Ron Taylor

Click here for my wife's testimony

My name is Ron Taylor. I am thirty-three years old and have been a member of the True & Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days since the Spring of 1997. Before that time I wouldn't have imagined that I would be here in Manti doing what I am now.

I have a wife and five beautiful children and we were all very active in the LDS church; my wife being the Primary President, and I having served in many callings at the time of my departure, and was then a part of the Young Men's Presidency. We were respected by our friends in church and our family was thought to be some of the more stalwart members. I served an LDS mission in Louisiana, was married in the L.A. Temple, and always strived to magnify my callings and stay true to the principles taught me in my youth.

When I returned from my mission I became very interested in many of the writings of Ezra Taft Benson. I grew fond of many of the principles he taught. I began to be troubled when I saw what seemed to me to be contradictions from other General Authorities, in what they both said and wrote. The thing that most troubled me was seeing the continued compromise of principles in order to become popular with the world. As I began to study in depth the principles of Zion and how it would be established, I would ask myself and others, "When is the Church going to establish Zion? And how can we ever become 'of one heart and one mind' if we can't even discuss anything of a political nature?"

I began to see that the Church to which I belonged, the LDS Church, which was supposed to be a peculiar people, was really no different than many of the other Protestant religions. In their effort to convert the world they have compromised nearly every principle and ordinance that would establish a Zion society and prepare a people for the coming of our Savior. Although I was troubled, my intent was never to leave the LDS church because I believed that it was still the Lord's church, and that at some point He would set it in order.

It wasn't until March of 1997 when by chance I came upon the TLC website. After reading their pamphlets and having the witness of the Holy Spirit burn within me, witnessing of their truthfulness unlike anything I had experienced in my life, I determined that I needed to visit Manti and meet the people there to know for myself if this work was true. A few weeks after reading the website, my wife and I flew to Manti from California. The experience I had there made me realize that the Lord had led me, and that He once again is gathering a remnant that will establish Zion and build the Kingdom of God.

I testify that there is a peculiar people, although it may be small in numbers. They are indeed doing the work for the Lord.

The LDS church will never establish Zion. They have had intercourse with Babylon and have become the whore of the earth, and they will be destroyed by God for their rebellion.

God is unchanging. His principles do not change. His ordinances do not change. They are the same forever and ever.

Although my lifestyle is now much different than what I am accustomed to, I go to bed at night sure in the knowledge that I am doing the work for the Lord. If you are the Elect of God, then the things which you study and learn from this website will burn within you to the point that you will not be able to rest until you discover for yourself that these things are true. Once you do, you will be willing to give up all that you have, all that you are or hope to be in order to gather with the Elect of God. I can tell you with a sure knowledge that Joseph Smith is indeed working on both sides of the veil to prepare a people to meet the Savior, and to feel his Holy embrace. This is my goal and desire, and it is my testimony that you can do the same if you have the courage. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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