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~~  The Prayer Circle and the True Order of Prayer  ~~

A few of you, including couples, will please come forward and form a circle around the altar.

We would like to invite the witness couple to take their place at the head of the altar, and an equal number of brothers and sisters to join us in the circle. Any receiving their own personal Endowment, and any who are about to be married are especially invited to join us in the Prayer Circle at this time.

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Only the best of feelings should exist in the Circle. If any of you have unkind feelings toward any member of this circle, you are invited to withdraw so that the Spirit of the Lord may be unrestrained.
In the Circle we make the signs of all the tokens of the Holy Priesthood.
We will begin by making the Sign of the First Token of the Aaronic Priesthood. This is done by bringing the right arm to the square, the palm of the hand to the front, the fingers close together, and the thumb extended. This is the sign. 

The name of this token is the New Name received in the temple today.

We will now make the Sign of the Second Token of the Aaronic Priesthood. This sign is done by bringing the right hand in front of you with the hand in cupping shape, the right hand forming a square, and the left arm being raised to the square. This is the sign. 

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The name of this token is your first given name if you are going through the temple for your own Endowment, or if you are going through for the dead, it is the first given name of the person for whom you are officiating.

We will now make the sign of the First Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood or Sign of the Nail. This is done by bringing the left hand in front of you with the hand in cupping shape, the left arm forming a square. The right hand is also brought forward, the palm down, the fingers close together with the thumb extended. This is the sign. 

The name of this Token is "the Son", meaning the Son of God.

We will now make the Sign of the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail. This is done by raising both hands high above the head, and while lowering the hands repeating three times the words:

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Oh God, hear the words of my mouth!
Oh God, hear the words of my mouth!
Oh God, hear the words of my mouth!

We have here a list of names of persons who are sick, or otherwise afflicted, who we are requested to remember in our prayer. We will place this list upon the altar, and request the faith of those present in behalf of these persons.
The sisters in the room will please veil their faces. Each brother in the circle will take the sister at his left, by the right hand in the Patriarchal Grip. Each of you bring your left arm to the square, and rest it upon the shoulder or arm of the person at your left. Those in the Circle will repeat the words of the prayer.

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The sisters will unveil their faces, and the brethren and sisters in the circle will return to their seats. We will now uncover the Veil.


Brethren and sisters, this is the Veil of the temple. I will now explain the marks on the Veil. These four marks are the marks of the Holy Priesthood, and corresponding marks are found in your individual garment.
On the right is the mark of the square. It is placed in the Garment over the right breast, suggesting to the mind exactness and honor in keeping the covenants entered into this day. On the left is the mark of the compass. It is placed in the Garment over the left breast, suggesting to the mind an undeviating course leading to Eternal Life, a constant reminder that desires, appetites and passions are to be kept within the bounds the Lord has set, and that all truth may be circumscribed unto one great whole.
This is the navel mark. It is placed in the Garment over the navel, suggesting to the mind the need of constant nourishment to the body and spirit.
This is the knee mark. It is placed in the right leg of the garment, so as to be over the knee cap, suggesting that every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Christ.

These other three marks are for convenience in working at the Veil. Through this one, the person representing the Lord puts forth his right hand, to test our knowledge of the tokens of the Holy Priesthood. Through the one on our right, he asks us certain questions, through the one on the left, we give our answers.


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As all of you will have to pass through the Veil, we will show you how this is to be done. The person is brought to this point, and the worker gives three distinct taps with the mallet. Whereupon, the Lord parts the Veil, and asks:

What is wanted?

Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, desires further light and knowledge, by conversing with the Lord, through the Veil.

Present him at the Veil, and his request shall be granted.


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The person is the brought to this point, whereupon the Lord puts forth his right hand, gives the First Token of the Aaronic Priesthood, and asks:

What is that?

The First Token of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Has it a name?

It has.

Will you give it to me?

I will, through the Veil.

The person then gives, through the Veil, the name of this token, which is the New name received in the temple today. 

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The Lord then gives the Second Token of the Aaronic Priesthood, and asks:

What is that?

The Second Token of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Has it a name?

It has.

Will you give it to me?

I will, through the Veil.

The person then gives the name of this token, which is his first given name, if he is going through the temple for his own Endowment, or if he is going through for the dead, it is the first given name of the person for whom he is officiating.

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The Lord then gives the First Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, or Sign of the Nail, and asks:

What is that?

The First Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, or Sign of the Nail.

Has it a name?

It has.

Will you give it to me?

I will, through the Veil.

The person then gives the name of this token, which is "the Son," meaning, the Son of God. 

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The Lord then gives the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, and asks:

What is that?

The Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.

Has it a name?

It has.

Will you give it to me?

I cannot. I have not yet received it. For this purpose I have come to converse with the Lord through the Veil.

You shall receive it through the Veil.

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It is received as left arms are placed upon right shoulders through the Veil.

The Lord then gives the name of this token, and asks:

What is that?

The Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail.

Has it a name?

It has.

Will you give it to me?

I will, through the Veil.

The person then repeats back to the Lord the name of this token, as he receives it, whereupon the Lord says:

That is correct.


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This picture is a representation of the older version known as the "five points of fellowship." The new procedure is done in a little less intimate manner.


The person is again brought to this point, and the worker gives three distinct taps with the mallet. 


The Lord parts the Veil and asks:

What is wanted?

Adam, having conversed with the Lord through the Veil, desires now to enter his presence.


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The Lord puts forth his right hand, takes the person by the right hand, and says:

Let him enter.

He is admitted into the presence of the Lord. 

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We will now report. Jehovah, we have been down to Adam and Eve and their posterity in the Terrestrial World, and have given unto them the Law of Consecration, and have caused them to receive it by covenant. We have given unto them the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, with its accompanying sign, and have taught them the Order of Prayer. They are now ready to converse with the Lord through the Veil. This is our report.

It is well, Peter, James, and John. Elohim--Peter James and John have been down to Adam and Eve and their posterity in the Terrestrial World, and have done all that they were commanded to do.

It is well. Jehovah, instruct Peter, James, and John to introduce Adam and Eve and their posterity at the Veil, where we will give unto them the name of the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to their entering into our presence.

It shall be done, Elohim. Peter, James, and John, you will introduce Adam and Eve and their posterity at the Veil, where we will give unto them the name of the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to their entering into our presence.

It shall be done Jehovah. Come James and John, we will introduce them at the Veil.
Brethren and sisters, we are instructed to introduce you at the Veil, where you will receive the name of the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip, or the Sure Sign of the Nail, preparatory to your entering into the presence of God.