James McIntosh Graham

I was voluntarily excommunicated from the LDS church on Sunday, February 8th 1998 at 3 P.M. after almost forty years of membership in good standing. Regrettably, this was much to the dismay and horror of my family, particularly so my wife or more than forty years.

The question must be asked: "Why would an otherwise circumspect and rational man, the father of eight children and nine grandchildren, with I am sure, more to come, make such a "foolish" and apparently "irrational" decision? A decision which would, as most would see it, not only bring him personal grief and despair, but would also haunt him into eternity and alienate him permanently from the presence of Almighty God.

For some considerable time, I wondered at some of the decisions which were made by the LDS General Authorities which radically changed the doctrines revealed by the Prophet of this Dispensation, even Joseph Smith. I was told not to challenge them or the "revelations" which they received as "They would never lead us astray."

In an attempt to educate myself further on early Mormon history, I began to study, work, and pray about our contemporary post and I looked into the lives of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor and others and how they were not only persecuted by their fellow citizens, but by the very government which as citizens, they fully supported and respected.

Troubled by such things, I sought information on the internet and I found a considerable volume of Mormon historical data. One evening as I was once again searching, I found a web page on The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. The time was about 9:30 in the evening. I walked away from my computer very tired at 3:30 A.M. the following morning, exhausted but internally elated and highly excited. This church was castigating and rightly berating the LDS Church for changing doctrines and altering everlasting covenants which they were expressly forbidden to do, not only by the scriptures, but by the Prophet of the Dispensation himself, even Joseph Smith!

When I raised these vital questions with my local LDS leadership, I was told to have faith in "Our Living Prophets" and pay less attention to those who were now dead! Also, "what they did back then, was not appropriate for how we live now!" Later, by telephone, I contacted Dr. Jeffrey Hanks, one of the TLC apostles and we discussed many things. he sent me astonishing information on Mormonism and early church history which I read voraciously and checked thoroughly. I learned the true and sacred name of Our Heavenly Father and who He is really! How I could properly approach Him and discover eternal truths which were vital to my salvation. Later, I attended lectures given by James D. Harmston the Prophet of the TLC. In my whole life, I never met such a man!

Over the years, I had met many LDS General Authorities but none of them was like this man. When he looked at me, I felt that he looked right into my heart and very soul. When he, at my request gave me a blessing, I felt as if I was being electrified. It was almost unbearable, I wept like a child. When I arose I knew that God had indeed raised up a true and obedient Prophet in these very last days, to call out a remnant of His people who will live out all of God's revealed truths no matter the cost, the pain, the loss, or the distress.

On Saturday February 14th 1998 at 6:00 P.M., I was baptized and later ordained a High Priest by Jeffrey Hanks my brother in the gospel and one of God's true warriors. Someone who will, at all costs, defend the Prophet Joseph Smith and the sacred and eternal doctrines which he revealed.

I have now been a member of the TLC almost one year. What a marvelous year it has been. My understanding of the gospel has exploded. I have had the most sacred witnesses from the Holy Ghost that the LDS Church has failed utterly to defend the Holy truths restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith to the point that, Holy Angels have once again been sent to the earth to call out a Holy Prophet even James D. Harmston who is authorized by God Almighty to find that remnant of Israel who will keep all of God's commandments so that there will be a people ready to meet Our Savior Jesus Christ when He comes. Without such a faithful remnant the entire earth will be wasted at His coming. I humbly declare that these things are true and that the LDS church has systematically departed from the sacred truths of which she was God's guardian in order to appease the world and many aberrant LDS members who objected to doctrines which they found incompatible with their positions in the world.

I am about to gather with the true Saints of God in Manti. Like many already gathered, the price has been high. Complete loss of reputation, status, home, family, and worldly goods. I have tried so hard to persuade my family and particularly my wife to join me on this magnificent adventure to prepare to meet Jesus Christ and to stand comfortably in His glorious presence. But unfortunately she and the others are convinced that I am a deluded victim who has taken leave of his senses. Well so be it. What is happening in Manti is God's work because his true Prophet and Apostles are there. His Saints are gathering, I suspect not too many. I am forever honored to be considered one of them.

To these things I testify in the everlasting name of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

James McIntosh Graham

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