~~ Columbia South Carolina ~~
Sharing the Truth at the Open House
September 30 through October 9, 1999,
with the exception of October 2 and 3 for
General Conference
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8
4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom
we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or
another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him].
13 For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel
of light.
15 Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed
as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:4, 13-15
What a great experience this was. I am so very thankful to Grace Cruz and Terry Foss who made it possible for me to be a part of the ERT (Evangelical Response Team). My flight arrived at the Columbia South Carolina Metropolitan Airport at 4:30pm on Thursday October 7, 1999. I was greeted at the airport by Terry Foss. After grabbing a bite to eat we headed to the Temple. The first thing I did before actually working with the ERT was tour the Temple as a common member of the public. |
The first thing you do before entering the Temple is enter a large white tent. At the entrance you are given a tract on the Open House and also a pair of plastic booties which you are instructed to put on over your shoes. |
The tent is filled with rows of folding chairs and televisions line the walls. A small introduction is given in which we are told that it would be a "silent tour" and any questions we had could be asked after we came out of the Temple. Then we all watched a short (7 minutes) video that gave the impression that this Temple of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints was very similar to the Tabernacle and Temple that God had instructed His People to build in the Old Testament. After that had concluded we are then allowed to enter the Temple in a very orderly fashion. |
Men in dark suits are everywhere, like CIA or FBI agents. They had signs posted to check in cameras but not really a place to do it at. So as I entered the Temple I shot a couple of pictures. |
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The guy to the left standing behind the recommend desk was very clear to tell me that pictures were not allowed in the Temple and that I would have to leave my camera with him. So of course after making sure I could trust him, I left my digital camera with him. In this picture on the left in the right area you can see the top of the doors that go into the Baptismal Room. Then to the left is a door way that goes either to the left or right that takes you to the Male (to the right) or Female (to the left) Dressing Rooms and Initiatory Rooms. |
Here are some pictures of the outside of the Temple.
After walking nearly all the way around the Temple I was told I had to turn around and go back because they didn't want people to cross in front of the line going into the Temple. So I did, and then I asked the guys in dark suits who I could ask some questions I had. They pointed to some "Sister Missionaries" and said they would be glad to. I began by explaining that I have done some studying of the Biblical Tabernacle and Temple and found very little similarities between them and the Mormon Temple. I continued asking questions, none of which they could answer, such as
Where was the Alter of Incense?
Where was the Table of Show Bread?
Where was the Lamp Stand (similar to a menorah)?
Seeing that she could not answer these question I went on asking her,
Do they have someone who dresses up in the Robes of the Holy Priesthood, as described in the Bible, wearing the breastplate with the twelve stones in it representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Urim and Thummin on the shoulders? Also does it have the pomegranates and bells attached to the hem?
(Let me interject here and explain the reason I asked these questions. These missionaries have been led to believe that similarities actually exist between the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple with this "modern day temple" and I was really trying to point out that there are several aspects of this temple that are not similar to those of the Old Testament. I wasn't really looking for an answer because I already knew they wouldn't have one. But if I could plant some seeds for them to think about and maybe study more about the true Biblical version and do it in a way that seemed sincere and polite without "attacking them" then I wanted to do that.)
At this point I received several taps on my shoulder from behind. It was LDS Security (a man in a dark suit). He said he needed to ask me to leave, that "my people" had promised to not do this sort of thing on Temple grounds. I responded, my people? I informed him I was not with any people and that I had just arrived that day from Boise, Idaho. He continued and said that I was seen with "those people" across the street and that they had promised they would only do this sort of thing across the street. Well I informed him that yes one of "them" picked me up from the airport today and that I had not officially started working with them, and that I hadn't even put on the official name tag on yet. I continued that I was just a common person of the public at this point and just had some questions I was curious about. He continued his insistence of asking me to leave, so I did. But I unfortunately had not seen the last of this guy. |
Later that day, Terry Foss and I decided to cross the street as official representatives of ERT and hand out literature on the street side of the roped off side walk. Being sure to not stand on their property, but on public property. Well Mr. Salt Lake approached me again and said we needed to go back across the street. I informed him we had every right to stand there and that it was public property, but he reminded me that this was my second warning and asked us to leave again. We did as he asked.
The next day one of our volunteers, Brian Bell, had not had a chance to go through the Temple and was a little nervous about going alone. I offered to go with him, and so we removed our name tags and went over and got in line. Mr. Salt Lake appeared again while we were calmly standing in line and told me he was informed by his superiors that he needed to specifically ask me to leave, that I was not welcome on Temple grounds let alone in the Temple. Wow, can you believe this? Not worthy to go in the Temple even when it's open to the public! Okay fine, I said and made sure Brian stayed in line and went through without me. |
After this they kept a very close watch on us and especially me. Notice the guy (in the picture on the right) across the street watching me as I hand out our free literature on the Mormon Temple. Also, one guy was on his cell phone as he watched me. I was getting a little nervous. I didn't think I had done anything serious enough to warrant calling the Sheriff, but you never know. |
Other than this, a Mormon man who nearly physically attacked Terry Foss, we had a lot of opportunities to witness and share truth with several Mormons. Including several of African American descent who were completely unaware of the Mormon Church's teaching on the blacks and the priesthood. |
Here in these photos I got the opportunity witness to some African Americans. Because some of the things I shared with one family, they went up to the temple and went in to watch the video. But as soon as it ended, they got up and left, and never even set foot inside the Temple. Even though they had promised the LDS Elders who they where taking the missionary discussions from that they would. Praise God. If I was able to plant a seed to prevent just one person from joining the Mormon Church, my trip was worth it!
Here are some shots of Terry Foss handing out free literature about the Mormon Temple.
Here's a shot of Tom Jones with Cult Watch, a volunteer who drove up from Florida to be with us. He had great materials and a awesome large flip chart to show documentation. |
Here is a great kid, who with Brian Bell, helped us everyday. Kyle Smathers may only be 12 years old but he has the stamina and courage of someone a lot older. We are really thankful for him and for the opportunity to meet him. God bless you Kyle! |
We all had a great time sharing truth at the Temple and giving out free literature on what Mormonism really teaches. We give the praise and honor and glory to God for the work he did through us.
We at this Outreach of Helping Mormons Reach Perfection would like to thank those who made it possible for Rodney Roy to be part of this Temple Outreach.
I would now like to share with you a letter I received from a man at the Open House as he walked past me. He didn't stop, he just reached out and handed me this folded up piece of paper, and this is what it said.
Thank you for the wonderful attention you are helping with. If you think you are discouraging any of these people who are coning the House of the Lord and will continue long after you have gone back to your small churches, you are very much mistaken. You draw near to the Lord in your daily lives I'm sure, however preaching the concepts of men and drawing near to your churches will not stop the Lords true Church upon the earth from rolling forth, even in Columbia S.C.
In James chapter 2 v 14-26 we live by faith and works not to be saved by our works because we know Jesus Christ is the one who died for our sins and will bridge the gap between us and the Father when we stand before the judgment bar. However you my friend will be held accountable for the things you do here today. May I share more scriptures that describe why we will continue to come to the Temple?
In Matthew chapter 16 we believe what is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven. What is loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the Temple we are sealed as eternal families. This is one of the many holy and sacred ordinances performed in the House of the Lord.
Also in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 29 We practice this law which hasn't been reveled to any other Church, only His true church upon the face of the earth. 29. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?
So those who didn't have that chance to hear the truth and lived a worthy life hear upon the earth will have that chance of being baptized as Jesus Christ was by Emerson. And proxy for their behalf does this.
We also believe that man has seen God face to face. Let
me point out some scriptures where man has proven that even in your bible which is
accepted and used in our church.
John 10:34-36 Ye are Gods? Are we not His offspring? Acts 17: 28-29
Genesis 3:5 Ye shall be as Gods.
Genesis 32:24-30 Exodus 33:11 Numbers 6:25 14:14 Deut.5:4
We also believe the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants
the prophets. Amos 3:7
The kingdom of God on earth Daniel 7:27,18
We invite you to Come to the House of The Lord and worship the Lord.
That isn't going to happen in this lifetime or the next!