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A Chronology Showing the Evolution of the
Mormon Temple Ritual


15 May 1829
Aaronic Priesthood authority conferred by John the Baptist on banks of the Susquehanna River, by the laying on of hands.

First baptisms recorded in this dispensation, Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith. They also were commanded to reordain each other to said priesthood by the laying on of hands. DHC 1:39-42.

They went to be baptized by commandment received through the Urim and Thummim. LMSH p. 142.


Late May 1829
Melchizedek Priesthood authority conferred by Peter, James, and John upon Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith, by the laying on of hands.


6 April 1830
The Church organized at Fayette, NY. The Sacrament is administered, and many are ordained and set apart to offices of the priesthood.


August 1830
Joseph Smith is visited by an angel and informed that the Sacrament need not consist of bread and wine particularly. DHC 1:106


3 August 1831
Independence Temple site dedicated. Church Chronology, p. 6.


11 October 1831
Joseph instructs brethren on the ancient order of holding meetings. Church Chronology, p. 7.


6 May 1832
Newel K. Whitney heals Joseph of poisoning by laying on hands without anointing. DHC 1:27.


Early Sept. 1832
Jared Carter heals a man by standing and commanding him to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, no laying on hands or anointing. Scraps of Biography, p. 11.


27 December 1832
Joseph Smith receives the revelation in D & C 88, commanding, among other things, that a solemn assembly be called. This is the first mention of a solemn assembly in the Church. D & C 88.


23 January 1833
Washing of the Feet introduced. Church Chronology, p. 8. Establishment of the School of the Prophets. "we again assembled in conference; when, after much singing, praying, and praising God, all in tongues, we proceeded to the washing of feet (according to the practice recorded in the 13th chapter of John's Gospel), as commanded of the Lord. Each Elder washed his own feet first, after which I (Joseph Smith) girded myself with a towel and washed the feet of all of them, wiping them with the towel with which I was girded....I pronounced them all clean from the blood of this generation; but if any of them should sin willfully after they were thus cleansed, and sealed up unto eternal life, they should be given over unto the buffetings of Satan until the day of redemption. Having continued all day in fasting, and prayer, and ordinances, we closed by partaking of the Lord's supper. I blessed the bread and wine in the name of the Lord, when we all ate and drank, and were filled; then we sang a hymn, and the meeting adjourned." DHC 1:323-24.

"No rooms were prepared for washings; no special place prepared for the anointings, such as you understand, and such as you comprehend at the period of the history of the Church! Neither did we know the necessity of the washings, such as we now receive. It is true, our hands were washed, our faces and our feet. The Prophet Joseph was commanded to gird himself with a towel, doing this in the Temple. ...The holy anointing was placed upon the heads of his servants but not the full development of the Endowments in the anointing." Orson Pratt, JD 19:16.

The assembled brethren included Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Newel K. Whitney, Hyrum Smith, Zebedee Coltrin, Joseph Smith Sr., Samuel H. Smith, John Murdock, Lyman Johnson, Orson Hyde, Ezra Thayer, Levi Hancock, and William Smith. This according to George Q. Cannon's examination of the record, reported in the Salt Lake School of the Prophets Minute Book, 1883. p. 4.

"The salutation, as written in the Doctrine and Covenants was carried out at that time, and at every meeting, and the washing of feet was attended to, the Sacrament was also administered at times when Joseph appointed, after the ancient order; that is, warm bread to bread easy was provided, and broken into pieces as large as my fist and each person had a glass of wine and sat and ate the bread and drank the wine; and Joseph said that was the way that Jesus and his disciples partook of the bread and wine; and this was the order of the church anciently, and until the church went into darkness. Every time we were called together to attend to any business, we came together in the morning about sunrise, fasting and partook of the Sacrament each time; and before going to school we washed ourselves and put on clean linen." Recollections of Zebedee Coltrin, Salt Lake School of the Prophets Minute Book, 1883, pp. 56.


February 1833
Two to three weeks after the 23 January 1833 Meeting. All the students were gathered together, kneeling in silent prayer with hands uplifted. Some saw vision of Jesus Christ walking through the room. Joseph instructed them to resume prayer position. God the Father was seen by some in vision. They again take their positions in prayer. Reynolds Cahoon nearly "leaves them," his extended arms and face becoming transparent. "The school room was in the upper room of Whitney's store." Recollections of Zebedee Coltrin, Salt Lake School of the Prophets Minute Book, 1883. pp. 56-8.


18 February 1833
Orson Pratt enters School of the Prophets by washing his hands and feet as a testimony he has warned his generation. Orson Pratt Journals, p. 16.


23 July 1833
Kirtland Temple cornerstones laid. Church Chronology, p. 9.


19 February 1834
Meeting of the High Council of Kirtland. After several blessings conferred, all present "raised (their) hands to heaven in token of the everlasting covenant." Joseph reports the Spirit of the Lord present and the High Council officially "organized according to the ancient order." DHC 2:32-33.


20 February 1834
At the close of a meeting of the High Council at Kirtland, "The Church and Council then prayed with uplifted hands, that they might be prospered in their mission." DHC 2:35


27 February 1834
Orson Pratt washes feet against the wicked. Orson Pratt Journals, p. 34.


21 March 1834
Orson Pratt washed feet against the wicked. Orson Pratt Journals, p. 36.


24 June 1834
Cholera outbreak in Zion's Camp. Heber C. Kimball describes covenanting to "pray with uplifted hands" for relief from the epidemic. HCK JOURNAL 197-98.


1 July 1834
Brethren of Zion's Camp meet at Lyman Wight's with Joseph Smith. Joseph promises that the cholera will be stayed from that hour if they covenant to obey the commandments and Joseph's counsel. "The brethren covenanted to that effect with uplifted hands, and the plague was stayed." DHC 2:120


7 June 1834
Ordination of David Whitmer as President of Zion. Assembled priesthood "covenanted with hands uplifted to heaven" to uphold David Whitmer in his office. DHC 2:125


8 September 1834
Conference of elders at New Portage, Ohio. Joseph and Oliver give a healing blessing by anointing with oil and laying on hands. DHC 2:162.


5-9 July 1835
The saints purchase the Egyptian records and mummies. Joseph discovers that they include the writings of Abraham and Joseph of Egypt.


12 November 1835
Joseph Smith speaks to the Twelve: "The house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solemn assembly called and organized in it, according to the order of the house of God; and in it we must attend to the ordinance of washing of feet. It is calculated to unite our hearts, that we may be one in feeling and sentiment, and that our faith may be strong, so that Satan cannot overthrow us, nor have any power over us here. The endowment you are all so anxious about, you cannot comprehend now, nor could Gabriel explain it to the understanding of your dark minds; but strive to be prepared in your hearts, be faithful in all things, that when we meet in the solemn assembly, that is, when such as God shall name out of all the official members shall meet, we must be clean every whit. ...our blessings will be such as we have not realized before, nor received in this generation. The order of the house of God has been, and ever will be, the same, even after Christ comes; and after the termination of the thousand years it will be the same, and we shall finally enter into the celestial Kingdom of God, and enjoy it forever." DHC 2:309.


24 November 1835
Marriage of Newel Knight and Lydia Goldthwaite. "After prayers, I (Joseph Smith) requested them to rise, and join hands...The ceremony was original with me...also pronounced upon them the blessings that the Lord conferred upon Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, that is, to multiply and replenish the earth, with the addition of long life and prosperity." DHC 2:320.


28 November 1835
An Elder Clark, suffering several years from the bite of a rabid dog, is blessed by anointing with oil, laying on hands, and prayer by Joseph Smith and others. DHC 2:321.


16 January 1836
"Postscript to Saturday the 16th (January 1836). 'Met in the evening with bro. Joseph Smith, jr. at his house, in company with bro. John Corrill, and after pure water was prepared, called upon the Lord and proceeded to wash each other's bodies, and bathe the same with whiskey, perfumed with cinnamon. This we did that we might be clean before the Lord for the Sabbath, confessing our sins and covenanting to faithful to God. While performing this washing unto the Lord with solemnity, our minds were filled with many reflections upon the propriety of the same, and how the priests anciently used to wash always before ministering before the Lord. As we had nearly finished this purification, bro. Martin Harris came in and was also washed." Oliver Cowdery "Sketch Book" p. 416.


17 January 1836
After joining three couples in marriage, the Sacrament was administered before dismissing the congregation. DHC 2:376.


20 January 1836
Marriage of John Boynton and Miss Lowell. "I (Joseph Smith) then invited them to join hands. I pronounced the ceremony, according to the rules and regulations of the Church of the Latter-day Saints, in the name of God, and in the name of Jesus Christ. I pronounced upon them the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and such other blessings as the Lord put into my heart" DHC 2:377-78.


21 January 1836
About 3:00 PM, "the Presidency retired to the attic story of the printing office, where we attended the ordinance of washing our bodies in pure water. We also perfumed our bodies and our heads, in the name of the Lord. At early candle-light I met with the Presidency at the west school room, in the Temple, to attend to the ordinance of anointing our heads with holy oil;... I took the oil in my left hand, Father Smith being seated before me, and the remainder of the Presidency encircled him round about. We then stretched our right hands toward heaven, and blessed the oil, and consecrated it in the name of Jesus Christ. We then laid our hands upon our aged Father Smith, and invoked the blessings of heaven. I then anointed his head with the consecrated oil, and sealed many blessings upon him. The Presidency then in turn laid their hands upon his head, beginning at the oldest, until they had all laid their hands upon him, and pronounced such blessings upon his head, as the Lord put into their hearts, all blessing him to be our Patriarch, to anoint our heads, and attend to all duties that pertain to that office." Father Smith then proceeded to anoint the heads of each member of the Presidency, and proclaim certain blessings. Many reported visions following the ordinance. DHC 2:379-380.

The meeting closed "by singing, and invoking the benediction of heaven, with uplifted hands." DHC 2:382

"Myself and my counsellors met for the purpose of being anointed with holy oil; ...Then the Presidency proceeded to sanctify the oil, br. J. Smith Junr. first anointed his father pronouncing blessings upon him, then all the presidents beginning at the oldest rubbed their hand over his head & face which had been anointed, then br. J. prayed to the Lord to accept of the anointing and all the presidency with right hand uplifted to heaven said amen." Other anointings also took place in the same manner. Hosanna shout to the most high before dismissal. Journal of Bishop Edward Partridge 1818, 1835-36.

'At about three o'clock P.M. I assembled in our office garret, having all things prepared for the occasion, with presidents Joseph Smith, jr. F. G. Williams, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, David Whitmer, John Whitmer, and elder John Corrill, and washed our bodies with pure water before the Lord, preparatory to the anointing with holy oil. After we were washed, our bodies were perfumed with a sweet smelling odorous wash. At evening the presidents of the Church, with the two bishop and their counsellors, and elder Warren Parrish, met in the presidents' room, the high councils of Kirtland and Zion in their rooms. Those named in the first room were anointed with the same kind of oil and in the man[ner] that were Moses and Aaron, and those who stood before the Lord in ancient days, and those in t he other rooms with anointing oil prepared for them." Oliver Cowdery "Sketch Book" p. 418-19.


22 January 1836
Anointings of the traveling high council and "the 7" Journal of Bishop Edward Partridge, etc.

Anointing meeting for the Twelve and presidents of the 70. DHC 2:382-83.


This item is "about two weeks" after 8 January 1836, and so should be on or about this date.
"I was so low and nervous that I could scarcely bear any noise in the room. The next morning the visit of the doctors, my father came to the door of the room to see how I was, and I recall his gazing earnestly at me with tears in his eyes. As I afterwards learned he went from there to the Prophet Joseph and said to him: 'My son, Lorenzo, is dying; can there not be something done for him?' The Prophet studied a few moments and replied, "Yes; of necessity I must go away to fill an appointment which I cannot put off. But you go and get my brother Hyrum, and with him get together twelve of fifteen good faithful brethren; go to the house of Brother Lorenzo and all join in prayer; one by mouth and the others repeat after him in unison. After prayer divide into quorums of three. Let the first quorum who administer anoint Brother Young with oil, then lay hands on him, one being mouth, and the other two repeating in unison with him. When all the quorums have, in succession, laid their hands on Brother Young and prayed for him, begin again with the first quorum by anointing, continuing the administration in this way until you receive a testimony that he will be restored. My father came with fifteen of the brethren and these instructions were strictly followed. The administrations were continued until it came the turn of the first quorum the third time. Brother Hyrum Smith led. The spirit rested mightily upon him and he was full of blessing and prophecy. He said that I should regain my health, live to go with the Saints into the bosom of the Rocky Mountains to build up a place there, and that my cellar should overflow with wine and fatness." Biography of Lorenzo Dow Young, pp. 45-46.

"We were commanded to wash our bodies with pure water and to be anointed with holy oil which we accordingly did..." Orson Pratt Journals, p. 75.


28 January 1836
Additional officers receive anointings and blessings. Joseph Smith instructs the Twelve, the Presidency, and the presidents of the Seventy "to call upon God with up-lifted hands, to seal the blessings which had been promised to them by the holy anointing....When the Twelve and the seven presidents were through with their sealing prayer, I called upon President Sidney Rigdon to seal them with uplifted hands; and when he had done this, and cried hosanna, that all the congregation should join him, and shout hosanna to God and the Lamb, and glory to God in the highest." Additional visions were reported. At the close of the visions, the rest of the Seventy were anointed by their presidents, and the anointing was sealed with uplifted hands. DHC 2:386-87.


6 February 1836
In the evening met with the presidency any [and] quorums in the Lord's house, when their anointing blessings were sealed by uplifted hands and praises to God. "Oliver Cowdery "Sketch Book" p. 422.

Joseph Smith instructed the quorums in the order of sealing blessings, with some degree of difficulty as regards obtaining their obedience in the matter. "I labored with each of these quorums for some time to bring them to the order which God had shown to me, which is as follows: The first part to be spent in solemn prayer before God, without any talking or confusion; and the conclusion with a sealing prayer by President Rigdon, when all the quorums were to shout with one accord a solemn hosanna to God and the Lamb, with an Amen, Amen and Amen; and then all take seats and lift up their hearts in silent prayer to God, and if any obtain a prophecy or vision, to rise and speak that all may be edified and rejoice together." DHC 391-92.


25 February 1836
Joseph and Sidney Rigdon anoint and bless Sidney's wife for the purpose of healing. DHC 2:400.


27 March 1836
Dedication of the Kirtland Temple. This additional verse of "The Spirit of God" was originally included in the hymn: "We'll wash and be washed, and with oil be anointed, Withal not omitting the washing of feet; For he that receiveth his penny appointed Must surely be clean at the harvest of wheat." DHC 2:426.

"Four hundred and sixteen Elders, Priests, Teachers, and Deacons met in the Kirtland Temple on the evening of its dedication. I can see faces here that were in that assembly. The Lord poured His Spirit upon us, and gave us some little idea of the law of anointing, and conferred upon us some blessings. He taught us how to shout hosanna, gave Joseph the keys of the gathering of Israel, and revealed to us, what? Why the fact of it was, He dare not yet trust us with the first key of the Priesthood. He told us to wash ourselves, and that almost made the women mad, and they said, as they were not admitted into the Temple while this washing was being performed, that some mischief was going on, and some of them were right huffy about it. We were instructed to wash each other's feet, as an evidence that we had borne testimony of the truth of the Gospel to the world. We were taught to anoint each other's head with oil in the name of the Lord, as an ordinance of anointing. All these things were to be done in their time, place, and season. All this was plain and simple, yet some apostatized because there was not more of it, and others because there was too much." George A. Smith, J.D. 2:214-15.

"The introduction of the washing of the feet in the Temple, so far as I have any knowledge, was after the dedication of the main room of the Temple, to the best of my knowledge was not introduced in the West room of the attic when the Quorums were organized and the members thereof received their anointings, but after the dedication of the main room, the Priesthood was were called together in the main room, and the Prophet introduced the ordinances of the Washing of the feet. ...At the time we were all invited together to receive the ordinance of the washing of feet, (my present recollection is that) the four principal vails were let down dividing the room into 4 parts, but this was for convenience rather than to separate the Priesthood. The ordinance of the Washing of the feet was performed in each one of these compartments. In each compartment tubs were provided. The Prophet first gave some general instructions and then the vails were let down, and the ordinance proceeded quietly in all the 4 compartments. ...I did not understand that this ordinance was an introduction to the School of the Prophets. ...I did not understand (this washing) to be a preparatory work either. I understood it rather as a finishing work, and the words used in most cases according to the best of my recollection, were: 'I wash you and pronounce you clean from the blood and sins of this generation.'...I received the same Endowment I understood, that was given to the Elders; which is a preparatory Endowment, but the ordinance of the general washing of the body, which was afterwards introduced, was not attended to in the Kirtland Temple." Recollection of Erastus Snow, Salt Lake School of the Prophets Minute Book, pp. 31-34.

Kirtland Temple dedicated. Church Chronology, p. 12.

"I attended the solemn assembly, and, with my brethren of the Twelve, received my washings and anointings, and was privileged to listen to the teachings and administrations of the Prophet of God. We also attended to the washing of feet, which ordinance was administered to me by the Prophet Joseph." Manuscript History of Brigham Young, p. 13.


29 March 1836
11:00 AM, the Presidency met to pray for a revelation in the "most holy place in the Lord's House." DHC 2:429

Presidency and bishops met in Temple in the afternoon. "We cleansed our hands and faces and feet after which we had our feet washed in the name of the Lord, this took till about dusk we then partook of bread and wine a feast we prophesied and spoke in tongues & shouted hosannas. the meeting lasted till day light." Journal of Bishop Edward Partridge.

All night meeting. Many receive the washing of the feet and then partake of the Sacrament in order to make themselves holy before the Lord. DHC 2:430


30 March 1836
8:00 AM to nighttime, many more receive the washing of the feet and the Sacrament. Prophesying, blessings, and sealings with shout of hosanna. DHC 2:431.

All officers of the Church met with Aaronic Priesthood in one corner, vails let down. Washing of feet performed by noon, hosanna shouts, etc. till dark. Sacramental feast, no shouts during the night. Journal of Bishop Edward Partridge.

"All the authorities of the church who had been anointed came together in the House of the Lord and received the washing of feet." Orson Pratt Journals, p. 75.


31 March 1836
Dedicatory services of the Kirtland Temple repeated for those not able to attend previously. DHC 2:433.


27 May 1836
Orson Pratt washes feet against the wicked. Orson Pratt Journals, p. 81.


3,4,5 April 1837
Meetings held to wash and anoint those who had not been endowed in this manner, in preparation for the solemn assembly to be held on the 6th of April. DHC 2:475.


6 April 1837
"After this matter was arranged there was a glorious ordinance performed upon the heads of those who had been anointed (by the first presidency of the Church Joseph Smith jr Sidney Rigdon &c was this ordinance performed. It was as follows. While all of the anointed present lifted their hands towards heaven this first presidency of the Church confirmed & sealed upon our heads all the blessings of our ordination, anointing & patriarchal with a seal in the presence of God & the Lamb & holy angels that they should all be fulfilled upon our heads that not one jot or tittle should fail & the seal was confirmed upon our heads with a shout of all the anointed with uplifted hands to heaven HOSANNA. HOSANNA. HOSANNA. to GOD & the LAMB. Amen. Amen. & Amen. Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna. to God & the LAMB. Amen--Amen. & Amen. Hosanna, Hosanna. Hosanna to GOD & the LAMB. Amen. Amen. & Amen." Journal of Wilford Woodruff.

The washings and anointings of the previous three days were sealed in the Kirtland Temple. A solemn assembly was called, wherein those present received the washing of the feet, sang, prayed, and were instructed by the presidency of the Church. DHC 2:475-76.


13 April 1837
"Marriage being an institution of heaven and honorable in all, I accordingly accepted the honor, upon this memorial day, by joining hands with Miss . PHOEBE W. CARTER in the bonds of matrimony and took upon ourselves the marriage covenant. ...We were married at the house of President JOSEPH SMITH, Jr The ceremony was solemnized by President Frederick. G. Williams President J. Smith sen the Patriarch then blessed us in the name of the Lord and pronounced great Blessings upon us & our posterity." Journal of Wilford Woodruff, p. 394-95.


4 July 1838
Far West Temple cornerstones laid. Church Chronology, p. 14.


6 August 1838
Frederick G. Williams is re-confirmed after his recent re-baptism for the remission of sins. DHC 3:55.


22 July 1839
Joseph Smith instructs Wilford Woodruff to take his (Joseph's) silk handkerchief and wipe the head of children to heal them. DHC 4:5 Footnote.


17 November 1839 
"In the evening, President Brigham Young anointed Elder John Taylor in the House of the Lord, and Elder Daniel S. Miles anointed Theodore Turley, all of which was sealed by the shout of Hosanna." DHC 4:21.

"In the evening I anointed brother Taylor in the house of the Lord. he had previously washed himself in pure water with castile soap; then we all went to the Temple. Brother Kimball opened the meeting by prayer; I then anointed brother Taylor with pure sweet oil, and pronounced such blessings as the Spirit gave utterance...sealed by loud shouts of hosannah; then their feet were washed and the meeting closed." Manuscript History of Brigham Young, p. 57-58.


18 January 1840
William Clayton and Wilford Woodruff anoint with oil, give oil internally, and pray to heal a woman who is ill to the point of hysteria. Manchester Mormons, p. 71.


18 February 1840
William Clayton anoints the afflicted leg of one brother and gives oil inwardly to an ill couple. Manchester Mormons, p. 102.


21 February 1840
William Clayton gives oil internally and prays for a man. Manchester Mormons, p. 104.


Heber and Vilate Kimball became first couple in this dispensation to be sealed for eternity. Mormon Women...p. 86.


16 February 1841
An anti-Mormon letter appears in the "North Staffordshire Mercury," showing the differences between the Church and the Baptists, from the point of view of "A Baptist." The letter includes this item: "the Saints consistently pretend to have the power of working wonders, and profess to heal the sick with holy oil;" The letter also refers to laying on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. DHC 4:349.


22 May 1841
At a conference in Kirtland, "About 25 baptisms took place, the most of which were for the dead." Times & Seasons 2:460.


6 April 1841
Nauvoo Temple cornerstones laid. Church Chronology, p. 19.


1 October 1841
Joseph Smith speaks at a General Conference in Nauvoo: "There shall be no more baptisms for the dead, until the ordinance can be attended to in the font of the Lord's House, and the church shall not hold another general conference, until they can meet in said house. For thus saith the Lord!" Times & Seasons 2:578, italics original.


8 November 1841
Nauvoo Temple temporary (wooden) baptismal font dedicated. Church Chronology, p. 20.

Brigham Young performed the dedication. Manuscript History of Brigham Young. p. 111.


21 November 1841
Baptisms for the dead begin in the Nauvoo Temple. Church Chronology, p. 20.


20 March 1842
Joseph Smith baptizes 80 for the dead in the Mississippi, confirms about 50. Church Chronology, p. 21.


27 March 1842
Joseph Smith baptizes 107 for the dead in the Mississippi. Church Chronology, p. 21.


7 April 1842
Joseph Smith: "Baptisms for the dead, and for the healing of the body must be in the font, those coming into the Church, and those re-baptized may be baptized in the river." DHC 4:586.


4 May 1842
Joseph introduces the full Temple endowment in the Red Brick Store's upper room to a select group of individuals.

"When we got our washings and anointings under the hands of the Prophet Joseph at Nauvoo we had only one room to work in with the exception of a little side room or office where we were washed and anointed had the garments placed upon us and receiving our New Name. and after he had performed these ceremonies. he gave the Key Words signs, tokens (sic) and penalties. then divided up the room the best that he could hung up the veil, marked it gave us our instructions as we passed along from one department to another giving us signs, tokens. penalties with the Key words pertaining to those signs and after we had got through. Bro Joseph turned to me (Prest. B. Young) and said Brigham this is not arranged right but we have done the best we could under the circumstances in which we are placed, and I wish you to take this matter in hand and organize and systematize all these ceremonies with the signs, tokens penalties and Key words I did so and each time I got something more so that when we went through the Temple at Nauvoo I understood and Knew how to place them there. We had our ceremonies pretty correct--." Diaries of L. John Nuttall, 7 February 1877, 1:18-19.



5 October 1842
Emma Smith baptized for healing twice in the Mississippi. DHC 5:167-68.


Compiled from existing material by:

Nicholas S. Literski ~~ Attorney at Law
530 South Gordon Street
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