

I arise to make a few remarks, upon the subject on which brother Hydewas speaking, concerning the privileges of the Saints. I think that he hasplainly shown us, that privileges are, in a measure, disconnected with duties;and although we may not exercise ourselves in all of them that we might,still, we shall not fall under condemnation for this neglect.

The privileges of the Saints of God, and that are granted unto the inhabitantsof the earth, are founded upon the principles of truth and righteousness;but many people use them to their own condemnation; yet, if they knew howto receive and act upon them, there would be no condemnation, but to thecontrary, a blessing. This remark applies not only to the privilege of dancing,(for such it is,) that has been spoken of this morning, but to all otheracts and privileges that exist, and still are not specifically pointed outby revelation as duties or requirements. All blessings of this nature areto be used as such, understandingly, by the Saints, and upon righteous principles.

What are the privileges of the Saints in these valleys? Are they abridgedin the least? Can they not accumulate wealth by trading with each other,with emigrants, by cultivating the soil, raising stock, going to the minesand digging for gold-in short, pursuing any and every avocation to increasein wealth, and accumulate unto themselves the things of this world? Stillfurther, if they wish to act upon unrighteous principles, they can talkadvantage of their neighbor's necessity, ask extortionate prices for renderingany little assistance or service, and after thus dishonestly filling theirpurses, go to the gambling table, or grog shop, and spend it by gettingdrunk, and rolling in the streets. Almost numberless indeed are the privilegesand blessings of the human family, and their abuses co-extensive therewith.

But when blessings and privileges are to be used by the Saints, it shouldbe so as not to bring condemnation. Upon what principle, when, and wheremay we use them? I have the privilege of associating myself with my brethrenand sisters in the dance. When can I do this without abusing this privilege,and thereby bringing condemnation upon myself? I answer, it is when I haveperformed every act, every duty that is incumbent upon me, when every necessarylabor and requirement is accomplished, when I have served my God and mybrethren, when I have performed every act required of me, until nothingremains to be done, but to lie down and rest, to seek recreation, then itbecomes my lawful privilege, and not before. I fear this is quite differentfrom the practice of many. I also, as well as others, could act upon unrighteousprinciples, if I would, and neglect my duties pertaining to life and salvation.Suppose you go into some of the wards and say, "we have obtained somemusic, let us go into the school house and have a dance." "O yes!"is the ready response, and they will immediately prepare, get ready theirsons and their daughters, and, leaving all important duties pertaining totheir welfare here and hereafter, unattended to, fill the house to overflowing.Brethren, you will use these privileges to your own destruction, if youare not careful. Yes, you could have full house, dancing attendance to thesounds of revelry and music; but, on the other hand, suppose your invitationis to your neighbor, "Come, brethren, sisters, we are going to havea prayer meeting over at the school house. Will you go? Will you come? Notto dance, but to pray!" "Well, really, I do not see how I can;my work is not done; I have a few chores (trifling domestic affairs) todo yet; I have agreed to go to a neighbor's on business; a neighbor promisedto call on me to night, and I cannot well leave. I should like very muchto go, but I really do not see that I can to-night." In short, excusesare not wanting. I say to you, my brethren, and to myself, if we take thiscourse, condemnation is our doom, we will ruin, condemn ourselves, and theLord Almighty will judge us out of our own mouths. This is the tale toldas it is. It is not for any of us to enjoy the privilege of the dance, orany other recreation, until every duty that is enjoined upon us is performed.

I cannot, legally, have the privilege of exercising myself perfectlyindependent of my brethren, until I have performed every requirement thatthey have placed upon me; the same applies to you and all Saints.

I ask the brethren, do you pray before you go to these dances? Whenyou return, are you not tired, fatigued, and is not your mind filled withnonsense, so that you do not want to pray; and finally, do you not concludeto wait, to put it off until morning? This abuse of this privilege, of thisblessing, will bring condemnation to thousands; and not this alone, butall the privileges of this life, if they are not wisely used.

When you go to amuse, or recreate yourselves in any manner whatever,if you cannot enjoy the Spirit of the Lord then and there, as you wouldat a prayer meeting, leave that place; and return not to such amusementsor recreation, until you have obtained the mastery over yourself, untilyou can command the influences around you, that you may have the Spiritof the Lord in any situation in which you may be placed. Then, and not untilthen, does it become the privilege of you, of me, or of any of the Saints,to join in the festivities designed by our Creator for our recreation. Iwish that you would remember it; and that you may, I repeat that it is notyour lawful privilege to yield to anything in the shape of amusement, untilyou have performed every duty, and obtained the power of God to enable youto withstand and resist all foul spirits that might attack you, and leadyou astray; until you have command over them, and by your faith, obtained,through prayer and supplication, the blessings of the Holy Spirit, and itrests upon, and abides continually with you.

You can never obtain my consent to engage in amusements and recreations,until you are in this situation, until you are exercised and influencedby the Spirit of the Lord our God. Hear it, all ye Latter-day Saints! Willyou spend the time of your probation for naught, and fool away your existenceand being? You were organized, and brought into being, for the purpose ofenduring forever, if you fulfil the measure of your creation, pursue theright path, observe the requirements of the Celestial law, and obey thecommandments of our God. It is then, and then only, you may expect thatthe blessing of eternal lives will be conferred upon you. It can be obtainedupon no other principle. Do you understand that you will cease to be, thatyou come to a full end, by pursuing the opposite course?

The privileges and blessings of the Saints of the Most High God, aremany. Yes! All there is in heaven, and on the earth-kingdoms, thrones, principalities,powers, heights, depths, things present, and things to come; with all youcan see, hear, or think of, realize or contemplate; everything in heaven,earth, or hell, is for your glory, exaltation, and excellence, if by yourlives you honor the Priesthood which has been conferred upon you; and, inthe proper time, all will become subservient unto you, but not until then.But if you submit to serve your own feelings, and if you desire not to buildup the kingdom of God, and sanctify your hearts, they will lead you downto be eternally subject thereunto-subject to the power that will afflictand torment you, and eventually bring you to destruction; whereas, if youpursue the opposite course, those feelings and passions will become subjectunto you; you will be enabled to govern and control them, and cause themto serve you, and subserve the object and design for which they were plantedin your bosoms.

Often have I looked at individuals passing to and fro through our Territory,and heard them say, "These are the jolly Mormons; these are the merryMormons, I never saw such a society!" Why is this? Simply because theyenjoy themselves, because they take so much comfort.

Is a man a Saint, who comes into the Church of God under such influences,merely because the Saints appear to be happy? No, he is not. No person canbe a Saint, unless he receives the Holy Gospel, for the purity, justice,holiness, and eternal duration of it. Everything else tends to decay, separation,annihilation; no, not annihilation, as we use the English term, there isno such principle as this, but dissolution or decomposition.

Now, you Elders who understand the principles of the kingdom of God,what would you not give, do, or sacrifice, to assist in building up Hiskingdom upon the earth? Says one, "I would do anything in my power,anything that the Lord would help me to do, to build up His kingdom."Says another, "I would sacrifice all my property." Wonderful indeed!Do you not know that the possession of your property is like a shadow, orthe dew of the morning before the noonday sun, that you cannot have anyassurance of its control for a single moment! It is the unseen hand of Providencethat controls it. In short, what would you not sacrifice? The Saints sacrificeeverything; but, strictly speaking, there is no sacrifice about it. If yougive a penny for a million of gold! a handful of earth for a planet! a temporaryworn out tenement for one glorified, that will exist, abide, and continueto increase throughout a never ending eternity, what a sacrifice to be sure!

Many, no doubt, would consider it a great sacrifice to be called togo on a mission a few years; to leave wife, children, friends, comfortablehomes, travel perhaps on foot, encounter storms on the sea, be in perilson land among mobs, and be hated of all men. It is true we might considerthis a great sacrifice, and yet men do all this, and more-they risk theirown lives upon their venture to get gold, to follow the allurements of pleasure.And should not the Saints of the Most High God be more willing, more anxiousto promote the cause of their holy religion, devoting themselves, theirinfluence, property, and, if necessary, their existence, than the votariesof fashion, the devotees of wealth and pleasure, and to merely sensual,temporary objects of worldly gain or aggrandisement? Verily I say unto you,if you are not, and if you have a spirit to seek after the giddy, vain,foolish vanities of the world, the things pertaining only to the gratificationof present feelings, passions, and selfish desires, and have no spirit ofprayer and supplication, cannot and do not feel to exercise an interestabove all others, for the cause of truth, my advice and counsel is for allsuch, to go straightway to the gold mines of California, and seek for gold,for rest assured, as many as have this spirit, will run as their unrighteousfeelings prompt or dictate. Yes! Go to the gold region, and do not comeand seek my counsel about it, whether I am willing that you should go ornot, for I am not only willing that you should leave, but anxious that youmay as soon as possible.

If you do not love God, and His cause, better than everything else besides,and cannot with a good heart and willing hand, build it up upon the earth;if you will not repent of your follies, and get the Spirit of truth in you,so as to love it, and feel willing to sacrifice all for it, you cannot buildup the kingdom of God.

Confidence, brethren, CONFIDENCE in our God, and in each other, is thetext I gave the Twelve and all others who preached last sabbath, to preachfrom. The Twelve received missions to preach to the people in these valleys,in their various locations last Conference; and I believe they have beentolerably faithful, under the direction of the President of their Quorum,brother Hyde. Let them now preach from this text, CONFIDENCE; and let theentire people act upon its principles, and notice when and where it willbegin and end, and see if we do not establish such confidence in this community,among this people, as never did, nor ever will exist upon the earth, inany community of people but Saints. I may say, that we have it already;but I think that an increase of faith in our God, and confidence in eachother, is desirable. If we could obtain that faith and confidence in eachother, and in our God, that when we ask a favor, we could do so with a fullassurance and knowledge that we should receive, do you not perceive thatit would lead us directly to do as we would be done by, in every transactionand circumstance of life. It would prompt us to do, not only as much asrequested, but more. If your brother should request you to go with him amile, you would go two; if he should sue you for your coat, you would givehim your cloak also. This principle prompts us to do all we can to promotethe interest of each other, the cause of God on the earth, and whateverthe Lord desires us to do; makes us ready and willing to perform it at once.It needs the language of angels to express our ideas, to converse with eachother in a manner to be perfectly understood. When we see and comprehendthings in the Spirit, we ofttimes realize an utter inability to simplifyand tell them in our language, to others; though we may receive principles,and convey the same to others, to some extent. It would be a great consolationto me, inasmuch as faith comes by hearing the word of God, if I had languageto express my feelings. No man can tell all that he can see in the Spirit,when the vision of the Spirit is upon him. He can see and understand inthe Spirit only. He cannot tell it, yet many things may be given, in part,to others.

I thought, while brother Rich was speaking upon certain principles,how beautiful, how satisfactory it would be to the Saints, could they conversein a pure language; if they could have the language of angels with whichto communicate with each other. I have contemplated the principles thatpertain to salvation-the principles which I have been trying to lay beforeyou; the acts of men, and how they should be ordered before their God. Iwould simply say, we must attend to the duties which are laid upon us, beforewe enjoy our privileges.

What principle does this convey to your minds? None, unless your mindsare open, and enlightened by the visions of the Holy Spirit. The principlesof truth are eternal. The mind would ask at once, what is truth? It is anything, principle, or fact that actually has an existence. If a falsehood,yet it is true that falsehood exists. It is as true that devils exist, asthat Gods exist.

Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." The devilalso says, "I am, I exist;" and consequently, by the same rule,"I am Truth." How far short is this of what the Lord reveals byHis Holy Spirit! Jesus Christ, his Father before him, all the faithful,the Gods of eternity, and all organized elements, have been organized forthe express purpose of being exalted to an eternal increase; or supposeI say to eternal truth. Would this convey to your minds that the devil,because it is a truth that he exists, could attain to the same power andexaltation? Suppose that we admit the idea that we shall see the time whenwe can combine and organize elements, bring worlds into existence, redeem,and bring them up to eternal glory, by merely saying-"I am Truth."As before quoted, "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life."We can turn round and say-Satan is the way, the truth and the death; orthe way, and the falsehood. Can you perceive the difference? But to saythat Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, is equivalent tosaying that he is the only continued or eternal existence. The Lord JesusChrist works upon a plan of eternal increase, of wisdom, intelligence, honor,excellence, power, glory, might, and dominion, and the attributes that filleternity. What principle does the devil work upon? It is to destroy, dissolve,decompose, and tear in pieces. The principle of separation, or disorganization,is as much an eternal principle, as much a truth, as that of organization.Both always did and will exist. Can I point out to you the difference inthese principles, and show clearly and satisfactorily the benefit, the propriety,and necessity of acting upon one, any more than the other? I will try inmy own way, as briefly as I can. It is plain to me, but can you understandit?

In the first place, matter is eternal. The principle of annihilation,of striking out of existence anything that has existed, or had a being,so as to leave an empty space which that thing occupied, is false, thereis no such principle in all the eternities. What does exist? Matter is eternal.We grow our wheat, our fruit, and our animals, There they are organized,they increase and grow; but, after a while, they decay, dissolve, becomedisorganized, and return to their mother earth. No matter by what process,these are the revolutions which they undergo; but the elements of the particlesof which they were composed, still do, always have, and always will exist,and through this principle of change, we have an eternal increase.

But Satan works upon the opposite principle; he seeks to destroy, wouldannihilate if he could, but only decomposes, disorganizes. Permit me toinquire what was his curse? It was, that he should not increase any more,but come to an end.

When I came to the door of the tabernacle, this morning, I heard brotherRich telling about one third part of the heavenly host revolting from thegovernment of Jehovah. This was their curse-to never have tabernacles todwell in. They now exist in Spirit, but shall never have a body, nor beexalted; they shall have no further addition to their existence; whilstthose who did not rebel, could have tabernacles, and, through the resurrection,become personages of tabernacle in the eternal world. There it is, on theone hand, and on the other. You can now see the benefit, the propriety ofobeying the principles which lead to eternal lives, exaltations, and increase;and why it is that Jesus Christ has so much more power than Satan. The powerof the evil one is beyond the conception of man; his cunning craft, andwinning ways to insinuate and introduce himself into a community, an individual.This is to obtain, if possible, a tabernacle, which, although a borrowedone, yet increases his power, so long as he can wield it to suit his purposes;and if he fails in this, and in enticing unto evil, then, his object isto decompose, to destroy, that the good power, the good influence, may,like himself, become bereft of the power pertaining to an embodied spirit.

The Lord operates upon the principles of continuing to organize, ofadding to, gathering up, bringing forth, increasing and spreading abroad;while the opposite power does not. It shows the nature of his oppositionto that peculiar trait of Christianity, based upon the principles of eternalduration, increase, power, glory, and exaltation; and points out the differencebetween the two adverse powers.

Again, what do you love truth for? Is it because you can discover abeauty in it, because it is congenial to you; or because you think it willmake you a ruler, or a Lord? If you conceive that you will attain to powerupon such a motive, you are much mistaken. It is a trick of the unseen power,that is abroad amongst the inhabitants of the earth, that leads them astray,binds their minds, and subverts their understanding.

Suppose that our Father in heaven, our elder brother, the risen Redeemer,the Saviour of the world, or any of the Gods of eternity should act uponthis principle, to love truth, knowledge, and wisdom, because they are allpowerful, and by the aid of this power they could send devils to hell, tormentthe people of the earth, exercise sovereignty over them, and make them miserableat their pleasure; they would cease to be Gods; and as fast as they adoptedand acted upon such principles, they would become devils, and be thrustdown in the twinkling of an eye; the extension of their kingdom would cease,and their God-head come to an end.

Language, to convey all the truth, does not exist. Even in the Bible,and all books that have been revealed from heaven unto man, the languagefails to convey all the truth as it is. Truth, wisdom, power, glory, light,and intelligence exist upon their own qualities; they do not, neither canthey, exist upon any other principle. Truth is congenial with itself, andlight cleaves unto light, it seeks after itself, and clings thereto. Itis the same with knowledge, and virtue, and all the eternal attributes;they follow after and attract each other. Mercy cleaves to mercy, becauseit is mercy; light to light, because it is light, and there is no darkness,no deception, no falsehood in it. Truth cleaves unto truth, because it istruth; and it is to be adored, because it is an attribute of God, for itsexcellence, for itself. It is upon this principle, that these principlesshould be held, esteemed, practised. Any persons, men or women, who do notreceive these principles for the love which they bear towards them, becauseof their beauty, excellence, and glory; and because they are congenial totheir feelings upon this principle, are not Saints! They exist upon theirown basis, and rest upon their own foundation. Eternal justice, mercy, love,and truth, never can be moved; they are attributes that correspond, andare congenial with each other; they promote each other, fortify the heavens,the Gods, and that which the Gods possess.

Now look upon the opposite side of these principles. Suppose you say,"We will give up the pursuits of our holy religion. We are not Latter-daySaints. Let us go and seek after the things of the world, speculate, getunto ourselves riches, turn away from our duties, neglect the things pertainingto our salvation, go with the giddy, the frivolous, the seeker after gold,to California, Australia, or elsewhere, for the purpose of acquiring wealth."I tell you the result of that course. You would cease to increase in allthe attributes of excellence, glory, and eternal duration, from that verymoment. So soon as you conceive such ideas, they find a soil within youprepared to nurture them, and it brings forth their direful effects; fromthat very moment you cease to increase. The opposite principle seizes you,fastens itself upon you, and you decrease, lessen, diminish, decay, andwaste away in quality, excellence, and strength, until your organizationbecomes extinct, oblivion covers you, your name is blotted out from theBook of Life, from the heavens, from the earth, and from under the earth,and you will return, and sink into your natural element, which cannot bedestroyed, though many read the Bible as conveying such an idea, but itdoes not.

The principle opposite to that of eternal increase from the beginning,leads down to hell; the person decreases, loses his knowledge, tact, talent,and ultimately, in a short period of time, is lost; he returns to his motherearth, his name is forgotten. But where, Oh! where is his spirit? I willnot now take the time to follow his destiny; but here, strong language couldbe used, for when the Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed, after the terminationof the thousand years' rest, he will summon the armies of heaven for theconflict, he will come forth in flaming fire, he will descend to executethe mandates of an incensed God, and, amid the thunderings of the wrathof Omnipotence, roll up the heavens as a scroll, and destroy death, andhim that has the power of it. The rebellious will be thrown back into theirnative element, there to remain myriads of years before their dust willagain be revived, before they will be re-organized. Some might argue thatthis principle would lead to the re-organization of Satan, and all the devils.I say nothing about this, only what the Lord says-that when he comes, "Hewill destroy death, and him that has the power of it." It cannot beannihilated; you cannot annihilate matter. If you could, it would provethere was empty space. If philosophers could annihilate the least conceivableamount of matter, they could then prove there was the minutest vacuum, orempty space; but there is not even that much, and it is beyond the powerof man to prove that there is any.

Brethren, what is it that you love the truth for? Is it because it givesyou the power, the authority of the Priesthood? Is it because it makes yourulers, kings, and priests unto our God, and gives you great power? Thereare men professing to be Saints, even in this congregation, within the soundof my voice, who feel how almighty they have become. They will curse you,if you do not see proper to comply with their wishes. Many men have feelingsin their hearts towards their wives, that if they will not do preciselyas they wish to perform this or that, they will curse them. What wonderfulthings they are going to do! "If you do not obey my voice, my counsel,I will send you to hell, and turn the keys upon you, that you may never!no NEVER! be released." Sisters, you might as well heed the cracklingof thorns under the pot, the passing idle bird, or the croaking of a crane,so far as their Priesthood is concerned. You are safe, if they will onlykeep their hands off from you; let them curse. It reminds me of a proverbwhich the Arabs have, that "cursings are like young chickens, theywill still come home to roost."

Is it for this-is it because it gives you such great power and authority,that you love the Truth? That it gives you power to curse your neighbors,your neighbor's children, their cattle, and everything around you? Let allsuch go away to their own place, to California, by the northern route; notto San Bernardino, at brothers Lyman and Rich's location, for they havedevils enough there already; but go into the world entirely away from theSaints, and the sooner the better.

Men should act upon the principle of righteousness, because it is right,and is a principle which they love to cherish and see practised by all men.They should love mercy, because of its benevolence, charity, love, clemency,and of all of its lovely attributes, and be inspired thereby to deal justly,fairly, honorably, meting out to others their just deservings.

If selfishness prompts you to embrace the truth, if it is merely toexalt yourself and your friends that you covenant to serve your God, andthat is your only motive, you had better pass on the northern route, forwe can do you no good if you wait, or remain with us; not but that God hasregard for all His children; but He loves those who love all the principlesof righteousness, because they are righteous, and have a delight in theexercise of pure principles, of virtue, of excellence and truth, of meekness,long-suffering, and self denial, mercy, and charity.

I am aware that my language fails to convey my ideas to you as I couldwish. But I will proceed a little further. A great promise was made to Abraham,which was-you shall have seed, and unto your increase there shall be noend. The same promise was made unto the Saviour, and unto every true andfaithful man who serves God with all his heart, and whose delight is inkeeping the law of the Lord, obeying, the behests of Jehovah, and buildingup His kingdom upon the earth.

The Elders of Israel frequently call upon me-"Brother Brigham,a word in private, if you please." Bless me, this is no secret to me,I know what you want, it is to get a wife! "Yes, brother Brigham, ifyou are willing."

I tell you here, now, in the presence of the Almighty God, it is notthe privilege of any Elder to have even ONE wife, before he has honoredhis Priesthood, before he has magnified his calling. If you obtain one,it is by mere permission, to see what you will do, how you will act, whetheryou will conduct yourself in righteousness in that holy estate. TAKE CARE!Elders of Israel, be cautious! or you will lose your wives, and your children.If you abuse your wives, turn them out of doors, and treat them in a harshand cruel manner, you will be left wifeless and childless; you will haveno increase in eternity. You will have bartered this blessing, this privilege,away; you will have sold your birthright, as Esau did his blessing, andit can never come to you again, never, NO NEVER!

Look to it, ye Elders! You will awake from your dream, alas! but toosoon, and then you will realize the truth of the remarks I am making to-day.Whose privilege is it to have women sealed to him? It is his who has stoodthe test, whose integrity is unswerving, who loves righteousness becauseit is right, and the truth because there is no error therein, and virtuebecause it is a principle that dwells in the bosom of Him who sits enthronedin the highest heavens; for it is a principle which existed with God inall eternities, and is a co-operator, a co-worker betwixt man and his Maker,to exalt man, and bring him into His presence, and make him like unto Himself!It is such a man's privilege to have wives and children, and neighbors,and friends, who wish to be sealed to him. Who else? No one. I tell younobody else. Do YOU HEAR IT?

Many applications will unquestionably be made to me for wives, and,perhaps, by men too who will steal, or trespass upon me, their neighbors,kill their stock, do wickedly in various ways. Nothing would damn such mensooner than to give them this privilege. I answer the brethren, they haveto go upon their own responsibility. I tell you the truth. If you are afirst-rate good man, and honor your Priesthood, it is your privilege. Theman who has proved himself before God, has been faithful, has gone throughand performed everything the Lord has laid upon him to do, for the purposeof building up and sustaining His kingdom, has proved himself before men,angels, and his Father in heaven, he is the only character that will increase,and obtain a celestial glory. Others may seem to prosper, to increase fora season, but by and bye they are left in the shade, their glory is clipped,and their house is left unto them desolate.

Pray the Lord to inspire your hearts. Ask for wisdom and knowledge.It is our duty to seek after it. Let us seek, and we shall find; knock,and it will be opened unto us. But as for His coming down here to pour HisSpirit upon you, while you are aiming after the vain and frivolous thingsof the world; indulging in all the vanity, nonsense, and foolery which surroundsyou; drinking in all the filthy abomination which should be spurned fromevery community on the earth-so long as you continue this course, rest assuredHe will not come near you.

I will not enter into particulars. You already know enough about them.I ask that you would leave it off; refrain, purify, and sanctify yourselvesbefore your God, and get so much of the spirit of truth that you may becomefilled with it, so that you can shout aloud with all your might to the praiseof God, and feel your hearts clear as the noon-day sun. Then you can dance,and glorify God; and as you shall abide in the truth, God will raise youup, and add to your numbers, so that your train will fill the Holy Temple,as it was said of the Lord by one of old. May the Lord bless you. Amen.