With joy and delight I look upon you, brethren and sisters. I feel torender all praise, thanks, and adoration to our Father and God, that myheart is capable of rendering; and with all the affections, together withall the talent bestowed upon me, I feel to serve, praise, adore, and acknowledgethe Lord our God.
Let me ask a question. Finding ourselves in our present position inthe world of sin and darkness, of ignorance, unbelief, superstition, andtradition, which have been woven and interwoven with our lives; thrown aroundus like a mantle, which is used to shield the body from the cold and fromthe storm; considering ourselves as we are, then ask ourselves the questionif on earth we have any idea of anything like a kingdom or community ofpeople being celestial; then ask ourselves again, if we have, does not thepresentation this evening border very nigh to it? I can say for one, asfar as we do know and understand, as far as our capacities can expand, andgrasp life and happiness, just so far this community which is present thisevening, is advanced in the celestial path.
If there is a heart here this evening, that does not chime in with everysentiment of righteousness, that heart has no power in this assembly. Thiscompany are controllable, like the ship by the rudder, in a gentle breeze,that can be turned hither and thither at the will and pleasure of him whocommands; so with all here present; at the sound of the voice, all is hushed,and every heart throbs in unison in response to the words of praise andthanksgiving to our Father and our God. This proves that the majority, atleast, are right; and I have no reason to believe that there is a heartin this house, but chimes in with my own. Every countenance is cheerful;every face is lit up with a lively glow of joy, peace, and tranquillity.
We are now enjoying our pastimes. We often meet together and worshipthe Lord by singing, praying, and preaching, fasting, and communing witheach other in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Now we are met in thecapacity of a social community-for what? That our minds may rest, and ourbodies receive that recreation which is proper and necessary to keep upan equilibrium, to promote healthy action to the whole system.
Let our minds sing for joy, and let life diffuse itself into every avenueof the body; for the object of our meeting is for its exercise, for itsgood.
This party was gotten up by the members of the Legislature, to resttheir minds, to convene in a social capacity, and enjoy the society of eachother, with their families, and to give renewed activity and energy, whichwill invigorate and strengthen them in the discharge of the arduous dutiesdevolving upon them.
With regard to these feelings prevailing in our midst this evening,as well as the correctness of these principles, all men and women must betheir own judge. I judge for myself, and not for another, although I havethat privilege, and can do it with safety and propriety. Why is this? Becausewhen I look upon the faces of my brethren, I know their hearts; let theroots of bitterness be there, and their countenances meet mine, and I knowit in a moment. Do you not know it also? Can you not feel it? Can you notsee it? You can. This is why I say that I have the privilege of judgingothers. You have the same privilege. Having this privilege to judge forothers as well as myself, I feel to say, that every heart of the companypresent this afternoon and evening, feels to sing praises to the Lord, andshout hallelujah to His holy name. I am in the best place I ever was duringmy life, and with the best society. I never saw a community that enjoyedthe tranquillity and peace that are enjoyed by this people in these valliesof the mountains. Is it not so? Judge for yourselves, ye are my witnesses.
A few words, perhaps, will suffice the company. I was requested to makea few remarks at the opening of the meeting, but I chose to delay speakinguntil a more suitable time; for when any of my brethren or myself speakto the people, I wish all to hear that conveniently can, because when weare in this capacity, and call our minds together, it is to reflect fora few moments, and look at each other, and think of the Lord; view overthe past times of our lives, and contrast their history with the presentfestive moments. It is good to look upon each other, because the faces ofour friends, and the gladness of their countenances, cheer our hearts, furnishingfood for future reflection. Under all circumstances, in every situationof our past lives, in every transaction of business and of social enjoyment,remember it is good to reflect and consider upon it now in the days of peaceand prosperity, while we have the privilege.
Our present situation, and the enjoyments of this evening, will becomesubjects of pleasant and agreeable reflection, when we shall be separatedfrom each other. Some of these, my brethren, may be absent in foreign lands;our sisters may be separated from this community, and go to the right andto the left; then these moments of festive joy will be remembered with pleasingemotions, and cherished in fond memory in after years.
Again, when we meet in this capacity it is good for our minds to berefreshed on this wise a little, for the reason, as you are all aware, thatwe are naturally forgetful, and it is according to the frailties of humannature to decline and falter in our feelings at the varied, besetting, enticing,and almost overwhelming temptations that are abroad in the world, and withwhich the people, especially those of the household of faith, have to contend.Our former life, its anxieties and enjoyments, are apt to be forgotten.This is our experience. If we should suffer ourselves to spend our timeday after day, and week after week, as we are to-day, how long would itbe, before we would forget the Lord? It would not be long. If we continuedin the exercising of the body without reflection, this company would soonthink-it is no matter about praying, or asking the Lord about anything;we have enjoyed ourselves heretofore, and all has been peace, quietness,and good order. But how long would it remain so? How long would it be beforewe would become careless, if we remembered not the Lord? For this reason,I say, on every such occasion, it is right, reasonable, and necessary, thatevery heart be directed to the Lord. When we have had sufficient recreationfor our good, let that suffice. It is all right; then let our minds laborinstead of our bodies; and in all our exercises of body and mind, it isgood to remember the Lord. If it cannot be so, but otherwise, I do not wishto see another party while I live. If I could not enjoy the Spirit of theLord in this capacity with you this evening, and feel the power of God torest upon me, I should cease from all such indulgence. From this time, neverlet us permit ourselves to go one step beyond that which the Lord will ownand bless.
But I pause here, and for this reason-I want it distinctly understood,that fiddling and dancing are no part of our worship. The question may beasked, What are they for, then? I answer, that my body may keep pace withmy mind. My mind labors like a man logging, all the time; and this is thereason why I am fond of these pastimes-they give me a privilege to throwevery thing off, and shake myself, that my body may exercise, and my mindrest. What for? To get strength, and be renewed and quickened, and enlivened,and animated, so that my mind may not wear out. Experience tells us thatthe most of the inhabitants of the earth wear out their bodies without wearingtheir minds at all, through the sufferings they endure from hard labor,with distress, poverty, and want. While on the other hand, a great portionof mankind wear out their bodies without laboring, only in anxiety. Butwhen men are brought to labor entirely in the field of intelligence, thereare few minds to be found possessing strength enough to bear all things;the mind becomes overcharged, and when this is the case, it begins to wearupon the body, which will sink for want of the proper exercises. This isthe reason why I believe in and practice what I do. The question might beasked, Why not go into the kanyons and get out wood, which would be goodexercise enough? If you would know, come up to my house, you will soon findout. Were I to go to the kanyons, the whole camp of Israel would followme there; and they would not be there long before they would say, Come,brother Brigham, I want to talk with you; come, I will chop this wood. Howmany scores of times I have undertaken to work, since I came into this ministry!Scores and hundreds of times when my calling in the kingdom of God was lessthan it is now, have I endeavored to set myself to work, but seldom couldhave a chance to do so more than five minutes; some one would come along,"Give me the hoe, brother Brigham, I want to talk with you;" andso stop me, and no sooner stop me than he stops also. I have given it up,I do not intend to work any more at manual labor. I do not wrestle, or playthe ball; all the exercise I do get is to dance a little, while my councilroom is from my office to this room, and from this room to my house again,into my sitting room, dining room, &c.
You will see the time, you will know what my labor is. I wish this communityto consider that I have feelings of very acute nature. There is not a manor a woman, Saint or sinner, it mattereth not, that feels injured, and layshis or her complaints before me; but what it rests upon my feelings; butmy faith is unyielding, and I intend to keep it so, as much as I can; myfeelings sympathize so with the injured, that I am grieved and distressed,and my head aches, and large drops of cold sweat sit upon my brow, and noman or woman knows anything about my feelings, and I do not want them toknow, for I calculate to kick off from my heels all that I cannot carry.I will carry all I should, but there is not a person in this community thatcan bring to mind or mention the time whenever I exhibited one particleof sorrow or trouble to them. I calculate to carry my own sorrows just aslong as I live upon this earth; and when I go to the grave, I expect themall to go there, and sleep with me in eternal silence.
But to return to our party. I would just say, it was gotten up by theLegislature to enjoy ourselves. I have enjoyed myself first-rate: my heartis cheerful and full of gladness. I am in the midst of the Saints of theMost High, and my desire is, and I will say with all my heart, may God grantthat the blessings, favors, and mercies, and kindness of our Father in heaven,may bring us to a sense of the obligations we owe to Him; and cheer, andcause joy and tranquillity to reign in, this community, that every heartmay be bound up in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, without having tofeel the rod again. What is the use of it, when mercy and kindness are lavishedupon the people of God, and to see them falter in their faith, see themgrow cold towards the Lord their God, see them slacken their pace? Is itnot grievous? Just look at it. Suppose you had all the good gifts to bestowupon your children that heart could wish, and you lavish them out, but themore you give, the more slothful they become-how would you feel? Just applythis to yourselves: I know how I should feel. When I bring my mind to bearupon this subject, and see what the Lord has done for me, and for this people,and think that I should become remiss in my duty, so that the Lord shouldhave need to chasten me again, it seems, on the first reflection, that Iought to be damned. When I look at myself before the Lord, and see whatHe has called me to, and what He has called my brethren and sisters to;how He has bestowed blessings upon us, and heaped them up until there isnot room to receive them, and I should want to go to the gold mines, andreturn again here to speculate upon the Saints, and should be guilty ofcomplaining all the time, it seems, if I were to do this, the Lord woulddamn me.
I know you feel as I do upon this subject. When you take this into consideration,your serious reflections having place in your heart, you feel as I do. Forheaven's sake, for your own sake and for the sake of Him who died for us,never let us falter in our duty. While we live, it is our duty to love theLord with all our might, and with all our strength, and with all our souls.This is our duty first and foremost: we ought to love Him better than ourwives, children, and brethren and sisters; and all things besides. Is thisour duty? Verily yes. Let the heart love God, and serve Him, without anydivision of feeling: never suffer it to wander to the right or to the leftfor one moment.
If these were the feelings of this people, the Lord would lift up ourhands, exalt our hearts, and cause us to walk in His almighty strength,so that the devil and his imps would never have power to bring another afflictionupon us, never, no, never. Therefore, love the Lord, keep His commandments,cleave to the Israel of God; this is my exhortation all the time. And whatis the next duty? Love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others as youwould that others should do unto you, cease your contention and bad feelings,your evil speaking and evil doing.
As I observed here not long since, I consider it is a disgrace to thecommunity, and in the eyes of the Lord, and of Angels, and in the eyes ofall the Prophets and Revelators that have ever lived upon the earth, whena community will descend to the low, degraded state of contention with eachother; this little bickering, jarring, fault-finding, somebody's abusedme; why do you not say, if you have a mind to abuse, abuse away? Supposeevery heart should say, if my neighbor does wrong to me, I will not complain,the Lord will take care of him. Let every heart be firm, and every one say,I will never contend any more with a man for property, I will not be cruelto my fellow-creature, but I will do all the good I can, and as little evilas possible. Now, where would be the wrong of taking this course? This isthe way to approximate toward a celestial state. A community cannot be producedupon all the face of the earth that presents a celestial aspect like this.If we continue to be faithful and prayerful, and strive continually to resistevery evil, we shall approximate more and more towards that celestial kingdom,where there is an eternal inheritance, and an unsullied glory. And if weshould look back upon ourselves, when we were doing evil to each other,should we not do so with regret and shame? Should we not look upon our pastmortal lives with anguish and disgust? I wish men would look upon that eternitywhich is before them. In the great morning of the resurrection, with whatgrief would they look upon their little trifling affairs of this probation;they would say, O! do not mention it, for it is a source of mortificationto me to think that I ever should be guilty of doing wrong, or of neglectingto do good to my fellow men, even if they have abused me. O! how would itappear if you understood the heart of the Lord, and understood the heartand faithfulness of those in the celestial kingdom. As good as we are, weshall not want to look upon our past actions; we shall say, O! do not mentionit, but let it sleep; I never want that to be resurrected, but let it diein the grave, and sleep an eternal sleep. Brethren and sisters, I hope andpray that our evils may never rise with us. I can say to you, with all myheart, and with all my soul, and not only to this company, but to all theSaints throughout the world-may the heavens bless you; the Lord Almightyblesses you, my soul blesses you, how my soul loves you; may angels blessyou, guard and preserve you; and may all the heavenly hosts, arrayed inall their panoply of power, be engaged for your exaltation.
One thing more. You will perceive all the time, this one thing in me,viz., by my conduct, there is no lack of confidence-not a particle of jealousyarises in my bosom towards this people. I never felt for one moment a shadowof doubt upon that subject. I have never seen one moment but this peopleloved me; although I may get up here and cuff them about, chastising themfor their forgetfulness, their weaknesses and follies, yet I have not seena moment when they did not love me. The reason is, because I love them sowell. Do you not know that spirits beget spirits, and likeness begets likeness.I love this people so well that I know they love me; they have confidencein me, because I have confidence in them. You may scan the history of thewhole Church, and look over the whole surface of the matter, and did youever see this people, when they had the same confidence as they have ineach other at this day? No, never. And it is on the increase; and this iswhat will make a community powerful. But if we lack confidence in each other,and be jealous of each other, our peace will be destroyed. If we cultivatethe principle of unshaken confidence in each other, our joy will be full.What does it prove? It proves that we are fast advancing and approximatingtowards that degree of light, knowledge, and glory, and all the principlesthat pertain to the everlasting Gospel, and that we are actually in thefavor of the Lord. We need not bring any proofs of that, for that devilsnever kick and cuff their own is certain. As I used to say, fifteen yearsago, when I was out preaching, and the people would get alarmed, when thedevil would get mad, and would say to me, "Oh! dear, sir, what is thematter, I am afraid we are all going to be killed, for all hell is boilingover"-my answer was, "Thank God, the devil has not forsaken usyet." Will he not sustain his own kingdom? When you see all the powersof the evil one combined against a community, you may know that is Christ'skingdom. Everything has proved that this is God's kingdom, and I need notsay anything more about these two powers.
The Lord Almighty is for us, and the devil is against us. However, Iwill tell you what I think of the whole of the devil's company on this earth-ifthey will just keep out of my path, I shall be glad, for I never want tosee one of them. My soul is satisfied with looking upon this wicked world.If I never see another wicked person while I live, I am perfectly satisfiedwith the Saints; these are my feelings. True, it is my duty to preach tothem; but I am willing, if the Lord is satisfied, that I should never seeanother wicked person upon this earth. I would be satisfied to live withthe Saints and Angels from this time henceforth. May heaven bless you brethrenand sisters. Amen.