Raymond Loren Yoss

Ila Yoss

My wife and I joined the LDS church in Las Vegas, Nevada and were married in the LDS Temple at St. George, and there received our endowments. For a few years, we thought that we were in the only true church of Jesus Christ in this world. However, over time it seemed that there were things that were not right in the Church. For a long time the people used to talk about the millennium and the end of the world. However later, I found that the church wasn't giving the people leadership as to how to prepare themselves either in knowledge, spirit, or in temporal issues to be saved and be preserved during those critical times to come. They would not say a thing to help the people prepare for this.

Meanwhile, my wife's niece and her husband, Pam and Scott Koller, had moved to Moroni Utah, and we came to visit them. At that time we started to see the difference between the LDS church and the church that they had just joined, the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last days. We went to the Models of the TLC church, and learned that the LDS church had completely destroyed Gods commandments and principles required to establish Zion, for example, the law of the gathering, the law of consecration, and the law of plural marriage, in fact, they had changed or altered virtually all ordinances.

When a man or a woman goes through the Temple he or she learns that the ordinances are sacred. However, these sacred ordinances have also been changed in the LDS Church, and critical parts were removed from the endowment that are necessary to the proper understanding (among other things) of mercy but of also justice. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon tell us that God's laws are the same now as they were at the first; they cannot change. If God were to change the eternal Laws, He would cease to be God.

Why is it that the LDS Church changed and destroyed all of God's Laws and Commandments?

The LDS Church claims to have a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, but why is it that when a reporter asks the LDS "Prophet" if he is a prophet that he says, "I am so sustained." He does not declare that he is one. The truth of the matter is that the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, has apostatized and has no Priesthood even for themselves, so they cannot give what they do not have themselves. If you truly want the Priesthood for yourself or your family come to Manti, Utah to the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days.

The True Order of Prayer was supposed to be used by all faithful properly endowed individuals, so that they might open the veil and communicate with the people on the other side of the veil (D&C 107:18-19). The LDS church wants its members to believe that they cannot use it outside of the Temple, but this of course is contrary to the historical precedents in the former days of the LDS church regarding use of the True Order of Prayer. This was one of the major purposes of the endowment, to bestow the priesthood keys of revelation upon the members for their righteous use. Even the garments have been greatly changed over the years. As a member of the LDS Church I never was able to get revelation from heaven, but since I have received true priesthood keys and the proper instructions on how to use them, I have received revelation many times regarding my family and stewardships.

I now know that the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days is the ONLY TRUE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST ON THIS WORLD TODAY. I want a TRUE PROPHET to lead the church that I am in. I believe that we are in the last days before we go into the Millennium and that the righteous will live and the evil will be destroyed. The people of the LDS church who ultimately reject God's true word, covenants, and ordinances will also be destroyed. (D&C 112:23-26) The LDS Church will be destroyed because the LDS Church has destroyed Gods plan of Salvation for God's children on the earth. God said: "I WILL NOT BE MOCKED."

Raymond Loren Yoss

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