Jacob Daniel Harmston

My name is Jacob Daniel Harmston, and I would like to bear my testimony as to the truthfulness of the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. I have been a member of this church for about two years now, and I have learned more truth in that period of time than in the whole rest of my life. Throughout my life I have been searching for the religion that has all the truth in it. I have been a member of several churches, including the Mormon church. In all of them I did my best to live all of the doctrines and principals taught by them, but it always came to the point that I realized that they did not have, nor were they searching for the fullness of the gospel.

Since joining this church I have received witness after witness that this is the one true church on this earth. This is the only church that is in a constant search for the truth of all things, and will sacrifice all things to obtain it. This is the only place that I have ever obtained true happiness and a knowledge that I am doing what my God wants me to do. I know that all the doctrines taught by this church are true, because I have asked God myself and he has told me they are. I know that no man can lead me astray so long as I stay in direct contact with my God. If I do this then I will know for myself if something is true or not.

I would also like to bear my testimony of James Dee Harmston. I know that he is who and what he says he is. I know that he is the one man on the earth that has been chosen and anointed by God to be his mouthpiece to all people in the last days. He is the only one with the authority and ability to gather in the elect remnant of Israel and with them establish the Zion society that will help to usher in the millennium. I know that the only way for anyone to come into the presence of and be introduced to Jesus Christ is through James Dee Harmston. If a person will not submit himself to his authority then he will be lost.

In closing I would like to say that no matter what happens in the world, I will never be able to deny the truthfulness of this work and church. I have seen and experienced far too much to ever do so. I would also like to say that this work is only for the elect remnant of Israel, and those who are of the house of Israel will recognize the truthfulness of it and do all they can to come and be a part of this work. I know that this church and the people in it have been prepared since before the foundation of this earth to do this work in these last days, and I know that we will not fail. I will defend this work and the faithful people in it in any way needed and with all things at my disposal, even my life if necessary. I tell you once again that this is the only true church and the only way for anyone to obtain salvation and exaltation. I leave this testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Jacob Daniel Harmston

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