Gladel Maudsley

Click here for my Husband's Testimony

I would like to share with you my testimony of the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days, and the experiences in my life that led me here.

On both my father's and mother's side of the family are ancestors who were Mormon pioneers and polygamists. My parents were inactive in the LDS Church all during my growing-up years; and I had almost no contact with the Church except when I was visiting grandparents. I was baptized into the LDS Church when I was 13 years old while living with my aunt, uncle and cousins. My mother told me that I took to it "like a duck takes to water."

When I was about 16 years old, I read the autobiography of one of my great-great grandfathers who joined the church in Joseph Smith's day, had 7 wives, and bore his testimony of the principle of plural marriage. The truth and beauty of that doctrine had begun to be planted in my heart, and I knew that someday I wanted to live that principle.

I attended four years of seminary in high school, four years at BYU; and married a returned missionary, in the newly opened Provo temple.

While living in Rigby, Idaho in the late 1970's, I was visiting a friend and picked up a volume of the Journals of Discourses, which was lying on her couch. It was Volume I, and it opened to page 50. I began to read the underlined part. Brigham Young said that Adam is our Father and God, the only God with which we have to do. What? I had never heard that before!

That was the beginning of my study of early church doctrines, which I found out were quite different from what the current brethren were teaching. At first, I felt that my whole world was falling apart. The authorities of the church taught things that contradicted Joseph Smith's and Brigham Young's teachings. But the principles that I read about in the Journal of Discourses rang true to me. When I read the talks by Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, John Taylor, and others, I felt that I was being spiritually fed the real meat of the gospel. I rejoiced to know that everything in the Doctrine and Covenants was still applicable to us now. The scriptures became so much more meaningful to me.

Not long after I began these studies, the "Official Declaration #2" was announced by the LDS Church in June,1978. Having access to the Journals of Discourses, I found out that that action was also a repudiation of what the prophets and scriptures (Abraham 1:27, D&C 86:8-10) taught.

My husband and I began to study with our friends who then introduced us to the Allred fundamentalist group in Montana, which we visited several times. I would have joined, except that my husband didn't want to; and I just figured that the time wasn't right for us.

In 1982, we moved to southern California with our 5 children. During these years, we continued to be active in the LDS Church, and had 6 more children. In my heart, I longed and yearned for the day when the church would be "set in order", for I knew that things were definitely out of order. I knew the Gospel was true, but I couldn't say that I knew that the president of the LDS Church was the only man on the earth having all the keys of the priesthood. Consequently I did not have a temple recommend.

I expressed some of my concerns and beliefs to my bishops. They could not really discuss the issues because they were not acquainted with the teachings of the early leaders. They would just bear their testimony and say they knew that God would never let the prophet lead us astray. Well, Brigham Young was a prophet. He said that Adam is our God and Heavenly Father. Yet the current "prophet" at that time (President Kimball) said that was false doctrine. They could not both be right.

The changes that the LDS Church had made in some of its doctrines and then later the changes in the endowment, did not concern my husband very much, only that he wished I would get a temple recommend.

I guess you could say I put my longing to live the fullness of the gospel on the back burner. My husband wasn't really interested. But the desire never left me, and periodically I would go back to reading the Journal of Discourses and other books regarding the doctrines that Joseph and Brigham taught. And every time I did, the Spirit witnessed to the truth of those things.

Once, probably in about 1993 or 1994, one of the mothers in our LDS home schooling group told me about something she had heard on the radio. It was about some Mormon "extremists" in Manti, Utah, who were getting excommunicated from the LDS Church for doing things like stocking up too much food storage, and home-schooling their children. That sounded kind of strange that they could be excommunicated for those reasons, and I thought that there must be more to the story. I remember thinking that I would like to meet those people. But I couldn't, so I didn't give it too much thought.

A couple of years later, in June of 1996, I read an article in "Sunstone" magazine. It was called, "The Manti Mormons." The article told of people who were gathering to a special location, and were actually living, not just talking about it, the principles of the fullness of the gospel. A man, James D. Harmston, claimed to have been ordained by 4 angels. The apostasy of the LDS Church was boldly declared. I just couldn't get enough of reading that article. I read and reread it. I read the list of their beliefs Every one of them except one, were things that I believed! The one that I didn't was something new to me, but after I learned about it I could see the truth of it also.

I knew that I had to read the pamphlets published by this new church, called The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. But the magazine article gave no address for it. So I wrote a letter to the author of the article, c/o "Sunstone". I never got a reply. Then I thought... "I'll call information for Jim Harmston in Manti." His number was listed. The last four digits were 1830. Somehow that struck me as being appropriate.

I called and spoke to one of Jim's wives who referred me to Randy Maudsley. I explained briefly to him what my beliefs were, and requested that he send me the TLC pamphlets. When they arrived, I began to read them immediately, and every moment I could. I read the Apostolic Witness and Testament. The Spirit bore witness to me that these men were indeed who they claimed to be, Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. I felt a very powerful witness of the authority of these men, and of the message they testified of.

This was different from what I felt with the Fundamentalists. I knew the Fundamentalists were teaching and defending many true doctrines taught by Joseph, Brigham, and others; but I did not feel the power of their authority--and they did not make the same claims that Jim Harmston and the apostles of the TLC were making of Heavenly ministrations and direct authority from God.

I was filled with excitement and an urgency to go to Manti. I was thrilled that God had called a prophet and had set his hand to bring again Zion, and to set in motion the events of the Last Days.

My husband did not share my excitement nor my testimony of the TLC having God's authority. Although he initially came to Utah with me to meet Jim, Randy, and other TLC members; and although he reluctantly drove me to Manti so I could be baptized 4 months later, he did not believe as I did.

This difference caused the end of our marriage of almost 25 years. Making that choice was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But when I contemplated the alternative of staying, and not doing what I KNEW God had commanded--gathering with the saints, living the fullness of the gospel, and establishing Zion, it gave me the necessary strength. For I could not bear the thought of NOT going. It was something I had prayed for and yearned for for many years. It was something deep in my heart.

I came to Manti with my 6 youngest children not long after I was baptized. Nine days later, we were kidnapped (hijacked), and taken back to California. Several days later, I was taken to Mexico against my will. I managed to get away and return to California, and then to Manti. Then a restraining order was issued against me, and because I chose to remain with the gathered saints in Manti, I lost custody of my children.

This has given me much sorrow, but I have never regretted my decision. For I know that in the long run, I will be able to help my children more because I have obeyed God. I know that God has accepted of my sacrifice, and that in due time by his grace and power those of my children who desire to be with me will have the opportunity. The following scripture has given me consolation:

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me." (Matthew 10:34-38)

Yes, I have experienced sorrow, but I have also experienced great joy and peace. It is such a wonderful thing to be with like-minded people. One of my greatest blessings now is to have a righteous husband. I married Randy Maudsley and am his 3rd of 4 wives. It very gratifying to me and gives me great security to know that he is loyal to God and truth above all else. I finally am living the celestial law of plural marriage and I love it. I love my 3 sister-wives, and am learning and growing. It's not always easy, but it's worth it

I testify to you with all the power within me that I KNOW that Jim Harmston is a true prophet. He teaches with the power of Heaven. He opens up the scriptures to us with great understanding. I have never met a man who knows the scriptures like he does. He is totally loyal to Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and His Kingdom. The Spirit has borne witness to my soul many times of who this man is, and I rejoice that I have this great privilege and blessing to be taught by God's own Servant. He is setting in order God's house. He is warning with a loud voice of desolations and abominations that will soon fall upon the ungodly. He is lifting a voice in defense of truth and righteousness and does not care if the world hates him, or whether he is "politically correct." I love him, and my soul delights to hear him unfold the mysteries of godliness.

I thank my Father in Heaven everyday for the privilege of being here. I know that this is His work, and we are His people. This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Gladel Maudsley

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