

I rise to occupy a few moments of time this morning, as we have openedour Conference by the dedication prayer, for we will spend the remainderof the forenoon in speaking. I desire to offer my own reflections upon thisinteresting occasion, but whether they may be strictly appropriate or not,will, of course, be left for you to judge.

We have assembled together in this comfortable and commodious buildingin peace, and are we not led to exclaim who could have fathomed, who couldhave understood the ways of the Lord, which are higher than man's ways,as heaven is higher than the earth? We can now calmly reflect upon the experienceof our past lives, and those minds that are opened to receive light andtruth, that can behold the manifestations of the Lord, can at once see thatHe has done that which we could not have accomplished by our own power,and that directly behind (to all human appearance) a frowning Providenceoftentimes are concealed the greatest blessings that mankind can desire.It teaches us to trust in the Lord, to have confidence in our God. It teachesus absolutely that we need never undertake to guide the ship of Zion, ordictate, by our own wisdom, to the kingdom of God on the earth. It teachesus definitely and emphatically that the Lord Almighty can do His own work,and no power of man can stay the potency of His wonder-working hand. Menmay presume to dictate to the Lord; they come to naught, but His work movessteadily forward. Many who have left this Church have tried the experimentof building up the kingdom of God by their learning, saying, "Whenwe have established our Church it will then be the kingdom of the Lord."They have laid their subtle plans, have marked out their ground, pointedout their own path, have firmly (as they supposed) set their stakes, commandingtheir proselytes not to turn to the right hand nor to the left, from thecourse marked out by them, but in every case has the Lord overthrown theirplans, and thwarted all their designs. When the Lord works, no man can hinder,while those who feel willing to hearken to His words work with Him; andwhen He says, "Be still," they are subject; when He dictates,they cease to direct; when He directs, they are willing to do His commandments,He bestows blessings on their labors, His work prospers in their hands,His kingdom moves onward with a steady and unwavering progress, the honestin heart are blessed, and the whole is in a state of continual and rapidincrease. Then let the world and the enemies of Christ and His kingdom thatare upon earth and in hell, do their worst, it matters not, the work ofthe Lord is still onward and prosperous in His hands.

It is a great privilege which we enjoy this morning of assembling ourselvestogether in this comfortable edifice, which has been erected in the shortspace of about four months, in the most inclement season of the year. Wehave now a commodious place in which we can worship the Lord, without thefear of being driven from our seats by wet and cold, or of standing exposedto the weather. I now say to my brethren, that I feel to dedicate myselfand all I possess to the Lord, and constantly feel, with all I have, onthe altar of sacrifice to the cause of my God.

A year ago this day, when the brethren were assembled to offer up theirprayers, and to present business before the Conference, for the considerationof the people, and for the furtherance of the cause we have espoused, Irecollect I was not able to sit up, being sick, but not discouraged. I hadnot fainted by the way, but my heart was as brave as it ever was in anymoment of my life, yet I was not able to be in the assembly. I contemplatedthe situation of this people, and looked over our past history, consideredour then present prospects and privileges in these peaceful valleys. Myeyes were upon those who were faltering by the way or wandering after thethings of this world, and I could not refrain from tracing their steps,as they were passing to the right and to the left after the perishing thingsof this life. I saw the afflictions of the people, and contemplated theirpast sufferings and present situation. As I mused, I said in my heart, "Assoon as I am able to speak to the people, I will unfold to them my thoughtsand feelings, and tell them that in the midst of all the afflictions andchecquered scenes through which the Saints have passed-their joys and theirtoils, their sufferings and their comforts, their fears and their faith,I have never seen them as comfortable as they are now. I shall say to thebrethren, Come, let us build a house that we may enter within its walls,and there offer our prayers and thanksgivings before the Lord, and worshipHim as long as we pleased without the fear of being driven home with stormsof wind, rain, and snow." I said, "If the Lord blesses me withlife and health, I shall put forth my hand to rear an edifice, in whichthe people can comfortably assemble, as large as we can build at present,and dedicate it to the Lord, that the people may say in their heart, Letus go up to the house of the Lord to worship." I saw that when we shouldobtain this commodious building, some would wish to be excused from engagingin the pleasing duty of worshipping here, and say, "My cattle, my farm,or my business will be forsaken, I must take care of my family, for theLord gave them to me to take care of;" or, "I must attend to myaffairs here and there, and I cannot therefore stay to worship the Lord."I say to such, Go! but as for me, though all the world should sink intooblivion, I will go up to worship the Lord.

These were my feelings a year ago, and they are the same to-day. I dedicatemyself, my family, and my substance anew unto the Lord, they are not mine,I am not my own creator, nor the producer of anything I possess; I did notoriginate one atom of it. Let the world and its cares go! The Lord Almighty,who made it, is able to take care of it, and He may do with it what He pleases;but He has commanded me to worship Him, which is one of the greatest privilegesthat could be conferred upon man.

How long shall we stay here? I answer, as long as I please. Brethrenand sisters, cast from you the love of the world, and let it have no dominionover you. There are a many who delight in the good things of this earth-ingold and silver, in carriages and horses, in houses and splendid furniture,in costly clothing, in orchards and gardens, in vineyards and fields, andextended possessions. These things, compared with eternal riches, are nothing,though in their place they are good. You may say, "If we live, we musteat, drink, and wear clothing;" and, "He that provideth not forhis own household, has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel;"numberless arguments of this kind will present themselves to the minds ofthe people, to call them away from the line of their duty, when they knowit is their privilege to dedicate themselves, their families, and all theypossess to the Lord. How quick is the enemy, how ready to present somethingof an opposite nature to what is right before them! You know the mentaland physical weakness of man, so common to mortality, and which the enemyis so ready to turn against you, to his own advantage. You think that yourbusiness needs your continual and undivided attention, that you must attendto this, or to that, before you can dedicate yourselves and families tothe Lord. There may perhaps be some few here this morning who feel theyought to be plowing, fencing, building, or attending to some minor affair,and cannot possibly spend time to remain at the Conference: If you willhearken to the counsel of your humble servant, you will say to the fields,the flocks, and the herds, to the gold and the silver, to the goods andchattels, to the tenements and the possessions, and to all the world-Standaside, get away from my thoughts, for I am going up to worship the Lord.Let it all go by the board, brethren, and who cares? I do not. Your oxenand horses will not live for ever, they will die occasionally; and sometimeswe are deprived by death of our children, and other members of our families.I say, let the dead bury the dead, let the corn and the wheat, and all otherthings, take care of themselves, but let us dedicate ourselves, our families,our substance, our time, our talents, and everything we have upon the faceof this world, with all that will hereafter be entrusted to us, to the Lordour God; let the whole be devoted to the building up of His kingdom uponthe earth, and whether you be called here or there, it makes no matter;but this morning let every heart be humble, watchful, and prayerful, dedicatingthemselves unto the Lord.

This people have passed through scenes of deep sorrow and affliction,but they are now in comfortable circumstances. They have been miserablypoor, but they are now, I may say, in comparative wealth. We have been sick,now we are well. We have been tormented, now we are comforted. We have beenafflicted by our enemies, but we are now far from them. You pause, and ask,how long will it be so? I answer, so long as you and I serve the Lord withall our hearts, just so long shall we be free from our enemies.

We have now a comfortable habitation to meet in, and we enjoy the privilegeof assembling here in peace. How has it been in by-gone years? Look backsix, seven, eight, ten, or twelve years ago, or to the year 1830, when theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized with six members-whichis twenty-two years ago this day, and can you tell me of a year, of sixmonths, or of three months that Joseph was not hunted like the deer uponthe mountains, by sheriffs with writs in their hands to drag him from usto prison; when he and his brethren were not menaced with blood-thirstymobs, until this people assembled in the peaceful valleys of the mountains?Who troubles them now? No person who fears God, who serves the King, theLord of Hosts; and none who are willing to love our Father in heaven supremely-aboveall things else upon the face of this earth, or in eternity, will be foundpersecuting even an idolater, to say nothing of the Saints of the Most High.

Let us now seek with greater diligence to build up the kingdom of heaven,and establish righteousness; seek to magnify the Lord God, and sanctifyour own hearts; establish peace on earth, destroy every root of bitternessfrom among the people, and cease from this moment to find fault with anybrother or sister, even though they do wrong, for the Lord will apply thechastening rod to them if they need it. We serve our children so; if weconsider they need chastening, we chastise them, but we do not thereby hatethem. If it is necessary, we will correct their faults. But should we contendwith them? By no means.

Are those who have assembled here this morning prepared to make a covenantwith themselves that they will cease from all evil practices, from all evilspeaking, and from all evil thinking, and say from this very morning, Iwill never do another evil as long as I live, the Lord being my helper?I will do all the good I can, and prepare for the coming of the son of man?To this end I wish we should dedicate our hearts, our affections, and ourwhole life to the cause of God on the earth.

I do not feel like preaching a discourse upon any particular subject;but of urging the necessity of the brethren and sisters absolutely comingto this determination this morning, and dedicating themselves and all theyhave to the Lord from this time henceforth. Can we come to this conclusion,to firmly, faithfully, and unitedly enter into a covenant with ourselves,saying, I am for the Lord and none else; from this time henceforth, I willdo the will of my Father who is in the heavens, who has called me to ministerthe fulness of the Gospel, and to share the glory that is prepared for therighteous I will be like clay in the hands of the potter, that He may mould[mold] and fashion me as seemeth Him good; and if He will make known tome His will, mine shall bow to it, my affections shall be placed upon eternalthings, and shall not rest upon the fading, transitory objects of time andsense? Can we make this covenant with ourselves this morning. Not only tosay we dedicate this house and ourselves, our flocks, herds, families, andpossessions, to the Lord, but actually perform the work, dedicating ouraffections to His service. If our affections are won [one] and wholly dedicatedto His cause, we have then obtained the victory.

Perhaps we may find one here and there who will say, "I cannotdo this, I may say it with my lips, but to feel it in my heart, the caseis hard; I am poor and needy, and desire to go to the gold mines to obtainsomething to help myself, by speculating upon the Gentiles, and thus getme a good farm and team, with which to get out of this thraldom and difficulty;my mind is so perplexed, I cannot say my affections are fully dedicatedto the Lord my God." What is to be done in such a case? I know whatI would do, for I have experience in these matters-I would call upon theBishop, and make known to him my distress. There are many who in these wordscomplain, and say they are so poor they cannot pay their tithing; say they,"I have only got three horses and two yoke of cattle and about fiftysheep; I want one horse to ride, and the others to haul wood, I thereforedo not know how I can possibly pay my tithing." While on the otherhand, others who have only got half a dozen chickens can willingly pay theirtithing. You may say, "It is easier for them to pay tithing than forthose who possess so much, for they are so very poor, it does not infringeupon other matters." Now if I had but one cow, and felt thus, I wouldgive her away forthwith. If you have only six horses and ten yoke of cattle,or only one cow, and you are too poor to pay your tithing, give the wholeinto the public works. I speak thus to those who are inclined to love thesubstance of this world better than the Lord. If you have gold and silver,let it not come between you and your duty. I will tell you what to do inorder to gain your exaltation, the which you cannot obtain except you takethis course. If your affections are placed upon anything so as to hinderyou in the least from dedicating them to the Lord, make a dedication ofthat thing in the first place, that the dedication of the whole may be complete.

What hinders this people from being as holy as the Church of Enoch?I can tell you the reason in a few words. It is because you will not cultivatethe disposition to be so-this comprehends the whole. If my heart is notfully given up to this work, I will give my time, my talents, my hands,and my possessions to it, until my heart consents to be subject; I willmake my hands labour in the cause of God until my heart bows in submissionto it.

I might here use a just and true comparison which will apply to theChurch. The rulers of Great Britain have tried to make every capitalistidentify his interest with the Government-that has sustained the kingdom,and is like a powerful network around the whole. Apply this comparison tothe kingdom of God on earth.

Brethren, do you wish this heavenly government to stand? There is nogovernment more beautiful, no confederacy more powerful! What shall we doto accomplish this? Imitate the policy of that earthly kingdom, identifyour interest with the kingdom of God, so that if our hearts should everbecome weaned from loyalty to the sovereign, all our earthly interest isbound up there, and cannot be taken away. We must therefore sustain thekingdom in order to sustain our lives and interests; by so doing, we shallreceive the Spirit of the Lord, and ultimately work with all our hearts.

This is a policy which I have not reflected upon until this morning,but before we get through with the Conference, I shall, perhaps, see itentered into, not as the result of any premeditation in the least, but whenthe condition of our temporal affairs is read from the stand, you will findthe Church in considerable indebtedness. If any man is in darkness throughthe deceitfulness of riches, it is good policy for him to bind up his wealthin this Church, so that he cannot command it again, and he will be apt tocleave to the kingdom. If a man has the purse in his pocket, and he apostatizes,he takes it with him; but if his worldly interest is firmly united to theKingdom of God, when he arises to go away, he finds the calf is bound, and,like the cow, he is unwilling to forsake it. If his calf is bound up here,he will be inclined to stay; all his interest is here, and very likely theLord will open his eyes, so that he will properly understand his true situation,and his heart will chime in with the will of his God in a very short time.Were we to dedicate our moral and intellectual influence, and our earthlywealth to the Lord, our hearts would be very likely to applaud our acts.This reasoning is for those who do not feel exactly to subscribe to allthat has been said this morning, with regard to dedicating ourselves tothe cause of truth. This is what you must do to obtain an exaltation. TheLord must be first and foremost in our affections, the building up of Hiskingdom demands our first consideration.

The Lord God Almighty has set up a kingdom that will sway the sceptreof power and authority over all the kingdoms of the world, and will neverbe destroyed, it is the kingdom that Daniel saw and wrote of. It may beconsidered treason to say that the kingdom which that Prophet foretold isactually set up; that we cannot help, but we know it is so, and call uponthe nations to believe our testimony. The kingdom will continue to increase,to grow, to spread and prosper more and more. Every time its enemies undertaketo overthrow it, it will become more extensive and powerful; instead ofits decreasing, it will continue to increase, it will spread the more, becomemore wonderful and conspicuous to the nations, until it fills the wholeearth. If such is your wish, identify your own individual interest in it,and tie yourselves thereto by every means in your power. Let every man andevery woman do this, and then be willing to make every sacrifice the Lordmay require; and when they have bound up their affections, time, and talents,with all they have, to the interest of the kingdom, then have they gainedthe victory, and their work is complete, so far as they understand.

If this people would take that course, what hinders their being in theMillennium? If I were to ask what the Millennium-the Latter-day glory sooften spoken of, is, I should find numerous opinions among this people,and many in and out of this congregation. I have learned long ago that thethoughts and expressions of men are very diversified; if, indeed, theirthoughts or ideas are similar, I know their words differ widely; so shouldI find a great many different opinions among this people, with regard tothe real essence and effect of the Millennium. The Millennium consists inthis-every heart in the Church and Kingdom of God being united in one; theKingdom increasing to the overcoming of everything opposed to the economyof heaven, and Satan being bound, and having a seal set upon him. All thingselse will be as they are now, we shall eat, drink, and wear clothing. Letthe people be holy, and the earth under their feet will be holy. Let thepeople be holy, and filled with the Spirit of God, and every animal andcreeping thing will be filled with peace; the soil of the earth will bringforth in its strength, and the fruits thereof will be meat for man. Themore purity that exists, the less is the strife the more kind we are toour animals, the more will peace increase, and the savage nature of thebrute creation vanish away. If the people will not serve the devil anothermoment whilst they live, if this congregation is possessed of that spiritand resolution, here in this house is the Millennium. Let the inhabitantsof this city be possessed of that spirit, let the people of the territorybe possessed of that spirit, and here is the Millennium. Let the whole peopleof the United States be possessed of that spirit, and here is the Millennium,and so will it spread over all the world.

Let us cease from all evil, and do all the good we can to the nationsabroad, and by and by the vail of the covering will be taken from the earth,and the inhabitants see as they are seen.

May the Almighty Father of heaven and earth bless you, and I bless youin His name, and pray that we may be diligent in every good word and workbefore the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.