

Brethren and Friends-I am glad to see you once more, and for the privilegeof meeting with you. I did not expect to address you this morning, not beingwell in health; but at the request of my brother, who presides over me,and in the absence of many who might edify you, I rise to speak a shorttime, and give place to others.

I desire your prayers, that my body may be strengthened, and also forthe Gift of the Holy Spirit, without which no man can edify his fellow man.

We are told, by the Prophet of old, in the good old Bible, and by thatpeculiar Prophet that the Christian world (that portion of them that esteemthe Bible) consider more clear, and more eloquent than any other, whoseprophecies are on record-the Prophet Isaiah; we are told by him, that theLord would, some time, "lift up a standard for the people," "anensign for the nations," and that He would not only do this, but doit as a manifestation which should result in the great restoration of allthings spoken of by the Prophets, in the restoration of the twelve tribesof Israel from the four quarters of the earth, to their own country, nationality,institutions, and religion; that they might again be nationalized, established,and reinstated in their covenant renewed unto them, as in days of old, andhave their own Priesthood, rulers, governors, and consequently their ownblessings. I say, we are told, by one of the greatest Prophets, whose propheciesare on record, that a standard would be lifted up or manifested, in orderto bring about that great restoration. What is that standard? Let us reasona little upon that subject, this morning. Some might say it is a book. Itmight be, in a certain sense. A dictionary of a language is sometimes calleda standard, that is, something established, something that is a sufficientauthority, something to which all can refer, as to a sample or doctrine,to decide a question or an uncertainty in the meaning of words.

In point of principle or doctrine, a book that we might call a "standard,"might be considered to contain truths. But I do not understand the predictionto which I refer as exclusively pertaining to a book, but rather to a religion,to a set of principles developed, to a covenant established, or, to carryit out more fully, to a people organized, gathered together, and establishedin one, having one faith, one spirit, one baptism, one God, one eternaland everlasting covenant by which they are all united, and one set of principlesby which they are governed. For where such a government might be subdividedby local circumstances, whether these principles were written in one bookor in a thousand books, or whether they were taught and acted upon withoutany book, whether the people could read a book or could not, nothing shortof the development of certain principles of religion, law, and government,embraced by a certain portion of people, by which they could see eye toeye, in which they were united, and by the spirit of which they were madeone in light and truth and fellowship, and gathered, organised, planted,established-in short, a system containing a development of all the principlesthat constitute a heavenly government, nothing short of this, if I understandthe prediction of Isaiah, would be considered by the Jews, and by the othertribes of Israel, wherever they were found, and finally by the whole ofthe Gentile world that might live to see it, as a "standard."This would be something worthy to be called a standard, something to whichthey could look, and come to, and be organized, consolidated, nationalized,and governed by, politically and religiously; or more truly and consistentlyspeaking, religiously, because that includes all the political governmentsthat are worth naming or striving for in heaven or on earth.

A system of religion, or a people organized upon it, should includeevery branch of government that they could possibly need for their dwellingwith each other, for their organization, peace, welfare, defence, order,happiness, and for their dwelling with neighboring nations. A system ofreligion that is from heaven never would stop short of including all theseprinciples. Therefore it is inconsistent, it is because of the ignorancethat is in the world that two terms-"political government" and"religious government," are used.

Men have been in the habit of walking with, of being organised and identifiedwith, religions more or less false, and not sufficient in themselves tocarry out all the principles of government; they are a kind of Sunday convenience,separate and distinct from the everyday affairs of life; a kind of big religiouscloak, to be put on for that day, but not to be considered to have anythingto do with every-day affairs. This kind of religion not being sufficientfor the happiness and government, enlightenment and improvement, educationand regulation of mankind, or of society in all its branches, of coursemen would get up some thing else separate from it, and call that "thepolicy of civil government." I do not blame them, for a false religion,or one partly false and partly true, never was calculated to answer thepurpose. A religion not wholly true could not possibly develop all the resources,principles, branches, departments, officers, and powers adapted to the government,organization, peace, order, happiness, and defence of society, and for itsregulation while dwelling with foreign departments and powers.

Men require something more than these imperfect systems, which are amixture of truth and error, that exist in the world, (and they have no better,of course;) they need something else besides their Sunday arrangements,besides this machinery of theories; they need something of every-day practicalutility; and this they call civil government and politics, distinct fromreligion, though in some countries they blend one with the other, and bothare in force. But I use the terms politics and religion to adapt myselfto those obsolete ideas, that are about passing away with us, but underwhich a great majority of mankind still labor. In addressing the Saints,I make no distinction; when I say a religious system, I mean that whichunites principles of political government and religions, which is perfectlysufficient for, and completely adapted to, all the wants of cities, boroughs,counties, states, kingdoms, empires, or the world, or a million of worlds;that system of religion or government, just which you please to call it,that regulates things in heaven, and for which all professing Christianmen pray.

Whether men realize it or not, when they say, "Thy kingdom come,thy will be done on earth as it is heaven," it is as much as to say,"O God, sweep away all the falsehood and abuses of power there arein the world, whether religious or political; down with the tyrants, downwith the abuses, down with the pride, extravagance, and idleness of theone class, and down with the hard trials, want, oppression, and povertythat are heaped upon the other class; do away with all the kingcraft, priestcraft,and republic craft that are in the world. And in the place of all thesefalse governments and religions, in political and social life, introducethat eternal government, that pure order of things, those eternal principlesand institutions, which govern society in those better worlds, the worldsof immortality and eternal life." That is what a man prays for, aswell as I can tell it, when he says, "Thy will be done on earth, asit is in heaven." He says, "Sweep away all abuses, all corruption,all falsehood, all war, all ungodly and selfish ambition; and in its placeintroduce a new government for universal man, a system that will touch allhis wants, religiously, politically, and every other way; which will organiseand govern society upon the principles that society is governed upon inheaven."

I pray for that day, understanding it in that light. And if anybodyuses that prayer, and does not mean it in that light, it is for want ofreflection. For instance-does any man in his senses, believe that the governmentof the eternal heavens in the presence of God, consists of a variety ofkingdoms, empires, republics, and states, governed by various principles,ruled by aspirants, and sometimes by tyrants, that differ widely one fromanother in the principles by which they rule, one jarring with, and encroachingupon, the other, and frequently going to war with him, having a thousanddifferent ways of worship, an of religious and political administration?I ask, again, does any sane person, who reflects, believe that heaven isgoverned in that way? No. Every reflecting person believes as well as I,that if there is a world of immortality at all, where righteousness rules,the same principles, as far as they go, are developed unto all, and adaptedto all. Some may have more truth, ascend to greater degrees of perfection,and be able to receive higher and more glorious principles of governmentthan others, even in heaven. Some may attain to a celestial glory, of whichthe sun is typical; others be as telestial beings, the glory of which iscompared with the stars, as they appear to our sight; and these two classesmay differ as widely from each other as the stars differ from the sun inglory, as seen by man. So far as heavenly beings have become enlightenedby revelation in the laws of eternal government, a sameness exists in theirpossession of principles of truth, as far as it goes. Some may be in possessionof the same portion of truth, but may not possess it in fulness, but itis true so far as it goes, by which all are in union, peace, and love, andby which they all do right, and all glorify God, and maintain an eternalpeace and bond of happiness.

In viewing heaven thus, "I do not believe I differ, except in degree,from the expectations and views of all Christendom that believe in a hereafter.They would not contend for a moment for the jargon and division that existin this world, that produce-what? Envy, hatred, darkness, and ignorance.They do not believe for a moment that anything of this kind exists in heaven.They pray as well as we, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."They pray, whether they think of it or not, that all the jargon, errors,abuses, darkness, and ignorance that now exist in the world, under the nameof religion, government, or anything else, may come to an end; that so faras there is unrighteousness, or any error in principle, thrones may be castdown; that all the powers of earth, whether republic or monarchial, thatare not in accordance with the law and government of heaven, may pass away,and those principles be introduced that govern the sanctified in heaven,so far as man in this life is capable of receiving these good things, andenjoying them in truth, union, and peace. Then with this view of the subject,such a system introduced, even among a few men, they being organised uponit, and acting it out in a good measure, we should call this a "standard."The Jews could look to it and call it a "standard." The ten tribes,and the scattered remnants, and all that appertain to the lineage of Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob, scattered through the world, waiting for the redemption,and the restoration of the kingdom to Israel, could look to such a "standard,"to the people organised upon these principles developed from heaven, andcarrying them out in all their points, for they are capable of governinga world, or a million of worlds; to this they could look and say, thereis a "standard."

If all the railroads, steamboats, and other swift means of conveyance,with all the gold and silver, were in the hands and under the control ofthe right lineage, and all the sea captains and railroad proprietors stoodready to serve them, as the Jew turned his attention to the brighteningprospect, and to his own land, the question would naturally arise in hismind-under what STANDARD shall I go? You may say under the color of GreatBritain, but that is not sufficient. Upon what principles shall we be organized,religiously and politically? Which of all the churches in Christendom willpresent us with a just standard, constituted to our capacity? Which of allthe nations will present a government standard, constituted to our position?

"Well, but," you say, "let the Jews take their own standard."Then they will never have the Christian dispensation, nor that of Mosesand the Prophets, because both of these had power in them that the Jewsdo not profess to have. The Christian religion had its inspired men, Apostlesand Prophets. Those the Jews have not got. Moses and the Prophets had theirmiracles, gifts, powers, and oracles, men who were raised up by heaven,to direct, make laws and governments, and organise a kingdom among the Jews;they have not got these either. The most they pretend to live is a bookthat gives the history of their fathers, and of Moses and the Prophets;showing that they lived under a dispensation of Priesthood, revealed fromheaven, and handed down from the fathers, from generation to generation,which Priesthood held the Urim and Thummim, and the charge of the holy place,containing the holy things, and power to inquire of God, and to instructthe people in what was for peace, defence, welfare, government, judgement,and law. The Jews cannot say they have these things now. Moses and the Prophetshad living oracles from heaven. The Jews have not. Moses and the Prophetshad the ministering of angels. The Jews at this day have not. Moses andthe Prophets had power to control the elements, and work mighty wondersin the name of the Lord, some of them even rolled the earth back on itsaxis. Have the Jews this power? No. To restore them to Palestine, and lettheir own institutions be a standard, would be to put there what neitherresemble Moses and the Prophets, nor Jesus and the Prophets.

"But suppose we try to convert them to the present Christian institutions,"says one. Well, where is the "standard?" Who has got it? The Christianinstitution consisted of Apostles and Prophets, ministers whose Priesthoodwas after the order of the Son of God, and ordained by himself, for he says,"As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you;" "Ye havenot chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you." Connectedwith the Apostleship are the keys and powers of government, the administrationof ordinances, and the gifts and powers of the Holy Spirit. This is a "standard,"which the Jews, and the ten tribes would all acknowledge, and it is a Christianone, yet such a one all Christendom cannot present. They can present a book,like the Jews; the one is a book that testifies that Moses and the Prophetshad this power, the other that Jesus and his Apostles had it, but neitherof these books can be the "standard," because the mere historythat somebody had this power would not be a living "standard."If the Christians present the Jews with the New Testament, the Jews willpresent the Christians with the Old Testament, and the writers of both ofthem had the power. The Jew would have to admit, that the power and "standard"that his book was the key of, had passed away; and the Christian, that theangels, gifts, and blessings that his book gave an account of had also passedaway.

If you take the despotic standard of Russia, or the standard of anyother of the nations of Europe, some of them are unlimited in their provisions-thesovereign is the law; others are limited-the sovereign only being part ofthe law and power, frequent bloody wars arise between the monarch and thepeople; and those who come direct to the throne by hereditary right arebeset by the same evils. Besides that, in Russia there is one kind of religion;in Greece, another; in Rome, a third; and in England, a fourth; all widelydiffering from each other.

To take the republican form of government, and set it up as a standard,would be to set the Jews and the Ten Tribes, when they get home, to creatingtheir own government, religion, and officers. They would say, "Thisis not a restoration of all things to the order of the fathers. Who everheard of a nation's rising up, and making its own ministry of angels, itsown Prophets, Apostles, and Priesthood to speak the word of God, and toinquire of Him?" The Lord would turn round and say, "I have notchosen this man, you have chosen him and ordained him." Did the peopleelect and appoint Moses to receive all his powers, to hold communion withthe burning bush, and divide the waters of the Red Sea? Did they elect Joshuato that faith by which he lived to lead Israel into Canaan, and divide Jordanby the word of God? Did they instruct him to lengthen out the day whileIsrael conquered their enemies? No. God Almighty chose Moses and ordainedHim, and Moses laid his hands upon Joshua and ordained him, and thereforethe two were full of the Spirit of God to fill a similar calling.

The Jews and the Ten Tribes know better than to bow to such an orderof things, for no rule, precedent, or example, can be found in the historyof the fathers to substantiate such a course; they would either concludethat God had changed, or that such proceedings were an imposition, and pertainedto no real government from heaven at all.

"Well, then, "says the Lord," I will set up a standardfor my people, and lift up my hand to the Gentiles. A system shall be developedfrom heaven, by which the people are to be planted in one, that is, thosewho embrace it; by which shall be developed among them all, one spirit,one doctrine, one order of Priesthood, worship, power, and government, tolead, direct, control, and say what religion they shall adopt, includingevery department of government, sufficient for all the affairs of state,both internal and external, and that would contribute to their enlightenment,improvement, defence, exaltation, and their relations with all the world."Such a thing would be a "standard." It would answer the purposeto plant and govern them. It would bring the Gentiles to it. In order forthis, it would be a principle of government developed in all its parts,not differing so much from the old one either. "Do you mean the lawof Moses?" Yes, but only so far as the same eternal principles existedin that law. There were many principles given in that law which pertainednot to the eternal kingdom of God; they had to be fulfilled in Christ, andthen have an end.

"Well, then, what do you mean? Do you mean to say that this modern,standard must not differ from the institutions revealed and carried outin the days of Christ and his Apostles?" No, this is not what I mean,because it must differ in some of its bearings from those institutions."Wherein?" In this respect, if nothing more-Peter and the restof the Apostles having done what we are doing now, that is, talked aboutthat "standard," and the restoration of the kingdom and governmentto Israel, said to Jesus, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore thekingdom to Israel?" That is, "Wilt thou at this time raise a standardwith all the powers of government, break down the Roman Empire, and givethe kingdom and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven to thySaints, that so all Israel may be saved?" So far from a satisfactoryanswer being given to Peter and the Apostles, the Saviour said, "Itis not for you to know the times or the seasons" when this shall bedone, letting alone doing it, for the knowledge of these times "theFather hath put in his own power." Jesus did not turn round and answerthem as the sectarians would-"You are entirely mistaken, my kingdomwill always be a spiritual kingdom; and you will be very much disappointedif you look for anything else." He virtually said-"Suffice itto say, it is not given to you Apostles to hold the keys of my kingdom inthat day and age of the world, or even to know the time that I will do thatwork." "Well, Lord, what will you have us to do? As the Scripturesare more full upon that subject than almost any other, for kings and Prophetsspoke of little else, and you will not tell us of that, but reserve it forsome other people, and to be known at some other time, which we are notto know, what is it you would have us to do?" "Simply be witnessesof me in Jerusalem, Samaria, and in the uttermost parts of the earth. Baptizethe people, if they will repent, after you have taught them to believe inme, their eternal King and great High Priest, who rose from the dead, andascended up on high in your presence, to reign in heaven, and eventuallyupon the earth. Go and tell the people that, and let them repent, and turnto me with full purpose of heart, and know that I am the law, and the way,and the truth; and if they shall keep my words, they shall have eternallife; and if they do not, they shall remain in condemnation. If they hearyou, they hear me; and if they receive you, they receive me; and if theyreceive me, they receive him that sent me; and if they reject you, theyreject me. And whatsoever they do to you, it is the same as though theydid it to me. You are my ambassadors, my representatives, my ministers,and if they do good to you, it is the same as though they did it to me.If they discard you, and believe not your words, and withhold their handsfrom helping you to carry out the principles of truth, it is the same asthough they did it unto me." "But, master, how shall we establisha standard of government, and peace, so as to maintain these principles?""You cannot do it." Did Jesus Christ and his Apostles say thesethings in so many words? No. But in words that amounted to the same thing.Says he-"The time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think thathe doeth God service." And unto Peter, the head of the Apostles, Jesussaid, speaking of the death of Peter should die-"When thou shall beold, thou shalt stretch forth they hands, and another shall gird thee, andcarry thee whither thou wouldest not." Jesus told his servants theywould be scourged from city to city, and from place to place, and from synagogueto synagogue, and be overcome, for another power would rise different fromthe kingdom of God, and it should make war with them, and overcome them,and be drunken with the blood of the Saints, and hold dominion over allthe kings of the earth, over every tribe and tongue and people, until thewords of God should be fulfilled; therefore they were not to think to gatherthe people, to establish a kingdom or government on the earth, for theycould not do it. There was another power to rise, that would put their powerdown, and bear rule over all nations, and all nations would be deceivedby it.

Now you take the instructions of the Apostles to the Saints in formerdays, and the manifestations of the Lord to the last of the Twelve whilehe was on the Isle of Patmos, and see if they do not amount to the above.

Well, then, give us a dispensation like the one they had, one fittedto the New Testament; and it is simply to run through the world, and witnessof the manifestations of the Lord of life and glory in the flesh, and hisresurrection from the dead; to call upon the people to repent and be baptized,and give them in the first principles of the Gospel; and as fast as theywere baptized, say to them, "You may expect to be killed, and if youare not willing to lay down your life, do not put your name among us, norbe baptized at all, for the wicked will make war with the Saints and overcomethem." To repent, and be baptized, and receive the Gospel for the remissionof sins, be killed and go home to glory, was the Gospel the ancient Apostlespreached. I say, if we had a dispensation precisely like that which Peterand the rest of the former-day Apostles had, that is just as far as we couldcarry it. Where is the place where we could build up the kingdom of God?No where. If you lived in Rome (and Rome was the world), and submitted toits butcheries, until the words of God should be fulfilled, you would beslain and go into yonder world.

Hence the kingdom of God had to be set up twice, once in the days ofPeter, wherein those who obeyed the Gospel ordinances had to submit to theRoman power and be killed. After they are killed, and the Priesthood istaken from the earth, and the keys of it are gone from the earth also, orhid up, so that no body holds them, and all nations are deceived, as itwas written by the Revelator John, by this ruling power, which is nothingmore nor less than Rome, for that was the world then known-after all this,when the time comes for the word of God to be fulfilled, and for a standardto be set up, what does this book, the Bible, say? What does Jesus Christhimself say? "There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, andin the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; thesea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear;" andhe goes on to say then when you shall see these things come to pass, thenknow that the kingdom of God is at hand.

The Millerites mistook it, and thought in meant, then know that thekingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is just at the door. A great many havebeen mistaken on the subject, among Christian communities, so called. Butif they had searched diligently to know, they would not have taken the secondadvent of Messiah, and put in the place of his kingdom, to be at hand whenyou see the signs begin to take place; then "know ye, that the kingdomof God is nigh at hand."

Now it is evident that the kingdom of God was to be set up twice-attwo distinct times, or else the whole matter is a mistake from the beginningto the end, because John the Baptist said is was at hand in his day, JesusChrist said the same, the Apostles and Seventies said, in their days, thatit was right at the door. And then Jesus Christ predicted a whole stringof events, including the destruction of Jerusalem, and the dispersion ofthe Jews. He then predicted signs that were to be seen in the sun, moon,and stars, and said, lo! "the kingdom of God is nigh at hand."Just as sure as the sun shines, the kingdom had to be set up twice, or thereis no meaning to the Book, and the last, too, at the time the Milleritesand others have set for the personal appearance of the Saviour.

The Lord, in speaking to his Apostles, said, "It is not given foryou to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his ownpower." What would he say to the Apostles in the last days? He wouldsay quite the reverse of this-"To you it is given to know the timesand the seasons, because you are the very men to do that work, but my oldApostles were only to bear witness of me to the world. As the received traditionsand religion of the world were at war with the principle of the resurrectionpresented in my body, I required my ancient Apostles to bear witness ofit in Jerusalem and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, where-everthey could find followers. But I now will raise up you and other men, andordain you, and cause keys of power to be committed to you, as in days ofold, in the same Gospel ordinances and spirit; but when they come, you willnot be required to fulfil any such thing as my servants did anciently, whichwas, to bear witness, preach repentance, baptize the people, and be killed.You will know the times and the seasons, which the Father put in His ownpower, and which my other Apostles could not know, and then go to work withyour mights and fulfil it."

Hence the gathering of the Saints; the organization of the kingdom ofGod, religiously and politically, if you will; the revelation of the lawof God, and the new and everlasting covenant made to Abraham of old andhis seed, which has never been altered by the Lord, only lost to the people.Paul said that the law given upon Mount Sinai, four hundred and thirty yearsafter that covenant was made, might not disannul it. Jesus Christ was thatman spoken of when God said, "In thee and in thy seed shall all nationsof the earth be blessed." Thus, Paul and Jesus, in so many words, confirmedthe covenant made with Abraham, that neither the law of Moses nor JesusChrist ever disannulled. What was it? A great many things, but the principalthing was, "I will greatly multiply thy seed;" in short, a lawwas given him by which he and his posterity should be regulated and governed,with regard to matrimony and posterity.

Now, then, to restore the new and everlasting covenant made with Abraham,and not disannulled by Moses, the Prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Apostles;to restore an organization of principles, of law; a development that wouldmake a standard to regulate families, households, and kingdoms in everyrespect; that would be to fulfil the words of Isaiah, where he says, I will"set up my standard to the people;" then I will gather you. Goingto work to gather them to a standard set up by modern professors would benonsense, for it would not chime in with the law that governed Abraham andhis family matters, when he and a great many others should come togetherand sit down in the kingdom of God. Such a standard would be lame in somepoints.

If I were a Jew, you might cry to me and preach to me until doomsday,and then take a sword, and hold it over me to sever my head from my body,but I should say, "I will not move one step to the standard that isnot Abraham's, nor from the everlasting covenant in which my fathers Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob, and all the holy Prophets will come and sit down in thepresence of God, upon the same principles with their modern children. Iam a Jew, and my hope is in the covenants of the fathers. If you nationswho are not numbered in that covenant wish to be blessed, it must be inthat covenant, and in no other way; and you cannot bring me any other standardthat is a lawful one. You may teach me Christianity, as you call it; youmay try to govern me by a republican government, as you call it; and tenthousand other things; but when you have taught them all to me, neitherfor your fire, your sword, your government, your religion, your threats,nor anything else will I ever embrace any other system but the standard,the covenant, in which all my nation, all the Ten Tribes and the scatteredremnants can be blessed; a covenant that will look them up, with all theGentile world; and raise all the ancients from the dead, and by which allcan sit down together in the same kingdom, and be governed by the same principles,covenants, laws, and ordinances for ever." That is the stubbornnessI should have in my nature, if I were a Jew. And the blood that flows quickthrough my veins tells me I am not one whit behind the Jew; it tells meI am of the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; therefore I am just aboutas hard as they are to believe in anything but a full and complete standard,a development of that system which will organize me and my house, and allthe people, whether Jew or Gentile, that will embrace it, in all the world,if they will repent. I read it, in so many words of the good old Prophet,that "the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish;yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." I would say to king Agrippa,if he were here to-day, "Believest thou the Prophets?" If theworld would believe, then, the whole of their kingcraft, and priestcraft,and confused systems would soon pass away, and the covenant made with Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob, and to which the Prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles lookedforward, would be established.

"When ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdomof God is nigh at hand." Is it a system of government, to organizeand gather the people? Yes, a people that will not have their heads cutoff any more by that government that has deceived the whole world, and drunkthe blood of the Saints of the Most High. It is a kingdom that the wickedwill not be permitted again to possess or destroy. How shall we look forit? It will be one of the smallest of governments upon this earth, to whicha grain of mustard seed is brought as a comparison. When we see the signsin the sun, moon, and stars, and among different nations, it proves thatthe kingdom of God is nigh at hand; we may then begin to look around forit. We must not look to Russia, or to England, to become this kingdom, butto the smallest of the governments in this world, one so small that it iscompared to a grain of mustard seed. Where must we look for it? In the veryspot where it has room to grow, and in its smallness be overshadowed withweeds and plants of other kinds; so we must look for its organization, establishment,and development in some country where that little few compose the majority,and should rule. Now with these great characteristics, and plain directions,which any man can gather from the Bible, we need not look to any other placewhere we may find this kingdom. Then among the Saints right here, wherethey compose the majority, where there is not another larger government,where they are hemmed in with mountains, and can establish peace, and akingdom, and a government, and a law. "Well," says one, "youare a republican government; how does that chime in with the word kingdom?"It matters not as to the outward name, whether it takes the name of republicor kingdom, or this, that, or the other; it is not the name that does thebusiness. We call England a monarchy, because its Presidency perpetuallycomes from one line, it is hereditary. We call the United States a republicangovernment, because they put in a man to rule, and put him out once in fouryears. I have been in both countries, and lived and acted more or less underthe two governments. I went to England with a good deal of prejudice; forI was brought up to believe that a republican government was the only goodgovernment in the world, and the British were made to be killed off. Whenmy brother Orson began to speak at all, the first word which I can rememberhe ever said, was- "Why, dad's gone to shoot the British." SoI must have gone there more or less prejudiced against that government.What is the fact, against all these prejudices of early life? It is, thatgovernment is tolerably good in both countries. The United States have thebest institutions of the two, but I tell you, if they had carried them outbetter for us, we might have been here, not so poor as we are to-day. Ilike England the better of the two; not because her institutions are better,but because they are carried out better. A government well carried out isbetter than any other form of government not carried out. You may spreadyour forms on paper, but paper will lie a long time before it will takeoff a man's head for breaking the law.

Here we are, and, thank God for it, a small government, you may callit a republican government, or what you please; but the spirit, and Gospel,and law, and principles of union are here, and nobody can help it. Thereis no law against unity, against being baptized, against receiving the administrationof angels, or the keys of the Apostleship, against laying hands on othersthat men may be filled with the Holy Ghost. There is no law against thesethings, thank God. This makes us united, it makes us do our duty, and remain,in the spirit of oneness and in faith, operating diligently upon the principlesdeveloped by revelation upon revelation, and precept upon precept, and law,upon law, and truth upon truth. We find ourselves a government organizedupon these great principles, and a government in peace. This governmenthas to maintain its character, and become a standard, having developed init every principle for the salvation of the living and the dead; to holdthe keys of the Priesthood that bear rule in heaven, on earth, and in hell,and maintain a people built upon it, which is all necessary in order tobecome a standard. To this the Ten Tribes will look, to this will look thescattered remnants that are aware of the promise to Abraham, that in hisseed, and not in some other Priesthood and lineage, shall all the nationsand people of the earth be blessed. Where should they look, if we were tobe scattered abroad, if we should come to a standstill, and stick our stakes,and say to the Almighty and to His servants-"We will do this, and that,and that is what we will not do, but we will go our own way?" Supposenow the spirit of prophecy should descend upon the Ten Tribes of Israel,and they smite the mountains of ice by the word of God, and the mountainsflow down, and their Prophets travel abroad to search the world through,for they have seen the signs in the heavens, and they feel like the wisemen of the east as they inquired for the Saviour; suppose the Ten Tribescome and inquire-"Where is the Temple of God, for we have seen thesigns in the heavens; where shall we find it?" and we were to scatterand divide, and lose the Spirit of God, and become sectarians, or somethingworse; the Ten Tribes would then have to search with a lighted candle, andcould not find the Temple here, and I defy them to find it anywhere else.

"Now, then, brother Pratt, we have embraced all this good Gospel,which you tell about. We have been baptized, we have come into the new andeverlasting covenant, we are one, our sins are forgiven us, and we havereceived a portion of the Holy Ghost." Having availed ourselves ofall these things, what we are, as individuals, we have gained together asnumber one and two, and all are justified together, and the common interestsof the kingdom are carried out. Some may say, "There are warmer climatesthan this, why not go to them, and accommodate ourselves better than wecan here? Besides that, there are places where men get more gold and silver,and can buy sugar, fruit, &c., where wood is plentiful, and where thecountry presents more beautiful scenery, and is more like Paradise thanthis place is; the whole earth is before us, why can we not go and possessit where we please? Why can we not go and serve ourselves awhile, and letthe kingdom of God take care of itself, or let these good, pious Eldersand Apostles that are so attached to it, take care of it?" If it isright for you to set your minds upon warmer climates, upon more convenienttimber, and upon making money, then it is right for every one of us to dothe same. If it is right for you, it is right for our President, and hisCouncil, and the Twelve, and everybody else. If each person should get hisown way, go to where the climate will suit him best, where there are a marketand all other conveniences, I want to know, then, where the kingdom of Godis? What worldly government could you live under, as the kingdom of God,when you had satisfied these desires? Just point your finger to the place,on this wide earth, where there is any better climate than this, any bettermarket than this, where the staple necessaries and conveniencies of lifeexist in greater abundance than they do here. Point your finger to sucha place, and convince me by mathematical demonstration that this peoplecan live there, and be a majority there, and reign there, and maintain thekingdom of God there, and I am not sure but I will go with you, and, I believe,the President will, and I think the Lord would be pleased with it. If wehad such a place, and could go and enjoy it, who cares? The less time itwill take to get a living, the more time we shall have to attend to theteaching of others, and the more convenience to gather them to it. I donot know that the Lord would have any objection to it, if you could namesuch a place.

What kind of a government is there out yonder, west of us? The veryscum floods out of the United States into that goodly land, that goldencountry; there is a concentration of jargon, ignorance, folly, corruption,and abomination, all gathered together in one focus, and then corruptingitself after being made of corruption. A Saint of God might put all theadvantages of climate, timber, soil, trade, and money together in the world,and he could not live under that government. Why did you not stop in Rome,and serve God there? You were in a fine country, a salubrious climate, thetimber was handy, and you possessed a delightful situation. Why? Becausethe Apostles could not live under the Roman Government without being killed;and how could you do it without sharing the same fate? If you did live inRome, you cannot say that the government is according to the covenant madewith Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why not stay in England? It is a fine climate,and, in many respects, it has a good soil, with trade, and plenty of coalfor fuel. Why not stay in the United States, where you can get sugar forthree cents. per pound? Why did you ever leave your countries, your nativehomes, to come here? Look at these snow-clad mountains, and naked plains-lookat the scarcity of timber, and the difficulty of travelling such a distanceto get here, and so far from any market. Bless your soul, you will not findconveniencies in the world, anywhere, handier than they are here! Why notstay where you were? "Why," you say, "I thought I shouldget a little instruction here, that I could not get anywhere else; but,having got that instruction, I thought to enjoy it, and go where I pleased."My view of the subject is this-to gather, and stay gathered, to be organizedinto the government of God, and call it what you please as to name. Theyused the word kingdom in ancient times, meaning nothing more nor less thangovernment. We should stay gathered, and count one in schools, in meetings,in paying tithing, in paying taxes, in acting our part as members of thecommunity; count one when men are needed, if necessary, to go against thesavages; count one in influence, in beauty, in spirit, in faith, and inworks; to build Temples, to attend to the ordinances, and administer tothe living and the dead, and set an example worthy of imitation. What woulda million of people do if they were all doing this, under one covenant,being actuated by the same spirit, baptized by one baptism? They would bea million of that spirit, a million of that light and truth, a million possessingthe very powers of peace, and heaven, and Zion in their bosoms. What wouldthey do? Why, the world itself would see their light. Like lighted candleson a candlestick, it could not be hid. Do you want riches? This is gold,it is silver, it is clothing, it is bone, it is sinew, it is industry andpower. It will come flowing to you like a flowing stream. Your Apostlesand your First Presidency, instead of being perplexed with the cares ofthis world, as to how to plow their fields, or build their cabins, wouldnot have time scarcely to go out of yonder temple to get their breakfast,if we had the temple built. To a people thus consolidated, nations of theearth would come. The kings and queens, and governors and rulers, and agreat many of the house of Israel, and people of influence and power outof all nations, would come. They would say, "The Lord is there, thepower of God is there;" and if they had any money they would make adeposit of it there, for the nations would be breaking up, and the peoplewould want to escape with their life from war, and distress of nations.The people would say, "There is where we will go to find safety, forthere the inhabitants live in union, they have the light of eternal truth,while other people are in darkness and ignorance without measure. Thosehappy people know how to unite and defend themselves: it is not their numbersthat constitute their strength, but it is their union, and, of course, theirnumbers have an influence."

If one man is mighty, there are more mighty. If a man wants the richesof time and eternity, let him have a good government, education, and thelaws of heaven to bring up his children in the right way. He never willget rich as fast as he would if he co-operated with the kingdom of God.You know when anything is wanted of me, I am on hand all the time, thoughthere would not be a man you could hire. Men will go to California, to theStates, or anywhere else, but you could not get them to do it ordinarilywithout hiring them. But if you appoint them to take a mission without purseor scrip, the same as an angel, they will go to hell, if the Lord will givethem a mission there, and be mighty glad to get back as soon as they havedone it.

I have detained you too long. May the Lord bless you. Amen.