Chris Koller

Click here for my Father's Testimony

I grew up in a little town called Weston, ID. For the first 13 years of my life, I went to the LDS Church. After a while I started to feel out of place, and didn't really want to go to church anymore. I had to go because my parents made me, but I'm glad they did, because I learned more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

When I was 13, I heard of the TLC for the first time. One of my Mother's friends called one day and told her about The witnesses and manifestations that she had received. After a while my Mother went down to investigate, and to see what her friend was talking about. When she got back, she took my older sister (Angela Dawn Koller Larson) and I aside, and told us what she had learned. We received witnesses to what she was saying, and at the same time my sister and I told our Mom that we could see an aura around her.

The next day I was ready to move, I was packed and everything! But, my Dad wasn't ready. About 3 months later, my Dad finally went to the models, and then finally he knew it was true. We moved about a month or so later. We moved to Moroni, and stayed with my Mom's friend.

A year later, after I had learned more about the gospel, I received my endowments and learned the True Order of Prayer ("T.O.P"). I was ordained a Elder. Within that year I had made a really good friend. He received his endowments later, and when he did we would pray with each other all the time. We had some good and bad experiences together, but we did learn from our experiences, bad or good. As I learned more I gained a greater Testimony of the gospel.

This is the work of the last days. The LDS church doesn't know what they are doing any more. The LDS "prophet" by his own statements in a televised interview doesn't even know if these are the last days or not! They have apostatized from the true gospel. I know this for a fact, because of what the scriptures say, compared to what they have done. I know that these are the last days and that if we don't keep our covenants and do the things that the Lord commands we will fail. I know the establishment of Zion won't fail, because our God "Adam" has sent a true prophet, and is gathering those who will gather, those who will give there ALL, and help build ZION. What we are doing is God's work in the last days. Repent! Repent! For the kingdom of God is at hand! If you don't Repent and gather, you won't be preserved from the calamities to come. These things I say in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Christopher S. Koller, age 18, High Priest
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Chris S. Koller
100 w. 500 n. #6
Manti, UT 84642

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