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~~  Temple Experiences  ~~

A mix of experiences, contributing to individuals to leave the church, some to Christianity and some not.

My Temple Experience
can be found here!

why i left Mormonism (the REAL reason)

Where to find Patricia:

Blog - http://www.patriciabinfrance.com/

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My Mom Discloses Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon Church), has long been known for their secret temple rituals that only the worthy saints can participate in. Shelise grew up in this mainstream Mormon Church, learning that going to the temple was the ultimate goal, that if she could only be worthy enough, she might even get to see Jesus himself walking the halls. The picture that is painted to it’s members (because NOTHING is disclosed ahead of time) is vastly different than what actually happens when you finally get to go. Shelise’s mom Lisa, describes the ultra secret temple rituals that happen inside the tall, castle-like walls.


Exmo Lex

DISCLAIMER - This video discusses and shows temple clothing, temple rituals, etc. If this is upsetting or offensive to you in any way, don't watch! This is stated in the video multiple times, but I want to provide ample warnings to make sure you don't see anything you don't want to see. I don't want people to feel ostracized or uncomfortable, but this is REAL. This was a HUGE part of my life, and I should have the freedom to talk about that. I didn't know what I was getting into when I was baptized OR when I went through the temple. This is not new information, it's not "exposing" anything. The temple rituals (and their close relative, masonic rituals) are available to view and learn about online



Haleigh Everts

I keep forgetting to mention that i also watched the Netflix documentary “murder among Mormons,” which showed me any average JOE ;) is capable of unimaginable things.



Our Mormon temple experience

Zelph On the Shelf



Alyssa Grenfell

Getting married in the temple had nothing to do with me and everything to do with my religion.


Our First LDS Temple Experience
Kelly & Heather Laing

Mormon Stories Podcast guests, Kelly & Heather Laing, discuss their first Mormon temple experiences and their initial impressions of the temple ceremonies.

Gene Curl

In this video I talk about my experience in the temple for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church or the LDS Church. I was taught the temple would be a spiritual experience but instead if freaked me out.


Exmo Lex

My experience going through the LDS temple as a Mormon.
Part 1


Exmo Lex

My experience going through the LDS temple as a Mormon.
Part 2

Growing up Mormon (Part 3) - My Temple Experience

MormonThink has done an excellent job of comparing the elements of FreeMasonry that correspond to the mormon temple ceremonies. You will also find a list of changes made to the Endowment ceremonies, with dates and substantiating documentation.

Mormon Temple (mormonthink.com)


While this next one does not completely talk about an individuals Temple Experience, it is worth a listen!!!


Great Scotts

Why We Left the Mormon Church: A Coming Out Story

This is the most vulnerable thing we've ever posted. We know that some people will have strong feelings about us leaving the church--but if you will open your heart to our family's unique journey, we believe we can build bridges of understanding. At the end of the day, we're all just here to walk each other home. Sending love to you all!