Christine Taylor

Click here for my Husband's Testimony

My husband and I started investigating the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days in April of 1997. We were the typical Mormon family. My husband served a mission in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We were married in the Los Angeles Temple in 1989 and we now have five beautiful children. We were very involved in the LDS church and had many different callings. When we left the LDS church my husband was serving in the Young Men Organization and I was the Primary President. We were very active in our temple attendance. We tried very hard to do all the right "Mormon Family" things. Family Home Evenings, scripture study and family prayer, teaching our children correct principles etc.

However, when we heard about the temple ordinances being changed in 1990 we were quite upset and wondered what was going on. At this time we were doing much study of the early Prophets as well. We knew that Joseph Smith said:

Ordinances instituted in the heavens, before the foundation of the world, in the Priesthood, for the salvation of men, ARE NOT TO BE ALTERED OR CHANGED, ALL MUST BE SAVED ON THE SAME PRINCIPLE. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith pg 308)

We kept muddling along in the church, doing our best, "Following the Brethren". After all, they wouldn't lead us astray, would they? Our whole outlook changed when my husband found the TLC website. Everything became clear. I knew after reading the pamphlets that the LDS church was in a clear state of apostasy. We did a lot of reading and studying and realized that the LDS church has abandoned nearly every thing that Joseph Smith taught and was beginning to teach before his death. This was not easy for me. I had a very difficult time accepting that the church I belonged to all my life was not true anymore. I remember praying many times begging the Lord to help me to see things clear because I didn't want to make a horrible mistake. My world had been shaken.

Our family knew what we were investigating and they didn't like it. They bombarded me every day when my husband was at work. When he came home and we talked, I felt peace. That is when I knew we needed to gather with the Saints in Manti, Utah. We moved three weeks later. My husband left a very lucrative job, health insurance..the works, we left our family and friends (most of whom don't speak with us anymore), our home, our security in Babylon. But none the less, I know we did the right thing. It is worth leaving all the money, security, and material things in exchange for the fullness of the gospel and building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and preparing to meet our Savior.

I know the Book of Mormon is true. To this day, my witness of the truthfulness of that book has probably never been greater. But the LDS would have you believe that because the Book of Mormon is true, that what they are doing right now is true and is in favor with God. The Book of Mormon testifies of apostasy. What is apostasy? wouldn't you agree that It's changing the doctrines and ordinances of true religion? The pattern of the Lord in the scriptures has always been when a people apostatise from truth and rebel against God (I say rebel because that's truly what it is when you refuse to keep the commandments of God), the Lord has always gathered out a righteous remnant before he destroyed them. The pattern has not been to save a sinking ship.

For instance, Alma and the wicked King Noah, the Jaredites and the Tower of Babel, Lehi in Jerusalem, Christ in Jerusalem. I could go on and on and list all the times the Lord sought to establish His kingdom through a righteous remnant or residue that has been gathered into one place. Hasn't the LDS church changed the ordinances and the doctrines of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ restored through Joseph Smith? This is undeniable. It is well documented and they even admit it. Not anywhere in scripture can anyone show me that man on earth has been or ever will be given the power to change the laws and ordinances of God. The third article of Faith states

We believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved by OBEDIENCE TO THE LAWS AND ORDINANCES of the gospel. (Third Article of Faith)

I believe that. I also believe what Joseph said about the Ordinances not being changed or altered, which I quoted above. Did Joseph know what he was talking about? Maybe Joseph is considered now by the LDS church to be like Brigham because the LDS church now believes that Brigham taught deadly heresies over the pulpit of the tabernacle. I find it interesting how they pick and choose their quotes from that man. He clearly taught that Adam is our Father and God and the only God with whom we have anything to do with on this earth. Yet Spencer W. Kimball in 1978 in an October Conference declared that any such doctrine was a deadly heresy. And the same thing has been said by Bruce R. McConkie and many others, even to the present day. Brigham said many things that the LDS reject today. Do you believe he was a true successor to Joseph Smith? If you do, do you believe he taught false doctrine over the pulpit? I don't. In fact I believe he knew God--I mean KNOW God by speaking to Him face to face.

Do you believe Gordon B. Hinckley knows God? How can he, he doesn't even know his name. Joseph taught in the Lectures on Faith, to the School of the Prophets in Kirtland, to obtain true faith and even to attain to a knowledge of God, one must know the character and attributes of God. Gordon Hinckley does not even know how God became God (San Francisco Chronicle Interview, 13 April 1997), let alone His character and attributes. If you don't believe me, ask him. And if you don't believe you can get an answer from him, then go look at the records of those who have asked him the same question. The man is woefully ignorant of God. He professes to believe in Christ. He may even profess to know Him. But he will be like many in these last days, whom the Lord will say, Depart from me I never knew you. How can he know Him when he Hasn't felt the print of the nail or embraced Him in his holy embrace?

The embrace I speak of is that which USE TO BE taught in the temple. Not only that, he could never expect to embrace Him or enter His presence because he has never received the true ordinances that are required for that to happen. Joseph restored those ordinances, I'm speaking of second annointings, where a man is ordained and anointed a King and a Priest unto the most high God. Harold B. Lee, back in the seventies, said that that ordinance was NOT necessary for salvation. Wrong. Joseph Smith taught many times that these ordinances pertaining to Calling and Election were ABSOLUTELY necessary to enter into the presence of God.

The LDS believe that they can change this and change that . . . if the gospel principles become to hard to live God will just change them to make their life easier . . .Wrong again. God is an unchangeable God. The LDS live in a blissful religion. They don't have to change their mind set. They believe God will save them "for trying the best they can". Well, here's a big news flash . . . the LDS are living a Telestial Law. And that means they WILL receive a Telestial reward.

We are here because we want to see the establishment of Zion. We know that Zion must be established in the last days. For if it is not, the whole earth would be utterly destroyed. What is Zion? It's not some little feeling you have in your heart. It is a literal place where the House of Israel is LITERALLY gathered (Article of Faith #10) and NOT scattered all over the world. It is a place where the pure in heart can have their character refined to where they can come to a point that they can see eye to eye and have ALL things in common. And don't forget as D&C clearly states in section 105:5:

Zion cannot be established unless it is by the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself. (D&C 105:5)

I desire to be received into the presence of the Father and the Son and I know as LDS scripture clearly states that I must be willing to live ALL of the laws pertaining to the Celestial Kingdom. Section 132 verse 5 says that:

"For all who will have a blessing at my hand shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing and the conditions thereof as were instituted before the foundation of the world." (D&C 132:5)

If you expect a Celestial reward, you must live a Celestial Law; likewise, if you live a Telestial Law, you will receive a Telestial reward. I always heard some ignorant people in the Mormon Church say that the Celestial Laws will be lived only after we die. I agree--but at that time Celestial Laws will be lived by only those who can live a Celestial law WHILE IN A TELESTIAL WORLD.

I observe that many LDS people don't have the desire to establish Zion. Increasing numbers of them are becoming more entrenched in Babylon and seeking after her riches and her ways. These people are not concerned about building the Kingdom of God on the earth. There has to be a people prepared to meet Christ. We are suppose to liken the scriptures to our day . . . Read Joseph Smith Matthew verse 41:

But as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also at the coming of the Son of man. (Joseph Smith--Matthew 1:41)

How many were saved on the Ark? Not a whole lot. The Lord destroyed the wicked who would not submit to the priesthood. Is it possible that in the last days only a remnant can be saved? Or are you going to allow your pride to let you believe that God would never do that to the wonderful LDS church who have changed the ordinances and set at naught the everlasting covenant (See Isaiah 24.)? I wish the LDS would awake to the sense of their awful situation. Because if they do not repent they will be destroyed. I do not say this to be mean. I say it because It's the truth. The LDS church has nothing to offer, except a false hope in Christ. There are way too many things wrong in the LDS church. I believe they have strayed from nearly everything that Joseph sought to establish.

I believe Joseph was a true prophet of God and that he talked to God. I also believe that a prophet should not contradict a former prophet. This has been done over and over and over again by Hinckley. I believe that Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor were all true prophets of God and that the apostasy of the LDS church began when It's leaders adopted the Manifesto in 1890. I do not believe that was a revelation from God. I believe the Book of Mormon to be a true and correct book and I know that this is the remnant talked about in the Book of Mormon. I testify that I have been in the presence of God and His angels. I've communed with those in the Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly (that's what the D&C and the early doctrines of the church promised I could have). And I look forward to the day when my husband brings me into the presence of my Savior. This is my testimony and I will not deny the witnesses of Heaven that I've had. And I close this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Christine Taylor

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