Daizy Malstrom

Click here for my Father's Testimony

I believe that this gathering is here to tie up the end strings for the last days so that Christ may be able to come and claim the earth again. I believe that if we follow the Lord's revelations and keep our covenants that we will be able to be there with our Father at Adam-Ondi-Ahman.

Gathering is a principle of God because it brings His people together to work together to accomplish His purposes. You cannot live all of Gods laws in a scattered condition, especially the Law of Consecration. If you are not gathered, you tend to fall back easier into the things of the world and forget the focus of the work of God.

In the scriptures, especially the Doctrine and Covenants, it tells us many times that Christ would gather His people as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. I believe that being gathered is the only way that we can receive the protection of the "Holy Shekenah" (Hebrew for "Holy Covering"). We have been taught that the Shekenah would be placed over the Sanpete Valley. I have remembered the experience that Karen Koller had when the Manti Temple appeared as a great hen--symbolizing the necessity of being "gathered." It was a witness to me that this is the place for the gathering.

Being gathered allows of us to come together to a single place to meet weekly in church to learn the scriptures and the doctrines. We pull together to accomplish the different work that needs to be done. (Completing our Assembly Hall is one example.) Being gathered gives the opportunity to pull each other up in our progression instead of being left all on our own. This is probably one of the things I have noticed the most lately as the people have worked together for the school and different things.

My testimony of Jim Harmston is that he is the prophet of God. If we keep our covenants and trust in the Lord and have faith, He will lead us to our Father again. Also, if we are completely obedient to our priesthood head or to our husband and raise our children in righteousness and teach them the word of God, that we will be with our Father again and it will be a glorious occasion.

When I first arrived at the gathering, I did not believe that Jim was the prophet. After I came to live with the Malstroms, they taught me stuff that I did not understand about Jim. I have now come to see that he is a true and living prophet. He will remain until we build up Zion on the earth again. That is where we will meet our Father again. I know that if we keep our covenants, build Zion, and do all that God asks us to, that we will become Gods ourselves, as Joseph Smith taught.

In the scriptures (D&C 103:16, 21) it says that God will "raise up a man like unto Moses" to lead the children of Israel in the last days. How can you deny the scriptures if it says that right there? I testify to you that this man raised up by the Lord is Jim Harmston.

I have a testimony that plural marriage is the way that God wants us to live because it's His way to teach us and to help us learn. It is one of the best ways to get over jealousies, selfishness, and pride because you learn to serve others and to have to work together for a common goal as a family.

I believe it is true also because it tells us in the scriptures about many of the old patriarchs who lived the principle such as Abraham, Moses, Jacob/Israel, and David. Having these records in the scriptures tells me that it is of God and that it is one of His laws. In the family where I live, sometimes it does seem difficult to live plural marriage, but if you are willing to work at overcoming your weaknesses, it becomes easier.

I am working on overcoming some of my own weaknesses so that I can live this law to the best of my ability. I believe that it is part of the road way to get back to my Father in Heaven.

Daizy Malstrom

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