Pauline Harmston

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My name is Pauline Harmston. I am the third wife of the prophet James D. Harmston. I can testify that Celestial Plural Marriage is a true principle. The experience has been extremely refining for me. I have had many weaknesses to overcome, and living Celestial Plural Marriage has been and continues to be an effective school-master. As a result, I feel much closer to my Savior, and have a feeling of peace and contentment as I have never felt before. I can also say that I have a deep and abiding love for my husband.

As a wife of the prophet James D. Harmston, I have seen him at his worst as well as best. He truly is a faithful servant of the Lord. He has sacrificed all to be obedient to God. He lives and breathes to do the work he has covenanted to do.

Celestial Plural Marriage is but one of the true principles of the Kingdom that we are required to live. We do not worship plural marriage, but are simply obedient to all of the principles of the Kingdom of God. There are other principles of truth that we obey, such as the Law of Consecration, the Law of the Gospel, the Law of Gathering, etc., which refine our character. The results are joy and peace.

The gifts of the Spirit are to be found here in the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. I can testify of being healed twice by the priesthood power of Almighty God.

Two and one half years ago. I had an accident which resulted in a severely cracked ankle and torn ligaments. It was not known if I would ever have the normal use of my ankle again. I was anointed with consecrated oil and was given a blessing of rapid recovery by my husband. I healed completely. The surgeon remarked that it was the worst injury of that type he had ever dealt with and amazingly, the fastest recovery.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Once again. I was anointed and given a blessing by my husband. This time, my sister wives surrounded me during the blessing with their right hands touching me. I felt as if Heaven had come to that room for a short while. The disease was rebuked by the Holy Priesthood. I was healed without mutilation. We do indeed have miracles of healing here.

Lastly, I would like to declare my testimony of having received a true endowment authorized by the Holy Priesthood. I received a personal new name which was received through revelation. I received instructions and was given the keys to approach Father Adam in the True Order of Prayer. Yes, in the endowment, I (a woman) was given the keys of the Holy Priesthood just as Joseph Smith gave the keys of the priesthood through the endowment to women in Nauvoo.

I have approached Father in the True Order of Prayer many times in my home and other sacred places. I dress in the robes of the Holy Priesthood and kneel at my altar just as many older members of the Lord's Church recall being done in their homes.

I have received revelation from God while praying in the True Order. I have received comfort in times of need. I have seen through the veil on occasions. I have been ministered to in times of great distress. I solemnly declare these things to be true.

I was a main-stream Mormon for many years. I have been a bishop's wife, a seminary teacher, a teacher of the youth in Sunday School and in the Young Women's organization, in the Primary Presidency, and in the Relief Society Presidency. I studied the scriptures, all the books I could get, and looked for the fruit of the Spirit in the Mormon Church. As I studied the gospel I was filled with joy, but as I participated in the LDS Church I was filled with a void. I could not understand until it was revealed to me that a great apostasy had taken place in the Mormon (LDS) Church. I prayed and asked for guidance. I received it and God directed me to gather to Manti to the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. The gifts of the Spirit are here. God is Faithful.

I pray that as you have read this, you will know I have written nothing but the truth.

May God bless you as you read my testimony to know that I declare nothing but the truth. The gifts of the Spirit are here in the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. Joseph Smith was indeed a true prophet of God. James D. Harmston is also a true prophet of God in the last days, who teaches only the same everlasting unchangeable truths as taught by Joseph Smith.

Pauline Harmston

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