Thomas Jordan

My name is Thomas Jordan. I am eighteen years old. I was raised in an "independent fundamentalist" group in which our main belief (from what I can remember) was in the Ten Commandments. This group also believed in some of the early doctrines of the L.D.S. Church, for example plural marriage, Adam-God and a few others. This way of life was shattered when my dad (who was the leader of this group) passed away.

This left me with no alternative but to rely on God Having always been taught that God had put me here to perform a certain mission I spent much time praying and begging God to show me where the "true" church was. I remember expecting to have a similar experience as Joseph Smith had. I realize now that God did answer my prayer maybe not in so great way as he did Joseph, but just the same he still showed me the truth.

I bear my testimony of this the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days, it is in fact the True and Living Church of Christ, I know this to the very center of my soul. God has restored the Fullness of the Gospel to the earth. What more can I say then that if you are a true seeker of truth then you have come to the grand "mother lode" this is my testimony, and I so bear it in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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