Brent Malstrom

Click here for my Father's Testimony

Hello, my name is Brent Malstrom, I am 14 yrs old. I was born in Draper, Utah, and then 2 months later we moved to Fairview, Utah. My father has 3 wives, and 11 children.

When I was 11 yrs old I had decided to prepare myself to receive the true Endowment Ordinances. As time went on I changed my character and attitude in such a way that at the age of 12 on May 17, 1996, I received my endowment and it was a very spiritual experience. I know that since I received my endowment I have been closer to God and have had many spiritual experiences. When Brigham Young was asked at what age a young man could receive their Endowment, he replied and said that if they matured physically and mentally then they could receive their Endowment at 12 yrs of age. Heber C. Kimball said that they performed the Endowment Ordinances for the young men even at the age of 13.

We teach the gospel that Joseph Smith restored, such as the full, correct Endowment, Law of Gathering, Consecration and Plural Marriage. These are ordinances that we need to go through to receive our calling and election so that we may return unto Christ in His glory.

I have a testimony that Jesus Christ is our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer even he that died on the cross for the remission of our sins, so that we can come back into His presence and the presence of His Father.

I bear my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Brent Malstrom

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