Joseph Maudsley

Click here for my Father's Testimony

I suppose for you to understand my testimony better I should give a brief history on my search for truth. Since I was small I've always known that there was a God and I've always felt close to him. I didn't really start praying until I was 8, right after I got baptized into the LDS Church. From then on I started to search for truth. My Dad always taught me principles of the gospel such as polygamy, gathering, and many other things, and then told me not to tell any one. So when I was about 11, I had a lot of pieces to the gospel but they didn't all fit. So I started reading to find out for my self. By the time I was 13 I had read the D&C, Book of Mormon, New Testament, and most of the Old Testament. I was also reading a lot of Ogden Kraut and Gileadi's books. I have to admit I was starting to get a little frustrated with trying to piece things together. I felt like I had a bunch of puzzle pieces and no idea how to put them together.

It was about that time that my dad heard of Jim Harmston. So he and my uncle went up to check him out. I still remember laying in bed and listening to my dad talk to my mom about what he had learned from Jim. Everything he said made perfect sense to me. I knew that night come hell or high water I was going to Manti. It was that Spring that I had the opportunity of going to a set of lectures Jim calls the models. All the pieces came to getter in my mind and I knew that I had finally found the truth.

I have been in Manti. now for about four and a half years. It has been the best and yet the most trying years of my life. Just as it always has been and always will be, God will try and prove his people through trial and persecution.

I know that I am a descendent of Christ, that his kingdom is being built on earth, and that all of Gods prophecies will and are being fulfilled. I receive revelation from God, I have felt his presence, I know were I am going, and that some day soon I will meet God face to face in the flesh. These are the last days, even the very last. This I know and I say in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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