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Negative Responses to our website.
Responses are listed in chronological order, beginning with the oldest.

   i'm gonna make this brief

i am a mormon and i was on the chat rooms when my
friend told me about your site and i looked at it and
to be totallty honest i think it sucks it is totally
affensive to our religion and i think you should be
ashamed to have it

i hope this comes back to haunt you some day i really

rebecca ainscough


Boy, you certainly sound like a bitter person that got excommunicated from the LDS Church, or are you just someone that is so ignorant that you think that you know all. You actually think that you will go to heaven just because Jesus died for us. You don't have to do anything? If that is the case, then why did his apostles go and spread his teachings. You think that we are going to heaven anyway, so why should we care what he taught.
Come on, get a clue.

Matt Shipley




You are a dupe of Satan. I would suggest you investigate your slander more
fully and find the errors that exist. You are using satins own tools to
investigate: half truths, out of context, unequal comparison, etc.
If you are to find the truth, try the Holy Ghost. Pray. Even fast. It works.

Helping Mormons is sort of a large title you have taken on your self.
Where did you get your calling?

John Ellis Hathaway
A Mormon



Nice try you need to more homework, and I would just like to know if you are
or have been in a Mormon meeting of worship.
By the way I am not Mormon but even I know there is two sides of a coin.

Mr. Lenox

Ps. Try a digital camera the pictures will come out better. Just an after
thought but at lease I can feel the sprit at a Mormon church whereas when I
attend a Baptist or any
other church it just seams that they are missing a lot of real conversion to
Jesus Christ.




Lorraine Jacoby



Hello Rod, I'm the fellow in Provo whose ebooks you've been buying and posting.  I haven't scanned all the books I've done, but most of them I have.  They have some errors in them, and I'm trying to perfect the copies.  I don't own the copyrights but feel I own the implementation and editing, which has consumed hundreds of my hours.  For what it's worth, I think you shouldn't rip off my efforts and use my books.  Sales are slow enough without a site giving away the same materials.  Also, I find your site primitive and superstitious.  I prefer to see Mormons become enlightened about their own history and carry on reform within the Mormon church, not get involved in money grubbing primitive cult Christian groups.  It's a big step downward and backward and I'm sorry you've taken it and I hope you reconsider what you are doing.  You may have noticed I have sold Thomas Paine's 'The Age of Reason'. Thomas Jefferson's deist Bible, Renan's 'Life of Jesus', as well as Nietzsche's works (including 'The Anti-Christ').  The superstition abounding around the historical nature of Jesus is much in character like the evidence around Joseph Smith, and I'm sure the two men were very similar in nature, and Joseph Smith might well have been the better man of the two, with all taken in the balance.   Even Moses'  prophetic revelations and talks with God are every bit as suspect as Joseph Smith's stories.  I'd rather see you get involved with life extension, cryonic and immortalist groups if you want to do some good, rather than promote these horribly bigoted Baptist and born again ministries, that ruin people's lives and make them stupid.  Anyway, ethically, I think you should remove the books you've purchased from me from your site, and otherwise close down.  Hope there's no hard feelings over my words or opinions, I'm just trying to help.  Leon M. Frazier

Leon Frazier



I feel sorry for you.
Chad Bevans



i wish i could converse with someone like you in person.  it seems like
we would have a lot to say to each other.  i'm not a mormon by any means,
so your webpage didn't offend me at all.  i just want to know what you are
trying to prove with the King James/Joseph Smith translation comparison.
 King James was probably one of the most evil beings that ever walked the
face of this earth, and i think you should consider checking into that before
you throw all of your faith into another man's perception of god.  i would
imagine that if you gave it a little thought, you could form your own opinion.
 in any case, i think that even if there is a god, he would never condemn
anyone for worshipping him and naming a church after his son.  if so, he's
not the kind of god i'm gonna worship.
have a pleasant day,
kyle mccabe



This is a really sneaky site, what with the temple and first presidency
pictures and all.  Took me a few minutes to realize you are not our friends.
Oh well, keep on trying, but you could at least be up front about it.



I find your website to be confusing.  One section preaches some doctrine
of the LDS church, and another slanders the LDS prophet.  What exactly
are you helping mormons do?  Be confused?  Perhaps I have misinterpreted
something, but I find your web site to be a bit muddled.

~Sue Gibbs


Hi Rodney,

    That is my brothers name. I have been a member for 10 yrs. I joined at the age of 25. I am a RM.  I served in the bible belt of Lousiana and in Denver Co.  I am of course, a regular temple attender.  Sealed in the temple two yrs ago also.

I have read and heard all the anti mormon stuff there is out there, I can assure you. I am not foreign to any of it. You see my family are not members. And of course, I then experienced much opposition to this decision. But when God himself tells you something is right, you follow thru. I am a member who wont budge. I know its true. So, I guess that there is nothing that we can learn from each other except that respecting others religions is a highly integral thing and represents much of a Christ attribute. :)

All the best-





    Today at the post office where I live in Boise Idaho, I pulled up behind a vehicle with ,"Helping Mormons Find Eternal Life" www.helpingmormons.org , on the back window in large white letters.

I will say that it shocked and amused me.  I am a Mormon. I am also a Christian. And with that, the teachings of Christ that I learned in the Baptist Church as a child and the LDS Church have BOTH always taught me that we are not to ridicule  or try to tear down other religious beleifs. Christ never walked around doing that.

I also don't understand the man who walked out with a large cross pendant hanging from his neck.(he belonged to the vehicle above mentioned) I dont wear such articles as I hope that the way in which I live my life is an example to others of my love and belief for Jesus. I think that possibly the only reason this gentleman may have to wear such an article is because of the contention that he carries around in his heart because of his hatred for other churches. It can be hard to see thru that to see the spirit.

God loves us ALL and He is God to us ALL, Mormons, Jews, Born agains, etc....   I think this world has enough of NON believers of the Savior that we could concentrate on, rather than those who beleive in him already.

Let us love one another and use the things we do have in common, like our love and belief of Christ. Because I can assure you, we Mormons DO love him and serve him.

Thank you.

Penni from Boise



We think your website stinks.
We love the church and all of the teachings of the church.
We  have true happiness in our lives now that we are members of the
"True" church.
You will be judged accordingly!
Jerrilynn Miller



Aren't Mormons Christian ?

To answer the above question fairly we must examine all the evidence,
testing historical data and doctrines with only one source, the Bible.

I saw the above question on your web site.  You seem to have a contradiction
when you say "we must examine all evidence" and then limit that to only "one
source, the Bible".  Are you not doing what the ancient Jews did when they
rejected Christian claims of additional scripture? Are you precluding the
possibility that God can speak again and even give new scripture?  Are you
telling God that He must remain silent while our present world is in turmoil?
For more than four thousand years God revealed Himself to prophets and
apostles who wrote down what He said.  So, why did that practice stop? 
Perhaps we don't need to hear the word of God today?  Are we so smart that we
don't need prophetic guidance any more?  Why are you rejecting God's word
today?  Is it because it conflicts with your understanding of what the Bible
teaches?  Is Bible scholarship greater than revelation? Is the written word
greater than the spoken word?  Is the Author greater than the Book?
Are Mormons not Christians? By whose definition?  Do Latter-day Saints
believe in Christ?  Do we accept the Bible, but only reject some of your
interpretations of it? If we reject the Trinity, are we automatically "not
Christian"?  How about Calvinism?
Have you ever considered these questions? Has a knowledgeable Mormon ever
presented to you credible evidence of the truthfulness of LDS teachings? Have
you ever examined LDS scholarship and apologetics? 
Well, you will if I continue to dialogue with you.

Looking forward to an enlightening discussion,

Doug Yancey


I would like to thank you for strengthing my testimony in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I had been struggling for a few years with my
testimony, but I went to the Columbus Ohio temple open house and I truly felt
the spirit of the Lord while I was in the temple.  I was handed a flier with
your website on it when I left the church property.  I checked out your
web-site and I was apalled at the thought you would publish the temple
ceremonies for all to see.  Although I have not been faithful for many years
-- I am making changes in my life because I felt the Holy Ghost touch my hear
in the temple and when I saw your site I truly felt the darkness of Satan's
power.  You know, to many millions of people that ceremony is personal and
important to them, and you are making it so trivial.  You think you are so
tough and cool just because the church won't fight you (I'm a lawyer and they
could get you pretty well on copyright infringement).  But as we know the
church won't do that (and as well you know, that is why you do it).  I guess
this e-mail will probably just egg you on, but I just wanted to thank you
again for giving me the reason to come back to activity in the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

John Rogers
Columbus, OHIO

I am not a mormon but I am curious to see your "Helping Jehovah's Witness reach perfection" or your "Helping Muslims" or any other religion for that matter. Why the attack on the Mormon church? I am a student of the scriptures and religion in general. I don't remember Christ waisting his time attacking other religions. Rather, he taught the truth. Yes I have seen you teach your beliefs as well as attack on your sites I just think your so called "exposures" of the mormon faith I.E. the temple ceremony are a waist. If you were a mormon in good standing like you claim and had your name removed by your request and were not "excommunicated' you took an oath never to reveal the things discussed in the ceremony. Then you publish the document. So what, your word means nothing after you leave the faith? I question the nature of your character. Seems to me a "covenant" as the mormons call it is a covenant. Especially one that you made before (to quote your text) "god, angel's and these witnesses". Why would any seeker of truth believe anything you say when your word is worth nothing. Understand I'm not defending the Mormon faith in
particular. I have my own questions for them but ,I fail to understand your actions. What is the scripture. "By their fruits ye shall know them". I don't recall seeing the Mormons or many religions for that matter wasting time attacking others as you seem to have the time to do. Some advice for you, spend your time helping and serving others as you profess your Jesus to have done. I am agnostic and have not found God yet as I'm sure I will in my quest for truth so you need not worry about trying to "attack" my faith. Just keep an eye on your actions seems to me the devil might be leading you down a bitter path. This letter may have been to strongly
worded. I feel no hatred toward you and do not mean to attack you personally. I feel very strongly about the point I am trying to make and do not want to be understood.


Rod and Rose,
I would like to say that you have put together quite the
web site.  I salute your determination to teach Mormons the truth that you have found.  I figure that the more of those fence sitters that you can take away, the better.  I am reminded of a story that I once heard about an evangelical minister who received permission from the president of the mormon church to preach in the SLC tabernacle.  The day following the minister's sermon, he returned to the church president's office and told him that as a result of the sermon, 150 mormons had been converted to his faith.  The president of the church was so pleased that he asked him to come back and do it again. The people that are swayed so easily are the ones that will never make good members of the church.  As a member, I would like to see you continue your work.  You will cause some to fall, and others to become stronger.  Kind of reminds you of the wheat and the tares doesn't it?

You have made it very easy for members to leave.  You thought of everything didn't you?  I like the ready made letter to send to the church.  Who helped you come up with that?  I don't know if you will get your million members in one year, but best of luck!

I have to say, I have been to the temple countless times, and find it to be a wonderfully uplifting experience.  Having attended the temple many times, I must also say that I have never been asked for a contribution upon entering the temple, or have I seen the contributions of those that have gone before me.  You might want to add some information about the other requirements to enter the temple.  I also do not approve of your posting the temple ceremony on the internet, but to each his own.

One last thing, next time you want to put Boyd K. Packer's head on one of the pictures in your web site, get someone that knows how to use a photo editing software first.  It looks horrible.  Come on, you can do better than that!

While serving a mission in Brazil I saw a T-shirt some local members had made that said "Ser Mormon E Ser Feliz" or "To Be Mormon is to be Happy."  Well, I'm happy, are you?

-Mitch Macfarlane

While I respect your diligent efforts to spread your interpretationsof
truth, I must tell you in fairness that you plagarized a wonderful title
of a marvelous book by Spencer W. Kimball.  "The Miracle of Forgiveness"
is the essence of true Christianity.  Among other things, I would
recommend you read this book as well as the Book of Mormon and Bible
with earnestness and without guile.  In time, this web page will be
touting the real TRUTH about the "Mormons" or as I prefer to call it--
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints.  I challeng you to post
this message to your site as well as a link to
www.lds.org (in the
spirit of true research) for another viewpoint.

Sincerely, Ryan C. Cleveland, a "Mormon"


  No, the truth is fine.

  But I am concerned for your welfare and that of your family.  When one
chooses to leave the Church that is one thing, to aggressively go out in
the world and attempt to turn those away who may have chosen to live the
gospel and would have received blessings from obedience to the
commandments and covenants therin, I believe, the burden falls on the
individual responsible.

  I also believe there will be immediate consequences and obviously long
term consequences in ones life and if, as a husband and father, you wish
to bring condemnation on your family, so be it free agency is a
principle we are all responsible for.

I am saddened for you and for those you are accountable for.

I am more than willing to converse with you and discuss your points but
expect no cooperation on providing the materials you are requesting.

How do you expect to bring perfection to Mormons ?


In a message dated 2/24/99 1:23:11 AM Pacific Standard Time,
yendor@cyberhighway.net writes:

<< I was wondering were I was deceptive? Can you show me? I never said I was
 was not Mormon.>>

You ask me where you were deceptive, and then you say it for me anyway in the
next sentence...that's brilliant.  You are deceptive BECAUSE you didn't say
one way or the other...nice try with semantics...

<< I made no claims, I just asked a question and everybody
 started trying to guess what I was. So I fessed up and told them. Sorry if
 you feel I was deceptive.>>

It's not a question of how I "feel" Rodney...it's the way you behaved and the
deceptive ways you intended.  Fessing up is fine, and I already sort of
commended you for that.

<<I was baptized when I was 17 in California and I
 now live in Idaho and I am 32. I was very active in the church and brought
 others to the waters of baptism. I was in scouts as a Bear and Weblos
 Leader, I also taught Star A class, and before leaving I was the second
 counselor to the Elders Quorum President. So your sarcastic assumptions are
 all wrong.>>

Well, oops!!  I got you wrong...good for you...of course, had you not been NOT
deceptive in the first place...

<< Also I find it more effective to continue using the terminology
 unique to Mormonism.>>

Of course you do when you want to get something the way you attempted on a
fellowshipping newsgroup...

<<Anyway I do plan on putting these on display for all
 who come to my presentation to see and compare them to the robes and
 priestly garments described in the Bible.>>

Compared in what way?  What possible way could you compare the robes of the
Bible to temple clothing?  For what reason?  Why would you want to take what
you KNOW is sacred to us and put it up to public scrutiny?  WHY??

<< My ministry is as of last night
 being fully supported and funded by my church and I will be doing a two day
 seminar at church camp this summer. God is opening many new doors for me! I
 am on fire to spread truth and I will do it to the best of my ability. So
 again, may God bless you always. >>

I quite honestly take your "blessing" with a grain of salt, and here's why.
If you were baptized and did all those things you said you did earlier in this
email about your activity in the Church, then why, as a "Christian" are you
choosing to ignore the Article of Faith that describes our stance to let men
worship as their conscience dictates, and so on and so forth!?  Why would you
want to create a "ministry" to a people that aren't ASKING for your
assistance?  What bee got in your bonnet about the Church?  I would love to
know what happened in your past to make you so bitter against the Church to
make you want to start a ministry?

Your church, whatever it is, is funding RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE.  And that is a
dang shame...

OC Mormon

Hi, I just happen to come upon your homepage. I donīt know why you decided to leave the church. You do not know me and I do not know you. Out of what I have read and felt during reading your homepage is that I am glad for you and your family that you have found a firm belief in Christ. A belief that have helped ypu. The only thing I do not understand is why you try to make other people to leave the church. let us who still believe in Jesus Christ according to the gospel in our way. This letter is not to bash with you or your decision to leave the church of Jesus Christ. I just wanted to ask you why you try to take away other peoples right to believe in Christ in their own way?

I have served as a Bishop in a ward in Sweden and i do nor recognize the problems you describe in dealing with people who wants to leave the church. For my own part I strongly feel that a person that wants to leave the church is free to that and in a speedy way. Neither the person who wants to leave the church nor the church benefits of a lengthy process.

I hope you do not take offense of me writing this letter to you. According to what you have written and the feelings that you have expressed you must once have had callings in the church in different capacitys. I hope that you during those callings anyway felt that you, according to the faith you had then, experienced good things.

I hope that God will guide you in the future as He has been guiding you in the past. May God bless you and your family.

With best regards,
Thomas Jubell

Rodney R. Roy,

I would like to help you with some clarifications and corrections
for your removal.html WWW page, so that the out-of-date information
and misunderstandings sprinkled throughout cause you no embarrassment.

First, for several years now, no "court" (or "disciplinary council" as
we call it nowadays) is held to consider requests for removal of
people from church membership records.  It is now a simple
administrative action done by the Bishop and approved by the Stake
President.  The only requirements are that the member send the letter
to the Bishop himself (no form letters or mass petitions) and that the
Bishop talk to the person to find out why they want out of the church
and to make sure they understand the eternal consequences of their
action: i.e. that baptism and confirmation are cancelled, priesthood
ordinations are withdrawn, and sealing blessings received in the
temple suspended.  A good Bishop will try to _gently_ persuade the
member to stay.  If the member wants to witness to him, he'll probably
listen politely, but in any case no wider forum is provided.

If the member seems to understand the consequences involved and seems
unlikely to change their mind, then the Bishop signs a form, gets the
Stake President to sign it also before sending it to Salt Lake, and
sends a letter to the member notifying him that his name will be
removed from Church records after a cooling-off period of 30 days,
during which period the member can cancel the request by writing to
the Stake President (whose address will be included).  No mention of
the word "excommunication" is permitted.  Exactly the same procedure
is followed for Melchizedek Priesthood holders as for other members.
No announcement in Stake Priesthood Meeting or elsewhere is made
of name removals; the only people informed are the relevant clerks.

If a disciplinary council (formerly a "court") is contemplated for a
member, e.g. for adultery, for a felony, or for apostacy, then the
request for name removal is tabled until the disciplinary issue is
resolved first.  This means that such requests are not a way to dodge
discipline.  Judging from your WWW site, I would not be surprised that
you might have been excommunicated for apostacy.  This is done, not
when someone simply falls away from right belief, but only when
someone starts to preach false doctrine _as_ Church doctrine, in public,
after correction, or when someone publicly attacks and fights against
the Church and its doctrines.  If this is your situation, I would
suggest that you make sure the charge is recorded as "apostacy" and
not as "unchristian conduct" in the record of your disciplinary council
and the letter of notification.

The Membership Records people normally need only a full name and a
birth date to identify a member, although additional information can
help in cases of misspelled names, etc.

Please don't tell people to send copies of their request to the
President of the Church, the Membership Department, or the Stake
President.  All these people will just forward the letter to the
Bishop, because he is the only person who can act on it.  If nothing
happens after a couple of months (Bishops are busy people) then give
the Bishop a phone call (we're in the phone book) and ask whether he
got your letter and whether he's acted on it.  If he ignores the
request, which happens once in a while, then politely ask the Stake
President, perhaps in writing, to tell the Bishop to do his duty.

If the member forbids the Bishop to contact him, this will only delay
matters, because that is a required step for him to act on the
request.  It will also make the Bishop think you may have something
to hide, e.g. illegal cohabitation.

It is incorrect for a member to loudly say "my membership is
terminated as of now!" because it is not in fact terminated until the
paperwork is all signed and done.  However, it is Church policy to
grant such requests -- you just have to jump through a couple of hoops.

I'm sorry your exit from the Church and from our brand of salvation
was messier than need be.  Less confrontational suggestions from you
to the disaffected might help such people better get what they want.

Bishop Vincent Broman
San Diego Fourth Ward
2224 33rd. St.
San Diego, CA  92104-5605
+1 619 284 3775

From: Olivier, Vernon L (Vern)
To: rod@helpingmormons.org
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 1:48 AM
Subject: Perhaps Jesus didn't understand your doctrine either...


Perhaps you should study some statements by the Lord Jesus Christ...

It appears that He did require some "doing":

   Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
   If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
        John 7:16-17

   Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

   And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

   And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

   And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

        Matthew 7:24-27

   A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
   By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
            John 13:34-35

   This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
        John 15:12

   Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
         John 15:14

   Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
   But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

        Matthew 5:43 -44

    But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
    Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
    And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.

    Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.
    And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
    For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye?  for sinners also love those that love them.
    And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye?  for sinners also do even the same.
    And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye?  for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

    But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

    Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
    Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

    Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.  For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

        Luke 6:27-38

Jesus taught in the following parable what the final judgment will be like.  Two of the three servants were given the pronouncement "Well done" because they did something:

    And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

    His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

    He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

    His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

    Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

    And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
    His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

    Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

    Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
    For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

    And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
        Matthew  25:20-30

    So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?  He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.  He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

    He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?  He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.  He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

    He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?  Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me?  And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee.  Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

        John 21:17

     And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
        Mark 16:15

     Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

     Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

        Matthew 28:19-20

    Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
        John 8:31

I've mentioned only a few examples.  There are many more.  The sermon on the mount is full of examples.

Being a "disciple" of Christ is be the very definition of the word "disciple" someone who disciplines himself/herself to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.  How can you belittle the words in 2 Nephi 25:23?  Jesus expects us to do all that we can do and when that is all said and done, it is by grace we are saved, just like it says.  There are no Mormons that I know of that would claim they are perfect in this life, but are all dependent on the grace of God.  Because we cannot reach absolute perfection in this life, should we abandon the attempt to follow the command of Christ to be perfect?  Can't you see that if all would at least try to follow the teachings of Christ, this world would be a better place?  Whose side are you on?

Vernon L. Olivier

Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:03 PM

I stumbled across your website while searching the internet this evening. I
don't understand how you can honestly feel like you are "helping" anyone by
making fun of beliefs and practices that they believe are sacred. It's
interesting that you ask for civility in emails directed toward you, but
your website reflects anything but civilty. I don't know what it is that you
hope to accomplish by making a mockery of a belief system that is different
from yours. Your website is a joke, but not the one that the creators had in
mind. I hope you can see the paradox of a Christian church creating a
hateful website to show the non-Christians how wrong they are.
-Cody Christopherson

Saturday, November 16, 2002 8:18 AM

hello my name is Danny Tittle and i have alot to say about your link to the salt lake temple but before i say anything else i should let you know i am pagan and that you have know idea what you talking about. we do practice witchcraft but we are not i repet NOT SATANIC i think you should go too alot of pagan web sites and do a whole lot more research before you start accuseing us of satanism. if i do belive in your bible it says THOU SHALT NOT CRITICIZE OTHERS RELIGION so i think you should take that part of the site down and stop talking about Diana + Baal or i will curse you to the depts of HELL and if the temple wonts to desply paganism they have every right too so mind your own buissness.  thank you and if you would like too reach me  you can e-mail me at   danman1@alltel.net      thanks for your time D.T.

Thursday, November 21, 2002 8:29 PM
Sheri A Martinez

It saddens me that you have a site that seems to be directed to
Latter-Day Saints, but is really directed at those who continue to
believe lies and spread lies about those who are striving hard to live
clean, good, and honest lives.

It also saddens me that people would use their financial resources and
time to cause harm to those who are trying to do what is right, rather
than using their talents to become better and more Christlike themselves.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002 8:57 AM
info - bibliotech

Hi. I'm a member of the LDS church in Italy. Someone with a great sense of umorism send me your web address. You made my day by your statements about past sins of the Prophet and others. I laughed a lot thinking to the poor people with such fantasy and seriousness in writing that garbage. Thank you very much:)
ps: the Church is true!

Saturday, November 30, 2002 11:11 AM
James Hall

Dear Minister:
Please remember that the inside information of the Adam God information
is not
available to your ministry.
To see a more advance treatment of the subject refer to the following
Please remove your inadequate information concerning Brigham's
thanks James

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 7:13 AM
Andrew Degio

Dear Sir,
Recently I came across a page on your website regarding overcoming masterbation...
I must say that I disagreed with it totally for the simple reason that masterbation is something natural for the human body...needless saying that it is also healthy for the body.
What I disagree with is the fact that the church look at masterbation as a taboo when really and truly it is part of life....what is considered as a taboo is pornography and all associated material..
What should be mentioned is the positive side of masterbation on your homepage...
Please look into it.
Andrew DeGiovanni
Malta, Europe

Tuesday, December 10, 2002 3:15 PM
David Stewart

Attn: Helpingmormons.org staff
10 December 2002

Please remove from your website the page the items you have plagiarized
from me at

I sent you a warning about one year ago to remove your plagiarized
duplicate (with your own headings) of my "Real Time Gospel Clock."  You
sent me a letter acknowledging this, and removed the clock from your
website, only to replace it a short time later thinking I would not
notice.  Now you have plagiarized my entire church growth article,
posting the article in its entirety, without any attribution and
without permission.

While I harbor no misconceptions regarding your honesty -- or lack
thereof -- and the lengths you are willing to go to achieve your goals,
I would remind you again that this behavior is illegal.  It is also
specifically contrary to the policy of your internet service provider.
This is not your research, your article, or your programming.  Why
can't you be honest and acknowledge that?  While links are perfectly
legal, gross plagiarism is not.

This is your second offense, and if you do not respond in an
expeditious and satisfactory manner, I will notifying your ISP of your
legal violations and will make similar announcements to the general
public.  If you still fail to respond, legal action will be filed.

Please do not endeavor to claim that I am treating you unfairly because
of your status as anti-mormons.  I have not granted permission to
anyone, regardless of religious affiliation, to reproduce my article or
the church growth clock online.  I am particularly upset with your
conduct as this is the second time I have had to contact you regarding
your plagiarism of my articles.  Should further violations occur, I
will turn immediately to public and legal venues instead of making an
attempt to contact you first.  I have made a copy of your plagiarisms
for my permanent records, in case future questions should arise
regarding these matters.

Please note also that I do not grant permission to you to reproduce
this email, or any other of my work, in any form.  I am offering you an
opportunity to remove the items you have plagiarized, promptly and
permanently, in a discrete fashion. 

Please remove these items immediately and contact me when this has been

Thank you,

David Stewart

From: "Andrew Erickson" <eorl@sisna.com>
To: <
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: TLC portion of your website

 Mr. Roy,

 I appreciate what your purposes in posting the information that you
 do.  However your TLC portion of the website contains material created by
 me, about me, and for which I alone hold the copyright.
 The TLC did not have my permission to use my copyrighted material as part
 of their website.  They have taken down their website, yet this material
 continues on the internet on your mirrored site.  As the TLC has never
 held the "copyright" to my materials, they were not able to grant the use of
 them to anyone else.
 I respectfully ask you to remove the following from your hosted sites:
 On the page:

 Please remove my name and picture.  My name is "Andrew A. Erickson".  My picture is here:

 Please remove this link and entire page:

 In this link, please remove my name:

 I trust that this request will be sufficient, as the situation should now be clear regarding the use of these materials.
 Thank you,
 Andrew A. Erickson

Wednesday, December 11, 2002 10:11 PM

just wanted to tell ya'll, that i read your whole thing about
masturbating (by the way ya'll spelled it wrong), now all i got to say
is, there is nothing wrong with being religious, but ya'll are stupid
for trying to tell people how to quit masturbating....  someone can get
really sexually frustrated from not masturbating and then go do
something stupid on the streets.... masturbating will live for ever, i
masturbate alot, there ain't nothig wrong with it... so don't try to
stop people....peace

Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:17 PM
Mark Mark

What you don't seem to be aware of, is that paganism was on earth a long
time before christianism.
Easter was indeed a paganist holiday, already long tradition when the
first people began to worship Jesus Christ. Perhaps the days coincided,
or more probably they have chirstianised (sorry for my english) people
keeping a part of their traditions to make the change more likely to them ?
Easter is a spring holiday. Spring, the rebirth of nature, which
paganists precisely worshipped. Do you think it impossible that easter
eggs should be a metaphor of an egg keeping life warm during winter ?
The sun does make trees grow, which feed every animal, directly or not.
Could you imagine that the myth of Semiramis made pregnant by the rays
of the sun is another metaphor, showing that the rays of the sun
"fertilize" plants, to make it possible to every animal to live on earth
? Easter egg as the metaphoric egg containing life ?
You say that paganism "infiltrated" christianism. For historical
matters, I would rather say that parts of the paganist memory still
remain in christianism, whereas every one of the first christians was
born as a paganist.

Saturday, December 14, 2002 9:28 PM

Why are you goin after the Mormons?? Is it because they have the truth and they do not know it?? Are you afraid of the Truth that they have.. because if they are right ... then you are VERY wrong???
just wondering WHY???

Friday, December 27, 2002 9:31 AM

I am confused as to why you have chosen to attack the Moron religion.  I have been a member since 1994, and I have not ever been happier.  I love this gospel, and I think some of the things you believe about the church is incorrect.  I would suggest that you contact the local missionaries for your area, and get some of your questions answered.  God Bless you and yours.
Loran Ashley Rose
Godwin Gruber, P.C.
"Know yourself.  Don't accept your dog's admiration as
conclusive evidence that you are wonderful."
-- Anne Landers
"I stayed up all night playing poker with Tarot cards.  I got a full house and four people died."
--Steven Wright

Friday, December 27, 2002 6:44 PM

To whom it may concern:
It has been nearly three years since the Hanks family left TLC and Manti, Utah, YET we continue to have our lives and the pictures of our children paraded on the internet. I request that you immediately remove any and all references to ourselves in any form on your site, as we no longer remotely embrace the teachings, doctrines or beliefs of TLC or any other Christian ideal.  To me, it is damaging to my children, who are innocent, to be paraded about for all to see.  Have some mercy, please.  If you claim to be so dedicated as Christians, then please do the right thing by taking us totally off your website.
In sincerity,   Jeffrey G. Hanks

Saturday, December 28, 2002 5:06 PM

Dear Rod,

That material you put on your website is rude and inappropriate.  You dont see people mocking your religion?  So please, have the common desency to not put such rude thinngs up.

Saturday, December 28, 2002 8:37 PM


I am a friend of Jeff Hanks, and in a similar situation as he is. I have
written to you in the past and requested that you remove all information
about me and my family, and any materials written by me.  You have ignored
my request, as you are ignoring Jeff's.  What you may not realize is, the
TLC never had my permission, or Jeff's, to publish or disseminate any of
that information.  The TLC holds no copyrights whatsoever to my written
material or my images.  They have taken their website down; they had to in
order to avoid costly litigation.  However, you continue to refuse to honor
the requests from the true owners of the materials you are publishing,
disseminating, and hosting without permission and in direct violation of
the authors' wishes and demands.

I also will be pursuing legal action.  This nonsense has gone on long
enough.  And while I'm at it, I will be contacting several others who have
had their images and written materials stolen by the TLC for unauthorized
and illegal use, an offense that you continue to perpetuate.  More than
half of the authors whose work and photos appear on your site are no longer
in the TLC (and therefore, no longer subject to TLC abuse and coercion),
and I believe that most of them will be glad to offer help and resources
toward this legal effort.  Also, they will all bring the same point of view
to the issue:  all witnesses will agree that the TLC is not the copyright
holder of the materials, and that they were unrightfully appropriated and
used without consent.

The TLC is in no position to sue anyone, or come after you for some
supposed "copyright infraction" by removing the misappropriated
material.  You can either remove my name, photos, written material, and
anything else in reference to me from your website, or prepare to defend
yourself in court.

Andrew Erickson

Sunday, January 12, 2003 11:43 PM
Nicolee Castiglione

I thought the information you showed on your site was a bit confusing.  I think you are mixing churches and calling them the same. 
I know the Mormons attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I noticed you have other sects trying to pose as the Mormons.  They are not the same to my understanding.  You might ought to clarify and decipher your display.  You are Catholic, correct?

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