Phillip Thomas

Click here for my son Jeremy's testimony

Greetings! My name is Phillip Thomas. I was born and raised in Southern California (Glendora). My father was Protestant, my mother Catholic. As long as I can remember, they always taught me to search for truth. Living by and standing up for right principles was the most important thing one could do in life.

Around the age of 13, I learned about the restoration of Christ's gospel from my brother and his wife. It made a lot of sense to me that if God talked to prophets throughout the old testament, from Adam to Malachi, and throughout the new testament, from Christ to John the Revelator, then God ought to talk to a prophet in our day. I gained both the understanding and the witness of heaven that Joseph Smith was the first such latter-day prophet. Thus I became a "Mormon".

Learning the gospel was so exciting! The Book of Mormon truly is another sacred book like the Bible. It is consistent with the Bible and yet adds greater insight and understanding about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I found it most odd that many, if not most, of those born in the LDS faith took it for granted. I could never quite comprehend how other kids could sleep though seminary (a before school religion class) or talk though Sunday school. I really wanted to know God's will. I studied. I prayed. I served. This led to many spiritual experiences, which confirmed to my soul that God had restored His gospel in these latter days.

The time came when I gave two years of my life to share this testimony as a missionary for the LDS church. I served in the Tahiti Papeete mission from 1977 to 1979. God showed me that He could do great things through small and simple means. Though I saw many quiet miracles, I also saw the human side of the church in a way I never had before. My brother and the missionaries had long before warned me to separate the gospel and the church or the people of the church. The gospel is true. It is perfect. It is from God. The church on the other hand, is made up of imperfect beings - people who make mistakes. I clearly saw this difference. But I would not forsake the truth I had found.

Upon returning, I found a different spirit at church meetings. Throughout my youth, we were constantly taught that we, the youth of the church, had a special mission. That we had been held in reserve to come into mortality and prepare the way for Christ's millennial return. That we were the ones to build Zion and again live the higher celestial laws of consecration and plural marriage. These things were a frequent theme of priesthood, Sunday school, sacrament, seminary and fireside meetings. I was puzzled to never hear these doctrines after returning from my mission. I just figured that I needed to repent and be more faithful.

In 1982 my wife, Kimberly, and I were married in the Washington, D.C. LDS temple. She was a convert of just about two years. Our temple marriage was something of a sacrifice as none of our family could attend (except for my brother, who lives in Alaska, no one else in our families are LDS). Since then we have had seven children grace our home. We have served in many callings in the LDS wards we have attended. We have never given up our desire for truth. We have followed the example given in the temple endowment to "seek for further light and knowledge."

Joseph Smith once taught that:

One of the grand fundamental principles of 'Mormonism' is to receive truth, let come from whence it may. (TPJS pg. 313)

Beginning in 1992 our continuing search lead us on a path neither of us ever dreamed of--

Some good friends of ours tried to share some insights they had gained about several of the "mysteries" or deeper doctrines of the LDS faith. To be honest, I thought they were on the "high road to apostasy." In spite of their obvious zeal, I was unable to understand much of what they were saying. Finally, in order to "save" our dear friends and expose this apostate who had put these strange thoughts in their heads, I agreed to listen to this Jim Harmston fellow in person.

I must say I wasn't sure just what to expect. But I had great faith in Heavenly Father and a sure foundation in His gospel. My patriarchal blessing promised that I would be able to discern truth from error, that "I would not fall by the wayside." So trusting God, my wife and I attended a two-day informal seminar referred to as the "models."

Never before did the scriptures come alive. Everything fit. Everything taught was consistent with the ancient scriptures and latter day prophets (Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other brethren of the early LDS church). Most notably, it was the current LDS leadership that was out of harmony. I saw documentation that the LDS First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve knew of hundreds of doctrinal errors in Bruce R. McConkie's Mormon Doctrine and did nothing to correct the book or their fellow apostle!

Just as the Holy Spirit had touched my soul years before concerning the restoration of the gospel, I felt its witness time and again as true principles were unfolded.

Our lives would never be the same. We had just heard this man, James Dee Harmston, testify that he had been in the presence of Holy angels. That they had ministered to him. They laid their hands upon his head and conferred priesthood keys. Either he was right or he was wrong. There was no middle ground.

... because the things of God are of deep import; and time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out. (Joseph Smith, TPJS, p.137)

I took my time to ponder, consider and pray about the things I heard. One bit of counsel I tried to live by was to "never give up what you do know, because of something you don't know." I had made sacred and solemn covenants at baptism and in the temple endowment. I wasn't about to turn my back on those on a whim. But I would follow the truth wherever God led me.

We attended the models again in 1993 and 1994. I wanted to see if anything changed. Was there something real here or was it just "warm fuzzies?" Our desire was to gather to Manti. But though God gave me a witness of the truth being taught, I did not receive a witness to gather at that time.

I sort of put these things on the shelf. Trusting that God would help me sort it all out in due time. If it really was true and there had been a re-restoration; it would still be true tomorrow. Some of this attitude was just being deliberate, and some was just plain procrastination (not many of us like change).

Anyway, in 1997 God brought about circumstances to bring us back in contact with Jim Harmston and the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. Now was the time to gather. God opened up the way.

I had some interesting discussions with our local LDS leadership before moving to Manti. No answers or explanations were offered when I asked concerning changes in doctrines and ordinances. In particular, I asked about changes in the temple endowment. (Temple ordinances being the highest, most sacred doctrines and ceremonies in the LDS church) I was told "Oh, a few of the words have been changed but the endowment is still the same" (see Isa 5:20-21). However, that is not consistent with the known facts. Changes have been made! Not only have the sacred temple covenants been changed (words) but also the very signs, penalties, and other parts of the ordinance itself! All the good feelings and sincere belief in the world cannot undo or wish away these changes

Ordinances instituted in the heavens before the foundation of the world, in the priesthood, for the salvation of men, are not to be altered or changed. All must be saved upon the same principles. (TPJS, pg. 308)

I find it interesting that:

Latter-day Saints believe that apostasy occurs whenever an individual or community rejects the revelations and ordinances of God, changes the gospel of Jesus Christ, or rebels against the commandments of God, thereby losing the blessings of the Holy Ghost and of divine authority. (Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol.1, APOSTASY)

But apparently this only applies to non-members.

As recently as 1988 LDS President, Ezra Taft Benson, stated that the church is still under condemnation for taking lightly the things they have received. (D&C 84:54-59) In the keystone of the Mormon faith, the Book of Mormon, we find the last prophet, Moroni saying -

Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing. . . O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, WHY HAVE YE POLLUTED THE HOLY CHURCH OF GOD? (Mor 8:35-38 emphasis added)

Moroni was not talking to the world, or the Catholics, or the Jehovah Witnesses. He was talking to those with the Book, the Latter-day Saints! Apostasy and damnation fall upon any who transgress God's law, who change His ordinances, who break their covenants with Him (Isa 24:5).

I find it my obligation to bear witness that this is so. It happened in the days of Noah; it happened in the meridian of time; it has happened here in the latter days.

In spite of this, I say to the elect of God, be of good cheer! Our Father in Heaven has not forsaken us. His arm is stretched out still to those who will be faithful. He has begun His strange act of the last day, to gather out a remnant and once again establish Zion.

. . . for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts; Wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked. (D&C 29:7,8)

And there are none that doeth good except those who are ready to receive the fullness of my gospel, which I have sent forth unto this generation. (D&C 35:12)

Note: the Lord said the "fullness," not the lessor portion.

Both by study and by faith, I have found the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is practiced and preached here in the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. I exhort the reader to examine the things written on this web site. God will not deceive. But the Holy Ghost will bear witness of truth. And as I said in the beginning - living by and standing up for right principles is the most important thing one can do in life. Be true to the quest.

In the name of our savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ, I say this. Amen.

Phillip Thomas

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