I have a desire
to share my testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Fullness
of His gospel. I have a personal testimony of the Savior and his
love for me. I have been in His presence and have felt the extension
of his love. The magnitude of what I felt was overwhelming and
seriously humbling--that the Savior of mankind took the time to
witness His love to one such as I.
I know that there is a God who lives. I know of his great love for his children of which I am one. The God I worship loves me in spite of my weaknesses and sins. For in the past I have found myself bitterly angry at God for the experiences I have passed through and continue to pass through. I exclaimed within myself, "Oh God, if you love me why did you let such things happen to me?" Why, why, why?" I did not realize at the time because of the pain and anguish that the experiences were and are for my own good. I am an example of one who has found my sight quite clouded by the pain within. I have found that Father in Heaven has indeed been merciful to me--that he has patterned my life's experiences just for me. In a sense, He has been patiently waiting for me to rely totally on Him so that He could in turn guide me through the darkness that seeks to destroy me. I am learning to turn to Father and receive His guidance and His healing power within my heart. The changes in my life to this point are in themselves evidence of the same.
I have a strong testimony of the Lord's servant here upon the earth, James Dee Harmston. I know from personal experience that when he speaks, the Lord backs him up. I have a great love for him that continues to grow daily. For I know how he loves His people. His life is spent in the service of his God who is God!
I have a testimony of the True Order of Prayer. I have experienced the sweetness of being able to commune with God in this way. What a sacred privilege it is to be instructed from on high. To have this privilege is an awesome responsibility that I am grateful I have to guide me through my life.
I have a testimony of the power of the priesthood which I hold. What more could a loving Mother do for her children than exercise her priesthood to administer to them in times of sickness as well as in health? I had previously believed that women could not anoint and bless their children, but have since come to the knowledge that this is with in the rights of the Matriarchal portion of the Priesthood. I, as a Mother in Israel am coming to a fuller understanding of the enormous weight placed on my shoulders. In the past, I've looked at my daughters (I have 3), as "my" children, not realizing that in fact they are God's children, on loan to me in a sense. He placed enough trust in me that I would raise them in righteousness and prepare them to come back into his presence. I have many times doubted my ability to be a what a Mother needs to be. But I am yet learning. One of the most important things that I am realizing is that to be the best Mother possible, I need to banish selfishness within myself. For how can a Mother possibly teach the principals of the gospel in such a short time if she isn't willing to give it her all?
I know that the True and Living Church is just that, a living church. The revelations of God flow continually. I love this people and feel privileged to be numbered among them. For there are many who seek, yet so few that ever really find.
In the past year I have been faced with many trials and struggles. Because of these, I've learned to turn to Father in Heaven even more than I ever have before. This has been a great blessing in my life. God wants me to build on a sure foundation. In some areas, I have found the need to do some repairs, which I am in the process of realizing. But in this I will be able to stand because I know where my heart is. I know that God will have a tried and tested people.
I desire with all of my heart to be found worthy to work the works of righteousness in the last day. This is my testimony which I share in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Monique Harmston
to General Membership