Ila Yoss

Raymond Loren Yoss

My name is Ila Yoss, I am a native Nevadan, Born and raised in Las Vegas, Goodsprings, and Pahrump.

I was a member of the LDS Church for 52 years. In 1994 I began see that the LDS church was changing, and that there was no longer the spiritual enrichment for me there as before.

I began to realize there were no new lessons, no new revelations from the Prophet (at least I thought he was one), and there were changes in the Temple--parts of the endowment were changed, and some removed.

The work for the dead also changed. After one particularly emotional attempt at work for the dead in an LDS temple, where things being done were clearly not in accordance with God's true order, I told my husband this is my last time in LDS temple or church. I have not set my foot in either since. and never will.

Christmas time came and we took some Christmas and went to Moroni Utah to visit my niece and her husband and children. They had recently moved from Weston Idaho, because they also found many things were wrong in the LDS Church and they were searching for God's true Church.

While there, we discussed the new Church they had Joined, and made arrangements to return at a later date and go with them to hear Jim Harmston speak and teach the "Models"--instruction on the true fullness of the restored gospel.

We came back and went with them. When I heard Jim speak I knew that this man was a true servant of God on earth at this time, for no mortal man could speak as Jim does unless God himself is speaking through him. Jim knows God , loves God, and speaks exactly what God tells him to say.

No wonder there is no spiritual nourishment in the LDS church. God does not acknowledge their "prophet" as his servant on the earth. Due to their apostasy, there have been no more revelations from God given to the LDS Church for some time, and there never will be again.

After attending the "Models," and receiving the witnesses that we did, we went back to Las Vegas, sold our home and moved to Utah and joined The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the last days. We received true endowments and were finally truly Married in God's eyes. I had more enrichment to my soul in just one hour of Jim's teachings than all of the 50 odd years in the LDS Church.

The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the last days, is Gods only true Church on earth.

This is God's plan and his instructions are being carried out to the letter by Jim Harmston through his leadership and teachings.

Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, Adam is my God in Heaven, and Jim Harmston is his true prophet in these last days. I support him one hundred percent now and forever. I will never leave this Church

My prayer is that any of Gods children out in the world that are searching for God's true Church will read this testimony and Pray to God for his witness that this is the true Church. I pray as well that people will search the scriptures for the answers they need, and that they will find their answers as I have done, and receive their reward accordingly.

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Master Amen

Ila Yoss

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