Jesse Koller

Hello, My name is Jesse Koller. I am 16 years old, and I was born and raised in the LDS church in Mesa, Arizona. I was a member of the LDS Church until I was about eleven years old; when my mother started to realize that the LDS leaders no longer taught or supported the fundamental doctrines of the restoration from the days of Joseph Smith. Many things that she would read in the original writings of the church (for example: Journal of Discourses, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith etc. which are coincidentally down spoken and avoided by LDS leaders of today) were directly conflicting with the way things have been and should be.

She then came in contact with a man named Phillip Savage (who is now also a member of the "TLC" as we call it) from Snowflake, Arizona, who also had a realization of the inconsistencies and overall apostasy of the Mormon Church but was still a member. When my stake president found out why she went to Snowflake, he excommunicated her from the church for associating with "apostates."

My mother had been teaching my five other brothers, one sister, and I all the things that she had been learning, building our testimony in the truth of the early work so that when we were introduced by Phil to a group of people in Manti, Utah who believed, lived, and performed the laws and ordinances taught by Joseph Smith and early brethren, all of us openly accepted.

My father, however, did not believe what we were doing was right and still holds a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Because of this and the witness of the Holy Ghost to do so, my mother divorced him.

Because of the witness of the Spirit I chose to follow my mother, and I truly love her for teaching me true principles.

Through the events of time we moved to Manti, Utah in 1994 while what would soon be the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days still existed only as a group of people, some of whom were united in purpose and in truth while a few others others were not. I have seen those people who weren't really motivated to do God's work on their own, be rooted out because of their pride or some other foolish reason. I was here when the True and Living Church was organized, and I made the decision early, through undeniable witness of the Holy Ghost, to stick it our to the end, for this is truly God's work on earth

I have a testimony of this, the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days, and more importantly, the gospel and priesthood that is the foundation of the church. This testimony has been growing ever since I was taught to love the truth at a young age. I was brought up in a LDS background where I developed a familiarity with early church history and the early Saints. When my mother was excommunicated from the "Mormon" or LDS church, she continued to teach us from the Book of Mormon and other religious texts, laying the foundation for me to build on.

I have never felt at ease or comfortable with the ways of the World, and the actions and lifestyles of people who are sucked into Babylon. The actions and heart of the modern teenager or adolescent have always been repulsive to me, and that is the last thing I would want to become.

I want to bear witness that my purpose in life is to serve God to my fullest, to one day become like him. I am here for no other reason than that. Although my mother had taught me in the ways of righteousness and has urged me to stay strong and serve the Lord, it is by my choice alone that I am here, I would have had plenty of opportunity to deny this work and my God, but because of the countless witnesses of the Holy Spirit that God has given me, and the undeniable truth that I have come to a knowledge of, I cannot deny that this is the time and place for me.

I am forever in God's debt that he has seen fit to place me here, in the circumstance to come to a knowledge of the truth in my young age, and to have a testimony from the beginning.

I know beyond all doubt that the priesthood, doctrine, and gospel in this church is wholly from God, although we as individuals still have personal weaknesses to be overcome as is always the case. I know this is true because I have been to God in prayer over these things many times, and the witness that I cannot deny has born true. I know that James Dee Harmston is God's servant upon this earth and that this work is God's own. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Jesse Koller

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