Bart Malstrom

Testimonies of my family members

Hello, my name is Bart Malstrom, I was born on May 29, 1959 at Cottonwood Maternity Hospital in Murray Utah, U.S.A. I was born and raised in a strong, loving, LDS family. I grew up on the East side of the Salt Lake Valley in the shadows of the LDS Church headquarters and their influence.

After I graduated from high school in May 1977, I got a summer job as a river guide on the Snake River in the Jackson Hole Wyoming area for the Boy Scouts of America. There I worked with many returned missionaries which helped me come out of my rebellious teenage years. I also met my first wife, Pam, who ran the river with one of the groups. She too is from a strong, close-knit LDS family.

Pam and I dated for two years and were then married in the Salt Lake Temple on May 4, 1979, by President Ezra T. Benson. We made our first home in Draper, Utah where we lived for five years. During this time I worked in massage therapy and started our own herbal business. I served in the LDS Church in the capacity of Boy Scout, Deacon, Priest and Elders Quorum Advisor and also served in the Elders Quorum Presidency. We were also blessed with three little boys.

Just before our third child was born we realized we needed a larger home. I looked all over the Salt Lake area and surrounding valleys, but was unable to find anything we as a struggling young couple could afford.

One Sunday afternoon I was looking in the newspaper and found an advertisement for a home for sale in Fairview, which is about 30 miles North of Manti. I decided to check into it. We recognized at the time that the Lord had his hand in this move, but we would not understand the full impact for years down the road.

On October 4, 1984, the Lord made it possible for my family and I to get into that home in Fairview, which included three houses and nine acres, we were able to get into it with just a very small down payment. We had been struggling to make a $250.00 per month house payment and jumped to a $1500.00 per month house payment on a ten year contract. To most people, there was no logical way we could afford to make this move, but we recognized the blessing and trusted that God would help us. There were many times we ate beans and rice and went without some things, but the payment was always there. In fact, we were able to pay the contract off in 8 years instead of 10 years.

In October of 1988, during L.D.S. conference weekend, my parents came to spend the weekend with us. Friday night they were excited and shared with us some startling news they had learned about the closeness of Christ's Second Coming, of the awful state of affairs of the Nation and Government, and also of the coming of the New World Order. All this information they backed up with the scriptures. It all pointed to the events of Christ's Second Coming. In the LDS Church we had been taught that we still had many more years to go before this would happen. We had the Spirit bear a very strong witness to us of the truthfulness of these things. The next two days we listened intently to conference to see if the General Authorities of the church would warn or say anything to the members about what we had just learned. President Benson was the only one who did. He delivered one of his most powerful talks where he spoke out about a secret combination that was trying to destroy the freedom of this nation and all other nations. This really got my attention. I felt that I had wasted ten years of married life, not getting prepared for the hard times that were prophesied for the last days.

My family and I began an assertive effort to get our food storage in and get our house in order. Over the next few years we felt the need to make other such changes as cleaning up the music, movies and anything else in our home. We felt the need to take our children out of public school and teach them at home. We also made a concerted effort to get out of debt. My wife and I attended the LDS Temple weekly. We also started diligently to read the scriptures, books and information we could find about the last days and Christ's Second Coming. We have learned that Christ's Second coming will be based on events and a people preparing a place for him, rather than a telestial calendar. When there is a people on earth who will and can receive Him, He will come quickly, as he promised.

Through a series of events orchestrated by the Holy Ghost we were introduced to some men in Manti. These men and their families had been directed to move to Manti by the Lord. None of these men knew each other before coming to Manti. The Spirit and power that my wife and I both felt from one man in particular was incredible. We later learned his name was Jim Harmston. We were told that he was very knowledgeable about the Gospel and the events of the last days. He and a couple of other men were inspired to put together a method of teaching Gospel Principles through pictures reinforced by Scripture. Through this period of time we were introduced to the Fullness of the Gospel by this method of teaching. We learned that this is the way the ancient Prophets taught the Gospel, and is one of the quickest and most effective ways of teaching.

In November of 1991, we went to visit with Jim and learn from him what we could. We were overcome by the Spirit. It burned for a week in our bosoms to the point that we were worn out. We continued to stay in contact with him and become acquainted with others who felt directed by the Lord to come to Manti.

In October of 1992, my wife and I were called into the Stake Presidents office for an interview which turned out to be an interrogation. We were told that we were called in for too much food storage and because of the changes we had made in our home. We were called in two more times and then on December 12, 1992, we were both excommunicated for using the True Order of Prayer ( this is the form of prayer you are taught to use in the Temple) and for general apostasy. This has proved to be one of the greatest blessings in our lives, for now we are able to live the true Gospel without hindrance.

I have since been blessed with more wives and more children One of the finest blessings God has in store, is the blessing of eternal life with an eternal family. Building a celestial family unit is called a Kingdom. We cannot have an eternal family without qualifying first through receiving all of the ordinances. It is my greatest desire to enjoy the blessings of Abraham, and have the power and right to administer the same, thus obeying the command to "do the works of Abraham".

It is my testimony that the church which was organized in the fore part of this dispensation, has followed the pattern laid out in the examples given over and over in the Book of Mormon. The L.D.S. church has rejected or changed all of the saving ordinances and laws of the Gospel, thereby offering many a false hope in Christ to all who believe on her. There is no doubt in my mind that God, the God of Israel, who is God, has set his hand upon the earth for the last time. His arm is stretched out to judge the people of the nations and bless those who will place their trust in Him. God has begun gathering His people together, a people who are the elect of God, and are living all of the laws and ordinances of the Gospel Joseph Smith restored to this dispensation. The Zion of our God is being built by His people and a place is being prepared to receive Him when he comes. The tares are being bound and prepared to be burned in the unquenchable fire. Now is the time to repent or you will be destroyed with the wicked. Now is the time, the last time of the temporal existence of this earth, to prepare to meet God. I exhort you, as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose apostle I am, to repent this day and come unto Him. He is the only one who can offer peace to your soul, even eternal peace. I leave these words with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Son Ahman, Amen.


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