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~~  The Robes of the Holy Priesthood  ~~

We are instructed to clothe you in the Robes of the Holy Priesthood. Place the robe on your left shoulder. Place the cap on your head with the bow over the right ear, replace the apron, tie the girdle with the bow on the right side, remove the slippers from your feet, and put them on again as part of the temple clothing. You may now proceed to clothe.


The Robes of the Holy Priesthood?

This is NOT part of the Temple Ceremony but would you please compare the above accurate drawing of the Mormon Robes of the Holy Priesthood to the Biblical version of the Robes of the Holy Priesthood below. Do they compare? Is God the same yesterday, today, and forever? If this was His temple on earth today wouldn't it be in harmony with the Old Testament Tabernacle and/or Temple?

Sep26-10.jpg (57261 bytes)

Representation of the Biblical Robes of the Holy Priesthood