We have been listening to a very interesting discourse from brotherPulsipher. His remarks were truly appropriate when speaking upon the subjectof sanctification.
I want to say a little more touching that principle. If I understandit correctly, it means a purification of, or a putting away from, us, asindividuals, and as a community, everything that is evil, or that is notin accordance with the mind and will of our heavenly Father.
Sanctification has also an eye to our own preservation for usefulnessfor executing, carrying forward, and perpetuating the work of the Most HighGod.
We have been hearing that this is a fruitful valley. The blessing ofthe Lord descends upon the mountains, and abundantly flows into the Valley,causing it to spring forth, and produce whatever is necessary to sustainlife.
I wish to observe here, that so bountiful have been the productionsof the fields of our farmers, that after they have harvested their grain,they have not taken care of it, but have thrown it together in a very looseand careless manner. From want of proper respect for the temporal blessingsof heaven, hundreds of bushels of grain have been wasted, to which manywho are here to-day can testify. In consequence of this, and some othercauses, flour can scarcely be bought for six dollars per hundred-weight.A short time ago, it was sold in great quantities at the rate of three dollarsper hundred to the stores, and now there is hardly bread enough in Israelto supply the wants of our children. Why is this waste? A little more careshould be exhibited by the farmers for the products of the soil.
If God our heavenly Father has given us temporal blessings in the duecourse and order of nature, we ought to hold them sacred, and be as prudentand economical of them as we are of a precious truth revealed from heavenby the agency of an holy angel from the presence of God. I know not whichto prize the most, the blessings of the earth which pertain to the sustenanceof these bodies, or the blessings of heaven that give food to the mind;for they are all the blessings of heaven to me and to you. I look upon everyblessing as the gift of Jehovah, as the Apostle James wrote anciently, "everygood and perfect gift cometh from the Father of lights, with whom in thereis no variableness, neither shadow of turning," whether it be wheat,corn, flocks, herds, houses, lands, wives, or children; we can obtain noneof these things independent of this blessing; neither can we make one hairwhite or black, or add one cubit to our stature, without it is by the blessingof our Father in heaven.
Sometimes for want of proper care in keeping a secure fence, cattlebreak through, and destroy the fruits of our toil. I hope, as the time ofsowing seed is at hand, that we shall remember these things. And let mesay further, that a good fence is the most effectual "Stray Pound Law"that can exist. If there are any so circumstanced as not to be able to walkup to the full extent of these instructions, let us, however, try to doa little more than we have done heretofore, and by a little extra exertionsecure to ourselves an additional amount of comfort, and have a little moreto contribute to the building up of the Temple of God, in which operationwe may be sanctified. Brethren, bear these things in mind.
We have heard, of late, a great deal about stray cattle, stealing, dissension,and apostacy. I have not spoken upon the subject, I believe, from this stand;at the same time I have my feelings and views in relation to these matters,and I wish now to express them by introducing a figure, from which you maydraw your own conclusions.
Now sanctification means, not only the purifying of the heart by prayer,and by acts of obedience to God, but it means also to purify a people, andpurge from their midst that which is evil. I will suppose a case, viz.,that here is a large flock of sheep out on the prairie, and here are shepherdsalso to watch over them with care. It is generally the case that shepherdsare provided with most excellent dogs, that understand their business-theirduty in relation to the flock. It has been said by some, that shepherd dogsshould be reared with the sheep, and suck the milk from them, and thus partakeof their nature; that the child not only draws its nourishment from thewoman, but from the same source conceives a strong attachment, a kindredfeeling and sympathy, for the fountain of its life. How this is I cannotsay; I have heard the observation, but those who understand and know concerningthis matter, can properly appreciate the remark in relation to it.
Suppose the shepherd should discover a wolf approaching the flock, whatwould he be likely to do? Why, we should suppose, if the wolf was withinproper distance, that he would kill him at once with the weapons of defencewhich he carries; in short, that he would shoot him down, kill him on thespot. If the wolf was not within shot, we would naturally suppose he wouldset the dogs on him; and you are aware, I have no doubt, that these shepherddogs have very pointed teeth, and they are very active, very sensitive toknow when the flock is in danger. It is sometimes the case, perhaps, thatthe shepherd has not with him the necessary arms to destroy the wolf, butin such a case he would set his faithful dogs on him, and by that meansaccomplish his destruction.
Is this true in relation to the shepherd, and the flock, and the dogs?You can all testify to its truth. Now was Jesus Christ the good shepherd?Yes. What the faithful shepherd is to his sheep, so is the Saviour to hisfollowers. He has gone and left on earth other shepherds who stand in theplace of Jesus Christ to take care of the flock. When that flock is outon the prairie, and the pasture range extending broad and green before them,and completely cleared of wolves, is not that sanctified and cleansed, whenthere is nothing to hurt or destroy them? I ask if one wolf is permittedto mingle with the flock, and unmolested proceed in a work of destruction,will he not go off and tell the other wolves, and they bring in a thousandothers, more wicked and ravenous than themselves? Whereas, if the firstone should meet with his just deserts, he could not go back and tell therest of his hungry tribe to come and feast themselves upon the flock.
Now don't say that brother Hyde has taught strong things, for I haveonly told you what takes place between the shepherd and the flock, whenthe sheep have to be protected.
If you say that the Priesthood or authorities of the Church here arethe shepherd, and the Church is the flock, you can make your own applicationof this figure. It is not at all necessary for me to do it.
It is all the same to me whether they want to destroy the flock, ordestroy, steal, and carry off the property of the flock. If you steal myteam, which is my means of living, you might just as well kill me at once.It is like this-"Brother Hyde, I will not disturb, molest, or harmyou, or any of the rest of your brethren; but we will take you out on thebleak and comfortless prairie, and leave you there to starve or freeze todeath, and take possession of your property." You might as well destroyus at once as take us where we should starve. It would be much better totake our heads off at once than to subject us to a lingering death. Saysthe Apostle, to the flock over which the Holy Ghost had made him overseer- "The time will come when grievous wolves will enter in among you,not sparing the flock, and even of yourselves will men arise speaking perversethings to draw disciples after them." &c.
I will tell you a feeling that I have ever cherished, though some maythink I speak contrary to my real sentiments; because in certain circumstancesI spoke in defence of a certain individual, which heaven knows whether hebe guilty or innocent. Perhaps my zeal carried me beyond mediocrity, ifit did that will be overruled for my good, for it may show me who amongmy friends are my enemies. At the same time my feelings are these-the bestway to sanctify ourselves, and please God our heavenly Father in these days,is to rid ourselves of every thief, and sanctify the people from every vilecharacter. I believe it is right; it is the law and practice of our neighbouringstate to put the same thing in execution upon men who violate the law, andtrample upon the sacred rights of others. It would have a tendency to placea terror on those who leave these parts, that may prove their salvationwhen they see the heads of thieves taken off, or shot down before the public.Let us clear up the horizon around us; and then, like the atmosphere afterthe thunder storm has spent its fury in the tops of the mountains, becomespurified and a calm sun-shine pervades the whole. I believe it to be pleasingin the sight of heaven to sanctify ourselves and put these things away fromour midst.
I have delivered the sermon I wanted to preach. I told the PresidentI wished to preach a sermon of about twenty minutes long, and I believeI am at an end of it, inside of the time. I bequeath these remarks to youin the name of Jesus my master, with the best feelings of a heart devotedto your good. Amen.