joseph and others who had received their endowments, in company with my husband, in an upper room dedicated for that purpose and prayed with them repeatedly in those meetings.

I heard the Prophet give instructions concerning plural marriage; he counselled the sisters not to trouble themselves in consequence of it, that all would be right, and the result would be for their glory and exaltation.

In the spring of 1844, a great number of the Elders went on missions. My husband started on the 5th of May, and traveled, preached and lectured in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. Soon after he left, a terrible persecution was commenced in the city of Nauvoo which brought about the barbarous murder of our beloved prophet, Joseph Smith and of his brother Hyrum, our revered patriarch. The death of these men of God caused general mourning, which cannot be described.

My husband returned about the first of August and on the 14th we had a daughter born to us and named her Bathsheba. Soon, the rest of the Twelve returned. The times were very exciting, but under the wise counsels of the Twelve, the excitement abated. The Twelve Apostles who were acknowledged as the presiding Quorum of the Church, immediately exercised all their influence to finish the Temple and the Nauvoo House agreeably to the revelation of January 19th, 1841 [D&C 124]. Not content with the cruel wrongs inflicted, our persecutors continually annoyed us, but not withstanding this, rapid progress was made on the Temple and Nauvoo House, until September 1845, when the burning of one hundred and seventy five houses belonging to our people in Hancock County, by the mob, caused the sheriff of the county, J. B. Backenstos [Jacob B. Backenstos], to issue a proclamation calling for two thousand effective men as a posse comitatus to disperse the house burners.

My husband released four hundred workmen from the Nauvoo house to compose part of this posse. The work on the [Nauvoo] Temple continued. The house burners, to avoid being arrested, left the county. Governor Thomas Ford sent General John J. Harding at the head of four hundred militia to Nauvoo; he dismissed the sheriff's posse, but the militia made no attempt to arrest the house burners. General Harding informed the Saints in Hancock County that the State could not protect them. The mob were determined to drive them from the state and therefore they must go. Previous to this, a council of the authorities of the church had passed a resolution, which, as a matter of policy, was kept private. This resolution was to send one thousand five hundred men as pioneers to make a settlement in the valley of the Great Salt Lake. This resolution was determined, and in accordance with the design and policy of the Prophet Joseph when living.

The people who had their houses burned, fled into Nauvoo for shelter. Our house was filled. The Temple was so far finished in the fall of 1845 that thousands received their endowments. I officiated for some time as Priestess.

Being thoroughly convinced, as well as my husband, that the doctrine of plurality of wives was from God, and having a fixed determination to attain to Celestial glory, I felt to embrace the whole Gospel, and that it was for my husband's exaltation that he should obey the revelation on Celestial Marriage [D&C 132], that he might attain to kingdoms, thrones, principalities and powers, firmly believing that I should participate with him in all his blessings, glory and honor.

Accordingly within the last year, like Sarah of old, I had given to my husband five wives; good, virtuous, honorable young women. This gave them all homes with us, being proud of my husband and loving him very much, knowing him to be a man of God and believing he would not love them less because he loved me more. I had joy in having a testimony that what I had done was acceptable to my Father in Heaven.

The fall of 1845 found Nauvoo as it were, one vast mechanic shop, as nearly every family was engaged in making wagons. Our parlor was used as a paint shop in which to paint wagons. All were making preparations to leave the ensuing winter. On the 9th of February 1846, in company with many others, my husband took me and my two little children and some of the other members of our family, the remainder to follow as soon as the weather would permit, and we crossed the Mississippi River to seek a home in the wilderness.

Thus we left a comfortable home, the accumulations and labor of four years, taking with us but a few things such as clothing, bedding and provisions, leaving everything else for our enemies. We were obliged to stay in camp for a few weeks on Sugar Creek because of the weather being so very cold. The Mississippi froze over so that hundreds of families crossed over on the ice.

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