Joseph Michael Savage

Click here for my Father's Testimony

I was born and raised in the L.D.S. Church and had no doubt of the truth of that religion until about 1993 when my mother, through different experiences was led by the Lord to the Church organization of which I am now a member. We moved to the Sanpete Valley from Snowflake, Arizona in 1994; I have been a member of the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days since it was organized in that same year. I am presently sixteen years old and a very religious young man.

By the revelation of Heaven and the witness of God's Spirit upon me I know for sure that this, The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days, is the literal Church and Kingdom of God and that here in Manti, Utah is the place where God wants me to be; living the gospel that was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. in the eighteenth century and restored to James Harmston in the nineteen-nineties because of LDS apostasy.

I have had experience in the doctrines of Joseph Smith through records left by those of his day and other documented sources so that when I ask God if Joseph's teachings were correct I have a background to draw from before I receive the witness of His Spirit. Having received that witness of the Holy Spirit, I have a testimony that God did actually call him from supposed obscurity to be his Prophet in the latter days as is stated in the Doctrine and Covenants Section 20, verse:2. Therefore seeing that James teaches the same doctrine as all the Prophets of old (inasmuch as I have studied and know of them) I now have a testimony that he is God's Servant in these Last Days.

The LDS Church has fallen away from the principles of their founder Joseph Smith Jr. by revoking God's laws such as the Law of Consecration and that of plurality of wives. I can clearly see the differences between these two sects to judge for myself between the LDS religion and the True and Living Church. And thus by my own will and volition, having had many opportunities to leave my mother and this work, I choose that I will stay, obey God's law and help in establishing Zion.

By the revelation of Heaven and the witness of God's Spirit upon me I know for sure that this "cult", as we are called, is the literal Church and Kingdom of God and that here in Manti Utah is the place where God wants me to be and to support his work. We, the small remnant of God's servants in the bloodline of Israel, who have re-obtained the gospel by the voice of the Lord as Joseph Smith taught, will bring about and defend that Holy Church of God from the onslaught of the Adversary.


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