Gale Harmston

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Hi, my name is Gale Harmston. I am the fourth plural wife of James D. Harmston. He is Prophet, Seer, and Revelator of the very end of this, the final Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. I testify to the whole world that he is a Prophet, for I know by the witness of heaven that he is. I studied it out in my mind and heart, I made a decision about it based on all that I had learned, studied, and received witnesses on. Then I asked God if my decision was right. I received a deep, sweet, incredible answer that I cannot deny.

My testimony came about differently than most of the Saints here at the gathering, and I must give you a little background about myself in order for you to see how I gained my testimony.

I was baptized into the LDS church at the age of eight, but was never raised in the doctrine or way of life of the Mormons. My mother was a member when she was young but after she married my father she was not active in the church. I never had a belief in any religion as I was growing up; as a matter of fact I didn't even know who the Savior was or anything about His life until the age of 24. I had been through a lot of very hard situations in life and was pretty low, knowing that there was more to relationships, love, and life in general; more than what I had experienced.

At that point in time I met a young man who was my fourth-half-cousin! We were half cousins because we had the same great grandfather, but different great grandmothers. That was my first knowledge of what Plural Marriage was, and to my surprise I was a product of it; some how it seemed right. I never forgot about the fact that my ancestors lived Plural Marriage. I had to know where the doctrine originated, and what the circumstances were surrounding it. What was the purpose in living it and why did my ancestors live it and then depart from it? My answers came over a period of time.

This young man introduced me to the doctrine of the LDS Church at that time; it was the year 1969. I read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover and I was on fire with witness after witness that it was from God. I especially knew that 3 Nephi was true, and that is where I gained my testimony that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the World and that He died on the cross for my sins.

I became active in the LDS Church at that time and began to live a completely new way of life. The LDS Church helped me live my testimony of Christ. However, I never forgot about Plural Marriage, and so I began asking a lot of questions about it. I was shocked at the answers I received, for most members of the LDS Church were afraid of it, didn't want to discuss it, and told me I should not even read about it because it was a mystery and we were supposed to leave the mysteries alone. I began investigating it on my own and read everything that I could find from the fore part of the dispensation when Joseph Smith Jr. first established the church. Many members of the LDS Church lived it back then, why not now?

Over the course of about ten years, I discovered that Plural Marriage was a doctrine lived in connection with many other doctrines taught by Joseph Smith in the fore part of the dispensation, which the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had departed from. I found out about the Adam-God doctrine, the Law of Consecration, the Law of The Gathering, Calling and Election Doctrine, and many others. I discovered that women held the Priesthood keys of revelation in the time of Joseph Smith and I was thrilled as I had already received the testimony within my heart that I had Priesthood, and could lay my hands upon the heads of my children to heal them--which I did many times when I was a member of the Mormon Church.

As I continued to study, I realized that all these new concepts were connected directly to, and revolved around the main concept that Joseph Smith taught about-establishing a Zion Society and preparing for the Millennium. When this finally clicked in my heart and mind, I was on cloud nine because I knew it was all true. I knew from that point on that helping to establish a Zion Society was one of the reasons I came to the earth at this time. It burned within my soul.

Sadly there was no one I could talk to about these principles. I was told that these principles and doctrines would not be lived until the Millennium, and that I would lose my testimony, and end up in apostasy if I didn't quit reading and studying about these doctrines. I quit asking questions, but I didn't stop reading, digging, and searching! I had to live all the commandments, not just some. All these doctrines that I had learned about were a part of living all the commandments. I had to live them before the Millennium. I knew then that there had to be a people somewhere who believed as I did, but where were they?

It was about this point in time that Spencer W. Kimball came out with the statement about the blacks being able to receive the Priesthood. I was in shock. It couldn't be a revelation, because I knew that they were the cursed race and that they were not to receive the Priesthood until after the Millennium. How could God allow Spencer W. Kimball to make such a statement?

In my continued search for truth, I discovered that the LDS Church had signed what was called the 1890 Manifesto, declaring that Plural Marriage was no longer to be lived among the membership of the Mormon Church. It was puzzling to me, until I realized that it was not a revelation or a "thus saith the Lord" to Wilford Woodruff. It was a political maneuver done for a number of reasons, but mainly so that Utah could receive Statehood! I was finally getting many of my questions answered, and yes I was losing my testimony of the LDS Church! It was deceiving people, it had changed laws and ordinances that were never to be changed, and it was teaching watered down doctrines. I also began realizing that the "keys of authority" were not there anymore. I knew at that time that the "mysteries" were to be obtained if I were to diligently seek them. This was in the year 1982-83.

It was about this time that I learned about the Fundamentalist groups who were centered in Utah. I ask them for pamphlets and books to read. The more I read, the more I became convinced that the LDS Church was leading me in the wrong direction and that they were not going to establish Zion. I learned that many of the early Apostles in the church had made prophecies stating that in the very last days there would be a people--a small remnant--who would be called out from among the body of the church to bare off the Kingdom of God and who would establish Zion. I also learned that there was a man, the "One Mighty and Strong" who would come to set the House of God in order. I saw things way out of order so in 1983 I ask to be excommunicated from the LDS Church, became a member of the Allred Fundamentalist Group, and went to live in a small community that was trying to live the Law of Consecration and Plural Marriage.

There, I found many people who had come out of the Mormon Church that were looking for the same thing I was--to establish Zion and live all the commandments. Sadly, I saw many problems from the very beginning. They seemed to be a people who were going backward in their progression. I saw spiritual blindness, and an unwillingness in the people to admit that there was no spiritual leadership among their leaders.

Half truths existed there, which were being lived by people who were following a man who had stated: "the people say that I am a Prophet." I saw the "philosophies of men mingled with scripture" being taught , and the longer I stayed the more I realized they could not establish Zion either. They wanted to, they were trying, but the "keys of authority" were not there. This people believed that the Mormon Church was the mother church and that in the end she would come together with all the fundamentalist groups to establish Zion.

In 1986, I was introduced to group of people who were also trying to establish Zion. I left the Allred group and joined this group of people in a continuing effort to find those who would. This was a wonderful group of people whose hearts were totally dedicated to all the principles of Zion. It was here that I had a major spiritual change in my life and learned what it really meant to "become Born of God." But, I found that unless there is a Prophet of God who has the true "keys of authority of the Priesthood" to teach and preach by the Spirit of God-deception will creep in. This is what happened to this group of people. Deception was what destroyed this group of people; there was no authority from God. This group of people also believed that the Mormon Church would change, be set in order, and eventually establish Zion.

Well that was two times that I had struck out. My ex-husband and I had divorced a few years prior to this, and so I went back to my home state where my parents and other family lived. I was discouraged and downtrodden for I had not found "my real family," those who were willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to bring forth a Zion Society. Most importantly I had not found a true Prophet who had the "keys of authority." This was the year 1990-1991.

It was about this time that I had an incredible dream which was a panorama of the next four years of my life. As I received the interpretation of it, I was told exactly what would happen and that at the end of a period of time I would meet a man that was a Prophet, who would rescue me. I did not give up hope for I knew that God was in control of my life, but it was hard. I had another dream that informed me that I would have to have incredible faith in order to get through the next few years.

I had four children with me at that time (my two older children were on their own). When I moved back to my home state, I took them to the Mormon Church because there was no where else to go. They had to have something in their lives that they could hold onto. I tried to go back and was even rebaptized, but I was living a lie because I was unhappy, and knew it was in apostasy.

I begged God to please show me where my "real Zion family" was, and ask Him to open the door for me to go to where they were. I continued to have reoccurring dreams which indicated that in the very near future I had a enormous mission to accomplish. These continuous dreams, and my continued faith is what got me through those really hard years. I knew that God had not forsaken me, but things must be done in his own time. Also, in answer to prayer at that time, I was told that I would be moving to central Utah, around the Nephi area, in the very near future. I had no idea what that meant, but I was greatly surprised when I found out!

In the Spring of 1994, I began hearing about a man in Manti, Utah who had been taken into the presence of Four Angels. He had been given by revelation what he called "The Models," which are a two-day intense seminar dealing with all the principles of Fullness of the Everlasting Gospel; basically all the principles and doctrines that Joseph Smith had restored to the earth in the 1830's. I went to "The Models" in July of 1994, and my life has not been the same since. God did keep his promise to me.

I met James D. Harmston and knew I was in the presence of a true Prophet of God. As I sat at his feet, he answered all the questions I had been asking for 24 years. He was not wishy-washy, or charismatic. He was blunt, to the point, and completely open. He spoke truth to my soul, and I received witness after witness of his words as I sat for two days, totally captivated at the command of his presence. He spoke with authority that I had never heard before or felt. He knew what he was talking about, but he was not proud or arrogant in his manner. He was very humble about the experiences he had gone through that had brought him to this point in his life. Had I found "The One Mighty and Strong?"

He showed me the complete apostasy of the Mormon Church, how it had taken place from the early inception of the church, and why. The people would not live the principles that Joseph restored, especially that of consecration and Plural Marriage. They were full of selfishness, greed, and hypocrisy. They were put under condemnation at that time because of "vanity and unbelief" and were told that they had a darkness of their minds. Joseph lived all the principles that he was given by revelation, even Plural Marriage, but he did it in secret because the people "fell apart like glass" when any new doctrine was taught. They were not capable of establishing Zion at that time because they would not change their traditions, and Joseph Smith could not establish Zion because he did not have people who were completely loyal to him. Step by step, using the scriptures and actual events, a Prophet of God showed me how the Mormon Church had fallen into deep apostasy.

I had a slight hint from the spirit that James D. Harmston was my eternal companion, but at the present, I had to face some hard decisions. I knew I needed to gather to live with the Saints in Manti, but I had to face leaving my family, friends, job security, and everything that I possessed for the building up of the Kingdom of God. I began dragging my feet. God was putting me to the test again, and I knew in my heart that I had to live The Sixth Lecture on Faith for the third time in my life!

I began a fast at that time and ask God to please give me help, and the strength that I needed to make another "giant leap." On the second day of my fast, as I was getting ready for bed, I began feeling that someone from the other side of the veil was present in my room. I have had this kind of experience before and knew by the witness from the spirit, and the great peace that filled the room that there were visitors present. I began praying and received instruction to go to my Book of Mormon and turn to a particular chapter and verse. I felt from that verse that the people who were there were my ancestors, and as I continued to pray it came into my mind that they were my Grandfather, and also my Great Grandfather who himself had lived Plural Marriage. Then these words came into my mind as they communicated to me, "You will be a Savior on Mount Zion to us and all of your ancestors, for you have a work that no other can do in our behalf. That work, your mission, is in Manti and that is where the gathering of the Saints is beginning, who will establish a Zion Society."

Wow, I was on fire! I felt such peace and knew that they had been there. I could hardly sleep the rest of the night. I made arrangements to go back to "The Models" because I was so drawn to return and sit at the feet of a Prophet to gain more light and knowledge. As I sat through "The Models" this second time, I recognized who Jim was. He was the Davidic Servant whom Isaiah had described in the Bible. I had found the "One Mighty and Strong" who would come to set the House of God in order. He was the man in my dream who would rescue me.

I was told through personal revelation at that time that my deadline for being back in Manti was November 16, 1994-six weeks from that time. I went home, gave my one month notice at my job, told my parents, children, friends, and then began making arrangements to gather to Manti. It was a difficult time in which the Adversary did everything he could to stop the move and discourage me, but my children and I arrived in Manti on the evening of November 16. I came to the gathering with very little, but I came following my heart, never giving up hope that I would be able to live all the commandments and doctrines of the Fullness of the Gospel that Joseph Smith Jr. had restored to the earth in the fore part of this dispensation. This was the most precious gem that I possessed and I never lost sight of it even through the deepest of trials and tribulation.

Four years now, I have been at the gathering of that "remnant of God" that has been prophesied in the scriptures. They have been the best years ever, because finally there is peace in my life. For the last three years, I have been a Plural Wife of the Prophet of these last days, James D. Harmston. Thus, I can boldly stand as a witness that he is a true Prophet of God and that Plural Marriage is a true principle. I am one of eight wives and love my sister-wives dearly. They are the greatest women on the face of this earth. I trust them, honor them, and love them for the sacrifices each has made to follow the desires of their hearts. They are true Mothers in Israel and exemplify their roles in every way. They each love and honor their husband, support him in every way, and are completely loyal to him.

You may ask, is Plural marriage hard to live? Yes, it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but it will be worth it in the end for I desire to become a God, and so I must do as the Gods do. I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity of living Plural Marriage for many reasons that most people might not understand. Plural Marriage:

1st--is meant to bring out all the weaknesses in my character, to boil them to the surface so I can see them, face them, and deal with them. It is designed to help me get rid of selfishness, jealousy, anger, pride, lust, negative emotion and any other weakness that is present. It is designed to help me overcome all things of a Telestial World.

2nd--is designed to teach me what real love is. That kind of love is the Pure Love of Christ, which means that I love "Him" enough to do all things His way and not my way or the way of the world. Plural Marriage is not about romance or sex, or about time with my husband and getting his affection/attention. That is not the focus of Plural Marriage.

3rd--is about bringing forth a righteous posterity, a posterity who will bring forth the Millennium. It is learning how to teach my posterity correct principles so they can govern themselves in a Terrestrial/Millennial World, and continue in their progression toward Godhood.

4th--is about how to be a Queen and a Priestess unto my husband, and under his direction as a righteous King and Priest, learn how to administer in the Law Eternal Lives.

Monogamy is marriage designed for a Telestial World. Plural Marriage is designed for a Celestial world. But it must be lived in a Telestial world with all the other restored principles of the gospel, in order to qualify to live it in a Celestial world. One of the big purposes of Celestial Plural Marriage, is to try the character of each person who lives it-to the very core. It is marriage of the highest order constructed to live in a world where you will be persecuted, spoken evil of, and hated. Why? To see if you will live it and be true to the Savior and all the principles He has given, no matter what opposition or trials may be presented in your life. The Savior lived it, and so we must follow Him in all that he has taught and exemplified if we are to become like Him!

I know this sounds crazy to those who don't comprehend the restored principles of the gospel, but Plural Marriage is not meant for everyone to live. It is a principle that the Gods live, but no God can live it in a Celestial world unless they are tested and tried in it, in a lesser world. It is a sacred principle and must be lived in a gathered state, along with the authority, the "keys of Priesthood," or it can't be lived properly. Otherwise, it will be abused.

I have not been abused in any way, as I have lived this principle, because I am living it with a man who has those keys. He receives revelation from God for and in my behalf and I trust him explicitly. I trust him because God tells me I can. One of the greatest truths I have learned here at the gathering is how to use the True Order of Prayer. When I received a true Endowment, I received the "keys of the Priesthood," which I use in the True Order of Prayer. I use them to open the veil properly and commune across the veil daily to receive answers from God. That is how I know if my husband is right before God, I ask! This has brought me the greatest joy, because I know I am not being deceived as the Spirit of God witnesses to me every day that my revelation is from God. I am completely loyal to my husband because he has proven to me that I can trust him, and because God tells me that I can, as I use the True Order of Prayer.

James D. Harmston has reached into the deepest part of my heart with the truth that flows from his mouth. He was able to open up my heart and give me back the hope I had all but lost. He helped me realize that my desire to help Establish a Zion Society was real. I know that I can receive my Calling and Election ordinances here in Manti, and come into the presence of God. There is once again a man on the earth that has been given the same keys that all the other prophets have had down through the history of our earth-which gives him the right to bring me into the presence of God.

I know we are in the last seconds of the last days of this earth. Events on earth, signs and wonders in the heavens, and the scriptures bare witness to the whole world of this truth. It is my greatest desire that my testimony and the testimonies of all the Saints here in Manti, will reach deep into someone's heart, who may be one of the elect, that is confused and searching as I was for many years. It is my hope that they will awake, arise, and come out of their state of being deceived by an apostate church that is giving them a false hope in Christ.

This is a very deceptive wicked world we live in because it is at its peak of iniquity and is ready to be destroyed and cleansed by fire. The earth was this same way at the time of Noah and God cleansed it with water-symbolically the earth has been baptized. Now it will be cleansed from all wickedness by fire-symbolically receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It will then be a Terrestrial orb for a thousand years. During this thousand years the earth will prepare to become a Celestial world on which Jesus Christ will dwell, and that is why I have given up everything, gone against my traditions, and all I have been falsely taught to find the truth; so I can do things His way. I want to qualify to live with Jesus Christ in a Celestial world

Gale Harmston

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