Terry Yoss

My name is Terry Yoss. I am from Las Vegas, Nevada originally. I now live in Ephraim, Utah.

I used to be a member in The LDS Church; I had moved to Pahrump, Nevada and became a member of the Bishopric there. I was the Assistant Membership Clerk. I was given that position 1) Because I took computers in College, and 2) To entice me to become active as I was not active in the church at that time. Don't get me wrong; I believed that the LDS church was the only True Church because they taught Exaltation, and not just Salvation. What I didn't know until I was about 17 is that they no longer taught the true principles of Exaltation, the Adam-God Doctrine, Celestial Plural Marriage, or practically any of Joseph Smith's teachings.

In 1994 my parents come up to visit my cousin in Ephraim, and there heard about the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of The Last Days. Upon their return home they told me about it and that they were joining. This was going to tear my family apart and I had reservations about it. It wasn't the LDS Church in which I had been raised, and to which my family had belonged since 1850. So I did something that I had never done before in my life: I got down on my knees and prayed to God what should I do and asked him to tell me what to do. I didn't get any answers right then so I closed the prayer and went to bed and fell asleep. While asleep, I had a dream in which the Lord told me that if I didn't go and join this Church also, that I would die both physically and spiritually. So the next day, not knowing what to think about the dream that I had, I found a book written by Bishop Coyle that talks about they ways that God spoke to his people. One of the ways was through dreams. Having read that, I started packing immediately, and with in two months, I moved to Utah.

Utah was a place that I swore I would never live in, as I love Las Vegas, and Utah seemed very boring to me. But I did it because the Lord asked me to. Upon arriving in Ephraim, I immediately went to the Models which is an overview of the entire Gospel and what the LDS should have been teaching their people but weren't. I sat through the Models for 2 days, and I knew it was true and this is where I belonged. We as a Church are doing exactly what the Lord has commanded us as a people to from Adam's time through John Taylor's time. That sadly is where the LDS church stopped following God and started following Satan. I would implore you to read our Web Site in depth with an open mind and heart and then pray about it and ask God if it is True. Then when he tells you it is, again I would implore you to listen to him and move up here immediately and join his Church--the only true Church on this Earth in these that last days.

If you don't heed the word of The Lord he will smite you as he will not be mocked. I was excommunicated from the LDS Church for my beliefs in Joseph Smith. The LDS Church calls it apostasy when I believe in and follow Joseph Smith's teachings which are the same as Christ's teachings and Nephi's, Enoch's, Noah's, Moses', Abraham's and Adam's. If you don't believe me, then I would suggest that you read the scriptures again and remember this while you are reading them: God is a Never Changing God--He is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. While you are thinking about that ask yourself why the LDS Church has Changed so much. I say these things to you in the name of Jesus Christ whom I am a humble servant and follower of. Amen.

Terry Yoss

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