Maurine R. Rogers

Melvin Rogers' Testimony

How does one know for sure the exact time when changes are taking place in their lives for good? I feel that for many years the Lord has been preparing me for where I am today.

I was just ten years old when my father passed away. Two months later when at a little country school, I was walking one beautiful Autumn morning to the outdoor "restroom" commonly known as a crude boarded backhouse toilet. I was walking northward from the schoolhouse, when all of a sudden a most joyous sensation took possession of my being and then just as suddenly, it changed to the sweetest sadness and soon I felt the outburst of warm tears streaming down my cheeks and I wondered what it was all about. I did not want to have the spirit of the occasion leave me, but of course it did. When that happened I remember thinking " My life will never be the same again", and it never was.

I now feel sure that it had to be the Holy Ghost trying to teach me at an early age how to detect the Spirit.

About a year later, when with my little brothers and sisters we were putting on a little play outdoors on a pleasant summer evening for our parents, I needed something white to dress myself in as a fairy. Mother directed me to an old wooden barrel where in the bottom I would find some old white window curtains. They were of a fancy voile fabric, and I was thrilled, but all of a sudden at the very bottom of the barrel my eyes caught sight of a small white pamphlet with the figure of an angel blowing a trumpet. Again, that same joyous, happy spirit thrilled my soul as I in haste grabbed that little book and began to look through it, and after that exciting moment my sisters and I made me a paper trumpet; then wrapped in white curtains I stood on a box against a small cedar tree, and thought I was portraying the figure on the pamphlet.

Within a day or two I had completely devoured that little booklet, Parley P. Pratt's A Voice of Warning, and I might say that I have loved Parley P. Pratt ever since.

From this very early beginning I began searching through the house for any church book, and soon choose the book, Brigham Young Discourses. This book was owned by my stepfather, and he was so happy to know I was becoming interested in wanting to read that he accordingly located several wonderful books of early Church histories and suggested others for me to read. One I have in my possession today, One Hundred Years of Mormonism, by John Henry Evans. From that time on I loved to read the spiritual books of these early days of the church. Through the years that drive and thirst for spiritual learning has never left me.

I married young, barely 15 years of age, and my theist was enhanced when I married into a family who were among the early day pioneer settlers in Salt Lake City, Utah. My Father In Law, Jesse Nelson Perkins II, had a sister, Rhoda Perkins, who became a plural wife of the Apostle Brigham Young Jr. I would sit with this good man for hours time and time again, listening to the stories and truths of the early day Gospel principles he so lived--and taught. More than once Father Perkins would express disappointment over how the Church had changed and departed from the early day teachings of the Church. He sorrowed over this. So much of my early learning came from the lips of a man who was well acquainted with the truths of Joseph Smith, which he taught, and the lives of those great Prophets which came to Utah and lived the true principles of the Gospel.

For twenty years I lived with his son, Jesse Nelson Perkins III, and after being widowed for two years I met another man who had been raised with the early stalwarts of the Church-Charles Ora Wight. He was the 26th child from a polygamous family. Another good man, and as with the first, there were obstacles towards perfecting ourselves. We strived continually to grow in the Gospel--all the time realizing that changes were being made in the Church. But what could be done about it? Surely a Prophet would never be allowed to lead the people astray?!

After the death of my second husband, I continued to work in the Arizona LDS Temple until I was called on a mission to Florida. I was unable to complete this mission because of falling one day when proselyting and breaking my left hip--this terminated my mission when only half finished. It about broke my heart, but as I now look back I know that once again my Heavenly Father was only training me for greater things ahead.

After eight years of widowhood, I met my third sweetheart, Melvin J. Rogers, and after five months of a lovely courtship, we were married August 1, 1986. So, now from this early background of my life, I will continue to give an update on my marriage to Melvin and of our lives together and our reason for being in this Sanpete Valley.

As stated before, I was a strict MAIN STREAM MORMON. Another one of those that thought the Lord would never allow this people to be led astray. Now, without going over a lot of vast detail, (which I certainly could offer in a very interesting fashion!) I will not do this today, but will be as brief as possible.

Melvin and I had returned in 1989 from having served a wonderful two year mission in microfilm work for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My good husband Melvin Rogers had promised me a new home--a lovely house that we could retire in and spend the remaining years of our lives together--perhaps doing Temple work if the Lord willed it so to be, or, to serve another LDS Mission. Our plans and hopes were filled with joyful anticipation for a wonderful future in Snowflake, Arizona.

After eight months the lovely new home was finished-but we were only privileged to enjoy its comfort and beauty for 2 ½ years when we were called to gather with the Saints in Manti, Utah. Our plans for a happy future living in Snowflake were not in accord with our Heavenly Father's plans.

Shortly after the house was finished, I took very sick and was admitted to the hospital for a serious stomach surgery, plus other complications. When entering at the gates of death's door, and viewing the unspeakable beauty of such glorious scenes of peace, joy and supreme happiness, it was then that I realized my life's mission was not yet finished. Thus, I was brought back to life and the realization that all we had earlier planned would not so soon be realized, as it required two years for my recovery and by that time the Heavens were opening up other avenues for us to follow. My convalescing period was a very trying time for us to endure. However, with our faith to sustain us, we were able to do much reading, and by praying constantly for renewed courage and strength, it soon came to us both. When we look back now on those days of trial, we now know it proved to be one of the greatest blessings to come to us. (The M&M kids--as we were so commonly called in those days.)

It happened that we were reading one night in the Book of Mormon for the twelfth time. We were suddenly shocked with the realization that we were learning some different and entirely NEW concepts of understanding this great book to what we had ever before understood. This puzzled us, and it continued to plague us to such an extent that we asked an LDS High Priest to give us a special Priesthood blessing. In the blessing we were told that the time had come for us to learn further Light and Knowledge and that it would be given to us in many ways, even by people bringing materials to read and other sources. This we testify was literally fulfilled. Information simply began to flow into us and we could hardly have time to read it fast enough.

We began to wonder, then, how it could mean that we were going on another LDS Mission, because we were fastly learning that much of the gospel truths of the Mormon Church were not the same as the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, nor was it any longer being lived as the early day Saints lived its truths after entering the Great Salt Lake Valley of Utah. It was then that many wonderful things began to happen.

Our Spirits were soaring for knowledge, reaching as high and as broad and as deep as we knew how to do, in an effort to satisfy zeal and tremendous drive for gaining every bit of understanding we could possibly find, in which to fill the hunger of our souls.

In September 1993, we stopped in Manti to listen to one of Jim Harmston’s Models seminars. We had made this stop on our way to a Missionary Reunion--(The Canada Halifax Mission), which was being held in Layton, Utah. Our niece, Pearlene Geiger, asked that we would bring her to the Models, and in promising her we would do so, we decided between ourselves that we would also attend the first Model. My testimony today stems from that one early morning when we spent the entire day listening to Jim's words. The spirit bore witness to me that every word he spoke was truth! I knew it!

However, we left the early the next morning for Layton, and to attend the gathering of many missionary friends. This was truly a pleasure, but to this day I still feel the strange sensation which pervaded my being. I was viewing my friends with an entirely different view, and very much estranged from what I had previously, yet without meaning any ill offense toward these sweet people, I could not feel they were as genuine as I had known or thought before. This night they were dressed in their very fine apparel and jewelry-(as I too was dressed), and for all their fine manners that this would portray, it failed to produced the warmth and love and gladness of heart that we hoped to feel. I thought, "where behind their social graces facade were the true and loving greetings we were seeking from these once very much loved and humble Missionary Friends?"

We came back to Manti very disappointed and with a heavy heart, for I loved those sweet people. We went to the Models on Sunday, and the witness was more powerful than ever that we were learning the Higher Light and Knowledge, that we simply had to hear more of it In March we made another trip. The time had come that we had to make up our minds which way we would go. We continued to study and to pray in the True Order. Thus the decision was made.

In June we returned to receive our Endowments, having no intentions to move until next spring. However, the Spirit immediately moved upon us to do some house searching-and the second house we looked at was miraculously obtained for us! This was another witness, and then followed one after another from then on. We realized our decision would require much courage, some mighty prayer at the altar, and a tremendous amount of faith. I had earlier received a special Priesthood blessing from Jim Harmston, and now the words of that blessing were falling into place. Nine months later, his uttered words, "Therefore, dear sister, thou shalt be called to a gathering", came true. A Prophet? YES indeed, and we revere him as such today. We love President Jim Harmston.

That September we returned to be in attendance at the first Conference. It was then Melvin and I brought with us our first load of furniture. We drove a 17ft. U-Haul truck and trailed our car behind us as it, too was loaded to the brim. When we returned to our home in Snowflake, it was not easy to see the empty spots and to realize that we were actually leaving. I struggled for days over the thought of giving up my beautiful, spacious home that my sweetheart had built for me--OH! OH!, Satan surely knew how to pull at my heartstrings! What a tremendous step, it wasn't easy, but a step I knew had to be taken. Once I cast the heartbreak aside and petitioned the Heavens for strength, we truly did receive help and comfort beyond the veil. I soon began to feel the presence of many unseen beings. Just Men and Women made perfect, it had to be. I would be awakened in the night time, hearing my name called, "Maurine, Maurine!" Several times throughout the days I would hear the same calls and would ask my husband if he called or did he hear anyone call me? I would be working in my kitchen and could often hear voices and soft talking, and I felt their presence around and near me, even turning my head from right to left and completely turning myself about in order to see that person or holy being that I knew was hovering near. I would go to assist my husband in the corn field, gathering all the many delicious vegetables, and they were hovering about me. We had yard sales, many of them in an all out effort to obtain the needed means to complete our moving. Regardless of what it was we did toward packing, little miracles would constantly take place and we knew help was coming beyond our own judgment and strength. It was a marvelous experience! This spirit was manifested totally and completely until we reached our home in Ephraim, Utah on November 3, 1994.

By the time we left our home and property in Arizona, our hearts were comforted, and we left without shedding a tear. Those of the Holy Order had done their part well, and here we are now in among the gathering and are still receiving of their comfort and of their strength. We are learning and growing beyond words to express--and we are so very thankful to be here. We love the members of this Church. They, like ourselves, are struggling to live the Gospel, to learn and all grow together. I know God is watching over this people and that He is directing the Authorities through Pure Revelation to take over and bring to completion the mighty restoration that the Prophet Joseph Smith began. I have watched the Spirit move upon Jim Harmston. I have watched the Spirit move upon the leaders of the Women's Society. I have witnessed the Heavenly glow which radiated from every countenance of our dear Apostles. I witnessed the young men and women develop their character by maturing beyond their years in spirituality. I love witnessing the little children, who grow with the love they are given. reflecting it back to each of us through their innocence and smiling little faces so dear. I love them all.

Yes, I have witnesses the Spirit of Order as the Authorities have organized the Priesthood, the Bishopric, the Stake Presidency, and all other offices of the Priesthood. I marvel over the way each one is chosen so perfectly to fit the call they are so suited for. All bearing again the witness of how God works and the Holy Order of Things. I have witnessed plural marriages and I have heard their testimonies. I have watched and seen them grow. All beautiful women--each one trying to fulfill her role as a plural wife. I know at times I have felt their struggle and wondered if I could conquer and do as well. I love and admire these faithful, good women. know they will reap a great reward one day. I realize that it may be the next step for my husband Melvin and I to take. With this realization, we both know that we have got to study and know much more about it and of what will be required of each of us to be completely prepared. We know it is a true principle and even in our old age, one we must comply with if we are called to do so. We have the Faith to know, that if it is to be, the Lord will bring the right woman to answer this call, and that we will love her. Aside from all this righteous reasoning from my convictions, I know my weaknesses. After all, I have been the sweetheart and pampered by three loving husbands, and now to think of other wives! Well, YES--for I know my husband and that he is full of love and capacitated to love many women--why then, must I be so selfish as to not want this good man to give of himself and that love to another that might be lonely and needing to be sealed for the eternities? I pray, and so does Melvin, that if it comes, we both will be faithful, valiant, and noble enough to meet the challenges, thus the blessings which are meant to be from the Higher Law of Celestial Plural Marriage.

I would like to close with the following excerpt from my journal from a couple of years ago:

Saturday. It is now 12:03 midnight, we are home from Fairview and the Endowment House where the Solemn Assembly was held. What we heard there and was revealed, the Spirit bore witness to me that it is true and I know it will be done. What a glorious day it will be! Today has been a turning point in my life. OH! How privileged we as a family are! The first session of the General Conference and I was called to give the closing prayer. Melvin was asked to respond about his feelings regarding the prayer, he cried and was very touched by the Spirit. He had the privilege of calling the Hosanna Shout tonight. Our Grandson Christopher Rogers was made the secretary and council member in the stake presidency. OH! How does the tongue express or give adequate thanks to the Heavens of all we were taught and witnessed today? How blessed we are to be members of this the True and Living Church. Oh the glory and the beauty I have experienced since being here!

This IS my testimony and I leave it with you now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Signed, Maurine R. Rogers

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